授课材料(教材)的电子文档附自编听力材料如下:(RING…)Guo Haojia: Hello, Ms. Lee! Great news! The twins and I are coming back on Homecoming Day.Ms. Lee: Great! How is everything with the twins Guo Haojia: Last week, we had a Thanksgiving party. And we had great fun. Luo Man sang more clearly and danced better than Luo Lan. But Luo Lan played the drums better than Luo Man.Ms. Lee: Yeah. Luo Man is more interested in sports. That’s why she runs faster and jumps higher. Luo Lan is more interested in reading and writing. So she thinks deeper. Do they still work hard Guohaojia: Of course, they do. You must be very proud of them.附罗曼&罗兰视频文稿如下:Luo Man & Luo Lan: Hi, guys.Luo Man: I’m Luo Man.Luo Lan: I’m Luo Lan.Luo Man & Luo Lan: We are twins.Luo Man: You may think she is better than me or I’m better than her. But the truth is, we are different in many ways. And because of these differences, we can be ourselves.Luo Lan: I’m quieter and love reading and writing, but sometimes I think I should be more outgoing like my sister Luo Man.Luo Man: Though I’m more outgoing, I think I should be quieter to be a better thinker.Luo Lan: And there’s always room for improvement. You can bring out the best in you to be your better self.Luo Man: Can’t wait to be back to school to see you guys.Luo Man & Luo Lan: Bye!
教材目标分析:八年级上册Unit 3 Section A的1a-2d部分是学生初步接触形容词和副词比较级,课本中通过图片展示和两段听力材料将三对双胞胎进行一系列对比来输入目标语言。课堂设计主线:卓越课堂提倡将教材作为一种资源,着眼学生的成长和未来。为了激发学生的兴趣,提升学生的自豪感,在纵观整个Unit 3的内容后,我以本校优秀毕业校友罗曼和罗兰(双胞胎)为蓝本,将课本内容重新整合,把需要掌握的知识点、短语及句型渗透在自编的教学内容和听力材料中,并将Section B中出现的些许短语(如:bring out the best in you)汇编在罗曼和罗兰视频中,提前预热,输入目标语言。通过从外貌、性格、兴趣和能力四个维度对比罗曼和罗兰,分析她们如此优秀的原因,引导学生从浅显的外貌对比过渡到深层次的性格和兴趣对比,再进一步过渡到要努力提升自己的能力去超越别人,最后回归到自己身上,升华主题,强调“成为更好的自己”才是最重要的。设计依据和目标:根据英语学科核心素养中语言能力、学习能力、思维品格和文化品格四个方面的要求,主要使用情景教学法和任务型教学法,让学生通过观察图片、听说训练、小组讨论,口头汇报等方式从外貌、性格、爱好和能力四个方面辨析人与人之间的不同。使学生掌握最基本的英语听说能力,并在教学中充分激发学生强烈的求知欲望,掌握实用的听力策略以运用到以后的学习中。在注重学生语言表达能力、语言能力发展和学习能力发展的同时,强调学生思维品格和文化品格的发展,尤其是强调学生文化品格的发展,帮助学生进行正确的成功归因,一步步引导学生将原因从外貌、爱好、兴趣,过渡到提升能力。明白获取成功最重要的因素是努力提升,成为更好的自己。
1. 教学内容分析:本节课的教材内容是八年级上册Unit 3 Section A的1a-2d部分。学生初步接触形容词和副词比较级,课本中通过图片展示和两段听力材料将三对双胞胎进行一系列对比来输入目标语言。本节课是Section A的第二课时,主要复习上节课的形容词比较级及教授新知副词比较级。整合后的教材内容是以本校优秀毕业校友罗曼和罗兰(双胞胎)为蓝本,把需要掌握的知识点、短语及句型渗透在自编的教学内容和听力材料中,并将Section B中出现的些许短语(如:bring out the best in you)汇编在罗曼和罗兰视频中。
2. 学生情况分析:学生在第一课时已经掌握了本节课形容词比较级的用法、变化规则及相应句型,应该对基础句型掌握得比较好了。但副词的比较级对他们来讲是新内容,因此需要教授和操练。为了提升学生的内在素质,本节课引入用了海明威的一句话作为导入并引导学生最后个人展示的时候使用这句话。本节课重在训练学生的听说能力,评判性思维能力和学习能力,从而实现学科培养学生的综合语言运用能力到核心素养的提升。
2. 学习能力目标:(1)能够通过听,分辨出两个人的不同之处; (2)能够掌握一定的听力策略:速记;(3)对比两组不同信息得出相应的比较结论。
4. 文化品格目标:通过本课的学习,引导学生体会并运用海明威的名言;分析罗曼和罗兰优秀的原因,培养学生正确判断事物的能力及不断超越自己的坚韧品格。
教学重点:(1)通过听,能区别人与人的不同之处。 (2)掌握副词比较级的构成。
2. 教学难点: (1)通过听,记录他人之间的不同之处。(2)通过模仿,能用比较级表达人与人之间的不同。
2. 自主课堂:在对话中理解比较级,在故事中运用比较级。以小组合作或者自己独立完成的形式参与听说训练,充分体现了学生自主学习的教学模式。
