Module 7 Unit 2She couldn't see or hear .表格式教案(2课时 含练习)


名称 Module 7 Unit 2She couldn't see or hear .表格式教案(2课时 含练习)
格式 zip
文件大小 75.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-24 23:20:58


模块 Module7 课题 She couldn’t see or hear. 课 时数 2
课时 Unit2 课型 听说课 授课 时间 40min
本课时是外研版三起点六年级下册第七模块第二单元第一课时。本课时包括Listen and chant.,Listen and read.和Read and write.三个板块。Listen and chant.主要为大家展现两幅图片,然后让学生根据所给图片来解说图片内容,看看他们在做什么;Listen and read.为大家讲述了海伦凯勒还是婴儿时期因生病失去了视力和听力,后来她遇到了一位老师,在这位老师的帮助下,她最终成为了一位盲人作家。Read and write.该部分要求我们先要仔细观察图片,然后根据图片内容来讲解图片所表达的意思,然后根据图片提示完成下列句子。该部分要两两一组,一人指图片,另一个人讲述图片内容,然后对换角色进行练习。本课时贴近学生生活,能够很好的激发学生的兴趣。
语言知识目标:新单词born,as, became,letter,spell,herself,all over, live和role model 新句型Helen Keller became blind and deaf . She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. Later, She could read and write. She wrote a book about herself. 语言技能目标: (1)鼓励学生参与完成课堂活动,在完成知识目标的基础上, (2)通过游戏、阅读和写作训练,培养学生的合作能力和综合运用语言知识的能力。 文化意识:在日常生活中,了解中外文化异同 情感目标:通过学习Helen Keller这位世界上著名的身残志坚的有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得,有所感悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生不管在任何时候遇到艰难,都永不退缩。
重点 能够熟练运用couldn’t, could谈论或询问某人过去的能力。 难点 (1)能够根据关键词叙述海伦凯勒的生平事迹。 (2)根据图片及提示词运用动词过去式来制作名人生平小卡片。
教学方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法、活动教学法 教具:本课时教学课件,录音文件,单词卡。
教学步骤 教学活动与设计意图
Step 1 Greeting 建议用时:3min Step 1. Warm-up 1.Greeting
2.Review Questions: I What is Yang Liwei II When did he fly into space III How long did he spend in space IV Do you like him Why 3. Conclusion: Yang Liwei is a very famous taikonaut. We are very proud of him. Now we are going to learn another famous people. (复习上一课时的主要内容,既衔接自然,又复习巩固了所学知识,同时引出另一位著名的人物)
Step 2 Lead in 建议用时:2min I Present the pictures of Helen Keller and her works. (教师利用多媒体课件出示Helen Keller生前的部分照片作品图片,。) II. Can you tell me who she was (引出本课的人物Helen Keller) III listen to the tape and remind students the words of “deaf” and “blind”(播放活动1的录音 ,学生练习韵句后回顾以前的知识can’t see=blind can’t hear=deaf 以及教授can的过去式是could)
Step3 Presentation 建议用时:20min 1.Words Learning! 老师放映课件,用中文询问同学看到了什么?同学们会看到课件上呈现的图画。 教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词,如snow, rain, sunny, hot,cold, warm, windy等然后有例句呈现。 每张单词页后都附有一页单词解析,教室结合图片道具和动作向同学解释例句,帮助同学记忆。 2.Learn the text Activity 2 Introduce the new lesson (1)Listen to the tape and answer the questions(展示课件上的问题) When was Helen Keller born
Was she blind Could she see Was she deaf
Could she hear Could she talk What could she do
(2)Learn some new words and explain difficult words, such as be born, as, became, herself, all over, letter, role model (如举例子让学生理解be born的含义,同时教会学生“年”的时间表达法,如1880:18----eighteen 80----eighty,进而询问他们的出生的年份,课后让学生询问自己父母的出生年份练习在实际生活中使用英语,增进感情)
(3)Play the tape and read(播放课文录音课件展示课文文本,学生跟读。)
(4)Read in groups.
(5)Read with deep feelings in different groups, boys read and girls read.
(6)Look and listen to the important sentences in the story, please read and then recite.(重点句型练习)
(7)Show the past tense of the verbs in the text and do some practices, then retell the story. 3.Activity 3 play games (1)Game: Blind drawing game(让全班同学都戴上红领巾充当眼罩来画画,感受盲人的不便,感受生活的美好)
(2)Wear it again and cover the ears. (教师让学生再次戴上眼罩,并做堵住耳朵的动作,然后发出指令,展示漂亮的图片)
(3)Ask them what kind of feelings did you have when you couldn’t see or hear just now then share the feelings
Step 4 Practice 建议用时:12min T:Except Helen Keller ,there are many people ,they are disabled(残疾人),but they try hard to live like normal people.(Show some pictures to Ss) For example: He was_______ so he couldn’t________. But he could_____. 【设计意图】通过对残疾人生平事迹学习,使本课学习进入语用环节,并让学生感受到他们身上的榜样作用。
Step5 Summary 建议用时:3min 重点词汇: born, become – became, letter, spell, herself, all over, live, role model 重点句型:As a baby, she became blind and deaf. She couldn’t see or hear.
