人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件(共打包7份)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件(共打包7份)
格式 zip
文件大小 6.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-23 16:09:55


Assessing Your Progress—实践·注重应用评价
1.Chinese calligraphy is a well known art form of Chinese ICH.
2.Having a history of about 160 years, it has created many “firsts” in Chinese folk art.
3.Although paper cutting is popular around the globe, only Chinese paper cutting was listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) lists, because it has a history of more than 1,500 years and it represents cultural values of the people throughout China.
虽然剪纸在世界各地都很流行,但只有中国剪纸被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产(ICH)名录,因为它有1 500多年的历史,代表着整个中国人民的文化价值。
4.ICH in China also includes the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese Acupuncture, Shadow Play, and so on.
5.They should be protected because they are a strong symbol of China's culture.
6.This type of expression has been widely practised in China and has been generally held in high esteem in the Chinese culture.
Paper cutting is a well known art form of Chinese ICH.It is the cutting of detailed patterns from paper.The paper is often red, and they are often cut in circles, and presented on windows or in frames to be hung on a wall.Paper cuts are made by artists who use a sharp knife to cut the paper.They often have symbolic meanings.For example, they represent the animal of a specific year in the Chinese calendar, or a significant character such as “double happiness”.They are being protected because they are a strong symbol of China's culture.We should protect them by using the paper cuts often, and by passing the artistic skills from generation to generation.
Ⅰ. ——主题听力
1.What is the woman willing to do
A.Visit a gallery.
B.Go shopping.
C.Visit a zoo.
2.When will the man meet Dr.Carter
A.At 7:30 am.  B.At 8:00 am.  C.At 8:15 am.
3.What will the speakers buy at the store
A.Bread. B.Meat. C.Chips.
4.What is the relationship between the two speakers
B.Parent and child.
C.Teacher and student.
5.Why did the woman's plants die, according to the man
A.From not enough water.
B.From not enough sun.
C.From not enough plant food.
6.What is the man doing
A.Taking pictures.
B.Decorating the living room.
C.Designing something on the computer.
7.What will the speakers do next
A.Go to a paint store.
B.Look for new jobs.
C.Buy a car.
8.When will the man go to see the doctor
A.On Tuesday.
B.On Wednesday.
C.On Thursday.
9.What's wrong with the man
A.He hurt his foot.
B.He broke his leg.
C.He was hit by a ladder.
10.What do we know from the dialogue
A.The man can't go to the hospital.
B.The appointment time is quite fit for the man.
C.The man would prefer to visit the doctor earlier.
11.What is the man doing
A.Speaking at a conference.
B.Conducting a job interview.
C.Hosting a radio program.
12.What is the first step for Abigal to realize her dream
A.Working out a specific plan.
B.Earning private pilot's license.
C.Running a marathon.
13.Who will Abigal talk about next
A.Her mother.  B.Her teacher.  C.Her sister.
14.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers
A.Husband and wife.
B.Shop assistant and customer.
C.House agency staff and customer.
15.What does the man complain about
A.Some living facilities.
B.Some building problems.
C.Some dangerous things.
16.What's wrong with the windows
A.They are broken.
B.There are no locks on them.
C.There are no curtains on them.
17.What will the woman have repaired first
A.The washing machine.
B.The windows.
C.The kitchen curtains.
18.What do we know about the Plaza Leon
A.It's a new building.
B.It's a small town.
C.It's a public place.
19.Which street is known for its food shops and fish markets
A.Via del Mar Street.
B.Fernando Street.
C.Hernandes Street.
20.Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best
A.It has an old stone surface.
B.It is named after a writer.
C.It has a famous university.
答案:1~5 BCCAB 6~10 CAAAC
11~15 CABCA 16~20 BACCC
(Text 1)
M:Wow! What a beautiful city! Why don't we first visit the art gallery and then go to the zoo
W:To tell you the truth, I'm not really interested in going there.①You know, there are some nice places to buy souvenirs.
(Text 2)
M:I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr.Carter.Is it possible to make it early, like 7:30 am
W:No, I am sorry.Um ...how about Tuesday at 8:00 am ②or Thursday at 8:15 am
M:Well, ②in that case, Thursday would be fine.
(Text 3)
M:I was thinking we could take a picnic to the lake this afternoon.Do we have any food to take, or should we go to the store
W:I think we have some bread and meat to make some sandwiches, but ③we could still stop at the store to buy some chips.
(Text 4)
W:④I don't understand the math problem on the board.Can you help me
M:④I'm kind of busy working on my homework.Why don't you ask the teacher to help you
(Text 5)
W:All the plants in my garden died! I don't know what happened.I watered them a lot and fed them plant food.What did I do wrong
M:⑤Maybe the garden wasn't in enough sun.You did plant it on the side of the house that gets the most shade.
(Text 6)
M:Hey, honey, come here and have a look.
W:That's a photo of our living room with the new green sofa.
M:Yes.⑥On the computer I can change the colors.Look at the color I made the wall. It's pretty, isn't it
W:Well, I don't like dark brown, do you
M:OK.Let's try light blue instead.
W:Look, how nice it is with yellow and blue pillows.⑦I'll get the car key and we can buy the paint now.You'll have time to paint the walls on the weekend.
M:I got myself a job, didn't I
(Text 7)
M:I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor, please.
W:OK.⑧How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 pm
M:Do you happen to have an opening in the morning
W:Um ...⑧How about tomorrow at 8:00 am or Thursday at 8:15 am
M:Uh, ⑩do you have anything earlier
W:No, I'm sorry.
M:Well, in that case, ⑧tomorrow would be fine.
W:What's the purpose of your visit
M:Well, to tell you the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and ⑨my foot landed in a can and it was badly hurt.
(Text 8)
M:Dear listeners, for today's show, I have Abigal Harrison with me.The girl wants to be the first astronaut on Mars. Abigal, welcome to our show.
W:It is a pleasure to be here.
M:Would you please tell our listeners when you got the idea of going to space
W:When I was 5 years old, standing in my backyard on a cold winter night.My mind swam with questions.To find more, I wanted to go to space.
M:Do your family members support you
W:Both my mum and sister didn't believe it until they found I was serious. My mum told me making a specific plan was the first step towards making my big dream a reality, and it worked.
M:From then on, you founded a non profit organization, earned private pilot's license, ran a marathon, worked at the Kennedy Space Center, spoke at conferences around the world.Wow, you have done so much!
W:Well, that is my mum's influence. My teacher helped me in a different way.
(Text 9)
W:And what are the problems that you've been having
M:Well, no one thing is really dangerous or anything, but you know, it's just been building up.
W:Yes, of course.
M:Well, the first thing is the washing machine.It's been leaking a little and it's beginning to get worse.Because we have a small child, we really need to get that done straight away.
W:OK ... that's a washing machine for immediate repair.
M: Then we are worried about all the windows and doors.
W:Are they broken
M:No, but there are no locks on windows and one of the doors.
W:And when would you like those done
M:Oh, that's not really urgent ...but you never know when there's going to be a break — in ...
W:No, we'll get those done for you next week.Don't worry.
M: And then the last thing on the list is the kitchen curtains. They're torn.
W:Oh, right.We do have quite a few spare ones in stock and can get those to you in the next week, if that's alright with you
M:Yes, that would be fine.
W:Anything else
M:No, that's all.
(Text 10)
M:At the beginning of the tour, we will start with the most important place in my town, which is the Plaza Leon. The Plaza Leon, which is more than 100 years old, is the gathering place for young people on Friday and Saturday nights, and for parents and children on Sunday afternoons. Four streets lead to the Plaza, which have wide sidewalks and are tree lined. Hernandes Street, which was named after a famous writer born in the city, contains all of the food stores, fish markets, and vegetable stands.
Fernando Street, which was named after an educator, is where all of the government offices are housed.Via del Mar Street, whose roads are made of stones, is the only street which still has its old surface. Finally, we come to Horatio Street, on which there are two universities.One of them is the most famous university in my country.That's why it is my favorite street of all.