教学环节与时间预计教学活动设计意图Introduction30″展示本节课内容Chapter 1: First impression: looks.Chapter 2: Dig deeper: interests and personalities.Chapter 3: Go beyond others: capabilities.Chapter 4: To be your better self.让学生明确本节课教学环节,做好心理准备。Warm-up & Lead-in2′30″由学校Homecoming Day引出:知名校友介绍讲座主题“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”设置情景,明确主线,提升学生的自豪感,引起学生的好奇心和兴趣,激发积极性。Chapter 1: First impression: Looks.2′展示并描述罗曼和罗兰中学时代外貌非常相似的照片:Luo Man was as cute as Luo Lan.(height, build, hair and so on)复习关于人物外表描写的形容词,引入新的句型as … as。用简单的词汇描述方式,活跃课堂气氛,为下一步新单词的呈现做铺垫。Q&A:Is looks important Looks is important in some ways.You need to look neat and tidy.问答促思,得出阶段性结论,为下一话题做铺垫。Chapter 2: Dig deeper: Interests and Personalities.2’展示罗曼和罗兰现阶段两张照片,比较其性格和爱好的不同:A … than Bmore outgoing quietermore interested练习多音节形容词比较级在句子中的正确的应用;Q&A:Compared to looks, what’s more important Interests and personalities are more important.问答促思,得出阶段性结论,为下一话题做铺垫。Chapter 3: Go beyond others: Capabilities.18’听力训练1:Listen and circle [with handout]在语境下进行副词比较级的输入。听力训练2:Listen and fill [with handout]指导速记技巧,夯实副词比较级的拼写形式。 Check the answers, Listen and repeat.提高含有副词比较级的句子的口语流利程度。小组口语活动:目标语言含有副词比较级的句子输出,展示学习效果;同时培养合作意识。Q&A:Compared to interests and personalities, what’s more important Working hard to improve capabilities is more important.问答促思,得出阶段性结论,为下一话题做铺垫。T: Although Luo Man and Luo Lan are very different, they are both excellent.观看罗曼和罗兰的远程视频,Q&A: What do they think of themselves There’s always room for improvement. You can bring out the best in you to be your better self.情感渗透:天生我材必有用,每人都可以在自己的领域做到最好, 成为更好的自己。Chapter 4: To be your better self.展示老师以前的照片激发学生强烈的对比;通过老师自己真实的例子,让学生明白通过自己的努力能够不断超越并成就最好的自己。现身说法,增强情感教育的真实性。Q&A:What are you not good enough at Would you like to make some improvement What are you going to do to be better 鼓励学生仔细思考自己的不足,并下决心改善去成就更好的自己。Conclusion. What’s the most important Looks is important in some ways.Interests and personalities are more important.Working hard to improve capabilities is more important.To be superior to your former self is the most important.首尾呼应,升华主题。再次回顾海明威的话:There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.Homework1. Write down the report about how to be your better self by using comparative structure.2. Finish Section A in your workbook. 3. Preview Section B.
评价内容:学生能够熟练运用形容词平级和比较级的句型, 如:Luo Man was as cute as Luo Lan. 和Luo Man is more outgoing than Luo Lan.学生能够听懂含有副词比较级的对话,并能完成老师布置的两个听力任务,包括勾出人名和拼出单词的副词比较级。学生能够在老师的引导下掌握实用的听力策略“速记”。学生能够正确跟读,模仿语音语调。学生能够综合运用思维、方法、结构和语言,运用副词比较级完成小组活动。学生能够综合运用本节课知识,运用副词比较级完成个人展示。
2. 评价方法:1)将全班分成五个小组,开展小组活动,提高学生参与的积极性。2)创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性 。3)把英语教学与情感有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。4)关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学习,尽可能地为他们创造语言的机会。5)建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,经常和学生一起反思学习过程和学习效果,互相鼓励和帮助。
Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.(Section A 1a-2b Period 2) Chapter 1 Looks tall, thin, … Chapter 2 Interests and personalities more interested more outgoing, quieter Chapter 3 Capabilities sing more clearly dance better play … better run faster jump higher think deeper Chapter 4 To be your better self
Unit 3I’m more outgoing than my sister.