Step 6 Homework 建议用时:2min (1)熟记本节课所学的单词、短语和句型,必须会听、说、读、写。 (2)将Listen and read.朗读流利。
板书设计 Module 7 Unit2 She couldn’t see or hear. born drew letter herself all over spell world became She could ... She couldn’t.... She is a role model for blind people.
( ) 1. A. spent B. about C. saw
( ) 2. A. October B. video C. over
( ) 3. A. model B. letter C. herself
( ) 4. A. someday B. love C. spend
( ) 5. A. son B. daughter C. made
1. our (同音词) ____________ 2. see(过去式) _____________
3. son (对应词) ____________ 4. made (原形)_____________
5. tall (反义词) ____________ 6. sad(反义词)_____________
7. first(基数词) _____________ 8. China(形容词) __________
9. draw(过去式) ___________ 10.can(过去式) ____________
1. Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880. (翻译成中文)
2. Do you go to the park ( 作肯定回答)
3. I went to a farm. (对画线部分提问)
4. Yang Liwei made a video in space. (对画线部分提问)
5. Shenzhou Ⅶ flew into space. (改为否定句)
This is a park. Five boys are playing basketball. Two girls are dancing. They are very happy. There is a dog under the tree. It’s sleeping. I’m Nina. I’m looking at the dog. My sister, Lily, is reading a book on the bench(长椅). My brother, Ivan, is taking pictures.
People doing
Nina looking at the dog
Ivan 1.___________________
Lily 2.___________________
Five boys 3.___________________
A dog 4.____________________
Two girls 5.____________________小学英语外研版(三年级起点)六下教案
模块 Module7 课题 She couldn’t see or hear. 课 时数 2
课时 Unit2 课型 听说课 授课 时间 40min
本课时是外研版三起点六年级下册第七模块第二单元第二课时。本课时包括Listen and say. Then sing., Say and guess.&Do and say.三个板块。Listen and say. Then sing.这首歌曲重在描述“神舟”宇宙飞船的飞行情况,表达了对祖国所取得的成就的自豪感,因此跟唱时要表现出喜悦之情,唱出歌曲的节奏感;Say and guess.我们是通过问答的形式来询问某人去了哪里,通过让学生自己介绍做过的事情,让另一个人才猜测该人去过哪里,然后一问一答的形式来进行对话等;Do and say.该部分主要是通过观看名人的资料卡然后再根据资料卡编造对话等。
语言知识目标:新单词born,as, became,letter,spell,herself,all over, live和role model 新句型Helen Keller became blind and deaf . She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. Later, She could read and write. She wrote a book about herself. 语言技能目标:(1)四会新单词、新词组和2个新句型,做到发音准确、清晰; (2)熟练运用新句型与同桌进行相互问答; (3)能够借助课文中的照片和图片,进行看图问答或综合说话; (4)能够根据多媒体课件自主读写英语短文材料。 文化意识:了解中外文化异同 情感目标:通过学习Helen Keller这位世界上著名的身残志坚的有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得,有所感悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生不管在任何时候遇到艰难,都永不退缩。
重点 学生能够用“could, couldn’t”来描述过去所具备和不具备的能力。 难点 学生能够流利地使用正确时态来描述自己的能力,能够复述Helen Keller的伟大事迹。
教学方法:情景教学法 教具:教学课件,录音光盘,卡片,测验试卷等。
教学步骤 教学活动与设计意图
Step 1 Greeting 建议用时:2min Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you 2. Guessing game (用探照灯让学生逐一看图片,然后回答问题.) 课件出示动物图片:tiger, monkey, panda, cat, dog, bird, 练习运用---Can you see a…? ---Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.
Step 2 Lead in 3’ 建议用时:3min Step 2 Lead in A. Show a photo of Yao Ming T: Look at this photo, who is he S: He is Yao Ming. T: He is Yao Ming, he is 35 years old. When was he born (教授单词born) S:He was born in 1980. T:What can he do (引导学生回答) S:He can play basketball. He can jump high. He can speak English. (此处用幕布逐渐出示问题和答案) What can you do I can... What can’t you do I can’t... (老师提问几位同学来回答。) B.Show a photo of Yao Ming, too. When he was a child. Q:As a small child,what could Yao Ming do (学习单词as)(解释:在姚明小得时候,他能够做什么?) He could walk. He could see. He could hear. Q:As a small child,what couldn’t Yao Ming do He couldn’t play basketball. He couldn’t jump high. He couldn’t speak English. (此处用幕布逐渐出示问题和答案) can---could(领读) can’t---couldn’t(领读) 它们之间有什么关系(过去式) 齐读句型,观察could 后的动词特征。 Pair work(教师先示范提问几位同学,小组活动时讲明要求) T: Let’s do a pairwork, two students a pair, one ask, one answer, start. What could you do I could... What couldn’t you do I couldn’t... C.Use can,can’t,could,couldn’t, fill in the blanks. (用刮奖区覆盖答案,学生边答老师可以刮开答案.)