Ⅱ. ——补全对话
W:Wake up, Erik, time to rise and shine.
M:Ha, oh.Hi, Jane! I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.
W:You and everyone else. _____
M:Well, the classroom's too noisy to study in and I guess this place is too quiet.
W: ______
M:No, Professor Grant told us to write about anything on Eastern culture.For once I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.
W: ______ You seem to be interested in that part of the world.
M:I am, but there is too much material to cover.I'll be writing forever, and Professor Grant only wants five to seven pages.
W:________ You've been there and you said it's got lots of places of interest and that you enjoyed your trip very much.
M:That's not a bad idea. _____That would be great resource material, now if I can remember only where I put them.
A.So then limit it to one place in China, say Beijing.
B.Well, why not write about Chinese culture
C.It looks more like a campground than a library.
D.Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper
E.I brought many books and things back with me last summer.
答案:1~5 CDBAE
1.What is the topic of the pictures
Preservation of cultural heritage.
2.Do you think it is important to protect the intangible cultural heritages
Cultural heritages are the symbol of a country.If intangible cultural heritages are not protected, China will become no different from any modern country.Just think, if there are no Chinese characters, no Chinese clothes, no Chinese music, chess, calligraphy and paintings, no Chinese festivals, no martial arts, Chinese medicine and so on, then what is the Chinese nation
3.Can you say something about the preservation of cultural heritage according to the pictures
We should strengthen education for young people and strengthen their awareness of protecting and passing on the cultural heritage of the motherland.At the same time, we should also do a good job of legal publicity, letting people know the relevant legal knowledge.
1.Who were living in the house when the fire broke out
A.The Gellers.
B.George Washington.
C.Some elderly people.
D.Andrew Barnes.
2.Why did Fire Chief Andrew Barnes think that it was likely that not the electric wires but a burning cigarette caused the fire
A.Because he saw a burning cigarette on the scene.
B.Because the elderly people living in the building loved smoking.
C.Because all the electric wires in the building had been changed.
D.Because most of the electric wires in the building were checked and changed not long ago.
3.Where may this text be taken from
A.A magazine.
B.A news report.
C.A history book.
D.Nature and Science.
答案:1~3 CDB
4.Why the text uses “historic” to describe Geller House
Because the Geller House was built in 1718 and was used as a hotel for over 150 years.George Washington stayed here in 1782.So it has a long history and is a cultural heritage.
When Andy arrived at his father's tailor shop, he watched his father — pins (大头针) in his mouth, measuring tape hanged around his neck — expertly repair pants. Andy's father always said, “Often, when people look better, they act better too.” That was exactly the reason why Andy longed to create something of his own, something different, something exceptional.
“Andy, there's something I want to give you.” Andy's father peered over his eyeglasses and asked Andy to follow him to the back room. On the corner of a large worktable sat a heavy sewing machine, an old model that looked very different from the modern one Andy's father used. “I was your age when my father gave this to me, and now I'm giving it to you.” Andy eyed the old machine appreciatively. “Thank you, Dad. This is perfect!”
Andy wanted to use the sewing machine right away to realize his dream — an outstanding outfit. First he drew a design that was stylish yet original and then he paid a visit to the fabric store to select the perfect fabrics for his creation. Andy began working that same night, losing himself in lines and folds, ripping out stitches (缝线) and redoing them. It took over a week, but after multiple fittings and adjustments, his outfit was ready for its first appearance.
Paragraph 1:
On Monday morning, Andy walked into school expecting the glowing admiration of his fellow students. However, as he walked down the hall, many heads turned. Teachers moved aside, guys pointed at him, and girls covered their mouths to hide their laughter. A day full of whispers, jeers, and awkward questions left Andy collapsed in his seat in class. Proud as he was of his creation this morning, he wished he could have a change of his clothes. Once the last bell rang, Andy stormed out of the classroom.
Paragraph 2:
Full of disappointment and anger, he rushed home. Throwing himself into chair, Andy began to cry. “It hasn't been a great day, huh?” Andy's father asked, sitting beside him. “Nobody could understand me!” Andy sobbed, burying his face in his hands. “Well, not all people can appreciate this creation.” Andy's father responded, “As for me, I like your incredible design. Why don't you think of it as your first draft The most famous designers didn't build their clothing kingdom on one outfit — especially their first. “A first draft ...” Andy sniffled. He knew that father always had a point. Eventually, Andy looked up at his father, smiling through tears. Apparently this was the best lesson in design.
“单元验收评价(二) 仿真高考检测”
Discovering Useful Structures—语法·提升语言能力
Mary ①whose drawings were shown at the exhibition last month is a model student ②who is often praised for her good work at school.As soon as we got into the exhibition hall our eyes were caught by a very large picture.The horse ③which was drawn in the picture was exactly like a real horse.The man ④who was riding on it looked like a living man.It was the best picture ⑤that I had ever seen, and I should say Mary is the best young painter ⑥that I have ever heard of.
①句为whose (作定语,修饰名词drawings)引导的限制性定语从句;
②句为who (先行词是a model student)引导的限制性定语从句;
③句为which (先行词是The horse)引导的限制性定语从句;
④句为who (先行词是The man)引导的限制性定语从句;
⑤句为that (先行词是the best picture)引导的限制性定语从句;
⑥句为that (先行词是the best young painter)引导的限制性定语从句。
①Who is the woman that he bought the flower for
②This is the book that she brought to the boy.
①bought sth.for sb.意为_____________;
②brought sth.to sb.意为_______________。
接双宾语的及物动词所在的定语从句中,如果关系代词作此类动词的间接宾语时,用to 或for。接 to 的动词有 bring, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, post, promise, read, sell, send, show, take, teach, tell, throw, write等。接 for 的动词有make, buy, call, choose, cook, do, fetch, find, get, keep, leave, save等。  
[对点练] 句型转换(用定语从句合并句子)
①She wears a sweater.Her mother gave this sweater to her.
②This is the story.He told the story to me.
She wears a sweater that her mother gave to her.
This is the story that he told to me.
①Yesterday we visited the West Lake for which Hangzhou is famous.
②This is the camera with which he often takes photos.
③The boss in whose company Mr King worked heard about the accident.
④The colorless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen.
⑤I have about 10 books, half of which were written by the famous writer.
①根据和从句中________的搭配选择介词。be famous for “因……而闻名”;
②根据和_______的搭配选择介词。with the camera “用这部相机”;
③根据句子的_____来选择介词。in his (the boss') company “在他的公司里”;
④根据句子的________来选择介词。without the colorless gas “没有这种无色 气体”;
⑤表示 “整体中的一部分”时,通常用介词____。half of 10 books “这十本书中的一半”。
[对点练] (用关系词或介词填空)
①(2021·浙江1月高考)Chimps will check to see if they have the attention of the animal with ________they wish to communicate.
②In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____whom she could turn for help.
③There are many reasons _____which people like traveling.
④The woman ______whom you shook hands just now is head of our company.
⑤(2020·天津7月高考)Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices on the menu, allowing customers more control over the atmosphere in _______they are dining.
①This must be the key that she is looking for.
②This is the baby whom you will look after.
③We often talk about the people and the things that we heard of.
①②③句中的固定短语look for(寻找),look after (照看), hear of (听说)不能拆开。因此,定语从句中这些短语的介词不能放在关系代词的前面。
定语从句的谓语如果是以介词结尾的固定动词短语,则不可把介词提前。常见的这类动词短语有listen to, look at, depend on, look for, pay attention to, take care of, look after, take part in, call on, catch up with, get along with, hear of, look forward to等。 
[对点练] (完成句子)
①As far as I know, he is a man_______________________________.
②This is the baby____________________________________.
who is hard to get along with
whom/that my grandma takes care of
①The day will come when (= on which) we'll meet again.
②In the middle of the sitting room, there is a table where (= on which) many dishes are placed.
