人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language单元易错综合练习(PDF版有答案解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language单元易错综合练习(PDF版有答案解析)
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文件大小 390.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-14 17:48:13



Unit 4 单元易错综合练习
(考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)
2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,
第一部分 听力(共 30 分,略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
When we do not understand each other’s language, we can talk with the help of body language.
A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He couldn’t speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant
and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again.
He wanted to say, “Bring me something to eat.” The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head
from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came again with a cup of coffee
and put it on the table. The man again refused his offer. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him
something to drink, because drinks are not food. When the man was going away, another man came in. This man
saw the waiter, and he put his hands on his stomach. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of
meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.
So you see, we can understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.
1.According to the passage, when people do not understand each other’s language, they can talk with the help of
A.hands, head and other parts B.a translator
C.a waiter D.an English speaker
2.A Frenchman signed to the waiter ________.
A.to translate the words
B.to tell him what he said
C.to bring him a cup of tea
D.to ask him for food
3.From the story, we know ________.
A.people can only understand the language of words
B.people can understand each other with the help of the language of signs as well as the language of words
C.people can make clear the language of the waiter and the translator
D.people can understand the native language
17-year-old Mariella has dual (双) citizenship between the U.S. and the U.K.
At the start of COVID-19, she happened to be in New York, and couldn’t leave due to travel restrictions.Getting
up at dawn to go to online school back in England meant she had abundant time for her own use in the afternoons,
then she began learning American Sign Language (ASL).The teen thought seeing an ASL interpreter in action might
help her learnfaster,but when she looked up movies and TV shows on streaming platforms, she discovered they
didn’t use ASL interpreters.Mariella decided then and there to change that fact!
Seeking help from ASL teachers and the deaf community, she created Sign Up, an app that uses a simple
Google Chrome extension.It adds an ASL interpreter to the corner of movies so people who are deaf can watch both
at the same time.
The teen decided to focus her efforts first on the Disney + platform because that’s what she believes children
watch the most. “My sister and I were its crazy movie watchers when we were younger, and I couldn’t imagine that
not being a part of our childhood,” Mariella said.
With over 1,000 users in less than two weeks, the response has been nothing short of that. “I didn’t think it
would take off so much,” Mariella said. “I thought maybe a couple dozen people would use it, but I’ve had 20, 000
hits on my website and just so many shares and likes. It’s just blown up in ways I didn’t think it would.”
To cover her development and hiring costs, she has started a GoFundMe campaign, which has raised nearly
$1 ,000 of its $10,000 goal. Mariella plans to expand the app to include as many of the international sign languages
as possible. “My hope is that we’ ll have a lot more movies interpreted-it’ll be on every platform,” she said.
4.What made Mariella learn ASL
A.Her dual citizenship. B.Her travel restrictions.
C.Her enough free time. D.Her need to study online.
5.What do we know about Mariella
A.She was once a huge Disney fan. B.She suffered hearing loss as a kid.
C.She’s earned much from SignUp. D.She’s living in a deaf community.
6.What does Mariella think of the SignUp users’ responses
A.Unreal. B.Unexpected.
C.Unreasonable. D.Unsatisfactory.
7.Which word best describes Mariella as the SignUp developer
A.Cautious. B.Demanding. C.Honest. D.Ambitious.
Koko the gorilla knew over 1,000 signs based on American Sign Language, and used them to do everything
from asking for food to joking around. Her trainer and long-term companion, Penny Patterson, thought Koko went
further still, signing in novel ways and showing complex emotions. According to Ms Patterson, when a cat that
Koko loved was killed in an accident, Koko signed: “Cat, cry, have-sorry, Koko-love.” When Koko died last month,
some of her obituaries (讣告) mourned the gorilla who had “mastered American sign language.”
Then came the backlash, from linguists and experts in sign languages. Sign languages have complex grammars,
equivalent to spoken tongues in expressiveness. Koko’s ability, it was pointed out, fell well short of a fluent human
signer. Moreover, Ms Patterson was her interpreter, a role that invited the question of how much she was inferring
what Koko “must have meant,” and explaining away random signs. It was hard to be sure: Ms Patterson preferred
speaking to journalists over sharing her video and raw data about Koko with fellow researchers.
