人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around单元整体课件(共打包7份)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around单元整体课件(共打包7份)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-23 16:05:50


Assessing Your Progress—实践·注重应用评价
通过本单元的学习,我们对于旅行的方式及意义有了更多、更深的认识,借助单元活动主题“设计旅游宣传册”(Design a travel brochure)来巩固所学知识。
1.Here/Below are my travel plans.
2.Winter holiday is coming/approaching.I have a plan for it.
3.I'm planning to go there by train and come back by bus.
4.May Day is coming/approaching, and I am going to travel to Shanghai to see its beautiful scenery.
第一天 颐和园
第二天 长城
第三天 天安门、清华大学和北京大学
第四天 国家游泳中心
Dear Li Hua,

A wonderful trip!Do you agree
Wang Lin
Dear Li Hua,
Since the National Day is approaching, I am planning to spend 4 days from October 1st to October 4th visiting Beijing.
On the first day, I am visiting the Summer Palace, which is said to be the largest and best-preserved royal park in China.On the second day, I will visit the Great Wall.As is known to the world, it is one of the seven wonders of the world.On the third day, I will get up early and go to Tian'anmen Square to see the flag rising.Then, I will visit Beijing University and Tsinghua University.I am dreaming of entering one of these two universities.On the fourth day, I will visit the National Aquatics Center, also called “Water Cube”.
A wonderful trip, do you agree
Wang Lin
Ⅰ. ——主题听力
1.Where might Mr Brown go
A.To a theatre.
B.To a bookshop.
C.To a library.
2.How many lessons will the man have to review at the weekend
A.3.     B.12.     C.15.
3.Where are the two speakers
A.In a shop.
B.In a restaurant.
C.In a supermarket.
4.What are the speakers discussing
A.Taking a class together.
B.Getting enough courses.
C.Signing up for a club.
5.What does the woman want to do
A.Have a cup of coffee.
B.Get up early.
C.Go home.
6.Why does the man plan to go to Australia
A.Because he wants to study there.
B.Because he wants to do business.
C.Because he wants to have a holiday.
7.What should the man do
A.Answer some questions.
B.Fill in a form.
C.Have a test.
8.What are the speakers going to do
A.Go to a party.
B.Go home.
C.Go to a restaurant.
9.What does the man suggest the woman wear
A.The purple shirt.
B.The long white dress.
C.The black evening dress.
10.What advice does the man give to the woman
A.Taking a handbag.
B.Taking nothing.
C.Taking a child.
11.What is the woman probably
A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A headmaster.
12.What are those students like
A.Active. B.Shy. C.Hard-working.
13.Why does the woman have to go
A.Because of her friends.
B.Because of her health.
C.Because of her parents.
14.What does the man think of the dinner party
A.Bad. B.Very well. C.Just so-so.
15.What do we know about the boss
A.He's impolite.
B.He's funny.
C.He's kind-hearted.
16.What does the woman mean by her last words
A.The man shouldn't have invited such a man to his dinner party.
B.The boss should say sorry to the couple.
C.The man should have let the boss leave earlier.
17.What does the speaker mainly talk about
A.A famous hotel.
B.The speaker's wedding party.
C.An unforgettable night.
18.Where did the speaker escape from
A.The window.
B.The entrance.
C.The back door.
19.What do we know about the guests
A.One of them was killed.
B.They kept calm all along.
C.Some of them were injured.
20.What caused the fire
A.Cigarettes. B.Lightning. C.Line failure.
答案:1~5 BABAC 6~10 ABACA
11~15 BACBA 16~20 CCACB
(Text 1)
M:Hello, this is Doctor White.May I speak to Mr Brown
W:I'm sorry, Doctor White.①Mr Brown has gone to buy some dictionaries.
(Text 2)
W:②Professor Clark said that the midterm exam would cover the first fifteen lessons.
M:Really ②I thought it would only include the first twelve lessons.Then I must spend the weekend going over the rest of the lessons.
(Text 3)
M:③Are you ready to order
W:I see the special of the day is the fish.How is it cooked
M:It's fried in a little oil with a lemon and an onion.
(Text 4)
W:④Are you going to sign up for one of the technology classes
M:I guess we have to if we want to get enough courses and credits.
W:④Take the one at 2:30 with me.
(Text 5)
M:Let's drop in here for a cup of coffee or something.
W:⑤I will have an important meeting tomorrow and get up early.
M:OK.⑤Let's go back to your place.
(Text 6)
M:Good morning! I'm coming to apply for an entry visa.Here's my passport, and there are the papers.
W:Sit down, please.⑥What do you want to go to Australia for
M:⑥I'm going there for further study. This is the letter of acceptance from the university.And this one is my letter of application.
W:⑦But you still have to fill in an application form. Here you are! You can take it home to fill out, if you like.
M:Thank you.How long do I have to wait for the visa
W:We'll send you papers, but it usually takes months for you to get a reply.
(Text 7)
W:Dear, does this purple shirt match my handbag
M:Yeah, but I don't think purple suits you.
W:Well, you might be right.What do you think of this long white dress
M:⑧But it is not for tonight's party.
W:⑨Does this black evening dress look nice
M:⑨Yeah.It will go with the party.
W:That's it.⑩Need I take my handbag
M:⑩That's always necessary for ladies.
(Text 8)
M:What do you think of the students in our class
W:I love those children.They are so lively.
M:They love you, too. They said that you were the best teacher they had ever had.
W:When I first came into the classroom, all the students stood up and looked at me.They all had a smile on their faces.
M:It seems that they began loving you from the very beginning.
W:Right. They are also very active.No one is shy.
M:That's why you became friends with each other.
W: I really don't want to leave.But I have to because of my parents.
(Text 9)
W:How was your dinner party
M: I think it went pretty well.People really seemed to enjoy themselves.
W:That's good.
M: But we shouldn't have invited my wife's boss again.We can never get him to leave!
W:Really How late did he stay this time
M:Until two o'clock in the morning! And we both had to get up early.
W: Oh, he shouldn't have stayed so late.You should have asked him to leave earlier.
M:Well, it's pretty difficult to do that to my wife's boss.
(Text 10)
It was my 21st birthday and I wanted to have an unforgettable night. So I arranged to have a party at this famous hotel.It was a warm evening in the middle of August, but because it was raining heavily outside we had to stay in the hotel all night.There were a lot of guests at the party and the room was packed.I was dancing when I saw the smoke.People began to panic, but there were so many of us that we couldn't get out quickly.Soon the room was full of smoke. I managed to open a window and get out of the burning building. The firefighters arrived shortly after, but it took a long time for them to put out the fire.Luckily, all the guests got out in time.
Some of them had to go to hospital because of burns and breathing problems. Fortunately, the firefighters had put out the fire before it spread to the rest of the hotel.However, the room where the party was held was completely destroyed. I was told later that it was because the building had been struck by lightning. Can you believe it
A.No, but I've always wanted to go to Rio.
B.So where are you going
C.Then I'm flying to Lima where I'm going to meet my girlfriend.
D.I'm going to visit South America.
答案:1~4 DBAC
Ⅲ. ——看图表达
1.What's the topic of the pictures above
2.Discuss and write something about the pictures.
Travel plans/arrangements.
On May Day, Li Hua and Wang Lin are leaving for Nanjing by train to enjoy
its beautiful scenery.They have booked a room at Changjiang Hotel, which has
two single beds.They are going to Xiangqun Restaurant to have lunch and
supper on May Day.That's Li Hua and Wang Lin's travel plans.
Ⅳ. ——阅读理解
Bradley McConachie, a 33-year-old Australian, is actually a student in international relations completing his PhD through Griffith University.He came to Beijing for a cooperative research at Beijing University two years ago.Such an academic life was colorful with a chance offered by the cultural exchanges project, “I'm in China”.
Bradley was lucky to win the most “likes” for his photo story about his life in China and became one of 20 winners to visit locations by the project this summer.All the winners' experiences were filmed to produce a reality show, My Chinese Working Day, which will be broadcast by mid-September.
Bradley was chosen to work as a recreational manager for a Chinese wedding.The film crew took them to many “amazing sites” and the staff at the resort taught them a lot about how to incorporate modern Chinese features while still keeping traditional customs.