③Do you know the reason why (= for which) he was so sorry
定语从句中的关系副词when, where及why可转换为:______+which。
关系副词 被替代的先行词 在从句中的作用
when 表示时间的名词 时间状语
where 表示地点的名词 地点状语
why 表示原因的名词(reason) 原因状语
[名师点津] 在“介词+which”引导的定语从句中,when, where可根据先行词、从句的谓语及句意来决定适当的介词,但是关系副词why只可转换为for+which。
[对点练] (将下列句中的关系副词改为含有“介词+关系代词”的形式)
①I never forget the days when we studied together at school.
→I never forget the days __________we studied together at school.
②I have decided to visit the place again where we met each other.
→I have decided to visit the place again __________we met each other.
③His illness was the reason why he had given up the chance.
→His illness was the reason ___________he had given up the chance.
in which
at which
for which
There was a time 1._______ I was tired of learning English and disliked to speak English.And this was the reason 2._____ which my father forced me to join in a 30 day training in an English club before I went to senior high school.During my stay in the club 3._____ which I met many strangers, I missed my parents very much.So I stood up and wanted to go home.Fortunately, my guide, 4._________ teacher was a famous professor, communicated with me face to face, from 5._______ I got some useful instructions (指导).
Gradually I adapted to the life there.Every day I would like to talk to other teenagers and write down the activities 6.___________ we took part in.Now I feel it interesting to learn English.Every day I read words and passages aloud.In class I join in English discussions.Before I go to sleep, I recall the passages through 7._______ I can remember a large number of new words.As our English teacher says, “As long as you own a good habit of learning English every day, you will conquer English sooner or later.” I believe nothing in the world is difficult for one 8._________ sets his mind to it.
Listening and Speaking—听说·强化交际技能
1.heritage n.    遗产(指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色)
2.creatively adv. 创造性地;有创造力地
3.creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的
4.temple n. 庙;寺
5.relic n. 遗物;遗迹
6.mount n. 山峰
vt. 爬上;骑上
vi. 爬;登上
7.former adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的
8.clue n. 线索;提示
9.preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持
n. 保护区
10.promote vt. 促进;提升;推销;晋级
11.cypress n. 柏树
12.app n. 应用程序;应用软件
13.application n. 申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)
14.take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
15.project n. 工程;方案;计划;项目
16.local adj. 当地的;地方性的
1.It is believed that it is the earliest and largest ancient paper making workshop site ever found.
2.I know you have much interest in Chinese culture and that you are good at paper cutting.
3.I'm writing to invite you to visit the exhibition of Chinese paper cutting art, and paper cutting is a Chinese folk art with a long history.
4.A cultural relic is a treasure belonging to all peoples rather than belonging to any individual.
5.It's our duty to take more effective steps to better protect our cultural heritage.
教材为基——课内听力4 遍过
Step 1 过词块(英汉互译)
1.create an app           ____________________
2.an international youth project ____________________
3.senior high school students ____________
4.preserve their cultural heritage ____________________
5.that is ——————————
6.during the Han Dynasty _________
7. _____________________ 2 000多年前
8. _______________ 给……拍照;为……拍照
9. _______________ 代替;而不是
10.not a chance _______________________________
over 2,000 years ago
take photos of
instead of
Step 2 过句式(完成句子)
1.Well, _________________, Mount Tai is one of the most famous mountains in China.
2.We feel so proud ______________________something.
3.Well, ___________ 22 temples and some 1,800 stones _______________________.
哦,这里有22座寺庙和大约1 800块刻有文字的石头。
as you know
to have a chance to do
there are
with writing on them
4.The app is great, but ____________________Mount Tai is __________all 6,000 steps!
这款应用程序很棒,但欣赏泰山的最佳方式是攀爬全部的6 000个台阶!
Step 3 过关键信息
Listen to the conversation and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
1.The reporter is curious about the international youth project. ( )
2.Students from 23 countries are taking part in the project. ( )
3.Mount Tai and the temples have been protected for over 3,000 years. ( )
the best way to see
to climb
4.The app teaches teenagers in other countries about Mount Tai. ( )
5.People will use the app instead of visiting Mount Tai. ( )
Step 4 过文意理解
Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.
They are students who are ①________an international youth project.They are ② _______________to promote Mount Tai.
part of
creating an app
·International youth project, ③______ senior high school students from 7 countries. ·Mount Tai, one of the most ④________ mountains in China. ·It has been ⑤_________ for more than 3,000 years. ·22 temples, around 1,800 ⑥________with writing on them. ·Dai Temple on
⑦___________; over 6,000
Mount Tai
1.___ort 2.___irty 3.____ich 4.qui___ 5. ___ at 6.ma ___  
7.kno ___  8.en ___ oy 9.fi ___  10.ma ___ 11.a____ 12.stro____
答案:1./?/ 2./θ/ 3./w/ 4./k/ 5./w/ 6./t?/
7./k/ 8./d?/ 9./?/ 10./θs/ 11./d?/ 12./?/
①cake   car    desk   neck
②mask rock ink clock
③disk truck silk duck
答案:①desk ②mask ③disk
①whose juice lick student
②those case scarf shoes
③space nose science meat
④tears piece bus nose
答案:①juice, student ②case, scarf ③space, science
④piece, bus
①shell ship garage desk
②truck shirt pleasure fish
③brush casual sheep sleep
④hero shape leisure shelf
答案:①garage ②pleasure ③casual ④leisure
①dream duck dress rain
②rat drain drug door
③tree treasure drawer drink
④truck dragon dish drum
答案:①dream, dress ②drain, drug ③drawer, drink
④dragon, drum
1.Where is the woman going
A.A museum.  B.A library.  C.A bookstore.
2.What do we know about the man
A.He likes art better.
B.He likes history better.
C.He likes both history and art.
3.What does the man mean
A.He has finished his project.
B.Tom will help him with his project.
C.He can finish the project in a month.
4.Where is the Language Arts Building
A.On the right of the bridge.
B.At the end of Center Walk.
C.Opposite the Physical Education Building.
5.Which country are the two foreign girls from
A.China. B.Japan. C.Thailand.
6.Where was the woman born
A.In France. B.In China. C.In Thailand.
7.Why did the woman come to New York
A.To get a better job.
B.To experience life there.
C.To get further education.
8.How many countries has the woman taught French in
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.
9.Where are the two speakers
A.In a museum. B.In a car. C.In a shop.
10.Why do they go into the shopping mall
A.Because the exhibition is there.
B.Because they'll do some shopping.
C.Because they're lost.
11.What is Calvin Klein
A.A designer. B.A businessman. C.An artist.
答案:1~5 ACCCA  6~8 ABB  9~11 BAA
(Text 1)
M:Where are you going now To the library
W:No,①I'm going to a museum.
M:Why If I were you, I would go to a library or a bookstore to search for more information.
W:Don't you remember what our project is about We're supposed to study why people go to museums, so I'm going to one now to do a survey.
(Text 2)
W:What are you going to study
M:It'll either be history or art.
W:Which do you like better
M:Actually, ②I'd like to take of both them if I could.
(Text 3)
W:③You won't be able to finish the project in a month.
M:③But Tom finished it in two weeks.
W:Really That's amazing.
M:Yes.I just saw Tom yesterday and he told me.
(Text 4)
W:Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to the Language Arts Building
M:Sure.Follow Center Walk in the garden, and then turn right onto the bridge.Turn left after the bridge.The Language Arts Building is the first building on the right.④It's across from the Physical Education Building.
W:Thanks a lot.
(Text 5)
M:Lisa, how many students are there in your class
M:Are there any students from foreign countries
W:Yes.⑤There are two Chinese girls, one Japanese boy and one boy from Thailand.
(Text 6)
M:Hi, Laurie.Are you originally from America
W: No.⑥I was born in Paris. I grew up there and received my education there.I didn't come to America until I was thirty years old.
M:Why did you come to New York
W:Well, ⑦I wanted to experience the American way of life.Since I was good at teaching French, I decided to find a teaching job in America and live here for a few years.
M:You mean you taught French in your home country before you came here
W:No.I taught French in several different schools around the world.⑧Besides America, I've taught French in China, South Korea, Thailand and New Zealand.
M:Why do you like teaching in different countries
W:I like meeting new people and learning about the different cultures around the world.I also enjoy traveling.Teaching in different countries allows me to travel a lot.
