人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement重点词汇小结课件(17张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of Achievement重点词汇小结课件(17张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 168.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-01 17:42:29



1.vital adj.必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
【词块】be of vital importance ……是至关重要的
be vital to/for… 对……极为重要的
It is vital to do… 做……很重要。
It is vital that…(should)do sth.做某事是十分重要的。
Understanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation.了解历史对于了解我们自己作为一个民族和国家是至关重要的。
(1)ct.承诺;保证 vi.忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)【词块】commit oneself to (sth/doing sth/do sth)承诺;保证(做某事、遵守协议或安排等)(2)vt.犯(错误、罪行)commit a crime 犯罪commit an error 犯错误
拓展:①committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的 ②commitment n. 承诺 make a commitment to do sth 承诺(做)某事●Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to take out a loan. 借款人在承诺贷款之前应该仔细考虑。
3.acknowledge vt.承认(属实、权威等);(公开)感谢;告知收到;认为 【词块】acknowledge sb/sth as/to be… 认为……是…… acknowledge doing/that… 承认做过/承认……It is universally/generally acknowledged that……是大家公认的。Many of the poor acknowledged him as their spiritual leader.许多贫苦人都把他视为他们的精神领袖。
He acknowledges that when he’s tired he gets bad-tempered.他承认自己累的时候爱发脾气。
4.defeat n.失败;挫败 ot.击败;战胜
①defeat n.失败;挫败 ot.击败;战胜(强调过程和结果,既可指比赛中,也可指战场上,宾语是对手)②beat vt.打败;(连续)击打(侧重于比赛,宾语是对手)③win zt.赢得;获胜(宾语是game或prize等)
●They hoped to defeat/beat the enemy at sea.他们希望在海上击败敌人。●How does it feel to have won the gold medal?获得金牌的感觉如何?
5.apparently adro.显而易见;看来;显然拓展:
①apparent adj. 明显的;表面的;看起来②It is apparent that… 很显然……
③It is apparent to sb that… 在某人看来很明显……It was apparent to everyone that he was seriously ill. 所有人都明白他病得很厉害。
6.insist vi.& ot.坚持;坚决要求何(1)表示“坚持;坚决要求”时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。在(2)表示“坚持认为;坚持说”时,从句用陈述语气。(3)insist on/upon doing坚持做;坚决做
They insisted that everyone should cometo the party.他们坚持每个人都应该参加宴会。
His friends insisted that he had no connection with drugs.他的朋友坚持说他和毒品无关。He insisted on checking everything himself. 他坚持要亲自检查一切。
7.conclusion n.结论;推论【词块】
draw/make/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论jump to conclusions 匆忙下结论
bring… to a conclusion使……结束
in conclusion总之;最后拓展:
①conclude v.断定;得出结论;(使)结束,终止②conclude with 以……结束In conclusion,I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.最后,我要感谢你为我所做的一切。
8.flee vi.& vt.(fled,fled)迅速离开;逃跑【词块】
flee from 从……逃跑;逃离
flee to/into…逃到……●The customers fled from the bank when the alarm sounded.警铃响起,顾客纷纷从银行逃离。
9.circumstance n.【usually pl.】条件;环境;状况 【词块】
in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;既然如此决不;无论如in/under no circumstances 何都不(位于句首时,用部分倒装结构)
In/Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident. 在这种情况下,不告诉他有关这次事故的情况似乎更好。My teacher always reminds me that under no circumstances should I abandon my learning goals once I set them. 我的老师总是提醒我,一旦我设定了学习目标,在任何情况下都不应该放弃。
10.consequence n.结果;后果【词块】
as a consequence=as a result=in consequence
因此,结果as a consequence of=as a result of=in consequence of 由于……的缘故
take/suffer/bear the consequences of ... 承担……的后果
consequently adv.因此;所以;结果
He was always diligent in his study and as a consequence received high marks. 他一向用功学习,因而得的分数很高。
I am forced to dismiss you in consequence of/as a consequence of your laziness and rudeness.由于你的懒惰和粗鲁,我不得不解雇你。
We must take the consequences of our own deed.我们必须承担我们自己行为的后果。
11.come to power(开始)掌权;上台拓展:
①beyond one’s power 力所不及;不能胜任②in/within one's power 在某人能力范围内
③in power当权④have/hold power over sth/sb对某事/某人有控制权
1.The party came to power at the lastelection.
这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。2.He has been in power for ten years butstill doesn't want to leave office.他已经掌权10年了,但是仍然不想离开这个职位。
【词块】sum up 总结;概括His speech summed up the present situation of the economy.他的演讲概述了目前的经济形势。(2)n.金额;款项;总数;总和【词块】
the sum of………的总和/总额a large/small sum of money一大笔钱/少量的钱
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