“I would have to say two things stick out as the most memorable: the helicopter ride and talking with the staff at the hotel about how they organize weddings here in China,” he said.That was Bradley's first time to be in a helicopter, and he was too absorbed with the “stunning” view of the coastline.
“I think it is so important to show other Australians the different landscapes China has to offer.I think so many Australians, when they think about China, imagine the historical sites of Beijing and the exciting things to see in Shanghai but have no idea about other beautiful places, like Sanya or the many other places people have been taken to in this TV series.It was nice to experience these little touches.I was happy to be a part of that experience!” Bradley said.
1.What made Bradley's life more colorful
The cultural exchanges project.
2.Why was Bradley given the chance
3.Which of the following best explains the underlined word “stunning” in Paragraph 4
A.Fantastic.     B.Confusing.
C.Agreeable. D.Extreme.
He was one of the top 20 winners.
4.What can we infer from the last Paragraph
A.It's difficult to produce moving TV series.
B.Beijing and Shanghai are historical sites.
C.Sanya is worth visiting for foreigners.
D.Many Australians know little about China.
Ⅴ. ——读后续写(旅行类续写训练)
Deep in the forest, my husband and I had fun hiking through it. It was May, yet we walked up a snow-covered hill. This was our vacation, and we were on an adventure. We experienced many surprises in the forest. After a long time of exploring the forest, we decided to turn back.
The path was marked as an easy one-kilometer hike, yet we were already walking a long distance. Our excitement stopped when we saw a parking lot without our car in it. Nothing looked familiar. My heart raced. I realized we were lost in a national park.
Usually, I am the calm one in the relationship, but my husband surprised me with his calmness. This role change did not comfort me; in fact, it increased my fear. As we walked, I asked my husband to call for help, but there was no cellphone signal in this area. And we didn't have a map. It was strangely quiet except for the sounds of our footsteps and our heavy breathing. My husband suggested we should save energy and walk slower. With each step on the pavement, my feet hurt while my mind raced with thoughts about people who got lost in the Canadian woods for days. I was so anxious.
I looked around carefully and noticed everything around me: the trees, rocks and snow. I thought we could eat the snow on the ground if we needed water. For the first time in my life, I was ready and willing to be a hitchhiker (搭便车的旅行者), but we did not see a single car on the road. We focused on each other and made decisions together. We stayed on the main road and walked on and on.
Paragraph 1:
Suddenly, I spotted a small house on a hill in the distance.

Paragraph 2:
The woman went into a back room and came back holding keys.
Paragraph 1:
Suddenly, I spotted a small house on a hill in the distance. As we approached, we found it was a store. I was filled with hope and excitement. After opening the unlocked door, we walked into a dark hallway and wondered if it was open for business. Then a friendly woman appeared, saying, “Hello!” I tried to hold back my excitement and said, “We're lost!” The woman showed us a map of the park. After studying the map, we figured out that our car was parked over three kilometers away.
Paragraph 2:
The woman went into a back room and came back holding keys. She offered us a ride back to our car, which we accepted gladly. When we finally entered the correct parking lot, I looked up and said, “Thank you.” My anxious heart calmed down when I saw our car again. Although we had just met the woman, I felt a connection to her as if we were old friends. I even had my husband take a picture of this woman and me together. Tired as our bodies were, we felt very happy.
“UNIT 2 单元语基回扣盘查”
“UNIT 2 仿真高考检测评价”
Discovering Useful Structures—语法·提升语言能力
Dear Tom,
How are you doing?①I'm glad to tell you that a trip called “Discovering China” will be organized next week.I'm writing to share more details with you.
②The trip starts from next Monday.③We are flying to Kunming, which is a popular tourist attraction for its beauty.④Then we are to visit Jinggangshan, which is a beautiful place with a long history.⑤Then we are going to board a ship on the Yangtze River to Shanghai,and we can enjoy the beautiful views on the way.Our last destination is Hangzhou and Suzhou.⑥The whole trip will last a week.⑦I believe that this trip will enrich our knowledge.
I sincerely invite you to join us.
Li Hua
①、⑥、⑦三句中使用“will do”表示单纯的将来时;
④句使用“be to do”,表示该动作是按计划中的约定将要发生的动作;
⑤句中使用“be going to do”,表示打算做某事。
①I am seeing him off this afternoon.
②We're leaving for Shanghai this afternoon.
③When is he getting to/arriving at the station
[会发现] 现在进行时表示计划或安排好要采取的行动或要做的事情,多用表示 的动词(短语),如arrive, come, get (to), leave, return, start, travel, take, take off, fly, see off, set off等。
[对点练] (完成句子)
①He London in two hours to meet with his manager.
②His plane at 9:20 am, so he must be at the airport by 8:30 am.
is leaving for
is taking off
①I am meeting you after class.
②After class, we are playing football on the playground.
[会发现] 现在进行时表示将来除使用位移动词外,也可使用某些非位移动词,如do, buy, meet, have, play, finish, stay, publish等,此时句中一般要有表示 ______的时间状语。
[对点练] (完成句子)
①What next Sunday
②Wait a moment; I my supper.
are you doing
am finishing
1.will/shall do表示将来 
①She will come back next week.
②—Where is the telephone book
—I'll go and get it for you.
(1)will/shall do表示单纯的将来,是对未来事情发生的“预见性”。will用于各种人称,而shall一般用于 人称。
[对点练] (用所给词的适当形式填空)
①—Do you think Mom and Dad (be) late
—No, Swiss Air is usually on time.
②—Mr Wang is ill in hospital.
—Oh, I (go) to see him.
③I really don't know what I (do) next.
will be
will go
shall do
2.be going to do表示将来 
①Are you going to watch the football game this afternoon
②Look at the dark clouds! It's going to rain.
[会发现] be going to do表示打算、计划、安排或已经决定要做某事,还可表示根据某种迹象表明 发生的事。
[对点练] (完成句子)
—I basketball after school.
—Really I with you.
am going to play
will go
3.be to do表示将来 
You are to be back by 9 o'clock.
[会发现] be to do表示按计划中约定的或按职责、义务、要求必须去做的事或即将发生的动作。
[对点练] (完成句子)
①Tell her that she back late.
②The wedding next Sunday.
is not to be
is to take place
4.be about to do表示将来 
①You'd better fasten your seat belt.The plane is about to take off.
②She was about to leave when some guests came.
(1)be about to do意为“刚要做;正要做”,表示即将发生的动作,不与具体时间连用。
(2)be about to do ...when ...是固定句式,意为“正要做……,这时……”。
[对点练] (完成句子)
①I when he rushed out.
②I the telephone rang.
was about to come in
was about to lock the door when
①The bus leaves at 9:00 pm.
②I'll go camping if it is fine tomorrow.
[会发现] 一般现在时表示将来,表示按照日程表或时刻表的安排要发生的事,如火车(汽车)出发、船只离岸、飞机起飞等,或用于时间和 状语从句中。
[对点练] (用所给词的适当形式填空)
①New term (begin) on September 1st.
②She'll write to you as soon as she (get) there.
Ed:Jenny's had her baby.
Gail:Really That's wonderful! I 1. (send) her some flowers.
Ed:I 2. (visit) her this afternoon.I 3. ________(give) them to her for you if you want.
Gail:Thanks very much.Please give my regards to her.I 4. ____________________
_________________(leave) for London in three hours.
will send/am going to send
will visit/am going to visit/am visiting
will give
will leave/am going to
leave/am leaving
Ed:I will.Would you mind telling me when you 5. __________________________
Gail:I 6. (spend) the coming winter there.
Ed:Is there anybody who 7. (see) you off
Gail:My father 8. (go) with me to the airport.
Ed:Have a good trip.
will return/are going to
return/are returning
will spend/am going to spend/am spending
will see/is going to see/is seeing
will go/is going to go/is going
Listening and Speaking—听说·强化交际技能
1. 掌握通过听关键词获取关键信息的技能。
2. 了解现在进行时表示将来计划的语言结构。
3. 掌握关于旅行前准备的常用表达。
4. 复习辅音字母c、g、x及辅音字母组合的发音规律,并利用这些规律准确辨音,有效记忆单词。
1.castle n.         城堡;堡垒
2.apply vi.& vt. 申请;请求
vt. 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)
3.apply for 申请
4.visa n. 签证
5.rent vt. 租用;出租
vi. 租用;租金为
n. 租金
6.pack vi.& vt. 收拾(行李)
vt. 包装
n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包
7.amazing adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
8.amazed adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的
9.arrangement n. 安排;筹备
10.extremely adv. 极其;非常
1.Mary,I'm going to go travelling in Yunnan Province.Would you like to go there with me
2.I'm planning to pay a visit to the Great Wall with my parents tomorrow.