M:Do you ever want to settle down one day
W:Yes, I'd like to go back to France and settle down there one day.I hope to write a book or two based on my experiences.I'd like to share my stories with others.
M:That's a great idea.
(Text 7)
M:So, what's next on the course of our visit
W:Well, I think we might go to see some cultural heritage in the city.
M:That's a great idea.Where do you want to go
W:Well, I think that it would be fun to see Calvin Klein's exhibition.
M:Calvin Klein The name sounds familiar ...but hey,⑨why are we driving into the shopping mall parking lot
W:⑩That's where the exhibition is.
M:Now I remember. Calvin Klein is just a fashion designer. As artists, we should explore the art and culture of the country.
W:We do, but I think that the American shopping center is a good example of American art and culture.Besides, in this kind of “museum”,you can take the art pieces home.
1.The speakers are visiting in an America city. A B C
2.The speakers are interested in cultural heritage. A B C
3.The speakers are going to the exhibition. A B C
4.The woman will buy some fashionable clothes. A B C
5.The speakers will meet Calvin Klein. A B C
答案:1~5 AAABC
Listen to Text 7 again and decide whether each of the statements is Correct (A), Incorrect (B) or Not mentioned (C).
M:Morning, Sue.Did you have a rest
W:No, thanks.You see, this is our school project about The Terra Cotta Warriors (兵马俑)._____
M:You are hard working.
W:Besides, this is a Chinese book.____
M:Have you been studying for a long time
M:So you are a newcomer.
W:Yes,I have learned 40 units,yet Tang culture is the most difficult for me.
W:No, my friend Tang Hao helped me.Ming Dao and Han Lei didn't help me at all.
W:Many thanks.
答案:1~5 DEBAC
A.Did you learn by yourself?
B.I have studied it for five months.
C.I wish you better and better.
D.I am preparing for it.
E.I am reciting the poems.
1.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持n.[C]保护区
①(以文化人助写作)We will do everything to preserve world peace.
②The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
③The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.
preserve sth.for ...     为……而保存某事物
(2)preservation n.[U] 保存;保护
[应用融会] (单句语法填空/完成句子)
④Our ultimate goal must be the______________ (preserve) of the environment.
⑤Our teachers are determined to preserve us students______________ being hurt.
⑥We should take steps________________________________ falling down.
2.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级;推广;提拔
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中promote的含义)
①They launched a campaign to promote awareness of environmental protection.________
to preserve the old temple from
②The band has gone on tour to promote their new album._______
③The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.________
④They were promoted to the First Division last season.________
归纳点拨 (1)be promoted to      被提升为
be promoted as 被推广为
(2)promotion n. 提升;提拔;晋级
[应用融会] (单句语法填空)
⑤Her___________ (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.
⑥He______________ to manager because of his good performance in the process of____________ their new books.(promote)
3.A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating an app about China's most famous mountain.
was promoted
★take part in参与(某事);参加(某活动)
①(以文化人助写作)We should take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequently.
归纳点拨 take an active part in  积极参加
take part 参加(不及物动词短语)
[易混辨析] take part in, join, join in, attend
take part in 指参加群众性活动、会议并在其中起积极作用
join 指加入党派、社会团体、军队等并成为其中一员
join in 指参与某项活动,口语中常与take part in通用
attend 是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,听报告、讲座等,一般指成为观众或听众
②Many athletes are dreaming of taking part______ the Olympic Games and winning gold medals for their homeland.
③Women are now taking______ active part in social activities.
④Will you______________ the English evening party with us
⑤Will you all_________ singing the song, please
⑥I will_________ my cousin's wedding ceremony next Friday.
⑦It is five years since he _________ the army.
take part in
join in
Listening and Talking—听说·强化交际技能
2. 正确运用“I beg your pardon, but ...”“Forgive me for asking, but ...”等启动对话的功能性句子,礼貌得体地启动交谈。
1.sheet n.           一张(纸);床单;被单
2.parade n. 游行;检阅
vi. 游行庆祝;游行示威
3.mirror n. 镜子
4.roof n. 顶部;屋顶
5.chiwen 鸱吻
6.dragon n. 龙
7.forgive vt.&vi. 原谅;宽恕
vt. 对不起;请原谅
1.Built in the 16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history.
2.As we all know, the Eiffel Tower, which is situated in Paris, the capital of France, is the famous symbol of Paris.
3.Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.
4.The government and schools should teach people more about the protection of cultural relics and the people should mind their behavior when travelling.
教材为基——课内听力4 遍过
Step 1 过词块(英汉互译)
1._______________         我们到了
2._____________________________ 五座宫殿和四座大教堂
3.the Palace Museum in Beijing ________________
4.like a flame _______
5.Saint Basil's Cathedral ________________
6.________ 记起;想起
here we are
five palaces and four cathedrals
think of
7.the Eiffel Tower ______________
8.______________________ 这个国家的象征
9.______________________ 许多重要的游行
10.used to be _____________
11.have a lot of fun _____________
Step 2 过句式(完成句子)
1.___________________ what is the Kremlin exactly
a symbol of the country
many important parades
Excuse me, but
2.It's___________________________, too.
3._________________________ can you tell me more about Red Square
4.Well, _______________the centre of Moscow, and _______________many important parades and events held here.
where the president lives
Forgive me for asking, but
it's considered
there have been
That's so cool!
Step 3 过关键信息
Listen to the conversation and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).
1.The visitors are touring in China now. ( )
2.The Kremlin was actually built around the same time as the Eiffel Tower in France. ( )
3.Saint Basil's Cathedral were painted red. ( )
4.Red Square is considered the centre of Moscow. ( )
5.Children can skate on Red Square in the winter. ( )
Step 4  过文意理解
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
The Kremlin, which was actually built between the ①________________ centuries, is a special ②____________ area.Inside, there are ③______ palaces and ④_______ cathedrals.Saint Basil's Cathedral is considered a ⑤_______ of Russia.Important ⑥__________ and events have been held on Red Square, where people have a lot of ⑦________.
14th and 17th
1.How much does one ticket cost by using a student card
A.$2.5.    B.$5.     C.$10.
2.What makes the museum special
A.It's a museum for old art.
B.It will be built on a small island.
C.It's the first of its kind in Indonesia.
3.How many seats are left now
A.About 200. B.About 400. C.About 600.
4.Where is the cinema now
A.Beside the Chinese restaurant.
B.Next to the supermarket.
C.Opposite the bank.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A city council's decision.
B.A tour in the city.
C.An education method.
6.What are displayed in the exhibition
A.Sculptures. B.Paintings. C.Photographs.
7.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a museum. B.In a restaurant. C.In a classroom.
8.What has the man found
A.A bottle. B.A picture. C.A mask.
9.Which dynasty does the man's find belong to probably
A.The Tang Dynasty.
B.The Song Dynasty.
C.The Ming Dynasty.
10.How do the speakers feel about the find
A.Confused. B.Bored. C.Touched.
答案:1~5 BCBAA  6~10 ACCBA
(Text 1)
W:①The admission price of the gallery is ten dollars per person.I think that's pretty expensive.
M:①But if we use our student cards, we can get in at the half price.
W:Really Let's do it.
(Text 2)
M:②Indonesia is opening its first international modern art museum.It'll be called “MACAN”, short for Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara.
W:What's “Nusantara”?
M:It's an Indonesian term for “a group of islands”.
(Text 3)
W:The theater looks pretty big.How many people does it seat
M:③It holds around 2,000.They say more than 1,600 seats have been booked already.
(Text 4)
W:A supermarket I remember it was a cinema here before, you know, right opposite the bank.
M:Well, the cinema moved away a year ago.④Now it's next to the Chinese restaurant you used to like.
(Text 5)
M:⑤The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new high school.
W:It's about time that they did it.I don't know what took them so long.Don't they understand that education is very important for the development of the city
(Text 6)
M:I'm going to the City Museum this Sunday afternoon.There is an exhibition of modern Egyptian art.Do you want to come with me, Cindy
W:What kind of art exactly Paintings or photographs
M:Neither.⑥Some really nice sculptures made by modern Egyptian artists are displayed there.