There is no doubt that animals communicate. Animals from one region can share sounds that differ from groups
in another, leading researchers to talk of animal “dialects.” Then there are the remarkable achievements of Koko
and her primate predecessors, including a chimp delightfully named Nim Chimpsky. Yet there is an important
distinction between communication and language. Take the misleading term “body language.” It is sometimes
claimed that words convey just 7% of meaning, and that body language and tone of voice do the rest. This wildly
overstretches an old study which found that most emotional messaging — as opposed to the propositional kind —
comes from tone and body language, especially when a neutral word such as “maybe” was used. But try conveying
a fact like “It will rain on Tuesday” with your eyebrows, and the difference becomes clear. Language allows for
clear statements, questions and commands.
Nim Chimpsky’s near-namesake, Noam Chomsky, has argued that people have a kind of “universal grammar”,
and that all humankind’s languages are mere variations on a theme. Mr Chomsky has changed his mind repeatedly
on what constitutes the core of human language, but one obvious candidate is syntax — rules, not just words, which
allow the construction of a huge variety of meaningful utterances (所说的话). This capacity may even be infinite.
Any statement in English, for example, can be made longer by adding “He said that …” at the beginning. This
property is called recursion: a simple statement (“It’s cold”) is embedded in a more complicated one (“He said that
it’s cold”). Human syntax also allows for hypotheticals (“If she hadn’t arrived …”), talking precisely about events
distant from the present, and so much more.
That gorillas lack syntax should not blind humans to their magnificence. But the fact that Koko could
communicate should not mislead observers into thinking she possessed language.
8.Which statement about KOKO the gorilla is true
A.Koko’s ability was similar to a fluent human signer.
B.Koko could ask for food using sign language.
C.Koko was able to show complex feelings using sign language.
D.Koko was killed in an accident.
9.The underlined word in paragraph two is closest in meaning to “______.”
A.approval B.bias C.opposition D.evidence
10.Linguists and sign language experts doubted Koko’s mastery of American sign language because ______.
A.Koko was not as expressive as a human signer
B.Koko seldom needed an interpreter
C.Koko was able to communicate with journalists
D.Koko failed to speak several animal “dialects”
11.Which of the following statements would the author probably disagree with
A.Humans can express past events using language while apes cannot.
B.Tone and body language play a dominant role in human communication.
C.Words enable humans to convey clear meanings.
D.Gorillas are still magnificent in terms of their ability to communicate.
Humans are emotional beings, showing feelings in our behavior and facial expressions. But whether these
mean the same thing in different cultures has been hotly debated. Now a new study has found that in different social
contexts, such as weddings, funerals and sports, people indeed show universal facial expressions.
For the new study, Alan Cowen’s team used a machine learning model, Deep Neural Network (DNN), to
systematically analyze facial expressions in thousands of different contexts. These contexts come from more than
six million videos uploaded to You Tube between July 2009 and May 2018 by people in 144 countries.
Facial expressions were rated by English speakers in India by selecting applicable emotions from a list of 31
labels, resulting in a total of 16 distinct facial expressions. Meanwhile, contexts were classified in a separate
experiment. The results showed that people from different cultures share about 70% of the facial expressions used
in response to different social and emotional situations.
“This supports Darwin’s theory that expressing emotions in our faces is universal among humans,” the study
co-lead author Dacher Keltner said. “The physical display of our emotions may define who we are as a species,
enhancing our communication and cooperation skills and ensuring our survival.”
However, Lisa Barrett, from the Northeastern University College of Science notes that the English speakers in
India were given the emotional word ratings rather than labeling the expressions themselves. They used emotion
labels such as “anger”, “fear” and “sadness” instead of descriptive terms, thereby inferring the emotions behind the
She further comments that the raters (评定者) saw the faces in contexts which can’t necessarily be separated
from the emotions themselves, and that the key point is that the raters are from just one country. “The ultimate value
of Cowen and his colleagues’ study might lie not in the answers it provides,” she concludes, “but in the opportunity
for further discovery that it opens up.”