3.I'm leaving for Shanghai to visit Disneyland next week.
4.I would like to go to Shanghai by plane instead of by train.
5.I intend to go out for an outing to get close to nature with my family.
6.As spring is coming, I want to have a picnic at the weekend.
教材为基——课内听力4 遍过
Step 1 过词块(英汉互译)
1.       即将到来的假期
2. 租车
3. 旅行计划
4. 邀请我们去参观
5.drive around Europe _____________
6.take a few light sweaters ________________
7.other than ____
8.a Lijiang guidebook _____________
the coming holiday
rent a car
travel plans
invite us to visit
Step 2 过句式(完成句子)
1. for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
2. France and Germany.
3. my visa tomorrow.Once I get the visa, ________________
I'm travelling around Europe
I'm planning to visit
I am applying for
we'll book flight
tickets online
4.My parents Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang!
5.It during the day, but it at night.
6.I know the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain.
are taking me to
should be pleasant
might be cold
I'm definitely going to see
Step 3 过关键信息
Listen to the two conversations and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
Listening Part 1
1.Both Meilin and Paul want to travel around Europe. ( )
2.Meilin doesn't have a passport at present. ( )
3.Meilin's uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe! ( )
Listening Part 2
4.A friend of Paul's father's invited them to visit Lijiang. ( )
5.The weather in Lijiang is quite comfortable during the night. ( )
6.Paul has already decided which places to visit. ( )
Step 4 过文意理解
Listen to the whole conversation and complete the table below.
Travel Preparations
Meilin ·Get her ① _______
·Apply for her ② ____
·Book ③ online
·④ a car
Paul ·Take a few ⑤ and a coat
·Buy a ⑥ __________
flight tickets
light sweaters
①辅音字母c在a,o,u前读/k/,如:cap, capability, country, cube
②辅音字母c在i,e,y前读/s/,如:center, diligence, civil, cigar, city, cycle
①辅音字母g在单词中一般读/ɡ/,如:good, goat, glass, grandpa, bag
②辅音字母g在e,y前读/d /,如:geography, genie, apology
①读/ks/,如:fox, excuse, exercise
字母组合 读音 例词
ck /k/ quick, check, clock
ch /t / choose, chat, cheese
tch /t / fetch, match, patch
ph /f/ elephant, phrase, physics
sh / / cash, dish, brush
th /θ/ theatre, third, throat
/ / thus, although, therefore
wh /w/ while, whether, where
/h/ whole, whose, whom
ng / / thing, sing, swing
Qu /kw/ quiet, quit, queen
gu /ɡ/ guard, guide, guest
igh /aI/ light, fight, slight
kn /n/ knife, knock, knee
mb /m/ bomb, thumb, comb
wr /r/ wrong, wrap, wrinkle

[典例] (2020年全国卷听力第3题)
Q:What does the man do
A.He's a tailor.
B.He's a waiter.
C.He's a shop assistant.
M: Good morning, madam.What can I do for you
W: Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long.Can you make them shorter
M: Let me take a look.Okay, I can do it for 20 dollars.
[分析] 选A 由女士的询问中sleeves, long, make them shorter这些关键词可以判断出男士可能是个裁缝。
husband — wife   teacher — student
boss — employee waiter — customer
doctor — patient parents — kid
shop assistant — customer
如果考生善于捕捉听力材料中关于地点或场合(即语言环境)的关键词,也有助于判断听力材料的主题、对话双方之间的关系等。如果对话中出现 special price,那么对话很可能发生在商店;而通过treatment, cure等词可以判断出对话双方是医患关系。
[典例] (2021·全国乙卷听力第5题)
Q:Where are the speakers
A.At a canteen.  B.At a clinic.  C.At a bank.
M:Now, what seems to be the trouble, Mrs Stevens
W:I've been very dizzy lately. And last night, I had some chest pain.
M:Don't worry. Let me have a look.
[分析] 选B 由男士的询问“what seems to be the trouble”,女士的回答“I've been very dizzy lately.” 及男士的回答“Let me have a look.”等关键句可以判断出对话双方是医患关系,结合选项可知,对话发生在诊所。
(1)注意街道、房间、汽车等号码的习惯表达方法,如550读成five fifty或five five zero;电话号码则将数字逐个读出来。
(2)注意数字后缀的读音,如thirteen和thirty, eighteen和eighty等的区别。
(3)注意价格的习惯表达,如衬衫的价格为£19.95,应读成nineteen point ninety-five pounds,切不可读成nineteen ninety-five pounds。
(4)注意时间表达法,如1:58可读成two to two或one fifty-eight;2:02可读成two past two或two two。
(5)注意倍数意义的表达,如times, twice, couple, half, double, one third, quarter, percentage等。
[典例] (2020年全国卷听力第4题)
Q:When will the flight arrive
A.At 18:20.  B.At 18:35.  C.At 18:50.
W: Excuse me.Could you tell me what time Flight AF35 gets in
M: Well, it's due in at 6:20 pm, but the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay because of the bad weather.
[分析] 选C 首先根据题干中的关键词“when,arrive”可知这是一道考查飞机到达时间的试题,听时要仔细听关于具体时间的词语。再根据三个选项确定听的重点是分钟,因此听到6:20, a 30-minute delay后再结合问题就容易选出正确选项为C。
1.Which is not mentioned in the conversation
A.Deer. B.Lions. C.Elephants.
2.How will the woman go to New York
A.By car. B.By train. C.By airplane.
3.Why does the woman suggest visiting the zoo
A.Because it is the guide's advice.
B.Because it is not far from the museum.
C.Because there are some unique animals.
4.How much money does the man have left
A.15 dollars. B.50 dollars. C.150 dollars.
5.Where did the man spend the weekend
A.At his friend's house.
B.In his office.
C.On the beach.
6.What are the two speakers mainly talking about
A.Traffic improvements.
B.Travel packages.
C.Tourist sites.
7.How much does the six-day tour by train cost
A.500 yuan. B.650 yuan. C.850 yuan.
8.Which does the man prefer
A.A six-day tour by train.
B.A five-day flying journey.
C.It is not mentioned.
9.Where did the woman want to go last year
A.Italy. B.Sweden. C.France.
10.How much do sailing holidays start at
A.£300. B.£380. C.£450.
答案:1~5 ACCBC 6~10 BACBA
(Text 1)
W: Which place do you plan to visit during the coming holiday
M: The grasslands of Africa.
W: It is a wonderful place to visit.
M: Yeah.①They are home to many animals, such as lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes and so on.
(Text 2)
M: I hear you are going to drive to New York this weekend.
W: Oh, I've changed my mind.
M: What
W: ②I think flying will be more comfortable.
(Text 3)
W: So, what do you want to do tomorrow
M: Well, let's look at this city guide here.Uh, here's something interesting.Why don't we first visit the Art Museum in the morning
W: Okay.I like that idea.Where shall we go for lunch
M: How about going to an Indian restaurant The guide recommends one not far from the museum.
W: That sounds great.After that, ③what do you think about visiting the zoo Well, it says there are some unique animals not found anywhere else.
M: Good idea.
(Text 4)
W: Why not go shopping
M: I don't think that's a good idea.We only have a few traveler's checks left.④And I only have fifty dollars left in cash to pay.
(Text 5)
W: Hi, Mike.Look like you've got some sun.
M: I guess so.⑤I spent the weekend on the beach.
W: Really That sounds exciting.
(Text 6)
W: ⑥We arrange two kinds of tourist programs for Suzhou: a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey.
M: ⑦How much does the six-day tour by train cost
W: ⑦Five hundred yuan.
M: Does that include hotels and meals
W: Oh, yes, and admission tickets for places of interest as well.
M: That sounds reasonable.What about the five-day flying journey How much is that
W: Eight hundred and fifty yuan.
M: Covering all expenses
W: Yes.But there is no half fare for children.They must pay full fare.