W:Sounds cool.Okay, I'll come.
M:Great.And after that, we can try the newly opened Thai restaurant in downtown.
W:Sure.⑦Oh, Miss Lin is coming.Let's get ready for the lesson.
(Text 7)
M:Are you just going to stand there and let me do all the digging
W:In a minute, Ming.I am just appreciating these pictures on the wall.
M:What's so interesting about those pictures Just some boring daily lives people had in the Tang Dynasty.
W:You don't sound like a historian, Ming.The pictures are touching and ...
M:Oh, my ...Come here, Claire! Look what I've found!
W:Is it ...a bottle ⑧Oh, it's a mask.But it doesn't look like something that belongs to the Tang Dynasty.
M:⑨It doesn't.I've seen something like this from a book.It's a typical item made in the Song Dynasty.
W:A Song Dynasty's mask was found in a Tang Dynasty's tomb ⑩That's so strange.How is that even possible
M:You got me.I think we need to discuss it with other professors.
Listen to Text 7 again and then fill in the blanks.
a 1.______ Dynasty's tomb in the tomb There are some 2._________ on the wall, describing 3._________ people had in the Tang Dynasty.
the man He found a 4._______ from a different dynasty in the tomb.
the speakers They think they need to 5._________ it with other professors.
daily lives
1.What does the first picture tell us
With the rapid development of social economy, many places ignore the protection of cultural heritage for the sake of economic interests.
2.What do you think of the measures taken in the second picture
3.What do you think the third picture tries to convey
Very good.We should try our best to find the balance between the protection of cultural heritage and economic development.
In the face of economic development, it is easy for people to ignore the protection of cultural heritage, so we should keep warning and keep to the protection of cultural heritage.
Forgive me for asking, but ...
★forgive vt.&vi.原谅;宽恕vt.对不起;请原谅
①Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that.
②(以文化人助写作)What happened today made me realize that forgiveness is a kind of virtue.
(1)forgive sb.for (doing) sth.   原谅某人(做了)某事
forgive sb.sth. 原谅某人某事
Forgive and forget 不念旧恶;不记仇
(2)forgiveness n. 宽恕;原谅
ask/beg/pray for (sb.'s) forgiveness 请求(某人的)原谅
(3)forgiving adj. 宽宏大量的;宽容的
forgiving nature 宽厚的天性
excuse 普通用词,语气较轻,主要用于日常社交中对一些轻微的过失表示道歉
forgive 比 excuse 语气稍重,含有一旦 forgive 则怨恨消失且不加追究之意
pardon 语气最重,原指法律上的“赦免”,但也有免于惩罚或追究的意思
[易混辨析] forgive, excuse, pardon
③He went down on his knees and begged for ____________(forgive).
④Can you forgive me for ___________(forget) your birthday
⑤Learn to have a loving and ___________(forgive) spirit.
⑥Now I realize that________________________________, you should show your kindness first.
if you want to be forgiven by others(共7张PPT)
Opening Page—开篇·把握单元目标
听 能够在听的过程中,注意从整体和关键细节两方面理解听力文本;能够捕捉到听力中文化遗产话题中常见的时间顺序,培养听力猜测词义的能力。
说 能够通过角色扮演,口头分享讨论成果;通过口语表达练习新闻采访时应记录的内容,能够自然得体地启动交谈或讨论。
读 能够顺利阅读描述事件发展过程的叙事文本,理解其文体特征及语言特点,有效获取信息;能够掌握新闻报道的常见文体结构、标题特征和语言特点,学会使用新闻报道中的常见语言结构。
写 能够写简单的新闻报道。
看 能够通过浏览图形、图像、视频、音频甚至现场的实物、场景等相关图文内容,快速获取关键信息。
2.在了解的基础上,能够结合自己的生活,积极思考如何力所能及地参与文化 遗产保护,并付诸行动。
教材名言 Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations.
—World Heritage Centre
深意解读 本单元的引言是世界遗产中心给“遗产”下的定义,即“文化遗产是过去人类所创造,由现代人类继承并传之后世”。也就是说,文化遗产是把人类的过去、现在和未来联系起来的纽带。
文化微语 文化遗产是具有历史、艺术和科学价值的文物,是历史留给人类的财富。从存在形式上分为物质文化遗产(有形文化遗产)和非物质文化遗产(无形文化遗产)。
1.Protect our cultural heritage like we cherish our own lives.
2.As long as the Mogao Grottoes exist, we will accompany them for generations to come.
3.Cultural heritage is a symbol of splendid ancient civilization and protecting it can make us feel proud of our nation.
4.Cultural heritage connects modern people with the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity.
Reading and Thinking—读思·发展思维品质
1.dam n.        水坝;拦河坝
2.committee n. 委员会
3.department n. 部;司;科
4.fund n. 基金;专款
5.document n. 文件;公文;(计算机)文档
vt. 记录;记载(详情)
1.__________n. 抗议
vi.&vt. (公开)反对;抗议
2. __________ vt. 建立;创立
3. __________ prep.& adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内
4. __________ n. 重要议题;争论的问题
vt. 宣布;公布
5. __________ n. 行为;举止;管理方法
vt. 组织;安排;带领
6. __________ n.& vt. 企图;试图;尝试
7. __________ adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
1._________ n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡→balanced adj.平衡的;和谐的
2._________ n.提议;建议→propose vt.建议;打算,计划
3.________ adj.可能的 adv.可能地→unlikely adj.不大可能发生的;没希望的
4._________ n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定→limited adj.有限的→limitless adj.无限制的;无界限的
5.__________vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠→prevention n.预防;阻止;阻碍
6._______ n.丧失;损失→lose vt.失去;错过;遗失 vi.输掉;损失→lost adj.迷路的,迷失的;失去的;迷惘的;丧失的
7.______________ n.捐款;贡献;捐赠→contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助
8._____________ vi.& vt.调查;研究→investigation n.调查;科学研究
9._________ vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)→donation n.捐款;捐赠物;捐赠
10.___________ vi.消失;灭绝;消亡→disappearance n.消失;不见→appear vi.出现;显得;似乎
1.____________        让步;屈服
2.____________ 保持平衡
3.__________ 导致
4._______________ 提出建议
give way to
keep balance
lead to
make a proposal
5.___________ 向……求助
6. ________________ 阻止;不准
7. ___________ 向……捐赠……
8. ___________ 确保;设法保证
turn to
prevent ...from ...
make sure
悟原句 There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.(There comes a time when ...“……的时候到了”)
写佳句 __________________________you have to make a decision and stick to it. 你必须做出决定并坚持下去的时候到了。
There comes a time when
悟原句 Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.[not only ...but (also) ...“不仅……而且……”]
写佳句 (2022·全国甲卷书面表达)_________________________ abundant resources and food for us,_________________ crucial for the global climate development. 它们不仅为我们提供了丰富的资源和食物,而且对全球气候的发展至关重要。
Not only do they provide
but they are also
第一遍 泛读通文意 
Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area.But the proposal led to protests.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved.Finally, a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.
The project brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple.Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics.Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today.Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.
句  There comes a time when ...是there 开头的完全倒装句式,其中when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a time。
句  as引导的时间状语从句,as表示“当……时;随着”。    
句  that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词cultural relics。
句  此处含有两个who引导的定语从句,分别修饰先行词scientists和citizens。    
句  how引导的宾语从句,作介词for的宾语。    
句  where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a place。   
句  not only ...but (also) ...连接两个分句且not only位于句首时,not only 后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but (also)后的分句不倒装。that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a path。    
句  which引导非限制性定语从句,that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a programme。    
第二遍 精读提素养 
What's the main idea of the text
A.A committee was needed.
B.The proposal leads to protests.
C.A big challenge can sometimes lead to solution.
D.The project of a new dam was successful.
(1)Why did the Egyptian government want to build a new dam in the 1950s
A.To improve the economy.
B.To improve transportation.
C.To build a tourist attraction.
