外研版必修1 Module3 My First Ride on a Train Grammar_教学设计(2份打包)


名称 外研版必修1 Module3 My First Ride on a Train Grammar_教学设计(2份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-12 18:43:58


Module3 Grammar 公开课教学设计
Module Three Grammar The –ed Form As Attribute& Predicate(课程设计)
The –ed Form As Attribute & Predicate
结合本单元课文原句熟练掌握过去分词作定语。使学生对非谓语动词的运用打下坚实的基础。巩固学习一般过去时,使学生能够区分–ed form 作定语和谓语的一般过去时态。
利用学生在上节课学习的阅读内容中对于Ghan train 的了解,引出形容词作定语的例子。同时启发学生思考能够作定语的其它情况。以此为学生学习掌握过去分词作定语打下伏笔。
E.g. It is a wonderful /famous /comfortable train
细致分析课文原句 Trained camels carried food and other supplies.
启发学生发现划线的两个–ed form 的区别:
2.修饰、限制、描述名词camel的–ed form是过去分词,它起形容词作用在句中作定语,属于非谓语动词。
呈现更多的例句让学生去找出作定语的过去分词和作谓语的过去式。并强调–ed form 有时是不规则的。着重讲解过去分词作定语的意义:表示被动或动作已完成。
E.g. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.
E.g. We ate great meals cooked by experts.
学生对比以上两个例句,分析发现分词作定语在句中所在的位置。 Step4.Practice
E.g. The family used a car to travel around Europe during their holiday. (rent)
E.g. There were a lot of cars everywhere after the accident. (damage)
E.g. I saw a wonderful film ________by Steven Spielberg.(direct)
E.g. There were lots people getting on the train. (excite)
E.g. Many passengers got off the plane which had been delayed for 24 hours.(exhaust)
E.g. The passengers travelled from Shanghai Airport to the central station in eight minutes.(amaze)
习后小结:excited, amazed, exhausted 等-ed form 与前三句中的rented, damaged, directed 的不同之处。 Step6 Self-study
用老师给定的文本材料自学现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别。结果会更加突出掌握本节课的语法知识过去分词作定语。然后作相应的练习。文本材料如下: -ing form 作定语表示动作正在进行,被修饰名词主动发生这个动作 -ed form 作定语表示动作已完成,或者表示被修饰名词是这个动作的承受者,并呈现图片。 正沸腾的水boiling water (表正在进行)
正在下落的叶子 falling leaves
白开水boiled water(表已完成)
已经落下的叶子fallen leaves
________________ country(讲英语的国家)
Step7. Teamwork
以小组合作探究的方式完成句中含有–ed,-ing作定语和作谓语的综合练习。 Step8. Self-feedback老师点拨,以回答问题方式指导学生小结本节课所学知识。
3 / 3Module3 Grammar 名师教学设计
课题 The Past Participle used as Attribute 课型 语法课
执教者 班级 授课时间
教学目标 知识与技能 本课时为语法复习课,主要复习了动词的过去分词做定语这一用法。通过复习课文中的句子,循序渐进地让学生体会过去分词作定语,在句子中所起到的作用,再通过练习让学生能够灵活的运用这个语法。
过程与方法 学生在小组活动,与老师的交流中激发兴趣,积极主动的投入到学习中,培养学生应用语法的能力。
情感态度与价值观 使学生在参与教学的过程中,敢于表达自己的观点,增强合作意识并逐渐增加学生对生活的热爱。
重点,难点 本堂课的教学目标之一让学生灵活应用过去分词,如何使学生在掌握基本语法的基础上发散思维,自主参与练习,是设计中的重点环节。
教学方法 利用多媒体教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,使用交际法充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过小组活动,增强学生合作精神,主动思考能力,以完成各种任务。
Teaching Procedures
Step Teacher Activity Student Activity Purpose
Leading-in 导入 T: Before the class I want share with you a picture. Is she beautiful S: T: Do you know who is she S: T: Yes.It’s me. Do you like me S: T: I think you want to say “I like the beautiful girl.” yes (板书) S: T: Let’s analyze the members of sentence.(板书) T: Let’s see the beautiful. What kind of words it is S: Adjective. T: Yes, adjective used as attribute in this sentence. Look at the next picture. He becomes an astonished man when he comes across my picture. yes S: T: And we can also say “I like the astonished man.”(板书)Please find out what is the attribute in this sentence S: astonished. T: What kind of word is it S: V-ed. T: Yes, the verb end with –ed. We call it past participle. So astonished used as adjective. Pay attention to the underline nouns is modified by v-ed. Past Participle can also be used as adjective. 通过展出与生活相关的图片,激发学生兴趣,引出过去分词作定语。既复习了形容词作定语,又引出了本节课复习的语法(过去分词作定语) Arose students’ enthusiastic 引起学生兴趣
复习语法 Step1 通过描述多媒体呈现的图片,让学生说出对应的v-ed ,再将句子转换成v-ed做定语的形式。从而先让学生对语法有一个很形象的感知。 T: Today we will revise the V-ed used as attribute.(板书写标题) Now, look at this picture tell me, what’s the situation in the picture S: T: OK, now who can translate this sentence S: T: So we can say .... (学生回答) OK, very good, can you spell the word We can also say ..... T: Next picture, what are the passenger doing In whole sentence S: T: Who can translate S: T: They feel ....(学生) And we can also say ..... T: Here his family use a ...to travel And the car belongs to a car rental company So it’s a .....(学生)car And we say ....(学生)T: Who can summarize for me T: These words are all V-ed (学生) they can all modify nouns(学生) used as adjectives(学生) They are attribute(学生) so we say v-ed used as attributes. 让学生对语法有一个很形象的感知。
Step2 复习过去分词,和过去分词短语在句子中的位置和表示的意义。 通过对几个典型例句的分析,循序渐进的让学生自己总结出过去分词和过去分词短语作定语时的位置的不同,以及所表达的意义 T: Who can translate the sentence S: T: Which word is the V-ed used as attributes, and pay attention to the position of the words S: 中文 名词前 T: We can translate in English in this way What we call the red part S: 定语从句 T: What’s voice of this attributive clause. S: 被动语态 T: Yes, it’s an attributive clause with passive voice. So v-ed means passive(学生) T: Look at two sentences and find out the attributes. S: T : Who can translate sentences in English S (学生) T Who can translate this one S T: We call the underline parts the past participle phrases. Who can try to summarize the usage of it according to we have leant Tell me the position S: 名词后面,过去分词短语也相当于 定语从句,表示 被动 T: Do you agree with him I think you have a good job, thank you. 学生在老师的引领下 逐层的分析出过去分词表示的意义并了解过去分词和过去分词短语的区别
Step 3 复习v-ed的动作与谓语动词表示的动作发生的先后顺序 通过分词,分解例句,让学生体会过去分词和过去分词短语所表示的动作与谓语动词的动作的关系。 T: When you see next sentence pay attention to what time did the time order. First tell me which is the attribute S: T: Yes and which one is the predicate(Verb) S: T: Now I will ask you the questions raise by the audience happen before or after the speaker. S: Before. T so we say 过去分词
Step 4 总结 T: so we can summarize in short: Exercise 巩固练习
Practice 巩固练习 让学生独立完成相应练习,再以小组形式让学生讲解 学生互评 Practice Exercise 巩固练习
Homework 完成练习册的习题 Review 复习
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