(Text 7)
M: Hello, can I help you
W: Yes, I'd like to go on a sailing holiday this summer in Italy.
M: Have you been sailing before
W: No.⑨I wanted to go to Sweden last year, but I didn't have enough money.
M: Well, it is quite expensive.⑩Sailing holidays start at about £300.
W: Yes, my friends went in August last year.They paid £450 each.The most I can pay is £380.
M: Well, that should be enough.Would you like to be by the sea or lake
W: Well, I'd prefer a lake in the mountains.
M: OK.The Aqua Centre in north Italy will be best for you.That costs £370.
W: OK.Can I pay by credit card I haven't got my cheque book.
M: Yes, that's fine.
Listen to Text 7 again and fill in the following blanks.
The kind of the trip ①_______________
When to go ② ____________
Where to go ③ _____
The woman's preference ④_____________________
The cost of the trip ⑤___________
How to pay for her trip ⑥_____________
a sailing holiday
this summer
a lake in the mountains
370 pounds
by credit card
Mary:Hi, Susan! The summer holiday is coming.What are you going to do this summer
Susan:Hi, Mary! 1. (我打算去参观一个叫周庄的地方).
Mary:So will you go there alone
Susan:No, my sister will go with me.2. (她喜欢那样传统的地方).
Mary:I hear that the town is a popular tourist attraction.3. __________________
I plan to pay a visit to a place named Zhouzhuang
She is fond of such traditional places
I suggest you book a
hotel in advance
Susan:It's a good idea! 4. (谢谢你提醒我)!
Mary:You're welcome!
Susan:What about you Where are you going
Mary:I'm going to Tibet, for 5. (我想看看那里一些可爱的动物).
Susan:Have a good time!
Mary:Thank you!
Thank you for reminding me
I'd like to see some lovely animals there
1.apply for a visa
★apply vi.& vt.申请;请求vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中apply的含义)
①I'm writing to applying for the position. _____
②It is very important for us to apply theory to practice. _____
③Please clean the wound with a clean cloth and then apply the medicine to it.

归纳点拨 (1)apply for        申请
apply to do sth. 申请做某事;要求做某事
apply ...to ... 把……应用到……
apply one's mind/oneself to  致力于;专心于
(2)application n. 应用;用途;申请(书)
applicant n. 申请人
④Jack has applied (join) the Chinese nationality.
⑤Over the past few months,he has applied himself to (improve) the technique.
⑥I'd appreciate it if you could help me fill in the (apply) form for a new passport.
⑦I'm writing as a student volunteer.
to join
to apply for the position
2.pack some clothes
★pack vi.& vt.收拾(行李);塞满;挤满vt.包装n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包
①She packed up her books and left the library.
②The bus was packed with tourists.
③Mary took a pack of cards from the drawer and we all sat down to play.
归纳点拨 (1)pack up      把……打包;收拾(行李)
be packed with 挤满
(2)a pack of 一盒
④When I got home, I packed my luggage for the trip.
⑤The girl went to the supermarket and bought a pack gums.
⑥Despite heavy rain showers, the square was crowded with fans.
was packed with
3.Why famous: amazing waterfalls, colourful lakes, beautiful mountains
★amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的
①(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷)The amazing thing about the spring is that the colder the temperature gets, the hotter the spring!
②Believe it or not, what he said amazed me.
③Many countries are amazed at Chinese performance in the epidemic.
(1)amaze vt.         使吃惊;使惊奇
(2)amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊奇的;惊喜的
be amazed at/by 对……大为吃惊
(3)amazement n. 惊奇
[联想发散] 分词形式的表示“惊奇或惊讶的”形容词主要有:
①amazing  令人惊奇的  amazed  感到惊奇的
②surprising 令人惊讶的 surprised 感到惊讶的
③astonishing 令人惊讶的 astonished 感到惊讶的
④Her eyes were wide in (amaze).
⑤Your ability to speak six languages (amaze) me.
⑥We were (amaze) at the extent of his knowledge.
⑦Thanks to your help, .
I have made amazing progress in English
4.Actually, I've just finished the travel arrangements!
★arrangement n.安排;筹备
①(以文化人助写作)The government has made full arrangements for the students to start school, which moved their parents.
②We have arranged to visit an exhibition this afternoon.
(1)make an arrangement/arrangements for  为……做安排
(2)arrange vt. 安排;筹备;整理
arrange to do sth. 安排做某事
arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事
③If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary (arrange).
④I have arranged my sister to meet you and keep you company.
⑤They the coming travel.
have made full arrangements for(共35张PPT)
Listening and Talking—听说·强化交际技能
1. 通过听一段电话预订机票的对话,熟悉电话预订的过程及需要了解的相关信息,学习相关电话用语。
2. 运用恰当表达,模拟电话预订机票、宾馆或餐馆座位等生活场景的交流。
1.hike vi.         徒步旅行
vt. 去……远足
n. 远足;徒步旅行
2.economy n. 经济;节约
3.economic adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的
4.credit n. 借款;信用;称赞;学分
5.credit card 信用卡
6.detail n. 细节;详情;细微之处
7.check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记
8.check out 结账离开(旅馆等)
9.request n. (正式或礼貌的)要求;请求
vt. (正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
10.view n. 视野;景色;看法
1.How can I help you?/What can I help you
2.May I ask how you would like to pay
3.Which do you prefer
4.May I have your name, sir
5.What kind of room would you like
6.When are you checking in and checking out
教材为基——课内听力4 遍过
Step 1 过词块(英汉互译)
1.         一张机票
2.business/economy class ______________
3.a return flight _________
4.credit card _______
a plane ticket
Step 2 过句式(完成句子)
1. from London to Paris.
2. one in the morning at 9:30 and the other in the afternoon at 5:00.
3.Would you like to or economy
I'd like to buy a plane ticket
There are two flights that day:
travel business class
Step 3 过关键信息
Listen to the conversation and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
1.The man would fly from Paris to London. ( )
2.The man planned to travel on the 23rd of December. ( )
3.The man preferred travel economy class on the 9:30 flight. ( )
4.The man was going back by train. ( )
5.The man would book a return flight this time. ( )
Step 4 过文意理解
Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.
Information about the reservation
Destination From London to ① .
Date of departure On the ② of December
Flight information The ③ flight with ④ _______ lass
1.What did the man not do last weekend
A.Going swimming.
B.Going fishing.
C.Playing volleyball.
2.When will the man fly to Helsinki
A.25th.     B.13rd.      C.23rd.
3.Where did Sue spend the night in the country
A.In a farmhouse. B.In the open. C.In a hotel.
4.What was the weather like during the trip
A.There was a lot of sunshine.
B.It rained nearly every day.
C.It snowed a lot.
5.Where has Jack been to
A.Yunnan. B.Qinghai. C.Tibet.
6.What does the man think of the woman's plane tickets
A.She booked too late.
B.She booked too early.
C.She booked at the right moment.
7.Who did the woman spend time with at the end of the trip
A.Her parents.
B.Her old relatives.
C.Her friends.
8.Why did the woman reserve the Sky Palace for the man
A.It offers good service.
B.Barcelona Hotel has been fully booked.
C.It is near the company he'll visit.
9.What does the man want the woman to do
A.Fetch the tickets today.
B.Get the hotel's phone number.
C.Drive him to the travel agency.
10.What is the man's final destination
A.Brussels. B.London. C.Barcelona.
答案:1~5 ACBAC 6~10 BACBB
(Text 1)
W: How about your trip at the beach last weekend
M: I played some volleyball.I never realized how hard it is to run on sand.
W: It must be cool.①Did you go swimming
M: ①I intended to.But the water wasn't warm enough.So I just went fishing.
W: All sounds so relaxing.
(Text 2)
W: Freedom Travel.Can I help you
M: ②I'd like to make a reservation for 23rd.
W: What is your destination
M: ②Well, I'd like to fly to Helsinki, Finland.I'd like the cheapest flight available.
W: Okay.Let me check what flights are available.There is one flight heading out then for $980.Will that be OK for you
M: All right.I'll take it.
(Text 3)
M: Morning, Sue.Did you enjoy your holiday in the country
W: Yes, thanks.We had a great time.And some friends went with us.
M: ③Where did you stay In a hotel
W: No.③We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon.We cooked all our meals over an open fire.
M: Sounds wonderful.