D.To benefit the area.
(2)Why did the building of the dam lead to protests
A.It would damage the fields.
B.It would cost a lot of money.
C.It would damage the cultural relics.
D.It would damage natural environment.
(3)Before the building of the dam, what problems did the Nile river bring to the Egyptians
(4)Why did the government ask the UN for help
Floods, droughts and not enough electricity.
Because water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.
(1)第2、3行中使用了“There comes a time ...”完全倒装句式, 其中comes用词形象、直观地突出了“新旧更替的时代已经到来”,第3、4行中使用了it is not possible to do sth.,这种句式简单明了。第5、6行中使用了Finding and keeping ...动名词短语作主语,起总结性作用。
①_____________________________ the maths problem.
②________________________ benefits everyone.
It's clever of you to work out
Protecting the environment
(2)第13行中的likely 用作副词,说明了建设大坝会对当地许多寺庙和文化遗产造成损坏的可能性。likely用作副词的情况不多,但此处使用简洁,表达意义明晰。
(1)How did the government save the cultural relics
A.By stopping the project.
B.By moving them to a safe place.
C.By repairing cultural relics.
D.By calling for donation.
(2)Which one can describe the project
A.Successful.      B.Negative.
C.Useless. D.Doubtful.
(3)What words can you think of to describe the working process of the project
It was really hard, complicated and amazing.
Nearly one third of the whole nation felt it! A huge crack, eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide,cut across houses, roads, and waterways. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins. Two thirds of the people who lived there were dead or injured.
(1)What can be learned from the Aswan Dam project
A.It is not suitable for the present time.
B.The protection of cultural sites is easy.
C.The cooperation can solve difficult problems.
D.The cultural heritages are disappearing because of construction.
(2)How many years did it take to rebuild the cultural relics
(3)What is the most important to rebuild the cultural relics
第38~40行中not only ...but (also) ...倒装句式的使用,突出了“多个国家合作的力量是巨大的”,语气强烈。第43行中的alive用词生动,栩栩如生,给句子赋予了一定的活力和生命力。
Twenty years.
Running a programme by UNESCO.
课文标题FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS直接点明了文章是关于从提出问题到解决问题的问题解决型说明文。作者以时间顺序行文:提出问题—分析问题—解决问题—得出结果。文章在最后特别强调了人们在重大困难面前所表现出的互帮互助、团结奋斗和乐于奉献的阿斯旺大坝精神。
文章最后一段总结了“阿斯旺大坝工程的精神”,即“如果一个问题对某一个国家来说难度太大,那么国际社会有时可为其提供一个解决方案”。结合本文倒数第二段提到“they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow (他们也明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性)”,通过成功建设阿斯旺大坝并同时保护了文化遗产,这些国家认识到文化遗产保护需要世界各国和全社会的共同努力,由此可以得知合作共赢的重要性。当今时代,人类社会是一个相互依存的共同体,这已经成为共识。以合作共赢的理念促改革、谋发展,“合”力巨大,“和”以致远,同舟共济渡难关,合作创新向未来,将会成为社会发展的主流。
①Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。
②Success lies in cooperation. 成功在于合作。
③Together for a Shared Future. 一起向未来。
第一板块 单词和短语——点点清
1.Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
★balance n.平衡;均匀;天平 vt.使平衡
①When he first learned to skate, he didn't know how to balance himself.But now he has learned to keep him balance while skating.
②(以文化人助写作)In my opinion, we should keep a balance between amusement and study or work.
归纳点拨 (1)keep one's balance      保持平衡
lose one's balance 失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B 保持A与B之间 的平衡
(2)balanced adj. 均衡的;平衡的
③(2020·天津5月高考)This struggle continued into high school, but we somehow began to find _____balance.
④Most of us need to lead more ____________(balance) lives to be healthy and happy.
⑤To keep fit, first of all, you'd better_____________________.
⑥When he was running after his brother, the boy suddenly _______________and had a bad fall.
keep a balanced diet
lost his balance
2.Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
★lead to导致;造成(后果)
①(以文化人助写作)As is known to all, success lies in hard work while laziness leads to failure.
②He led the way, and led us to a village.There we found the local people led a happy life.
归纳点拨 (1)lead sb.to do sth.    引领某人做某事
lead/live a ...life 过着……样的生活
lead the way 引路;带路
lead sb.into ... 领着某人进入……
lead sb.to ... 引导某人去……(地方)
(2)leader n. 领导者;首领;指挥者
③It was his determination that resulted in his success. _________
④The receptionist _______________the meeting room.
⑤What was it that ________________that
led to
led the way to
led you to say
3.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.
★likely adj.可能的adv.可能地
①(2021·浙江高考)To us, the most likely explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans.
②It is likely that many have not even heard of them.
③You are likely to feel anxious and pressured.
be likely to ...       有可能……;有希望……
It is likely that ... 有可能……
Sb.is likely to do ... 某人有可能做……
likely 指从外表、迹象上进行判断,有可能发生。既可以用人,也可以用物作主语。 It is likely that ...或Sb./Sth.is likely to ...
possible 指客观上有可能,但往往含有希望很小的意味。不能用人作主语。 It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.或It is possible that ...
probable 可能性比likely大,表示“很可能,十有八九”。不能用人作主语。 It's probable that ...,不能用于It's probable for sb.to do sth.这一结构。
[易混辨析] likely, possible, probable
④It's nearly nine o'clock and the teacher is likely _________(walk) into the classroom at any moment.
⑤It is _______(like) that he will do the job well.
⑥She is very likely to ring me tonight.
→____________________ she will ring me tonight.
to walk
It is very likely that
(3)选词填空(likely, possible, probable)
⑦It is __________for me to change jobs, but I am not sure.
⑧I'm __________to be very busy tomorrow.
⑨It is ______________________that he will set a new world record in the next Olympic Games.
4.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
★turn to向……求助;致力于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向;从事于
[用法感知] (写出下列各句中turn to的含义)
①Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble. ___________
②If you turn to Page 40, you will find it. _______
③More and more people turn to computer science. ________
④Their talk turned to the change that had happened. ______
⑤You shouldn't always turn to the dictionary when you meet new words in reading. ________
turn down          关小;拒绝
turn in 上交
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn out 结果是;证明是;生产出
turn up 开大;出现
⑥He said he was a doctor, but later he ______________to be a cheat.
⑦The meeting has already begun, but the chairman hasn't _____________yet.
⑧(2021·全国甲卷)Some will ask their parents or teachers for help. _______
turned out
turned up
turn to
5.A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
★limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定
①(以文化人助写作)A man's life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people.I will devote my limited life to the limitless job of serving the people.
②A man should be modest at first, for knowledge is without limit.
(1)be limited to ...       受限制于……
(2)put/set a limit to ... 对……限制
without limit 无限(制)地
(3)limited adj. 有限的;不多的
limitless adj. 无限制的;无界限的
③Set a limit ____the number of tasks you take on each day and stick to it.
④He was born in a poor family, and only received __________(limit) education in his childhood.
⑤Scientists have known how to use the ____________(limit) power of the sun.
⑥The length of the article__________________________________.
should be limited to 400 words or so
★prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
①(以文化人助写作)All this shows that nothing can prevent us from achieving our aims.
归纳点拨 (1)prevent ...from (doing) ...  阻止;不准
(2)prevention n. 预防;阻止;妨碍
[名师点津] 短语prevent/stop/keep ...from ...都有“阻止/制止……做……”的意义, prevent/stop ...from ...中的from可以省略,但是keep ...from ...中的from不能省略。在被动结构中,三个短语中的from均不可省略。
②I could have asked her, but something prevented me _________(do) so.
③_____________ (prevent) of a problem is always preferable to trying to cure it.
④(2020·天津高考)It prevents people who are cut off from society falling victim to cheaters. ____________
⑤No one can ____________________________being carried out.
prevent/stop this plan (from)
6.The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.
★contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠
①(以文化人助写作)Many young volunteers made great contributions to the fight against the novel coronavirus.
②China has contributed to the stability and balance of global economic development.