12.What can we learn from the text
A.The study is opposite to Darwin’s theory.
B.People in different cultures show similar facial expressions.
C.The team conducted the study by downloading facial expressions.
D.Facial expressions and contexts were classified in the same experiment.
13.How did Alan Cowen’s team conduct the study
A.By using a learning machine.
B.By uploading videos to YouTube.
C.By analyzing facial expressions.
D.By using emotion labels.
14.What can we infer from Dacher Keltner’s words
A.Social success is dependent on facial expressions.
B.Facial expressions have constantly changed over time.
C.Social skills reflect the ability of one’s expression management.
D.Facial expressions play a vital role in humans’ development.
15.What is Lisa Barrett’s attitude towards the study
A.Objective. B.Ambiguous. C.Critical. D.Contradictory.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Understanding cultural body language in other countries is key to managing efficient communication,
especially when we have not yet mastered a foreign language. ___16___ I hope these will help you socialize when
you try to communicate with foreigners in spite of the language barrier (障碍).
Head movements
In some parts of India, people tilt (倾斜) their heads from side to side to confirm something and show that
they are actively listening. In western countries, people nod to show agreement. ___17___
Eye contact
In western culture, visual contact when you speak to someone is considered a positive aspect of body language.
Strong visual contact is common in Spain and the Arabic culture among people of the same sex. Not looking back
when someone is looking at you is considered impolite, showing insecurity or disinterest.
___18___ In Caribbean communities, children and teenagers are taught not to look at adults in the eyes when
they are being corrected.
Greetings and goodbyes
Shaking hands is a normal and formal way to greet or say goodbye in western countries. ___19___ In Romania,
for example, only men usually do it. And they shake hands every time they meet, not just the first! In England,
however, it’s unusual to shake hands with someone you are introduced to in an informal setting. Kissing cheeks is
something done in many countries, especially in Europe, though the number of kisses, the occasion for doing so,
and which cheek they start off on vary.
___20___ When you communicate with foreigners, one secure way is to understand. respect and follow the
A.Body language varies from country to country.
B.But it’s done in different contexts in different countries.
C.However, in Greece, nodding actually means the opposite meaning.
D.Here are a selection of gestures (姿势) and their meanings in different cultures.
E.Some cultures, such as Japanese culture, consider long-time visual contact awkward.
F.Here are five communication skills that you should keep in mind when in a foreign country.
G.However, in different countries, people may have different explanations about hands shaking.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
To learn another language is more than just learning words and grammar; it ___21___ learning about another
culture, too. We learn much of our own culture’s body language before we learn to speak, from the time we are
___22___, usually without even being aware of it. Body language is different from culture to culture, and therefore
it’s something to which second language ___23___ should pay attention.
Sometimes, cultural differences in body language can __24__ discomfort or misunderstandings too. For
example, there are ___25___ cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two people who are
speaking together. If you are used to people keeping their ___26___, you will feel very uncomfortable, and
probably ___27___ away repeatedly, if someone keeps trying to stand ___28___ to you at a party! We call this the
“personal comfort zone”.
Another ___29___ example of misunderstanding is the use of a ___30___. In some Asian cultures, a smile can
show embarrassment or apology. However, smiling back at a teacher who is unhappy with you, or a stranger whose
foot you accidentally ___31___ upon is probably not a good idea in most English speaking cultures!
Even speakers of the same ___32___, such as British, American, or Australian people, may not use the ___33___
body language and must adapt if they wish to ___34___ successfully. British people are said to be more reserved
and formal, in general, and this is reflected in their body language. Americans are considered more open and
___35___, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed.
21.A.resists B.engages C.includes D.grasps
22.A.students B.babies C.adults D.applicants
23.A.translators B.learners C.authors D.advisors
24.A.involve B.overcome C.cause D.interrupt
25.A.definite B.important C.major D.initial
26.A.distance B.insight C.consideration D.ease
27.A.cast B.move C.handle D.break
28.A.higher B.deeper C.lower D.closer
29.A.special B.common C.elegant D.outstanding
30.A.fist B.scream C.smile D.slap
31.A.shifted B.slid C.stepped D.slipped
32.A.grammar B.culture C.tradition D.language
33.A.obvious B.same C.tight D.different
34.A.communicate B.link C.cooperate D.chat
35.A.modest B.optimistic C.creative D.outgoing
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another, ____36____ can help you make yourself
easily ____37____ (understand). When you are talking with others, you are not just using words, but also using
____38____ (gesture). For example, waving one’s hand ____39____ (be) to say “Goodbye”. Nodding the head
means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement.
