人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Welcome unit语境复习词汇复习课件(Word版含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Welcome unit语境复习词汇复习课件(Word版含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 26.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-23 13:20:25



Unit Welcome
Words in Context
exchange/ ks t e nd /
A. Can we exchange our seats so that I can sit by the window
B. He exchanged his old bike for a new one.
C. I need to exchange this shirt for a larger size.
What does the verb "exchange" mean ( )
A. to give someone something and receive something else
B. to throw away something that is no longer wanted
C. to buy something new with money
lecture / lek.t r/
A. The professor gave a lecture on the history of medicine.
B. She attended a lecture on environmental conservation.
C. He delivered a lecture at the conference.
What does the noun "lecture" mean ( )
A. a tool used for cutting wood or metal
B. a type of music that is popular in South America
C. a formal talk given to a group of people
register / red . .st r/
A. You need to register for the conference before the deadline.
B. She registered for the online course yesterday.
C. He registered to vote in the upcoming election.
What does the verb "register" mean ( )
A. to indicate or show something clearly
B. to enroll or sign up for something
C. to set up a machine or device to work in a particular way
sex /s ks/
A. The baby's sex was determined to be female.
B. He didn't know how to talk to her about sex.
C. The sex of the animal couldn't be identified from the distance.
What does the noun "sex" mean ( )
A. the characteristics that define males and females
B. a type of food that is popular in Asian cuisine
C. a feeling of strong affection towards someone
female / fi .me l/
A. The female cat had a litter of kittens.
B. She is a successful female entrepreneur.
C. The female lead in the movie was amazing.
What does the adjective "female" mean ( )
A. characteristic of or relating to men or boys
B. characteristic of or relating to women or girls
C. characteristic of or relating to non-binary individuals
Male /me l/
A. The male lion is usually the leader of the pride.
B. He is a successful male model.
C. The male protagonist in the movie was very charming.
What does the adjective "male" mean ( )
A. characteristic of or relating to men or boys
B. characteristic of or relating to women or girls
C. characteristic of or relating to non-binary individuals
nation / ne . n/
A. Canada is a nation with two official languages.
B. The United nations aims to promote peace between nations.
C. The soccer match brought the entire nation together to cheer on their team.
What does the word "nation" mean ( )
A. a group of people who share a common language, culture, or history and occupy a particular territory
B. a small group of people within a larger organization who have a common purpose or interest
C. a physical or mental condition that restricts a person's movements, senses, or activities
design /d za n/
A. The fashion designer spent hours creating a new dress design .
B. The company hired an architect to design their new office building.
C. The engineer was responsible for design ing the bridge that connected the two cities.
What does the verb "design " mean ( )
A. to perform a scientific experiment or investigation
B. to create a plan, especially a new product or building
C. to make something more attractive or appealing by adding decorative features
campus / k m.p s/
The campus of the university is spread across several different locations
in the city.
B. The students gathered on the campus lawn to enjoy the sunny weather.
C. The campus bookstore sells textbooks, school supplies, and university
What does the word "campus " mean ( )
A. the grounds and buildings of a university or college
B. a military training facility for soldiers
C. a temporary outdoor shelter, typically used for camping or hiking
formal / f r.m l/
A. The dress code for the wedding is formal, so guests are expected to wear suits and dresses.
B. The speech was delivered in a formal tone, with proper grammar and vocabulary.
C. The company's policy is to always send a formal letter to new clients to introduce themselves.
What does the adjective "formal" mean ( )
