人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the land Listening and Speaking 课件(31张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the land Listening and Speaking 课件(31张ppt)
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文件大小 6.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-08 18:36:23



1. 通过听的活动了解世界粮食问题。
2. 通过说的活动解释并表达世界粮食问题的相关观点。
1. 听说技能的培养
2. 对问题根源的分析能力的培养
Using language: Listening and speaking
1. To gain the information of world hunger problem, and the function and missions of FAO.
2. To be able to analyze and judge the causes of the world hunger problem, and propose solutions.
3. To be able to describe and explain the activities of celebrating the World Food Day, and build awareness.
Here is a short video for us to explore the present situation of world hunger problem.
Natural disaster
What can cause a poor harvest
In pairs, discuss what you can see in the photos and how you think each photo relates to the world hunger.
This photo represents the idea of drought. A child is pouring water onto the cracked ground. When there is drought, crops cannot grow and animals may die.
The second photo represents the idea of war. Hunger often comes with war, as often people cannot farm, or they cannot work to earn money to buy food. And, the markets might be empty or closed.
Photo 3 represents famine(饥荒). The child in the photo is a victim of famine, which is why his / her arm and hand are so thin. Famine is when the crops do not grow and there is not enough food for everyone to eat. While famine can be caused by drought, some of the worst famines in the world history had other sources, such as insects or
diseases that destroyed the crops,
or weather that was either too
hot or too cool for the crops to grow
1 What is the FAO What is its mission
FAO stands for __________________________________. Its aim is to ___________________________.
2 What can seriously affect crop production
___________________________________ can seriously affect crop production.
3 What does the FAO think about nutritious food
The FAO believes everyone should ______________________
Listen to a radio interview and take notes. Then answer the following questions.
Food and Agriculture Organisation
eliminate(消除) world hunger
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO
1 What is the FAO What is its mission
FAO stands for __________________________________. Its aim is to ___________________________.
2 What can seriously affect crop production
___________________________________ can seriously affect crop production.
3 What does the FAO think about nutritious food
The FAO believes everyone should ______________________
Listen to a radio interview and take notes. Then answer the following questions.
Food and Agriculture Organisation
eliminate(消除) world hunger
Droughts, floods, and climate change
have the right to get
healthy food
4 What is the FAO doing to alleviate world hunger
The FAO __________________ called Climate-Smart Agriculture, which helps countries to ____________________________________.
5 What does the FAO suggest countries do
Every country needs to focus on ________________________ in agriculture too, which can often _________ the whole world.
vt. 减轻;缓解
runs a project
develop sustainable agriculture
making new achievements
Identify Supporting Evidence
When people present important facts, they usually give some evidence to support their claims. The evidence is usually mentioned at the start of a sentence. Listen out for key words like report, research, studies, figures, findings, etc.
Listening strategies
1 According to our latest figures, ...
2 There is strong evidence to suggest that ...
3 Our research indicates that ...
Listen again and identify how the speaker supports his facts. Match the supporting evidence with the facts.
A wars can heavily affect food production and transportation.
B (world hunger) stands at around 11% of the world's population.
C many people just can't afford to eat well.
Think about the following questions and then share your answers with your friends or classmates. Use a table like the one below to help you organise your thoughts.
Possible cause Possible solution
Critical Thinking
1 What are all the possible causes of world hunger that you can think of
Droughts, floods, climate change, poverty, war…
2 What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes
a. With droughts, we can invent new forms of agriculture that do not rely so much on water, and drought-resistant crops;
b. floods can often be prevented by the building of dams;
c. poverty is best solved through economic development and programmes that give people more opportunities;
d. war may be solved through international cooperation(合作).
1. Each of the photos below represents an innovation in agriculture. In pairs, discuss what you think these innovations might be.
2. Listen to three news reports about agriculture. Match each report with one of the photos above.
News report 1: _____
News report 2: _____
News report 3: _____
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 1
Who ____________________
What The well-respected ________________and agricultural ________died of ____________.
When He died on ________.
Where His work was at Hebei Agricultural University and in ____________________.
Professor Li Baoguo
university professor
a heart attack
10 April
the Taihang Mountains
Speaking activity: Read the script aloud.
News Report 1
Today, in agricultural news, we are sad to report the passing of Professor Li Baoguo. Li, a well-respected professor at Hebei Agricultural University, died of a heart attack on 10 April at the age of 58. Besides teaching at university, Professor Li spent more than 30 years working to make the Taihang Mountains green with many different types of trees.
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 1
Why He wanted ___________________________ _________________________________.
How He helped farmers to __________________ and escape _______.
to make the Taihang Mountains
improve their produce
green with many different types of trees
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 2
Who Intelligent Growth Solution
What _____ the UK’s first commercial vertical farm.
When _____________
Where Near Dundee.
At the moment.
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 2
Why Farmland has become _______________. Meanwhile, many countries lack enough ____________ to grow the crops they need.
How ________________ in a greenhouse in large trays, stacked one above the other.
increasingly rare
farm workers
Crops are produced
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 3
Who Gerald Kibugi
What Won an award for creating Green House Do It Yourself software.
When _____
Where ______________________________ Fair, Kenya.
The East African Farmer Innovation
Listening activity: Listen and take notes.(P91)
News report 3
Why Farmers do not have the time to read and ______________ learnt from books on greenhouse farming.
How This software allows farmers to __________ __________on _____________________.
apply the lessons
look up
how to use greenhouses
1.Read and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Then answer the questions.
attain be comprised of depth diverse
essential for instance output soil
Jia Sixie was a government official from Shandong Province who conducted a lot of agricultural research in the sixth century. In his travels, he observed that some farmers had much better ______ than others, so he decided to investigate the best ways of _______ good harvests. After retiring, he wrote a book, Qi Min Yao Shu, which ______________ sound advice and practices for people doing agricultural work. In one piece of advice, __________, he told farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops.
was comprised of
for instance
1.Read and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Then answer the questions.
attain be comprised of depth diverse
essential for instance output soil
They could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the ____ over so that the weeds were covered. Then he gave advice on ploughing, suggesting that the autumn ploughing should be at a greater _____ than the spring ploughing. He also suggested changing crops to get better harvests every year. Finally, he suggested that fargrow a ______ range of crops next to each other in the fields. Although it has been centuries since Jia Sixie died, Qi Min Yao Shu is still considered a(n) _______ book in China’s agricultural history.
1.Read and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Then answer the questions.
1. Why did Jia Sixie investigate good ways of farming
2. What makes Qi Min Yao Shu an important book in China’s agricultural history
He was an official who wanted to help people.
Because it was comprised of sound advice and practice for people doing agricultural work.
2. Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
1. 我们需要通过大量的调研来验证这个假设是否成立。(assumption)
2. 妈妈困惑的问题是小宝宝消化不良。(why, digest)
We need a lot of investigation to prove this assumption.
The mother wonders why her baby is not digesting well.
3. 严格禁止考试作弊。(prohibit)
Cheating in exams is strictly prohibited
2. Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
4. 我们需要找到实现目标的最佳途径,所以向王教授寻求建议。(attain, turn to)
5. 在大城市,自行车正在成为替代私家车出行的短途交通工具。(alternative, means of transport)
We need to find the best way to attain our goal, so we are turning to Professor Wang for advice.
In big cities, bicycles are replacing private cars and becoming an alternative menas of short-distance transport.