Different countries use body language ____40____ (different). For example, men in Russia, France and Arab
countries kiss each other when they meet, but men in China or Australia shake hands instead ____41____
kissing. If you touch an English person, you should say “Sorry”. People in Arab countries like standing close to one
another when they are talking, but English people must keep ____42____ distance away when they are talking. In
some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person.
When you use a foreign language, it is very important ____43____ (know) the meanings of body language in
the foreign country. ____44____ (follow) the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay
there much more pleasant and _____45_____ (comfort).
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
46.假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Tom 将来中国旅游,发邮件向你询问中英日常生活肢体语言的异同。请
1. 表示欢迎;
2. 不同点:在中国,与长辈交谈时,低头避免直视等;
3. 相似点:见面握手,微笑等。
注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25 分)
Sam was stubborn and liked to do things his own way. He liked to eat his meals one food at a time-no mixing.
He wore his purple socks on Tuesdays and his lucky sweater whenever he had a spelling test.
Oscar was Sam’s father. He liked to do things, his own way, too. While the neighbors mowed(割草) their
lawns, Oscar-grew-a wildflower-meadow(草场). He got a haircut on the first Thursday of every month, whether he
needed it or not. And he wore his lucky sweater to every one of Sam’s ball games.
Sam thought his dad was the smartest man on earth, and his dad thought Sam was the finest son a man could
ever want... until the day they decided to build the tree house.
Sam had a picture in his mind.
Oscar had a picture in his mind.
The pictures didn’t match.
At the store, they disagreed on how much wood to buy. They argued about how long the nails should be. They
quarreled about what color paint they should pick. And when they got home, they argued and ARGUED and
ARGUED about which tree was best.
Sam wanted the maple. He wouldn’t give in.
His dad wanted the hackberry. He wouldn’t give in, either.
The boards and the nails and the paint sat in the backyard. They sat there in the hot, summer sunshine. They
sat there when the autumn leaves fell. They sat under a blanket of snow all winter.
“Sam is so stubborn,” Oscar complained to Sam’s mother, “If he’d listen to reason, I could show him why the
hackberry is best.“
“Why won’t Dad listen to my ideas ” Sam asked his mom.
Sam’s mother tried talking to Sam’s dad. He wouldn’t listen.
She tried talking to Sam. It did no good.
Spring came. The wildflower meadow began to bloom, and baseball practice started. Soon it was Mother's
Day, and Sam made his mother a clay pot and filled it with flowers. She loved it.
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Now Father’s Day was coming up.
“Oh no! I like this,“ said his dad.
细节理解题。根据第一段“When we don’t understand each other’s language, we can talk with the help of signs.