(Section A 1a-2d第二课时)
人教新目标 八年级上
Unit 3
I’m more outgoing than my sister.
(Section A 1a-2d第二课时)
Chapter 2. Dig deeper: interests and personalities.
Chapter 1. First impression: looks.
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
Chapter 4. To be your better self.
A lecture.
Sun Yifeng
vice president of IATIS(国际翻译与跨文化研究协会)
Zhao Yinqi
CCTV host
Guo Haojia, Luo Man and Luo Lan
Tsinghua University
['lekt ]
['n bl]
[su p r ]
['fel ]
[n ‘b l t ] n. 高贵
[su p r ]
What’s special about them
the elder sister Luo Man
the younger sister Luo Lan
In what ways did they look similar
Luo Man was as cute as Luo Lan.
Luo Lan
Luo Man
Chapter 1. First impression: looks.
Is looks important
You need to look _______ and _______.
__________is important in some ways.
Chapter 1. First impression: looks.
[ni t]
Luo Man
Luo Lan
Chapter 2. Dig deeper: interests and personalities.
Luo Man is _____________________ than Luo Lan.
Luo Lan is ________________ than Luo Man.
more outgoing
Luo Man is _______________________ in sports.
Luo Lan is ________________________ in reading.
more interested
more interested
Chapter 2. Dig deeper: interests and personalities.
Compared to looks, what’s more important
__________ and ______________ are more important.
Chapter 2. Dig deeper: interests and personalities.
Listen and circle their names to the traits that belong to them.
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
verbs adverbs name
last week 1. sing more clearly Luo Man Luo Lan
2. dance better Luo Man Luo Lan
3. play (the drums) better Luo Man Luo Lan
always 4. run faster Luo Man Luo Lan
5. jump higher Luo Man Luo Lan
6. think deeper Luo Man Luo Lan
7. work harder Luo Man Luo Lan
[ ke p b l t s] 能力
Guo Haojia: Hello, Ms. Lee! Great news! The twins and I are coming back on Homecoming Day.
Ms. Lee: Great! How is everything with the twins
Guo Haojia: Last week, we had a Thanksgiving party. And we had great fun. Luo Man sang _________ ____________ and danced _____________ than Luo Lan. But Luo Lan played the drums ______________ than Luo Man.
Ms. Lee: Yeah. Luo Man is more interested in sports. That’s why she runs ____________ and jumps __________. Luo Lan is more interested in reading and writing. So she thinks ___________. Do they still work ____________
Guo Haojia: Of course, they do. You must be very proud of them.
more clearly
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
Luo Man Luo Lan
When in December, 2009
What The Math Competition
How took 2 math classes worked out 20 math problems went to bed at 10:30 took 3 math classes
worked out 30 math problems
went to bed at 11:30
Result No. 2 No. 1
Luo Man Luo Lan
When in August, 2009
What The English Competition
How got up at 6 read English loudly practiced English for 3 hours got up at 7
read English quietly
practiced English for 2 hours
Result No. 1 No. 2
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
Tell the story with the key words.
Compare Luo Man with Luo Lan.
______ … than ______.
Conclusion: Who is better
_______ is better than ______.
Chapter 3.Go beyond others: capabilities.
Luo Man Luo Lan
When in December, 2009
What The Math Competition
How took 2 math classes worked out 20 math problems went to bed at 10:30 took 3 math classes
worked out 30 math problems
went to bed at 11:30
Result No. 2 No. 1
Luo Man Luo Lan
When in August, 2009
What The English Competition
How got up at 6 read English loudly practiced English for 3 hours got up at 7
read English quietly
practiced English for 2 hours
Result No. 1 No. 2
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
How did they keep becoming better
Compared to interests and personalities, what’s more important
________________to improve _____________is more important.
Working hard
Chapter 3. Go beyond others: capabilities.
Although they are very different, they are both excellent!
Chapter 4. To be your better self.
I will try harder, because I believe I can be my better self.
We are very just different, and we are all excellent teachers.
Chapter 4. To be your better self.
1. What are you not good enough at
2. Would you like to make some improvement
3. What are you going to do to be better
True nobility is _______________________________________.
to be your better self
to be better than your former self
to be superior to your former self
[n ‘b l t ] n.高贵
[su p r ]
[ m'pru vm( )nt]
What’s the most important
Looks is _____________ in some ways.
Interests and personalities are _________ ____________.
Working hard to improve capabilities is
___________ ____________.
To be superior to your former self is the
_________ ____________.
more important
more important
most important
Chapter 4. To be your better self.
Write a report about how to be your better self by using comparative structure.
Finish Section A in your workbook.
Preview Section B.
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