人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future外刊拓展阅读学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future外刊拓展阅读学案(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 28.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-03 11:03:31



流浪地球 2—— 中国人自己的科幻巨作
The Wandering Earth 2 is a science fiction action-adventure film directed and co-written by Guo Fan. The film is a prequel to the 2019 film The Wandering Earth, which is based on the short story of the same name by Liu Cixin.
《流浪地球 2》是一部科幻动作冒险电影,由郭帆执导。这部电影是 2019 年的《流浪地球》 的前传,改编自刘慈欣的同名短篇小说。
prequel [ pri kw l] n [C] (故事或电影的) 前篇
As the Sun becomes an expanding red giant and threatens to engulf the Earth in 100 years, the United Earth Government (UEG) decides to carry out the Moving Mountain Project, a pilot
program to build thousands of gigantic ion engines that can propel the Earth out ofthe Solar System towards another habitable star system. In doing so, the UEG shuts down and bans the Digital Life Project (DLP), a radical group who believe humanity’s future is in digital immortality by storing human’s consciousness online.
随着太阳成为一颗不断膨胀的红巨星,并有可能在一百年内吞没地球,联合地球政府决定继 续推进 “移山计划”,这是一个建造数千台巨大离子发动机的试点计划, 可以将地球推出太 阳系,驶向另一个宜居的星系。在这样做的过程中,联合地球政府关闭并禁止了数字生命计 划,这是一个激进组织,他们认为人类未来是通过将人的意识存储在线上来实现数字上的永
engulf [ n'ɡ lf] vt 吞没; 包围
carry out 实施; 进行
gigantic [d a ɡ nt k] adj 巨大的
ion [ a n] n [C] 离子
propel [pr pel] vt 推动; 驱动
habitable [ h b t bl] adj 适宜居住的
shut down 关闭
radical [ r d kl] adj 激进的
immortality [ m t l ti] n [U] 永生; 长存
consciousness [ k n sn s] n [C] & [U] 意识;思想
The first phase of the Moving Mountain Project is to build and test an ion engine on the Moon. However, a series of terrorist attacks by well-armed DLP supporters fall on the UEG facilities in 2044, with the aim of destroying the Ark Space Station supplying the lunar operation. Although trainee astronaut Liu Peiqiang and his fellow trainees manage to defeat the hijackers, both the space elevator and Ark station are critically damaged and crash down to Earth. To restore public faith in the Moving Mountain Project, the UEG engineers work tirelessly to successfully activate and test the lunar engine, followed by the first engine on Earth.
“移山计划”的第一阶段是在月球上建造并测试离子发动机。 但是在 2044 年,装备精良的 数字生命支持者们对联合地球政府的设施进行了一系列恐怖袭击,目的是摧毁为月球行动提 供补给的方舟空间站。虽然实习宇航员刘培强和他的队友们成功地击败了劫机者, 但太空电梯和方舟空间站都严重受损并坠落到地球上。为了恢复公众对移山计划的信心,联合地球政 府的工程师们不知疲倦地工作, 成功地启动并测试了月球发动机, 随后是地球上的第一台发 动机。
phase [fe z] n [C] 阶段; 时期
terrorist [ ter r st] n [C] 恐怖分子
lunar [ lu n (r)] adj 月球的
fellow [ fel ] adj 同类的;同伴的
hijacker [ ha d k (r)] n [C] 劫机者
critically ['kr t kli] adv 严重地
activate [ kt ve t] vt 激活
In the next 14 years, the UEG quells the DLF supporters and builds over 7000 engines on the Earth. The Moving Mountain Project is officially renamed as the Wandering Earth Project.
在接下来的 14 年里, 联合地球政府平息了数字生命的支持者们,并在地球上建造了 7000 多
quell [kwel] vt 制止;平息;镇压
rename [ ri ne m] vt 给……重新命名
In 2058, Tu Hengyu, a computer scientist decides to upload the consciousness of his dead daughter into the latest 550W computer, causing the lunar engines to explode and send the Moon on a collision course towards Earth.