势交流,即他们可以用手、头和身体的其他部位来帮助交谈。故选 A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it, and took out again. He
wanted to say, “Bring me something to eat.”(服务员过来时,他张开嘴,把手指放进去,又拿了出来。他想说,
“给我拿点吃的来。”)”可知,这个法国人做手势是想让服务员拿点吃的过来。故选 D。
推理判断题。根据第二段“A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He couldn’t speak English at all. One day
he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it,
and took out again. He wanted to say, “Bring me something to eat.”(有一次,一个法国人在英国旅行。他根本
拿了出来。他想说,“给我拿点吃的来。”)”和最后一段“So you see, we can understand the language of signs as
well as we can understand the language of words.( 所以你看,我们能理解手语就像我们能理解语言一样)”可
知,从这个故事中,我们知道人们可以通过手语和语言来理解对方。故选 B。
这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Mariella 在寻求美国手语教师和聋人社区的帮助下,她创建了一款名为 Sign
Up 的应用程序,使用简单的谷歌 Chrome 扩展。它在电影的角落增加了一个美国手语翻译,这样聋人就可
细节理解题。根据第二段“she had abundant time for her own use in the afternoons, then she began learning
American Sign Language (ASL).(下午她有充足的时间自己使用,然后她开始学习美国手语(ASL))”可知,
玛丽拉有大量的自由时间,于是她决定学习手语。故选 C。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段“My sister and I were its crazy movie watchers when we were younger, and I
couldn’t imagine that not being a part of our childhood(我姐姐和我小时候都很喜欢看电影,我无法想象那不是
我们童年的一部分)”可知,玛丽拉和妹妹在小时候是迪士尼的超级粉丝。故选 A。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“With over 1,000 users in less than two weeks, the response has been nothing
short of that. “I didn’t think it would take off so much,” Mariella said.(在不到两周的时间里就有超过1000名用
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Mariella plans to expand the app to include as many of the international sign
languages as possible. “My hope is that we’ll have a lot more movies interpreted-it’ ll be on every platform,”she
希望会有更多的电影加上手语翻译,并且希望 SignUp 出现在每个平台上。现在她正在融资试图推广 SignUp
的使用。这些说明她对此很有抱负。故选 D。
本文是一篇说明文。语言学家和手语专家认为大猩猩 Koko 没有真正掌握美国手语。他们认为动物是会交
细节理解题。根据第一段“Koko the gorilla knew over 1,000 signs based on American Sign Language, and used
them to do everything from asking for food to joking around. (大猩猩 Koko 知道超过 1000 种美国的手语,并
用它们做所有事情,从索要食物到开玩笑。)”可知,Koko 通过美国手语可以作一切事情,包括索要食物。
故选 B 项。
词义猜测题。根据上文“When Koko died last month, some of her obituaries mourned the gorilla who had
‘mastered American sign language.’(Koko 上个月去世时,她的一些讣告哀悼了这只‘掌握了美国手语’的大猩
猩。)”和根据下文“Koko’s ability, it was pointed out, fell well short of a fluent human signer. Moreover, Ms
Patterson was her interpreter, a role that invited the question of how much she was inferring what Koko ‘must have
meant,’ and explaining away random signs. (有人指出,Koko 的能力远远达不到一个流利使用手语的人类。
此外,Patterson 是她的翻译,这一角色让人不禁质疑,她在多大程度上推断了 Koko‘一定是什么意思’,并
通过解释消除随机的信息。)”可知,下文是对 Koko 手语能力的质疑和反对。所以划线词 backlash 意为“强
烈反对”。故选 C 项。
细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 “Sign languages have complex grammars, equivalent to spoken tongues in
expressiveness. Koko’s ability, it was pointed out, fell well short of a fluent human signer. (手语有复杂的语法,
在表达能力上相当于口语。有人指出,Koko 的能力远远达不到一个流利使用手语的人类。)”可知,语言学
家和手语专家认为 Koko 不能像人类手语者那样流利地使用手语。故选 A 项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Take the misleading term ‘body language.’ It is sometimes claimed that words convey
just 7% of meaning, and that body language and tone of voice do the rest. (以“肢体语言”这一误导性术语为例。
有时人们声称,语言只传达了 7%的意思,而肢体语言和语调则传达了其余的意思。)”以及“ But try conveying
a fact like ‘It will rain on Tuesday’ with your eyebrows, and the difference becomes clear. Language allows for