A. following established rules or conventions, often for official or ceremonial occasions
B. relaxed, casual, or informal in manner or style
C. capable of causing harm or injury
anxious / k. s/
A. She felt anxious before her first job interview.
B. The anxious mother waited for news about her son's surgery.
C. The doctor prescribed medication to help alleviate his patient's anxious feelings.
What does the adjective "anxious" mean ( )
A. feeling worried, nervous, or uneasy about something with an uncertain outcome
B. feeling angry or frustrated as a result of something perceived as unfair or unjust
C. feeling physically or mentally exhausted and lacking energy
annoy / n /
A. Her noisy neighbor's music was starting to annoy her.
B. He deliberately ignored his colleague's calls to annoy him.
C. The mosquito buzzing around the room was beginning to annoy everyone.
What does the verb "annoy" mean ( )
A. to obtain or get something, often by effort or skill
B. to apologize or express regret for something done wrong
C. to bother someone, often repeatedly or intentionally
senior / si .nj r/
A. She is a senior member of the management team.
B. My grandparents are senior citizens who enjoy gardening.
C. He was a senior in high school when he started playing in the football team.
What does the adjective "senior" mean ( )
a polite way to address someone who is older than you
having to do with the last year of high school or college
relating to an older or more experienced person
impress / m pres/
A. Her talent for playing the piano never failed to impress her audience.
B. He tried to impress his date by taking her to a fancy restaurant.
C. The teacher was not impressed by the student's excuse for not doing their homework.
What does the verb "impress" mean ( )
A. to cause someone to feel admiration or respect
B. to scold or punish someone for doing something wrong
C. to ask someone for something in a polite way
concentrate / kɑ n.s n.tre t/
(vi&vt verb) Examples:
A. She found it hard to concentrate on her work with all the noise outside.
B. The athlete needs to concentrate on his breathing during the race.
C. The scientist needs to concentrate the solution before she can proceed with the experiment.
What does the verb "concentrate" mean ( )
A. to focus all one's attention or efforts on a particular task or object
B. to be indifferent or apathetic towards something
C. to make something less strong or less concentrated
experiment / k sper. .m nt/
A. The scientist conducted an experiment to test his hypothesis.
B. She didn't want to experiment with her hair color before her wedding day.
C. The chef likes to experiment with different spices in his recipes.
What does the noun "experiment" mean ( )
A. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact
B. a risky or unusual action taken in order to find out what happens or to achieve a particular result
C. a set of instructions or guidelines to be followed
awkward / ɑ .kw rd/
A. He felt awkward at the party because he didn't know anyone.
B. The teacher asked an awkward question that no one could answer.
C. She made an awkward attempt at humor that fell flat.
What does the adjective "awkward" mean ( )
A. characterized by strong or extreme emotions, often negative ones
B. behaving in an inappropriate or offensive way
C. causing difficulty or discomfort; not smooth or graceful
junior / d u .nj r/
A. She is a junior associate at the law firm.
B. He was a junior in college when he joined the debate team.
C. The junior varsity team practices on the field behind the school.
What does the adjective "junior" mean ( )
A. lower in rank or position, or younger in age or experience
B. having to do with the last year of high school or college
C. a polite way to address someone who is younger than you
confident / kɑ n.f .d nt/
A. He felt confident about his ability to pass the exam.
B. She is not very confident in her driving skills.
C. The team is confident that they can win the game.
What does the adjective "confident" mean ( )
feeling anxious or uncertain about something
having a feeling of certainty about one's abilities
C. lacking self-confidence or belief in one's abilities
forward / f r.w rd/
A. I am looking forward to the weekend.
B. Can you please forward me that email
C. The team needs to move forward and focus on the next game.
What does the adverb "forward" mean ( )
A. towards a direction ahead or in advance
B. towards a direction behind or in the past
C. in a stationary or fixed position
flash /fl /
A. The lightning flashed across the sky.
B. He quickly flashed his ID card to the security guard.
C. The camera flash blinded him for a moment.
What does the noun "flash" mean ( )
A. a physical object that emits light
B. a quick or sudden display or demonstration of something
C. a sudden, brief burst of light or heat
organize / r.ɡ .na z/
A. She is trying to organize a surprise party for her friend.
B. He needs to organize his schedule to make time for his hobbies.
C. The company hired a professional organizer to improve their efficiency.
What does the verb "organize" mean ( )
A. to arrange or put things in a structured or orderly manner
B. to disarrange or create disorder
C. to ignore or neglect something
goal /ɡo l/
A. He scored the winning goal in the last minute of the game.
B. Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.