2058 年,计算机科学家图恒宇决定将已故女儿的意识上传到最新的 550W 计算机中,导致 月球引擎爆炸, 月球朝着地球撞去。
upload [ p l d, pl d] vt & vi 上传
collision [k l n] n [C] & [U] 碰撞事故
To deal with the Moon crisis, the UEG initiates a backup plan that involves detonating all of the nuclear weapons on the lunar surface and triggering its implosion. Hundreds of astronauts over the age of 50 voluntarily sacrifice themselves in order to manually detonate the nuclear weapons. The mission faces numerous setbacks such as the flooding of Internet root server data centers. Tu, who is sent to help reboot the flooded Beijing server, uploads a copy of his own consciousness into the
network before drowning. His digital self manages to reboot the last Internet server in time, activating the Earth engines and moving the Earth away from the course of the lunar debris. The Wandering Earth Project then officially begins with the Earth's course towards Jupiter.
为了应对月球危机, 联合地球政府启动了备选方案,就是引爆月球表面上所有的核武器,从 而使月球内爆。数百名 50 岁以上的宇航员主动牺牲自己, 手动引爆核武器。这项任务面临 着许多挫折,譬如互联网根服务器数据中心的被淹。图恒宇被派去帮助重启被淹的北京服务器, 在溺水之前, 他将自己的意识副本上传到网络。他的数字意识体及时重启了最后一个互 联网服务器,启动了地球引擎, 使地球远离了月球碎片的轨道。然后, 流浪地球计划正式开 始,地球朝着木星的轨道前进。
initiate [ n ie t, n i t] vt 开始实施; 发起
backup [ b k p] n [C] 备份
detonate [ det ne t] vt & vi 引爆
trigger [ tr ɡ (r)] vt 引发;使爆炸
implosion [ m'pl n] n [C] & [U] 向心聚爆; 内爆
manually ['m nju li] adv 手工地;用手地
numerous ['nju m r s] adj 许多的;很多的
setback ['setb k] n [C] 阻碍;挫折
reboot [ ri 'bu t] vt & vi (计算机) 重启
server ['s v (r)] n [C] 服务器
drown [dra n] vt & vi (使)淹死
debris [ debri ] n [U] 碎片;残骸
Jupiter [ d u p t (r)] n 木星
The Wandering Earth II's biggest draw is its jaw-droppingly action scenes, with aerial fights and huge explosions raising the excitement levels. It tells a disaster story from an oriental point ofview instead of the western one, where humans work as a team to face the overwhelming crisis. There's no hero who can save the Earth single-handedly; every effort matters.
《流浪地球 2》最吸引人的是其令人瞠目的动作场面,空中战斗和大爆炸提升了刺激指数。 电影从东方的角度讲述了一个灾难故事,而不是从西方的角度。在这个故事中, 人们团结一 致地面对巨大的危机。没有单枪匹马就能拯救地球的英雄,每一份努力都是重要的。
jaw-droppingly adv 令人瞠目结舌地
aerial [ e ri l] adj 空中的
oriental [ ri entl] adj 东方的
overwhelming [ v welm ] adj 巨大的, 压倒性的
一、 语法填空
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
As the Sun becomes an expanding red giant and threatens to destroy the Earth in 100 years, the United Earth Government (UEG) 1._______ (decide) to carry out the Moving Mountain Project, a pilot program to build 2._______ (thousand) of giant ion engines 3._______ can push the Earth out of the Solar System towards another 4._______ (habitat) star system. The first phase 5._______ the Moving Mountain Project is to build and test an engine on the Moon. However, 6._______ series of
terrorist attacks take place and the UEG facilities are destroyed. 7._______ (restore) public faith in the Moving Mountain Project, the UEG engineers work tirelessly to successfully activate and test the lunar engine, 8._______ (follow) by the first engine on Earth. In the next 14 years, the UEG builds over 7000 engines on the Earth. The Moving Mountain Project is renamed 9._______ the Wandering Earth Project. The Earth engines begin to start up and move the Earth away from the course of the lunar debris. The Wandering Earth Project then 10._______ (official) begins with the Earth’s course towards Jupiter (木星).
1. Three workers were critically injured in an accident. ________
2. He has suffered a serious setback in his political career. ________
3. The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. ________
4. There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them. (2014 江西) ________
5. The evidence gathered indicates that Mars may well have been habitable at some point in its history. ________
6. Success disasters are massive problems created when a person or company is unable to handle an overwhelming success. ________
一、 1. decides 2. thousands 3. that / which 4. habitable 5. of 6. a 7. To restore 8. followed 9. as 10. officially
二、 1. 严重地 2. 挫折 3. 服务器 4. 许多的 5. 宜居的 6. 巨大的