(Text 4)
M: ④Was the weather good during your trip
W: ④The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain at all.
M: Did you like the people there
W: Yes, they were great.We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.
(Text 5)
W: Jack, you are back.How about your trip
M: It's really nice.
W: ⑤Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your experience in Tibet
M: Certainly not.
(Text 6)
M: How was your trip back to your hometown
W: Great, except for the flights.On the way there, I stopped in Munich and had to wait six hours for my flight.On the way back I stopped in Zurich and waited for hours.
M: That doesn't make sense.It shouldn't take that long to get to Lisbon from Beijing.
W: You're right, but that is the cheapest flight I could get.⑥I bought these tickets three months ago.
M: ⑥That's too early! My brother says you should always buy your ticket 40 to 50 days before your flight leaves.
W: That might work normally, but not around our National Day.If you book too late, your ticket will be much more expensive.
M: So what did you do while you were there
W: First, I visited some of my old relatives in the small villages, and we exchanged gifts.Then I spent several days in the city with my friends.⑦The last few days I returned home to stay with my mom and dad.
M: Sounds like fun.
(Text 7)
M: Now, where am I staying in Barcelona
W: ⑧I've booked you out in the Sky Palace, just at the airport terminal.
M: Sky Palace Wasn't it possible to get me into Barcelona Hotel as usual
W: Well, Barcelona Hotel would have involved much more traveling for you.⑧The company you're visiting is located near the airport.
M: Oh, I see.Yes, fine.⑨Have you got the hotel's phone number
W: ⑨Oh, no, but I'll get it for you from the travel agency.And at the next stop, you've been booked into the Larval Hotel in Brussels.
M: The Larval I've already stayed there twice and found it rather depressing.Is it possible to change the hotel
W: Of course.I will do my best.⑩Oh, the last stop, London.
M: OK.When everything is settled, I will ask my wife to meet me at the Heathrow Airport.Is there anything else
W: If possible, I will ask them to send the tickets up before we close today.That's all in order now.
Listen to Text 7 again and then fill in the blanks in the following table.
Question Answer
Where am I ①__________ Barcelona? I've ② in the Sky Palace, just at the airport terminal.
Wasn't it possible to get me into Barcelona Hotel ③ ? The company you're visiting
④ the airport.
Have you got the hotel's ⑤ ? Oh, no, but I'll get it for you from
⑥ .
staying in
booked you out
as usual
is located near
phone number
the travel agency
I've already stayed there twice and found it rather depressing.Is it possible to ⑦ ? Of course.I will ⑧ .
OK.When everything is settled, I will ⑨ to meet me at the Heathrow Airport.Is there anything else? If possible, I will ask them to
⑩ before we close today.That‘s all in order now.
change the hotel
do my best
ask my wife
send the tickets up
A newspaper reporter is interviewing Wang Hua about her plans for the trip along the Mekong River.Please complete their conversation.
R: Miss Wang,I hear that you are travelling along the Mekong River.Have you got everything ready
W: Almost.
R: 1. (你什么时间离开呢)
W: Next Sunday.
R: How far are you cycling each day
When are you leaving
W: It's hard to say.2. ____________________________________________________
R: What about the weather in Qinghai Province
W: The weather forecast is not good, 3. _____________________________________
R: Where are you staying at night
W: 4. (通常在我们的帐篷里,但有时在河边的村庄里).
R: What happens if you have an accident
If the weather is fine, I think we'll be able to ride 75km a day
so we are taking a large parcel of warm
clothes with us
Usually in our tent,but sometimes in the villages along the river bank
W: Don't worry.I had some medical training at my college.Besides,we are taking out insurance to cover any problems.
R: Well, it sounds fun.5. (祝你旅途愉快).Thank you for your time.
W: You are welcome!
I hope you will have a pleasant journey
1.Special requests特殊要求
★request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
①He is going to come to China for a visit at the request of his friend next month.
②She made a request for some detailed information about western civilization.
③All teachers and students are requested to meet in the Lecture Hall at 2:30 pm.
(1)at sb.'s request=at the request of sb. 应某人的请求/要求
make a request for sth./that ... 请求……;要求……
(2)request sth.from/of sb. 向某人要求某物
request sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事
It is requested that sb.(should) do sth. 要求某人做某事
④You are requested not (smoke) in the theatre.
⑤At the request some English learners, he has published a lot of books.
⑥ (把④句变为复合句)
to smoke
It is requested that you (should) not smoke in the theatre.
2.a view 一处景色
★view n.视野;景色;看法;观点vt.观看;注视;欣赏
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中view的含义)
①In my view, cheating in exams is such a bad habit that causes harm to students.
②I suddenly felt so clear-minded when the wide sea came into view. ______
③Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view of the hill.
④I got an opportunity to view the movie before it was released. ______
have/get a good view of     清楚地看到;饱览
in one's view 在某人看来
in view of 鉴于;考虑到
out of view 看不见;在视野之外
come into view 进入视野;看见
⑤When the old man opened the window, a stranger with a high hat came _____ view.
⑥ my view, it is a waste of time.
⑦ view of the shortage of time, each person may only speak for five minutes.
⑧On the top of Mount Tai, .
you can have/get a good view of the beautiful sunrise(共8张PPT)
Opening Page—开篇·把握单元目标   
听 能听懂人们用英语讨论旅行计划,提高辅音字母组合的发音听辨能力。
说 能够通过打电话预订、安排旅行中的吃、住、行等事宜。
读 阅读介绍性文本和旅游宣传册,辨别两者的文体特征及语言特点,有效获取信息;掌握电子邮件说明旅行计划的文体结构;熟悉旅行日程的文体结构,能够快速获取信息。
写 能够写一封陈述自己旅行计划的电子邮件。
看 通过相关视频和图片进一步欣赏世界文化遗产的壮观与独特;学会用辩证的方法来思考旅游发展带来的问题。
教材名言 Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. —Francis Bacon
深意解读 开篇页的引言选自英国哲学家、政治家和英语语言大师弗朗西斯·培根(1561-1626)的作品“Of Travel”。此引言表达了培根对旅行意义的理解。这句话中文可以译为:“旅行,于年轻人而言,是教育的一部分;于年长者而言,则是一种经历。”
文化微语 在文艺复兴时期,欧洲很多年轻贵族把旅行当作教育的一部分。我国明代书画家董其昌在《画禅室随笔 卷二》中提出了“读万卷书,行万里路”。时至今日,这些与旅行有关的名言仍有深刻的教育意义。对学生来说,旅行不仅是一种娱乐方式,更是一种教育。学生们通过旅行可以开阔视野,启迪心智,历练精神和意志。
1.One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero. —Mao Zedong
不到长城非好汉。 ——毛泽东
2.Travel for me, is the source of the recovery of youth. —Andersen
旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。 ——安徒生
3.I love to travel, but hate to arrive. —Albert Einstein
我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢到达目的地。 ——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
4.Reading is the stillness of the tourism.Tourism is the mobile reading.
5.The world is a book, but those who do not travel read only one page.
Reading and Thinking—读思·发展思维品质
1. 掌握本课时的重点单词、短语及句型的用法。
2. 能够通过观看视频和阅读百科节选,获取秘鲁相关信息,形成对秘鲁的整体认识。
3. 能够阅读介绍性文本和旅游宣传册,辨别两者的文体特征及语言特点,有效获取信息。
4. 通过小组合作、同伴讨论、个人思考,分享对秘鲁的总体认知和感受,举例说明并解释为什么。
1.source n.       来源;出处
2.flat adj. 平坦的;扁平的
n. 公寓;单元房
3.empire n. 帝国
4.emperor n. 皇帝
5.flight n. 空中航行;航班;航程
6.brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册
7.package n. 包裹;包装盒
vt. 将……包装好
8.civilisation n. 文明;文明世界
9.transport n. 交通运输系统
vt. 运输;运送
1. n.        地点;位置;现场
2. adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的
n. 官员;要员
3. n. 类型;种类
vi.& vt. 打字
4. adj. 唯一的;独特的;特有的
5. n. 小路;路线;道路
6. n. 目的地;终点
7. vt. 联络;联系
n. 联系;接触
8. n. 士兵;军人
1. adj.狭窄的vi.& vt.(使)变窄→narrowly adv.勉强地;狭窄地;严密地
2. adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→power n.能力;力量;权力→powerless adj.无力的;没有能力的;无权力的
3. vt.辨别出;承认;认可→recognition n.认出;承认
4. n.住处;停留处;膳宿→accommodate vt.提供住宿
5. vt.钦佩;赞赏→admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的→admiration n.钦佩;赞赏
6. n.建筑设计;建筑学→ n.建筑设计师
1.        控制;接管
2. 浏览
3. 对……感到惊讶
4. 除……以外
5. 因为
take control of
look through
be amazed by
other than
because of
6. 在……的历史上
7. 构成;形成
8. 在16世纪
9. 因为这个原因
10. 包价旅游
in the history of
make up
in the 16th century
for this reason
package tour
悟原句 It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.(It is ...that ...为强调句型)
写佳句 help us understand science better.