(1)make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth.  对……做出贡献
(2)contribute vi.& vt. 捐献;捐助;贡献
contribute to 有助于;促使;导致
contribute ...to ... 向……捐献/捐赠……
③Everyone is willing to contribute food and clothes ___the homeless people.
④Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some ______________(contribute) to the class.
⑤Eating too much fat can lead to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. ____________
⑥(2021·全国乙卷书面表达)Besides, making a schedule is a must, for good time management________________________________________.
contribute to
will contribute to improving our efficiency
7.Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
★donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
①Before graduation, many students in our school donated their books to the school library for the students in lower grades to use.
②The large hall was filled with people who came to make a donation to the earthquake victims.
(1)donate ...to ...         向……捐赠……
donate ...to do sth. 捐赠……做某事
(2)donation n.[C] 捐赠物
[U] 捐赠;赠送
make a donation to ... 捐赠……
(3)donator n. 捐赠者
③The businessman made a ___________(donate) of a lot of money to my school.
④Luckily, many people and organizations donate a lot of money _______(help) them receive college education smoothly.
⑤I asked if anyone wanted to help by giving away usable items. __________
to help
8.Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
★attempt n.& vt.企图;试图;尝试
①(2021·全国乙卷)One afternoon, while attempting to get into bed she collapsed (倒下) from what was eventually discovered to be a heart attack.
②When you make an attempt to change your habits, you feel more comfortable just saying you're going to do it than actually doing it.
③I passed my driving test at the first attempt.
(1)make an attempt to do/at doing sth 试图做某事
at one's/the first attempt (某人)第一次尝试
(2)attempt to do sth. 试图做某事;尝试做某事
attempt 都可接动词不定式 正式用语,侧重已经开始,且希望完成,但常隐含着不一定有预期的结果,还包含“冒险”之意
try 通俗用语,指为成功做某事而付出努力或花费一定代价,后接不定式表示“努力做某事”,后接动名词表示“尝试做某事”
manage 表示“成功地做成某事”,强调结果,相当于succeed in doing sth.
[易混辨析] attempt, try, manage
④The boys made ____attempt to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.
⑤He had attempted ___________(rescue) the drowning man.
⑥He ____________again and again but he could not get out.
⑦I finally __________to find the book I was looking for.
⑧He was ___________opening the door when I came.
to rescue
9.We must protect the temples and make sure that no damage is done.
★make sure确保;设法保证
①(2021·全国乙卷)Make sure that the tourism provides positive experiences for both the visitors and the hosts.
②(以文化人助写作)A good plan helps you to make sure of your success in study.
(1)make sure (that) ...   确保……
make sure of (doing) ... 确保……;弄清楚……
(2)be sure of doing sth. 一定会做某事;某事肯定会发生
be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事;务必要做某事
③After she made sure _______I was comfortable, she and Neil left.
④Be sure _______(be) patient with your kids.
⑤You'd better _________________the exact time of the arriving train.
to be
make sure of
10.Do you think it was worthwhile
★worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
①Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time
②So I believe it's worthwhile to come here to work.
③It's worthwhile working the whole night on the problem.
worthwhile It's worthwhile doing ... 值得做……
It's worthwhile to do ...
worth be worth+n./钱数 值得……;值……
be worth doing “某事值得被做”,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义
worth it 值得;有必要;值得一干
worthy be worthy of sth. 应得某事物
be worthy of being done “某事值得被做”,接动名词的被动式
be worthy to be done “某事值得被做”,用不定式的被动式
[易混辨析] worthwhile, worth, worthy
④It is worthwhile ____________________(spend) two hours reading the book.
⑤In my opinion, the film is well worth ________(see).
to spend/spending
a worthwhile activity
be considered
being considered
it was worth it
第二板块 句式和语法——句句通
1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
There comes a time when ...“……的时候到了”。when在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词a time。
①We have entered into an age when dreams have the best chance of coming true.
②The reason ______he has had such a success is that he never gives up.
③Now their peace talks have reached a key stage _______one side must give in to the other.
④The music reminded me of the days _______we practiced this song for the singing competition.
⑤__________________________ you have to make a choice.
⑥____________________________ women were not allowed to go to school.
There comes a time when
There was once a time when
2.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
①All that I need now is time.
②This is the interesting story that she told me yesterday.
③The school in which he once studied is very famous.
④This is the girl that the nurse took care of in the hospital.
这就是那位护士在医院里照顾的女孩。(take care of短语不能拆开)
3.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
(1)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,not only 所在的分句需使用部分倒装,but (also)后的句子仍用陈述语序。
①(2020·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)Not only did it give us relaxation, but also it got us closer to nature.
[归纳点拨 ]

(2)not only ...but (also) ...“不仅……而且……”,其中also可省略。
②They not only speak the same language but (also) share a large number of social customs.
(3)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循“就近原则”,即和but (also)后的名词或代词的数保持一致。
③Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.
(4)not only ...but (also) ...既可以用来连接两个句子,也可以用来连接两个名词、代词或短语。
④Miss Li is not only my teacher but also my friend.
(2)not only ...but (also) ...“不仅……而且……”,其中also可省略。
②They not only speak the same language but (also) share a large number of social customs.
(3)not only ...but (also) ...连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称与数遵循
“就近原则”,即和but (also)后的名词或代词的数保持一致。
③Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.
(4)not only ...but (also) ...既可以用来连接两个句子,也可以用来连接两个名词、代 词或短语。
④Miss Li is not only my teacher but also my friend.
⑤As we all know, reading classics can not only improve our studying career but also enrich our everyday life.
→As we all know, _____________________________________________________
but also enrich our everyday life.(改为倒装句)
⑥This New Year,_____________________________, but he tasted the sweetest fruit of friendship.
not only can reading classics improve our studying career
not only did he receive a present
1.In order to reach this ______(限度), a number of technical problems will have to be solved.
2.Every year, the World Heritage ___________(委员会) chooses natural and cultural places around the world.
3.Remember to store the ______________(文件) after you type it in.
4.Your great help made my journey fruitful and _____________(值得的).
5.They have different opinions over the ________(问题).
6.People ________(抗议) against the company's tests on live animals.
7.Thank you for the offer, but I live ___________(在……之内)the walking distance.
8.The concert will raise _________(专款) for research into AIDS.
1.Keep a ____________(balance)diet and you'll become healthy.
2.The ___________(propose)he put forward at the meeting are acceptable.
3.An organisation _________________(establish) to raise funds for the homeless.
was established
4.The scientist has made a great ______________(contribute)to the space project.
5.It was the public's __________(donate)that helped them through the cold winter.
6.A group of scientists ________________(conduct) several experiments since last year.
7.He attempted _________(go) through the customs with a fake identification, but failed.
8.Food can _____________(preserve) in the fridge from going bad.
have conducted
to go
be preserved
make a donation to, make sure, keep balance, prevent ...from ..., turn to, make a proposal, give way to
1.__________ that all the windows are closed before you leave.
2.If you meet with any difficulty, please ___________the teachers for help.
3.After a long argument, we didn't ______________each other.
4.Tom held my arm firmly to_________________.
5.I ______________________that the meeting should be put off.
6.We will succeed in _______________the situation _______getting worse.
7.Would you like to ______________________our charity appeal
Make sure
turn to
give way to
keep balance
made a proposal
make a donation to
1.我不但已了解了许多你们的文化而且交了很多朋友。(not only位于句首引起 的倒装句)
______________________quite a lot about your culture but also _____________
All roads ____________Rome.
Not only have I learned
I have made
many friends
lead to
It is likely to rain
4.昨天雨下得很大,这阻止了我去公园。(prevent ...from ...)
It rained hard yesterday, which____________________________________.
The old lady ___________________________the project.
prevented me from going to the park
donated half of her money to
Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the 1.__________ (protect) of cultural sites can be a big challenge.Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead 2.____ great solutions.In 3._____ 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order 4._________ (control) floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more 5._________ (farmer) in the area.But the proposal led to protests 6.________ water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics.After 7._________ (listen) to the scientists who 8.____________ (study) the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
to control
had studied
A committee 9._______________ (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.Finally, the work began in 1960.