clear statements, questions and commands. (但试着用眉毛传达一个事实,比如“周二会下雨”,差别就会变得很
着主导作用。故选 B 项。
本文为一篇说明文。Alan Cowen 的团队进行的一项新的研究发现,在不同的文化背景和社会环境中,人们
细节理解题。根据文章第一段关键句“Now a new study has found that in different social contexts, such as
weddings, funerals and sports, people indeed show universal facial expressions.(现在一项新的研究发现,在不同
人会有相似的面部表情。故选 B 项。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段关键句“For the new study, Alan Cowen’s team used a machine learning model,
Deep Neural Network (DNN), to systematically analyze facial expressions in thousands of different contexts.(在这
下的面部表情)”可知,Alan Cowen 团队通过分析面部表情进行这项研究。故选 C 项。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段关键句“The physical display of our emotions may define who we are as a species,
enhancing our communication and cooperation skills and ensuring our survival.(我们情感的身体表现可能会定义
长过程中起着至关重要的作用。故选 D 项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段内容“She further comments that the raters saw the faces in contexts which can’t
necessarily be separated from the emotions themselves, and that the key point is that the raters are from just one
country. “The ultimate value of Cowen and his colleagues’ study might lie not in the answers it provides,” she
concludes, “but in the opportunity for further discovery that it opens up.” (她进一步评论说,评分者是在与情绪
本身不可分割的环境中看到这些面孔的,关键是评分者只来自一个国家。“Cowen 和他的同事研究的最终
价值可能不在于它提供的答案,”她总结道,“而在于它打开的进一步发现的机会。”)”可知,根据 Lisa
Barrett 的观点可知,她客观评价这项研究的意义,对于这项研究持客观态度。故选 A 项。
结合第二段“In some parts of India, people tilt (倾斜) their heads from side to side to confirm something and show
that they are actively listening. In western countries, people nod to show agreement. (在印度的一些地方,人们把
同文化中,姿势含义不同,D 选项“以下是一些姿势及其在不同文化中的含义。”切题。故选 D 项。
由小标题“Head movements (头部运动)”和上文“In western countries, people nod to show agreement. (在西方国
家,人们点头表示同意)”可知,C 选项“然而,在希腊,点头实际上意味着相反的意思。”与上文形成转折,
讲不同的头部运动在不同的国家含义不同,点头在西方国家表示同意,但在希腊表示不同意。故选 C 项。
由小标题“Eye contact (视觉接触)”,上文“In western culture, visual contact when you speak to someone is
considered a positive aspect of body language. Strong visual contact is common in Spain and the Arabic culture
among people of the same sex. (在西方文化中,与人交谈时的视觉接触被认为是肢体语言的积极方面。在西
班牙和阿拉伯文化中,同性之间的视觉接触很常见)”和下文“In Caribbean communities, children and teenagers
are taught not to look at adults in the eyes when they are being corrected. (在加勒比社区,儿童和青少年被教育
在被错误时不要直视成年人的眼睛)”可知,E 选项“一些文化,如日本文化,认为长时间的视觉接触很尴
尬。”承接上文讲在不同的国家和文化背景下,视觉接触的含义不同,日本又是一个例子。故选 E 项。
G 选项“然而,在不同的国家,人们可能对握手有不同的解释。”与上文“Shaking hands is a normal and formal
way to greet or say goodbye in western countries. (在西方国家,握手是一种正常而正式的问候或道别方式)”形
成转折关系,表明在不同的国家和文化背景下,握手的含义是不一样的,引出下文“In Romania, for
example, only men usually do it. (例如,在罗马尼亚,通常只有男性才这样做)”和“In England, however, it’s
unusual to shake hands with someone you are introduced to in an informal setting. (然而,在英国,在非正式场
合与被介绍给你的人握手是不常见的)”的具体例子。故选 G 项。
下,姿势含义不一样,说明 A 选项“肢体语言因国家而异。”切题。故选 A 项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:学习另一种语言不仅仅是学习单词和语法;它还包括学习另一种文化。A. resists
抵抗;B. engages 参与;C. includes 包括;D. grasps 抓住。根据上文“more than just learning words and
grammar”可知,学习语言还包括学习其它东西,四个选项中 includes(包括)符合句意。故选 C 项。
己文化中的肢体语言,通常我们甚至没有意识到这一点。A. students 学生;B. babies 婴儿;C. adults 成年人;
D. applicants 申请人。根据“before we learn to speak”和“usually without even being aware of it.”可知,我们是
在学习说话之前,在自己意识不到情况的婴儿时期就开始学习肢体语言。故选 B 项。
translators 翻译;B. learners 学习者;C. authors 作者;D.