Step2.Presentation 建议用时:18min 1.Words Learning! 老师放映课件,用中文询问同学看到了什么?同学们会看到课件上呈现的图画。 教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词等然后有例句呈现。 每张单词页后都附有一页单词解析,教室结合图片道具和动作向同学解释例句,帮助同学记忆。 2.出示两幅图,blind, deaf, 介绍在我们身边有很多身残志坚的人,引出Helen keller. Introduce Helen Keller: T:There is a famous woman, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t hear, but she could speak, she could write, and she could even write many books, who is she S: She is Helen Keller. (板书课题) Give some information about Helen Keller. (出示海伦凯勒的照片,同时出示资料链接,给学生自读时间,阅读有关海伦凯勒的简历。) 3.Text learning. 1、T: As a small child, Helen Keller became blind and deaf, she couldn’t see or hear, but she learned to speak、read、and write , she wrote many books, and she went all over the world, (尝试在手上写字母,认读,让学生通过直观的感觉感受Helen 学习“说话”和“写字”的艰难。) T:I think Helen is much more greater, she is a role model for blind people and for you and me. Do you agree (教授单词role modle) 2、Listen and answer the questions: Where and when were Helen Keller born She was born in the US in 1880. T: How did her teacher helped her The teacher drew letters in her hand. (出示动词过去时draw—drew,学习单词letter。) What did she learned to do later ( She learned to read, write and speak.) What did she do then ( She wrote a book about herself and she travelled all over the world.) (学习herself, all over the world单词及短语) How old did she live to be (She lived to be 87.) 3、Let’s listen to the story about Helen. 4、Read after tape. 5、Fill in the blanks.(用刮奖刷来刮开答案,可以请几位同学上来刮奖。)
Step 4. Practice 建议用时:12min Retell the story. T: Do you think that Helen is your model Let’s tell the story to your friends! Here I have some pictures on the screen, and they will help you to tell the story. (出示重点信息等) (老师示范) Ask some students to tell the story.
Step5.Summary 建议用时:3min 重点词汇: become – became, spend –spent, learn-learnt, see-saw... 重点句型:—Did you go to a farm —Yes, I did. —Did you go to a zoo —No, I didn’t.
Step 6 Homework 建议用时:2min (1)朗读并学唱活动四的歌曲。 (2)向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况
板书设计 Module 7 Unit2 She couldn’t see or hear. born drew letter herself all over spell world became She could ... She couldn’t.... She is a role model for blind people.
( )1._______ a baby, she became blind and deaf.
A. At B. As C. After
( ) 2. She went all __________ the world.
A. of B. about C. over
( ) 3. She wrote a book __________ herself.
A. about B. to C. at
( ) 4. My mother and I went ___________ the airport to meet my father.
A. at B. to C. on
( ) 5. Helen Keller was born _______ the US ________ 1880.
A. in; on B. on; on C. in; in
1. She couldn’t _________(see) or _________(hear).
2. Later, Helen __________(have) a teacher.
3. The baby learned _______(speak).
4. He came back to the earth and he __________(fly) to Beijing.
5. Helen Keller lived _________(be)87.
1.Shenzhou V, into,flew, space (.)
2. twenty-one, in, space, he, spent, hours (.)
3. was, it, nice, day, a ( )
4. with, Shenzhou V, Yang Liwei, into, flew, space (.)
5. you, did, go, to, farm, the ( )
Mozart(莫扎特) was born on January 27th, 1756 in Austria. When he was only three, he wanted to learn music. He was always thin-king of music.
There was a party in his home every week. Some people played the violin at the party. Mozart watched and listened, then he began to play by himself.
Mozart once heard a famous song in Rome. At that time, musicians(音乐家) were not allowed(允许)to copy it for anybody. Mozart heard it once and went home. Then he wrote it down all by himself. Every note was quite perfect(完美的). No one would believe that the boy could write the song. So people put him alone in a room. He wrote the song again. Tales of his wonderful memory spread all over the country.
( ) 1. Mozart was born in __________.
A. Australia B. Italy C. Austria
( ) 2. Mozart was a great ______________.
A. writer B. musician C. player
( ) 3. Who taught him to write the song
A. His father. B. Himself. C. His mother.
( ) 4. Mozart was born in __________.
A. 1576 B. 1756 C. 1657
( ) 5. At first, __________ would believe that he could write the song.
A. everyone B. someone C. no one