It is these science books that
悟原句 Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building.(表语放于句首的倒装句)
写佳句 with a lot of teaching experience.
Attending the meeting are teachers
悟原句 Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.(so that引导结果状语从句,意为“以至于;结果”)
写佳句 He set off early .
so that he caught the first bus
第一遍 泛读通文意 
Text 1
PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest.
In the 1400s and 1500s, Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire.The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.
Text 2
Amazon Rainforest Tour
A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest.From there, you'll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest.You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.
Machu Picchu Tour
This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu.After reaching your destination, you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building.Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.
Cusco Tour
Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.
Text 1
句  现在分词短语作后置定语。
句  It is for this reason that ...为强调句型。    
Text 2
句  spend time (in) doing sth.“花时间做某事”。    
句  Especially amazing is ...为完全倒装句。
句  so that引导结果状语从句。    
句  the capital of the Inca Empire作Cusco的同位语。
句  该句5个谓语动词并列,最后用and连接。    
句  as 引导时间状语从句。
句  connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca为现在分词短语作后置定语。    
第二遍 精读提素养 
1.What's the main idea of Text 1
A.Introducing the Pacific coast.
B.Introducing the geographical location, the history and the official language of Peru.
C.Introducing the ancient Inca Empire.
D.Introducing the Andes Mountains.
2.Find out the main idea of each paragraph in Text 1.
Para.1 A.Introducing the history and the main official language of Peru.
Para.2 B.Introducing the geographical location and the geography overview
of Peru.
答案:Para.1-B Para.2-A
3.What is the author's intention of writing Text 2
A.To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru.
B.To tell people to travel as often as possible.
C.To encourage people to do outdoor activities.
D.To help people learn more about Peru.
4.Find out the main idea of each paragraph in Text 2.
Para.1 A.The four-day Machu Picchu Tour.
Para.2 B.The four-day Lake Titicaca Tour.
Para.3 C.Encourage people to travel to Peru.
Para.4 D.The four-day Cusco Tour.
Para.5 E.A brief introduction about Amazon Rainforest Tour.
Para.6 F.How to get more brochures about other package tours around Peru.
答案:Paras.1~6 EADBCF
阅读Text 1,完成下列题目
(1)Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false. ( )
①Peru is located on the Pacific coast of South America. ( )
②Peru can be divided into two main areas. ( )
(2)Why is the main official language of Peru Spanish
A.Because the Inca emperor lived in Peru.
B.Because Spain controlled Peru for a long time.
C.Because Peru was the centre of the ancient Spain.
D.Because people were forced to speak Spanish.
第一段第一句:PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest.该句是一个结构复杂的简单句,准确地介绍了秘鲁的地理位置。
China is a country with climate _______________
如第二段中的“In the 1400s and 1500s”“in the 16th”“until 1821”等。
located in the east of Asia
varying from
place to place
阅读Text 2,完成下列题目
(1)The word “fit” in Machu Picchu Tour probably means “ ”.
A.a short period of time when someone stops being conscious
B.the way that something is suitable for a particular person, space etc.
C.a very strong emotion that you cannot control
D.to have enough space for people or things
(2)What can we learn from Machu Picchu Tour
A.Visitors will walk through the Andes Mountains before reaching Machu Picchu.
B.Machu Picchu is a modern city, which is very amazing.
C.It will take visitors four days to explore the city of Machu Picchu.
D.The Andes Mountains run through the centre of the city.
(3)Which of the following is NOT true about Cusco Tour according to the text
A.Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century.
B.At Cusco you will enjoy the unique American and local Indian culture.
C.You can pay a visit to the museums there.
D.It will take you four days to travel there.
(4)How long does it take to drive to Lake Titicaca from Cusco
A.30 minutes.      B.90 minutes.
C.A day. D.Two days.
(5)The attraction of Lake Titicaca Tour lies in the fact that .
A.visitors can enjoy the beautiful view
B.visitors are required to drive for a day
C.visitors can get to know a local Uros family
D.both of the island and the Uros homes are made of water plants from the
(6)Where does this text probably come from
A.An agricultural magazine.
B.A medical journey.
C.An engineering textbook.
D.A tourist brochure.
Text 2第22~23行中的Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building.是完全倒装句,把作表语的形容词提前,起到了突出和强调的作用。
[微点写作] (请把下面的句子改为倒装句)
The weather report is very important in the peasants' life.
→ ___________________________________________________
Very important in the peasants' life is the weather report.
Text 2第31~33行中的Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets.是一个多谓语动词并列的句子,作者采用这一形式主要为了告诉读者在此地(Cusco)的活动内容比较丰富,可选择性比较强。
[微点写作] (请尝试翻译下面的句子)
On Saturday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, bought some
bananas and visited her cousin.
本文最突出的一个写作手法就是在介绍每个旅游景点时均按时间顺序写作。Text 2第一段句子中表示时间顺序的A short flight from Cusco takes you ...you'll spend one day ...then ...。Text 2第二段中的After reaching your destination ...等,这种手法使文章结构清晰,富于层次感。
[微点写作] (请根据汉语提示完成下面的短文)
Today I showed some foreign friends around our city.We started off by car from the Friendship Hotel at 8:10 am.We ① (首先去了中山公园).We were all struck by its beautiful flowers on show.② ____________
_______________________(然后我们参观了市博物馆).We saw plenty of valuable things, from which we learned more about the city.③ __________________________
________(之后我们开车去了金山寺).It is a beautiful place of interest in our city, and from there we enjoyed the wonderful scenery of the sea.We had a delicious lunch at the Seafood Restaurant and came back at 1:20 pm.
All the foreign friends were pleased with my arrangements.We did have a wonderful time today.
first went to Zhongshan Park
Then we
visited the city museum
After that we drove to Jinshan
本文的主题是人与自然,涉及的主题主要是国家地理概况和旅行。Text 2第一段最后一句You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.说明了亚马孙热带雨林的独特及对其探险旅游。探险是对人类探求未知世界的原始冲动的继承与发扬,它不仅富有刺激性,更能证明生命的价值。青少年在求知的道路上也要勇于探索,去发现未知的秘密,以此来丰富我们的生活阅历、增长见识。
①A person, want to good, you have to accept the challenge.
②Life full of challenges is the real life, and the process of challenges is the most wonderful part of life.
③If you don't take bold risks in life, you will get nothing.
第一板块 单词和短语——点点清
1.Recognise text type
★recognise (recognize) vt.辨别出;承认;认可
①The Mona Lisa is widely recognised as/to be one of the most famous paintings in the history of art.
②He didn't recognise that he had made a big mistake.
③(以文化人助写作)It is widely recognized that beauty lies not only in appearance but also in heart.
归纳点拨 (1)recognise ...as/to be ... 承认……是……
recognise+that从句 承认……;意识到……
It is recognised that ... 人们认识到……
(2)recognition n. 认识,认出;承认
I know Tom, but yesterday when I came across him, I didn't recognise him because he was wearing sunglasses.
④Alexander tried to get his work (recognise) in the medical circles.
⑤I went back to my hometown after 20 years and the city had changed beyond all
⑥ nothing is more important than green hills and clean water.
2.Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones.
It is recognised that
★other than除……以外
①(以文化人助写作)Other than providing medical equipment, China has sent experts to help other countries fight the epidemic, which has been praised by the world.
归纳点拨 rather than       与其;不愿;而不是
more than 多于;不仅仅;非常
less than 少于
联想发散 表示“除……之外”的词语还有:except, besides, except for, aside from等。
[应用融会] 选词填空(other than/rather than/more than)
②She is a teacher to us; she is our friend.