advisors 顾问。根据上文可知,语言的学习不仅仅是学习单词和语法,还包括学习另一种文化,肢体语言
语言的学习。故选 B 项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时,肢体语言的文化差异也会引起不适或误解。A. involve 卷入,涉及;B.
overcome 克服,战胜;C. cause 造成,导致;D. interrupt 打断。根据 For example 可知,下文是对本句中观
起不适或误解”。所以段首主题句就应该是“肢体语言的文化差异也会引起不适或误解”。故选 C 项。
definite 明显的,一定的;B. important 重要的;C. major 主要的;D. initial 最初的。根据语境可知,本句是
存在的。故选 A 项。
得离你更近,你可能会多次移开!A. distance 距离;B. insight 洞察力;C. consideration 考虑;D. ease 舒适,
安逸。根据下文“you will feel very uncomfortable,and probably  7  away repeatedly”可知,当别人靠近你
时,你会不舒服,会多次移开,所以你习惯人们保持距离。故选 A 项。
得离你更近,你可能会多次移开!A. cast 投,掷;B. move 移动;C. handle 处理;D. break 打破。根据上
文“you will feel very uncomfortable”可推知,当有人靠近你时,你会移开。故选 B 项。
站得离你更近,你可能会多次移开!A. higher 更高的;B. deeper 更深的;C. lower 更低的;D. closer 更近
的。根据上文“If you are used to people keeping their  6  , you will feel very uncomfortable, and probably
7 away repeatedly”可知,因为你喜欢保持距离,所以当有人想站得离你更近时,你就会不舒服并多
次移开。故选 D 项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:误解的另一个常见例子是微笑的使用。A. special 特别的;B. common 常见的;
C. elegant 优雅的;D.
outstanding 杰出的。结合常识,根据上文所例举的“社交距离”这一明显的(definite)文化差异可推知,本段
也应使用另一个常见(common)的例子。故选 B 项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:误解的另一个常见例子是微笑的使用。A. fist 拳头;B. scream 叫;C. smile 微
笑;D. slap 掴。根据下文列举的事例“In some Asian cultures, a smile can show embarrassment or apology. ”可知,
这里说的另个例子是“smile”。故选 C 项。
笑可能不是一个好主意!A. shifted 转移,变换;B. slid 滑;C. stepped 踏,踩;D. slipped 滑倒。结合常识,
根据上文 a stranger whose foot you accidentally 和空格后介词 upon 可推知,应使用动词 stepped,表示“踩到
陌生人的脚”。故选 C 项。
相同的肢体语言,如果他们希望成功地交流,就必须适应。A. grammar 语法;B. culture 文化;C. tradition
传统;D. language 语言。根据所列举的 such as British, American, or Australian people 可知,他们说的是同
一种语言。故选 D 项。
用相同的肢体语言,如果他们希望成功地交流,就必须适应。A. obvious 明显的;B. same 相同的;C. tight
紧的;D. different 不同的。根据连词 Even(即使)和 may not 可知前后句有转折对比关系,“说相同的语言,但
不使用相同同肢体语言”。故选 B 项。
相同的肢体语言,如果他们希望成功地交流,就必须适应。A. communicate 交流;B. link 连接;C. cooperate
合作;D. chat 聊天。结合常识,根据上文可知,不同肢体语言会造成不适或误解,所以要成功地进行交流,
就必须要适应不同的肢体语言,反止,适应的目的就是为了成功地交流。故选 A 项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:美国人被认为更开放、更外向,而澳大利亚人则比较随意、放松。A. modest
谦虚的;B. optimistic 乐观的;C. creative 创造性的;D. outgoing 外向的。结合常识,根据并列关系形容词
open(开放的)可判定,应使用形容词 outgoing(外向的)来形容美国人。故选 D 项。
43.to know
限制性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词 which 引导。故填 which。
make+宾语+宾补结构,yourself 与 understand 构成被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。故填 understood。
考查名词的数。句意:当你和别人交谈时,你不仅要用语言,还要用手势。gesture 为可数名词,前文没有
冠词,故用复数形式。故填 gestures。
单数。故填 is。
见面时会握手而不是亲吻。结合句意表示“而不是”可知短语为 instead of。故填 of。
意表示“保持距离”可知短语为 keep a distance。故填 a。
考查非谓语动词。句意:当你使用一门外语时,了解外国身体语言的含义是非常重要的。此处为句型 it be
adj. to do sth.,不定式作真正主语,it 为形式主语。故填 to know。
应用动名词形式,句首单词首字母要大写。故填 Following。
适”应用形容词 comfortable。故填 comfortable。
46.Dear Tom,
Hearing that you will come to China, I’d like to extend my warmest welcome.
