人教版(2019)必修二Unit 4 History and traditions单元重点知识测验(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修二Unit 4 History and traditions单元重点知识测验(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 13.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-01-28 23:52:53



Ⅰ Important Phrases ( 重点短语汉英互译)
6. philosophy of life
7. individual style
8. chief editor
9. military defense
10. legal system
11. clear evidence
12. make achievements
13. fight a battle against
14. conquer the difficulty
15. in charge of
16. in the charge of
17. a large amount of
18. the approach to (doing) sth.
19. be eager for
20. be eager to do sth.
21. the Pacific Ocean
22. greet the guests
23. a pub that sells wine and beer
24. customs and traditions
25. striking contrast
26. a crowd of people
27. lead to
28. in danger of
29. do a research project
30. be similar to
31. be used for
32. under pressure
33. all the way
34. result in
35. be charged with
36. in position
37. introduce…to…..
38. start with
39. have a great influence on
40. with a long history
Ⅱ Grammar in use(语法填空)
1. Mr. Kong is a descendant of Confucius, he likes western philosophy very much.
2. The chief of an organization or a department is the person is in charge of it.
3.A (king) is a country that is ruled by a king.
4 Now that you are (puzzle) about the game, it is a puzzle to you.
5. In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales was joined England.
6. If someone belongs a particular group, they are a member of that group.
7. The new kingdom aimed at (establish) a new legal system and developed its own customs.
8. The poet was surrounded by a crowd of people, eager (hear) his speech.
9. The port was destroyed; evidence showed that it had gone a big storm.
10. The chief charge of the gallery has announced that they will hold an exhibition of paintings.
11. The driver was charged a certain amount of money not limiting his speed.
The man in charge of the goods store was charged theft.
13. The chief of the department is eager the position of the manager.
14. The best approach to (explore) the puzzle is to keep your eyes open.
15. I saw a waiter (greet) the guests at the door of the pub.
16. He is a generous poet and has donated a large amount of money charity.
17.A palace is a place, but the two words are similar each other in shape, but different in pronunciation.
18. London is an ancient port city a long history.
19. They use the same flag, (know) as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military defence.
20. I am often (puzzle) about his philosophy of life.
21. The gallery is usually (crowd) during the exhibition of paintings.
22. The peaceful landscape is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills (dot) with sheep and cattle.
23. You can (breath) in the sweet scent of fresh flowers.
24. To have a chance of experiencing this, the travelers stopped by a village pub (sell) wine or a local beer.
25. He is a creative poet in writing as he often starts an image, a quote or a question.
Ⅲ Improve Your Writing(单句写作)
1威廉熟悉中国文化,正在做一个关于儒家学说的研究项目。(be familiar with; do a research project)
2.这些志愿者自始至终睁大眼睛关注着那些濒临灭绝的野生动物。(keep one's eyes open for; all the way)
3.有时,一个王国与另一个王国联合起来是因为单独一个王国的力量太小了。(be joined to; an individual kingdom)
4.国王宣布他的王国与邻近的国家脱离关系。(announce that...; break away with)
(in different locations; for military defence)
(fight a battle against pollution)
7.证据表明他们在保护文物方面取得了巨大的成就。(make great achievements)
8.这个学生喜欢探素未知世界,渴望了解有关海洋的一切。(be eager to know)
9.农舍的院子被一群牛和一群人包围着。 (be surrounded by; a crowd of people)
10. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,有着优良的传统和风俗习惯。(with a long history)
答案:Ⅰ1.join...to...2. break away (from sb. /sth.) 3.belong to 4.as well as 5. keep one's eyes open (for)6. 人生哲学 7. 个人的/与众不同的风格 8.主编9.军事防御10. 法律制度 11. 明确的证据 12.取得成就 13.与 作斗争/战斗 14.克服困难15. 负责 16. 由 负责 17. 大量的 18.(做)某事的方法19.渴望得到 20. 渴望做某事21. 太平洋22. 迎接客人 23. 卖葡萄酒和啤酒的酒吧24. 习俗和传统 25. 鲜明的对比26.一群人 27.导致28.处于…危险中 29. 做一个研究项目30.与…类似/相似 31.被用手/ 用作32. 在压力下33.一路走来/ 一直 34. 导致35. 被控告 36. 就位/ 在适当的位置 37.介绍...给...38.从 开始/首先 39. 对 有很大影响 40.历史悠久
Ⅱ1. but 2. who 3. kingdom4. puzzled5. to 6. to7. establishing 8. to hear 9. through 10. in 11. for
12. with 13. to get 14. exploring 15. greeting16. to 17. to 18. with 19. known 20. puzzled
21. crowded 22. dotted 23. breathe 24. selling25 with
Ⅲ1. William is familiar with Chinese culture and is doing a research project on Confucius philosophy.
These volunteers kept their eyes open for the endangered wild animals all the way.
3. Sometimes, one kingdom was joined to another because the power of an individual kingdom was too small.
4.The king announced that his kingdom had broken away with its nearby country.
5. The ancient people built beacon towers in different locations for military defence.
We should fight a battle against pollution to protect our environment.
Evidence shows that they have made great achievements in the protection of cultural relics.
The student likes to explore the unknown world and is eager to know everything about the ocean.
The courtyard of a farmhouse was surrounded by a herd of cattle and a crowd of people.
10. China is a country with a long history and fine traditions and customs.