③Facing up to your problems running away from them is the best approach to working things out.
④The form cannot be signed by anyone yourself.
more than
rather than
other than
3.For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfo@travelperu.org.
★contact vt.联络;联系n.联系;接触
①You'd better make contact with him as soon as possible.
②Beyond a certain distance we are out of contact with our headquarters.
③Have you kept in contact with our classmates after graduation I have lost contact with most of them.
make contact with=get in/into contact with   与……取得联系
lose contact with 与……失去联系
keep in contact with 与……保持联系
be in/out of contact with 与……有/没有联系
④They lost contact the emergency department.
⑤I have been out contact with her for three years.
⑥I do hope that .
we can keep in contact with each other
4.These Inca roads were made up of two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains east to west.
★make up形成;构成;组成;编造;弥补;化妆;(与某人)和好
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中make up的含义)
①Twelve girls make up the performance team. ___________
②He made up a wonderful story to explain his absence. ___________
③Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while. ___________
④Now many girls like to make up when they are still quite young. ___________
⑤Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow? __________
make up for        弥补;补偿
be made up of 由……组成/构成
make out 辨认出;理解,明白
make it 成功
[应用融会] (用make短语完成下面语段)
⑥Our factory fifty women workers.Some of them like_________
so much that they are often late for work.When questioned by the boss, they usually some excuses for it.However, all the workers hold the belief that as long as you work hard you'll one day.
is made up of
making up
make up
make it
第二板块 句式和语法——句句通
1.It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.
本句中It is ...that ...是一个强调句型,此处强调了原因状语for this reason。强调句型的常用形式:
(1)陈述句形式:It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分。
(2)一般疑问句形式:Is/Was it+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分?
(3)特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+其他成分?
(4)not until的强调句式:It is/was not until ...that+其他成分。  
[应用融会] (完成句子/句型转换)
① I firmly believe that I will adapt to the college life as soon as possible.
② because Jack came late for school Mr Smith got angry
③ made his parents so happy
It is with your generous help that
Was it
What was it that
④She didn't mention her own plan until near the end of the letter.
→ _________________________________________________________________
[名师点津] “It's ...that ...”强调句型的注意事项:
(2)强调主语且指人时that 可换成who;
(3)去掉It is/was和that/who后句子结构仍完整。
It was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan.
2.Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone method of building.
本句是完全倒装句,表语especially amazing前置。
(4)out, in, down, up, away, here, now, then, there等表示方位、地点和时间的副词置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。   
[应用融会] (完成句子)
①Buried in the sands .
②Into the dark apartment ,who was quite surprised when everyone shouted Happy Birthday.
③ , which you are welcome to visit whenever at your convenience.
was an ancient village
walked my friend
Such is our lively citys
1.It is illegal for a public (官员) to ask people for gifts or money in exchange for favors to them.
2.Every child is (独特的) in the eyes of his/her parents.
3.The school is widely (赞赏) for its excellent teaching.
4.It is typical of her to (使变窄) her eyes because she has a short sight.
5.There are so many (类型) of dictionaries to choose from in this bookshop that I can't decide which to buy.
6.Having overcome many difficulties, we reached the (目的地) at last.
7.As we know, books are the (来源) of knowledge.I benefit a great deal from reading.
8.The advertisement didn't make it clear whether the (膳宿) would be provided.
1.It contains a (power) drug which affects mosquitoes (蚊子).
2.—How do you like our city
—It has changed beyond all (recognise) in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.
3.How can I get contact with you while you are away
4.Top scientists and building experts from all over the country were invited to work out how to protect historic (site) in Beijing.
5.I have always had the greatest (admire) for him.
6.The fire is burning, but soon it is control.
7.The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the north the coast.
8.To catch the early (fly), we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.
1.The new technology was applied to farming. _________
2.We passed a group of walkers carrying huge packs. _________
3.There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. _________
4.After a long walk, we found a large flat rock to sit on. _________

apply for
packed up
Because of
4.We are going to hutongs of Beijing.Would you like to join us
5.The old man was an interesting story to catch the children's attention.
6.Students are encouraged to their own learning, rather than just depending on the teachers.
get around
making up
take control of
1. the football match was put off.
2.He spent most of his spare time .
3.He worked hard at his lessons, in the exams.
It was because of the bad weather that
playing football
so that he gained high grades
4.You will become wiser .
5.Northeast of the province ,where the famous writer was born.
6.We a hard-working and honest person.
as you grow older
lies a small village
recognise him to be/as
During Amazon rainforest tour, you will 1. (take) by a short flight from Cusco from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest.It will take you one day to reach your 2. (accommodate) in the center of the forest.You can explore the rainforest and enjoy the plants and animals 3. the help of a local guide in the following three days.
Machu Picchu tour is a four-day walking tour, 4. will take you on amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu.When 5. (reach) your destination, you can explore this ancient city and you will 6. (amaze) by this ancient city, 7. _________(especial) the Incas' dry stone method of building.
be taken
be amazed
At Cusco, 8. capital of the Inca Empire in the past, you will experience the unique Spanish and local Indian culture, including 9. (visit) the museums, admiring the architecture, enjoying the excellent local food and going shopping at the local markets.
During the Lake Titicaca tour, first you should drive along the new highway 10. (connect) Cusco to Lake Titicaca.Then, you'll be taken to live with a local Uros family on an island by a boat.
Reading for Writing—读写·体现学以致用
1. n.         景象;视野;视力
2. n. 雕塑;雕像
3. n. 坟墓
4. vt. 挖掘;发掘
5. n. 议论;评论
vi.&vt. 发表意见;评论
6. 迫不及待地做某事
7. 在现代
8. 盼望
9. 立刻;马上
10. 收到……的来信
can't wait to do sth.
in modern times
look forward to
right away
hear from
1.It's amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.
那里有8 000多座俑像,直到20世纪70年代才为人所知,想想这一切,真是非常神奇。
2.Each statue has a different face, leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier.
1.take advantage of        利用
2.as follows 如下
3.take a tour 游览
4.set out/off 出发
5.leave for 动身去(某地)
6.enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景
7.a seven-day trip 七日游
8.together with 和……一起
9.around the corner 即将来临
10.take a bus 乘公共汽车
1.This month, I will travel to Changsha and Zhangjiajie with my two friends, which is supposed to be a seven-day trip.
2.I'm planning to travel to Suzhou, a city called Eastern Venice.
3.I will stay there for about three days.
4.We are going to climb the hill, have a picnic and go camping in the canyon.
5.Travelers can benefit a lot through traveling.Not only does it cultivate our tastes and increase our knowledge, but dealing with all kinds of people during the journey helps us improve our interpersonal skills.
1.After studying the map, we figured out that our car was parked over three kilometers away.
2.She offered us a ride back to our car, which we accepted gladly.
3.The next moment witnessed our happy time when we shared most of our travelling stories.
4.I lay on the grass under the vast starry sky, enjoying the beautiful scenery and pleasant sounds from nature.
5.Whenever we got into trouble, the travelers or the passers-by would extend their helping hand to us.
6.Perhaps the days ahead wouldn't be so bad and I could have a wonderful and unforgettable journey.
写作项目——Write to a friend about a travel plan
1.第一段使用了amazing和unbelievable,说明兵马俑规模宏大,令人称奇。短语can't wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,描述了作者想去旅行的迫切心情。 第二段使用了短语look forward to,描述了作者和父亲对参观陕西历史博物馆的期待。
2.第一段运用了不定式短语作目的状语(to see the Terracotta Army),宾语从句(I've heard that ...),it作形式主语而that从句为真正的主语(It's amazing that ...)以及not ...until句型(no one in modern times ...until the 1970s),这些高级句式的运用突出了兵马俑的令人向往之处,也彰显了作者较强的语言功底。第二段使用了because引导的原因状语从句(because my dad loves history ...)以及that引导的宾语从句(I have heard that this museum ...),写出了作者和父亲打算参观陕西历史博物馆的原因。
[微点写作] (单句语法填空/完成句子)
①If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of (amaze) depth and variety.
②Believe in yourself and work harder than others.Then you can do ____________
(believe) things.
③We'll start early (arrive) in time.