Body language varies from culture to culture. For instance, when talking to the elderly in China, we usually
look down to avoid eye contact as sign of respect. On the other hand, some gestures have the same meaning. We
favour shaking hands, smiling or nodding the head to greet someone, just as you do.
I hope my introduction can be helpful to you. Wish you good journey.
Li Hua
第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
vary from; for instance; talk to; look down to; on the other hand;
1. Hearing that you will come to China, I’d like to extend my warmest welcome.
2.Body language varies from culture to culture.
3. For instance, when talking to the elderly in China, we usually look down to avoid eye contact as sign of respect.
4.On the other hand, some gestures have the same meaning.
5.We favour shaking hands, smiling or nodding the head to greet someone, just as you do.
6.I hope my introduction can be helpful to you.
1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last
2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also),
3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one
hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that…
4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result
在范文中使用了较多主从复合句,如:Hearing that you will come to China, I’d like to extend my warmest
welcome.这句话运用了非谓语动词;For instance, when talking to the elderly in China, we usually look down to
avoid eye contact as sign of respect.运用了状语从句的省略。使用了一些固定词组,如 vary from; for instance;
talk to; look down to; on the other hand 等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。
Now Father’s Day was coming up. Recently, Sam always came home a little late after school every day.
His parents were also very curious but Sam always said with a smile, “He is studying for his exam.” It was a clear
morning, with clouds floating in a clear blue sky and birds singing softly as if celebrating the day’s special
holiday: Father’s Day. Sam walked up to his father and said delightedly, “Happy Father‘s Day, Dad! I want to give
you a gift!” So he took his father’s hand and walked together into his backyard.
“Oh no! I like this,” said his dad. When he saw everything in front of him, he was so surprised that
he stood there with his mouth wide open. Suddenly, Oscar knew what Sam had been up to these days. He had been
preparing his precious Father’s Day gift, the tree house which was exactly what he had always wanted -- hackberry
trees, and the other designs matched exactly what he had in mind. Oscar hugged his son Sam and whispered, “Thank
you, my son!” “Dad, you have always been my favorite person and the smartest father in the world!” Sam said
proudly. At that moment, Sam realized that being stubborn was not a good thing. What changed his stubbornness
was the love and care of his family!
本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了 Sam 是一个顽固的孩子,他和爸爸 Oscar 之间的关系非常好。Sam 认为他
的爸爸是世界上最聪明的父亲;同样 Oscar 认为 Sam 是世界上最好的儿子。但是,因为建造树屋,二人之
①由第一段首句内容“现在父亲节快到了。”可知,第一段可描写 Sam 在积极地在为父亲准备礼物。这个礼
物就是他们未达成共识的——树屋。同样也可以描写的是 Sam 送给父亲这个礼物之后,父亲的情绪以及反
②由第二段首句内容“哦,不!我喜欢这个。”可知,第二段可描写 Sam 的父亲尤其地感动,并且与 Sam
一起设计木屋。同时父子二人关系和好,共同改善木屋,并且让 Sam 明白的是,自己的执拗是不对的,是
①.一起走路:walk together/accompany him/keep him company
②.回家:come home/go back home/return home
[高分句型 1]. It was a clear morning, with clouds floating in a clear blue sky and birds singing softly as if
celebrating the day’s special holiday.(本句使用了 with 的复合结构)
[高分句型 2]. He had been preparing his precious Father’s Day gift, the tree house which was exactly what he had
always wanted -- hackberry trees, and the other designs matched exactly what he had in mind. (由关系代词
which 引导限制性定语从句以及 what 引导的表语从句和宾语从句)