学校 时集镇中心小学,年级 五,学科 英语。
授课人 陈洪卫 班级 五2 时间 2011-9-6
课 题 Moudle5 Unit1 It’s big and light.
教学 目标 知识目标:1、识记单词:light ,heavy,broken,pocket2、掌握句型:This black bag is nice.It’s big.This blue one is big and light.能力目标:在情景中描述事物的特征。情感目标:培养学生的合作精神和学习英语的兴趣,在日常的学习生活中养成乐于观察和勤于思考的好习惯。
重点 1、认读并运用单词light,heavy,broken,pocket2、描述物品的特征,选择适合自己的物品。
难点 将所学的功能语句运用到实际生活之中。
教学 方法 六步教学,当堂达标
手段 多媒体课件 单词卡片 书包 词典 录音机等
板书设计 Module5 Unit1 It’s big and light.Words: Sentences:black bag nice big heavygreen baglight two pocketssmallblue bagbig lightfour wheels easylight heavybroken pocket We’ll take it,please.
教 学 过 程
教学程序 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动
Step1 Guessing a riddle.Step2 Words teaching Step3 Text teachingStep4 ExtensionStep5 Summary Step6 Homework T:Let’s play a game.Guess an animal.This animal is big and heavy, it’s strong, it’s got two small eyes,it’s got two big ears,it’s got a long nose.What is it (教师在描述过程中加上夸大的表情和动作)In this riddle,like small big long etc,they describe something. Today we’re going to learn how to describe something,Let’s learn Moudle5 Unit1. Take out an empty bag.Look,this bag is light.Read after me “light”.T:What’s its Chinese meaning Guess.T:Well done!(拍手有节奏地说)轻的轻的light,light,light,light . Show the card. T:(放进词典,提书包的动作)Now,this bag is heavy. Guess !What’s the Chinese meaning of heavy Guess.T:You’re very clever. (拍手有节奏地领读)重的重的heavy,heavy,heavy,heavy. Show the card. T:Look,my bag is broken.(指向包坏了的地方)(课件出示几张破了坏了的物品,让学生看图片说“broken”这个单词并猜测其意思。)T:(有节奏地拍手领读)坏的破的broken,broken,broken,broken. Show the card. T:(Point to the pocket.)My bag has got a pocket.Guess its Chinese meaning...T:口袋兜子pocket,pocket,pocket,pocket. Show the card.T: Play a game.“ Who can find the words quickly ”(课件出示本课单词,学生快速抢答,看谁说得既迅速又准确,教师给予回答正确者贴画等物品,以示奖励。)T:Look,my bag is broken,and Lingling’s bag is broken,too. Then,what’s she going to do Listen to the tape and answer the questions.课件出示问题,先整体听录音,再分段听录音,解决相对应的问题。1、Why does Ms Smart want to buy a new bag for Lingling 2、How is the black bag 3、Why don’t they choose the green one 4、How is the blue one T:Good!Listen to the tape again.Disscus:(课件出示问题,四人一组)It’s got four wheels.“It’s”means_______ A. It is B. It has“We’ll take it,please.” “take”means _____buy B.usePractise describing the objects on hand, for example: My bag is new and nice. Your pencils are old and broken.(Using fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice etc.)Revise the new words with the cards. Say the sentences with the design.Describe your favourite animal and talk to your parents. Ss:Elephant.Ss: light…Ss:轻的。Ss imitate and pracisethe word rhythmically. Ss:重的。Ss imitate and pracisethe word rhythmically. Ss:Broken.破的,坏的Ss:(模仿教师)坏的破的broken,broken,broken,broken.Ss:口袋,兜。Ss imitate and pracisethe word rhythmically. Ss抢答说单词。1 Because her bag is broken.2 It’s nice and big! But it’s heavy.3 Because it’s small.4 It’s big and light.It’s got four wheels.Ss imitate to read.Then they read the text in groups and in roles.Ss disscus and answer.Some students anwser.If they make mistakes, others help them. Ss answer.
达标检测 课内练习 Disscus:(课件出示问题,四人一组)It’s got four wheels.“It’s”means_______ A. It is B. It hasWe’ll take it,please. “take”means _____A.buy B.use
课外练习 Describe your favourite animal and talk to your parents.
错 题集 锦 It’s意思是 It is
教学思考 1、以猜谜语游戏的方式导课,适合小学生好奇的心理特点,从一开始就抓住了学生的注意力,拉近了与学生的距离,为新课的学习做好铺垫,起到了事半功倍的效果。同时夸大的表情动作,有利于学生正确理解英语谜语的含义,活跃课堂气氛。 2、利用一个书包做道具,通过教师点拨、学生猜测完成四个单词的教学,直观、形象、生动,一气呵成。学生全程参与,尝到成功的快乐。这是自己的得意之笔,也是本堂课的一个亮点。同时利用韵诗朗朗上口、易于识记的特点,让学生快速掌握单词。3、利用抢答游戏巩固单词,符合学生好学、好动的特点,调动学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,利于学生树立学好英语的信心。4、有针对性地带着问题朗读课文,有利于学生快速掌握课文主旨,同时把文章分成三段,逐步解决问题,把大目标分解成小目标,减轻了学生学习的压力。5、知识拓展把书本知识向课外延伸,把知识转化成能力,同时拓展内容贴近学生实际生活,更利于学生接受,最终达到了学以致用的目的。 6、师生互动比较频繁,口语应用较多,学生问答积极,课堂气氛浓厚。7、学生在英语口语的实际应用中,需要教师多次重复或汉语提示,这样耽搁一定的时间,也影响了教学的连续性。8、We’ll take it,please.一句起初在板书设计中并没有出示,虽然这样也能突出重难点,整个板书也很美观,但破坏了整篇课文的完整性,所以在经过深思熟虑后补上这画龙点睛的一句。