④Mary after such a long and tiring journey.
to arrive
couldn't wait to get home
⑤We we've known all the circumstances.
⑥The Yangtze River is worth visiting and it's said to be the source of Chinese civilization.
⑦Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. .
can't take measures until
because it's the longest river in China
Looking forward to your early reply
Dear Lucy,
I'm glad to receive your letter.In your letter, you mentioned that we Chinese prefer red but you are at a loss about when to use it.Here, I will tell you something about it.
Yes, we do like red, ① red stands for happiness and good fortune in our culture.Therefore, you can see people wear red clothes and hang red lanterns in the Spring Festival.② the senior citizens even give their grandchildren some lucky money in red envelopes.Besides, young couples ③ ____dress red on their traditional weddings.
④ ,be sure to avoid wearing red clothes during some sad events, ⑤
________ding funerals and visiting some patients.If you do so, it is really rude.I hope my explanations will be of use for you.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
such as
1.第三段中短语right away的使用表达出了作者一家人去观光的急切心情。
2.第三、四段运用了现在进行时表示将来的计划与安排(We're taking the train ..., We're arriving at 9:30 a.m. ...),现在分词短语作状语(leaving the day before ...),宾语从句(I hope we sleep well ..., I guess that's all ...)以及不定式作宾语(Hope to hear from you soon.)。这些高级句式的运用写出了作者打算乘坐的交通工具、出发及到达时间以及盼望尽快收到来信等细节。
[微点写作] (单句语法填空/完成句子)
①You are so kind and considerate that we hope (be) friends with you no matter where you are.
②I (leave) tomorrow.Are you staying here till next week
③One evening Harry phoned me, (ask) me to come to his flat as soon as possible.
④The Chinese people hope .
⑤Imagine your home begins to shake and you .
to be
am leaving
that the world is at peace forever
must leave it right away
① ,helping each other is an important part of our life.We can gain more from helping others.② ,we can strengthen our friendship when we help our classmates.We can feel happy when we help old people.③ _____we can take great pleasure when we help patients in hospital.
④ ,helping others can promote us.⑤ I'm ready to help others in need, and I strongly believe that it will be of great use to build a peaceful and wonderful world.Let's take action to achieve the good wishes.
Thank you for your listening.
As we all know
For example
In a word
Dear Li Hua,
How is everything going As the winter holiday is coming, ①______________
_____________________________________(我和我的家人要到上海旅行三天).Here are my plans.
We ② (从醴陵去上海) by the high speed railway at around 2:00 pm on January 21st.Upon arriving in Shanghai, we ③ ______________________(将入住酒店) for a good rest first.On the second day, we will visit Shanghai Science and Technology Museum in the morning.Besides, we will climb the Oriental Pearl Tower in the afternoon,
I will have a
three-day trip to Shanghai with my family
are leaving Liling for Shanghai
will check in at the hotel
from which we ④ (可以欣赏到上海的全景).On January 23rd, we will take the high speed railway back to Liling.
⑤ (你寒假计划怎么样) I am looking forward to your reply.
Wang Ming
will enjoy the whole view of Shanghai
How about the plan for your winter holiday
1.I've heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can't wait to go.
★sight n.景象;视野;视力
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中sight的含义)
①Playing computer games for a long time has a bad effect on our sight. ______
②The boat disappeared from sight. ______
③It's an amazing sight as so many pigeons fly into the air at the same time. _____
lose one's sight       失明
catch sight of 看见
at the sight of 一看见……(就)
at first sight 乍一看
lose sight of 看不见;忽略
④When I was walking in the street, I caught sight my boss.
⑤The baby cried the sight of his mother.
⑥The theory is not as simple as you might think .
at first sight
2.Revise your draft according to your partner's comments.
★comment n.议论;评论vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
①(以文化人助写作)It is impolite to make comments on others' looks.
②I don't think I can comment on their decision.
[应用融会] (一句多译)
③He is an outspoken man and prefers to _________________________________
around him.
④He is an outspoken man and prefers to around him.
make comments/a comment about/on ... 对……发表评论
comment on ... 对……发表评论
make comments on/about the things
comment on the things
3.It's amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.
那里有8 000多座俑像,直到20世纪70年代才为人所知,想想这一切,真是非常神奇。
It be+adj.+that从句, it为形式主语, that从句为真正的主语。it作形式主语的常用句式:
(1)It be+形容词(obvious, possible, strange, natural, important, amazing ...)+that从句。
(2)It be+名词短语(a pity, a fact, an honour, no wonder ...)+that从句。
①It is important that everyone (should) learn to get along well with others in a new environment.
②It is obvious that you have made a mistake.
[应用融会] (完成句子)
③ my little son should have got used to a new environment.
④ you missed such a good chance.
It is surprising that
It is a pity that
1.Explore your life and (发掘) all of the things that bring you joy.
2.Over the years,my grandmother is losing her (视力).
3.The soldier stood in front of the (雕塑) and his girlfriend took a photo of him.
4.The incident caused a lot of (评论)among different generations.
1.I liked this house first sight, but what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful view through the windows.
2.Devoted to (unearth) the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment.
3.She lost sight the path as the trees around her became thicker.
4.I think, the Chinese teacher will surely give comments your composition.
5.The little boy sat under the tree, (read) a storybook.
1.你有必要了解中国的餐桌礼仪。 (it作形式主语)
you should know about table manners of China.
There were a large number of people in the street, so .
It's necessary that
we soon lost sight of him
He comes home late every evening, .
People what changes will take place in the earthquake-stricken area.
I do your reply letter as soon as possible.
making his wife very angry
can't wait to see
look forward to receiving
1.目的地:湿地公园(The Wetland Park); 2.出发时间:周六早上7点;
3.交通方式:骑自行车; 4.活动内容:河中划船、钓鱼比赛等。
Dear Jack,
How's it going I'm sorry that you didn't take part in the one-day tour last weekend.

Li Hua
Dear Jack,
How's it going I'm sorry that you didn't take part in the one-day tour last weekend.I'd like to tell you something about it.
At seven in the morning last Saturday, we set off for the Wetland Park.In order to take more exercise, all of us cycled there.We did many interesting activities that day.One was going boating in the river, which made some of us, especially the girls frightened because we had never experienced that before.The most exciting activity was the fishing competition, in which I caught the most fish.The Wetland Park was really a wonderful place and we had a great time there.
When are you returning to China Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
About ten years ago, my wife and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.I didn't like to carry all my keys in my pocket during a hike, so I took away the key to the car and left the rest in the car.When we came back, I put the key somewhere in the car without reattaching (重新系上) it to the key ring.Then we made a fire, cooked some food, and went to sleep in the back of the SUV.
The next morning, we were cleaning up our campsite when I saw a bird inside my car.I walked over, and it flew away.When we got in the car to go home, I couldn't find the key.We searched and searched even emptying out the car completely, but it was gone.
Then it hit me that the bird must have taken it.After all, those birds are known for stealing shiny things and decorating their nests (巢) with them.Keys are shiny.The bird was the thief (贼)! It made perfect sense to me.So I decided to find its nest.
But there is a problem: As everyone knows, the Grand Canyon is a little large in area, so I didn't like my chances of actually finding a certain nest belonging to a certain bird in a certain tree in all that space.But what other choice did I have
My wife was not encouraging me.She said, “Are you crazy You'll never find it! The Grand Canyon is the biggest hole on Earth!” I didn't answer and walked steadily forward until her laughter died away.
I tried to keep hope as I searched dozens of trees and tracked every singing bird.It was like searching a needle in the sea.But, oh, how great my victory would be when I held the missing key from the bird's nest.
After two hours of searching, I finally gave up and returned to the car.Then I found my wife relaxing in a chair, drinking a cup of coffee.She was really smart.The next challenge was to get a new key.Luckily, another family came through the campsite, so I asked them to send out a locksmith.They promised they would.Five hours later, the locksmith showed up and he charged me twice the normal amount for making a new key.
The next day, we stopped at a service center for lunch.
The next day, we stopped at a service center for lunch.I pulled out the cup holder and the missing key was sitting right there.Imagine my embarrassment.It was the only place we didn't look.And guess who put it there My wife! We actually both made mistakes because I had pushed the cup holder back without noticing the key.I got out of the car, looked up at the sky and said, “Bird, I was wrong about you.I'm sorry!”