C. The team set a clear goal for the project.
What does the noun "goal" mean ( )
A. an aim or objective that one works towards achieving
B. a barrier or obstacle that prevents progress or success
C. a type of footwear worn for athletic activities
strategy / str t. .d i/
A. The company developed a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.
B. Their strategy for winning the game involved a strong defense.
C. She discussed her strategy for completing the project on time.
What does the noun "strategy" mean ( )
A. a plan or approach for achieving a particular goal or objective
B. a set of rules or guidelines for a particular activity
C. a tool or instrument used to accomplish a task
partner / pɑ rtn r/
A. She's my business partner and we've been working together for years.
B. He asked his girlfriend to be his dance partner at the party.
C. The police are searching for the suspect's accomplice or partner in the crime.
What does the noun "partner" mean ( )
A. a person who is involved in a romantic relationship
B. a person who works with someone else to achieve a common goal
C. a person who is responsible for committing a crime
curious / kj ri s/
A. She's always been curious about other cultures and languages.
B. The cat was curious and kept investigating the new furniture in the house.
C. He was curious to find out what was inside the box.
What does the adjective "curious" mean ( )
A. feeling worried or anxious
B. feeling interested in knowing or learning something
C. feeling angry or irritated
personality / p rs n l ti/
A. Her personality is outgoing and friendly, which makes her popular among her peers.
B. The psychologist was interested in studying the different personality types of his patients.
C. The movie star's personality was charming and charismatic, which made her famous.
What does the noun "personality " mean ( )
A. the set of physical characteristics that define a person
B. the set of mental and emotional traits that define a person
C. the set of behaviors that define a person's character
style /sta l/
A. She has a unique style of dressing that stands out from the crowd.
B. The writer's style of writing is often described as poetic and lyrical.
C. The artist's style is characterized by bright colors and bold shapes.
What does the noun "style" mean ( )
A. a particular way of doing something
B. a particular way of expressing oneself
C. a particular way of thinking or behaving
revise /r va z/
A. She needs to revise her essay before submitting it to the teacher.
B. The company revised its policies to address the concerns of its employees.
C. The author revised the ending of the book to make it more satisfying for the readers.
What does the verb "revise" mean ( )
A. to create something new from scratch
B. to make changes or improvements to something
C. to destroy or remove something completely
Complete each item below by writing one word on the answer line.
The dress code for the event is _______.
She felt _______ about the upcoming exam.
You must _______ for classes before the deadline.
Gender can be divided into two categories: male and _______.
The _______ perspective is often overlooked in discussions of gender.
The _______ perspective is often privileged in discussions of gender.
The professor gave a _______ on the history of art.
She will _______ on the importance of recycling.
His constant talking _______ me.
The loud noise made me feel _______.
The _______ members of the club were honored at the banquet.
Canada is a _______ with a diverse population.
She will _______ the layout of the new building.
The university _______ is a hub of activity for students.
She needed to _______ her schedule to fit in all of her commitments.
Her _______ was to become a doctor.
She liked to decorate her home in a minimalist _______.
She needed to _______ her essay before submitting it.
The science _______ involved testing different hypotheses.
Can we _______ our books with each other
His hard work and dedication _______ his boss.
She needed to _______ on the task at hand to finish it on time.
The lightning _______ lit up the night sky.
He felt _______ when he stumbled over his words during the presentation.
The _______ members of the club were responsible for organizing the fundraiser.
She wanted to _______ new interests in college.
His success in the competition made him feel more _______.
She gained _______ in her abilities after receiving positive feedback.
Please send the email _______ to the appropriate department.
The company's _______ was to expand into international markets.
She worked with her _______ to develop a business plan.
She wanted to _______ her language skills before studying abroad.
The _______ student asked many questions during the lecture.
The _______ was founded in ___________00___________.
Her _______ was characterized by her outgoing and friendly nature.