人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 词汇讲解课件(24张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 词汇讲解课件(24张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1009.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-14 17:04:59



Unit 3 Sports and fitness
Language points
1. set an example 树立榜样
set/give a good example to/for sb. 为某人树立好的榜样
eg. The athlete is training hard, who sets an example to his teammates.
follow one’s example= follow the example of sb 仿效某人;以某人为榜样
eg. The designer was so confident that he never followed his brother’s example.
(1) The champions ______________________ the young athletes in our country. 冠军们为我国年轻的运动员树立了好榜样。
(2)We should ____________________ the master in Chinese literature. 我们应该以这位中国文学大师为榜样。
set a great example for
follow the example of
2. honour n. 荣誉; 尊敬; 荣幸
*As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. 作为一名运动员, 郎平为她的祖国赢得了诸多荣誉。
(1) in honour of sb = in sb’s honour为了向……表示敬意; 为纪念
(2) honour vt. 给……以荣誉; 表彰
be/feel honoured to do sth. 做某事感到荣幸
be/feel honoured for... 因……而受尊敬/获奖
(3) It is an honour ( for sb ) to do sth. (对某人来说)做……是一种荣幸。
________________________to be welcomed into their society.
= _________________________to be welcomed into their society.
2. We built a statue in honour of the brave soldier.
I feel greatly honoured
It is a great honour for me
(1) I am greatly______________ ( honour ) to be invited to their club where I can learn a lot .
(2) We ’ ve decided to hold a meeting in honour _______ all the people that have helped us out .
(3) I feel ____________( honour ) to have been mentioned in his speech .
(4) Two firefighters have been honoured __________ their courage .
(5) It was ______ great honour to be invited here today .
3. determination n. 决心; 决定
*He fought the illness with courage and determination.
*With COVID-19 spreading, Chinese scientists were determined to work on a vaccine(疫苗).
随着新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播, 中国科学家决定研制疫苗。
*(2019·天津高考)We are determined that our training should keep pace with the current development in education.
我们下定决心, 我们的培训应该跟上当下教育的发展。
(1)determine vt. 确定; 决定; 决心
determine on (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事
determine to do sth. 决定做某事
(2)determined adj. 坚决的; 坚定的
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事
Li Hua is a young man with great determination. He determined to go to Tibet after graduation.
Determined to take a package tour, he contacted a travel agency in advance.
The government took control of the situation with determnation.
① They were determined __________________(carry) out their plan no matter what obstacles they would have to face.
② Now that you have expressed your _____________ (determine), you should act.
③ He is a very __________(determine) and strong-willed person.
He was determined to improve his English, so he spared no effort to practice speaking English.
→______________________________, he spared no effort to practice speaking English.
to carry
Determined to improve his English
4. fall apart 破裂; 破碎; 崩溃
*The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.
工程一直没有完工, 于是楼一点点地坍塌了。
*I've got to rest before I fall apart.
我要休息了, 不然我就要崩溃了。
(1)The economy of this country fell _____ and people lived a hard life.
(2)If you don't come to class regularly, you will fall ______ in your studies.
(3)Leaves fall ___ the trees in the autumn.
(4)She can't fall __ love with someone who can hurt her.
5. injure vt. 使受伤; 损害
*Tom was injured badly when playing soccer in the stadium. 当在球场踢足球的时候, 汤姆受伤很重。
(1)injured adj. 受伤的; 有伤的
(2)injury n. 伤害; 损伤
the injured 伤员(当“the+adj”作主语时,表示一类人,谓语动词常常用复数形式)
(1)She ___________(injure) badly in the accident.
(2)Two players are out of the team because of ______ (injure).
was injured
6. lose heart 丧失信心; 泄气
*Although he failed in this entrance examination, he didn't lose heart.
这次入学考试他虽名落孙山, 但他并不气馁。
put one's heart and soul into全心全意投入
from the bottom of one's heart 从心底; 真诚地
(1)He went back to his study and put his heart ____ his work again.
(2)I want to thank everyone _____ the bottom of my heart.
7. give up 放弃; 投降; 辞去
*(2019·全国卷Ⅱ) I don't see any reason to give up work.
*He was giving his collection away for nothing.
*The Chinese people will never give in to the disaster.
(1)My friend gave _____ the tools that he borrowed.
(2)Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give ___.
(3)He gave _____ all his money to charities to help the poor.
(4)A young woman standing at the door gave ___ leaflets to students.
(5)Officials say they won't give ______ to criminals.
8. failure n. 失败; 失败的人(或事物); 故障, 失灵; 没做到
*Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures.
乔丹说, 他成功的秘诀在于吸取他的失败中的教训。
_________ vt. &vi. 失败, 未能; 不及格; (视力)衰退; 使失望
failure 既是可数名词也是不可数名词。意为_______________ 时, 是不可数名词; 意为_______________时,是指这种抽象名词的具体化, 是可数名词。
类似用法的单词还有success, pleasure, surprise, experience, pity等。
fail to do sth. 未能做成某事
fail to do sth. 未能做成某事
eg. Though the athlete failed to win a medal, we still honoured him from the bottom of our heart.
As an old saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.”
Thank you!