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a 10.________ (good) tomorrow.
was established
Reading for Writing—读写·体现学以致用
1._________ adj.        数码的;数字显示的
2._________ n. 形象;印象
3._______ n. 山洞;洞穴
4.__________ _prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终
5.__________ n. 质量;品质;素质;特征
adj. 优质的;高质量的
6.____________ n. 传统;传统的信仰或风俗
7._________ adv. (far的比较级)更远;进一步
8._________ adj. 历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
9.___________n. 意见;想法;看法
10.__________ vt. 引用
11.__________ n.,vi.& vt. (用更容易理解的文字)解释
12.___________ n. 比较;相比
13.__________ n. 对比;对照
vt. 对比;对照
14.__________ vt. 确认;认出;找到
15.__________ adv. 永远;长久地
16.________________ 在世界各地
17.__________ 从事
18._____________ 拍照
19._____________ 集资
all over the world
work on
take photos of
raise money
1.Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
2.Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei's photos can help us remember them.
1.civilization n.        文明
2.traditional adj. 传统的
3.unique adj. 独特的
4.date back to 追溯到
5.pass down 传递
6.the symbol of ……的象征
7.take effective measures 采取有效的措施
8.with the help of 在……帮助下
9.think highly of 对……评价高
10.make great contributions to 对……作出巨大的贡献
11.have a great effect/influence/impact on 对……有较大的影响
12.lists of World Heritage 世界遗产名录
(1)Last week witnessed our “Loving Parcels” donation activity at our school.
(2)A traditional Chinese handicraft exhibition was successfully held in our school today.
(3)Last Sunday, over 700 Senior One students in Hongxing High School went to the Art Gallery,located in the downtown area of our city,to appreciate a large picture exhibition of our rich local culture.
(4)Yesterday afternoon, Mr Liu, a famous psychologist, delivered a lecture about mental health for the students of Senior One in the school auditorium.
(5)In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain climbing on October 30th.
(1)During the visit,a large number of Chinese paintings are on show, all of which are the works of famous Chinese painters.
(2)All the students were amazed at our colorful culture, saying that this visit was really a cultural feast.
(3)The lecture lasted about two hours. Mr Liu taught students how to deal with stress, setbacks and failures and how to improve their interpersonal skills.
(4)At 8:00 am, we gathered at the foot of Cuiping Mountain and set out for the top in high spirits.
(1)The students learned a lot from the lecture. Not only did they realize the importance of mental health, but they also found the ways to improve it.
(2)The visit was a great success.It not only enriched our life,but also helped us learn more about Chinese painting culture.
(3)The book fair not only motivated students to further develop good habit of reading, but also raised public awareness of green campus and environmental protection.
(4)With the students' active participation and teachers' enthusiastic support, the donation was undoubtedly a success.
1.“I've been waiting for you,”she said with a smile.
2.“We're not in trouble!” I shouted with joy.
3.“Surely she looked good and happy!” I argued.
4.“Of course, Mrs Long.” I replied.
5.“That was beautiful,” he gently commented.
6.“Get you!” A voice came unexpectedly.
7.“Well, not all people can appreciate this creation.”Andy's father responded.
8.“Nobody could understand me!” Andy sobbed, burying his face in his hands.
9.Next, he turned to Mike and yelled, “Give me a rock!”
10.Then Ashley continued, “Well, let's go and see!”
11.She tiptoed into the room and whispered to me, “I looked at every plant and I know I got the best one!”
12.“Look!” Rosa pointed out the window and cried in great excitement.
写作项目——Write a news report
1.本段第二句中使用了动词不定式短语to help increase ...简洁、明确地概括 出文化遗产保护项目的目的。
2.本段第三句中的a key stop,意为“一个关键站点”,stop 在此处为熟词生义,使表达更具意蕴。
[微点写作] (完成句子)
①The new technology,if applied to farming, will ____________the grain output.
②There is only one way to Sichuan and Tibet in Yajiang county, and both sides are mountains of over 4,000 meters.So here is ___________between Sichuan and Tibet.
help increase
a key stop
[微点写作] (完成句子)
①__________________, fish can't live without water.
②_____________________________________________ is his job.
第二段主要用表示时间的副词long, today和程度副词even串联起了各句,使表达更加灵活,富有层次。第三段使用了“排比”这一修辞手法,增强了语言的感染力,同时也总结了全文,表达了主旨。
As is known to all
Collecting information about children's health
姓名 樊锦诗 身份 考古学家
成就 1.自北京大学毕业后已在敦煌研究所坚持工作50余年,被誉为 “敦煌女儿”。 2.致力于石窟的研究和保护,创造了“数字敦煌”,收集和录制莫高窟的文化遗迹,对文物保护作出了巨大的贡献。 3.一生中荣获了很多奖项,被评为“100位新中国成立以来感动中国人物”。
Fan Jinshi is a famous archaeologist, who ①______________of the Mogao Caves.She has been working in Dunhuang Institute for more than 50 years since she ②_____________Peking University.Therefore, ③________________of Dunhuang.She created digital Dunhuang, recording and ④_____________from the Mogao Caves.She has made a great contribution to the protection of cultural relics.In her life, ⑤__________________, one of which is “one hundred people moving China since the founding of The People's Republic of China”.
A.she got many awards
B.graduated from
C.devotes all her life to the study and protection
D.she has been regarded as the daughter
E.collecting digital images of cultural relics
答案:①~⑤ CBDEA
1.Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.
★quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的
①Upon arrival, we found your goods were of poor quality.
②I bought a shirt because it was not only good in quality but also reasonable in price.
of good/poor quality      质量好的/差的
improve the quality 提高质量
in quality 在质量方面
[应用融会] (完成句子)
③As a matter of fact, air in some cities is________________.
④He has many ________________,but his best quality is his kindness.他有许多良 好的品质,而最好的品质是善良。
⑤There is no difference ______________between these goods.
of poor quality
good qualities
in quality
2.Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
(1)as ...as ...“和……一样”, 原级比较
①At 20 years old, he was not as strong, as fast, as agile as he is now.
(2)as+adj.+a/an+n.+as ...
②If you want to live as healthy a life as I do, you'd better take regular exercises every day.
(3)as ...as possible “尽可能……”
③When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.
(4)as ...as ever“和以前一样……”
④The sea calmed, but the cold was as bitter as ever.
[应用融会] (完成句子)
⑤As a matter of fact, mental health is ___________________physical health.
⑥The young man hopes to live __________________his grandpa.
⑦It was imperative that he act__________________________.
⑧Going to his daughter's room after his arrival, he was __________ever to see her.
as important as
as simple a life as
as naturally as possible
as happy as
3.By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even wider interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions.
★tradition n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗
①(以文化人助写作)In China, it is a tradition to respect and love the old.
②By tradition, children can get money in red paper on the Spring Festival.
归纳点拨 (1)It is a tradition to do sth.  做某事是一项传统
It is a tradition that ... ……是一项传统
by tradition 按照传统
(2)traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的
③(2021·全国甲卷书面表达)To introduce ____________(tradition) Chinese culture, our school will hold a theme class meeting, which will be exhibited on the English website.
④They still ____________________of their ancestors.
⑤______________, people will appreciate the moon and eat mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.
follow the tradition
By tradition
4.Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei's photos can help us remember them.
(1)句中neither ...nor ...意为“既不……也不……”,连接的是句子的两个主语,句子的谓语动词与nor后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致,也就是主谓一致中的“就近一致”原则。
①Neither he nor his parents are going to have a picnic tomorrow.
(2)neither ...nor ...连接句子的其他并列成分,原则上词性保持一致。
②He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold.
not ...but ...        不是……而是……
not only ...but (also) ... 不但……而且……
either ...or ... 或者……或者……   
③Not the students but our maths teacher ____(be) looking forward to seeing the film at the moment.
④(2021·浙江6月高考)Although Mary loved flowers, _________she nor her husband was known as a gardener.
⑤Seeing this, Lucy seemed neither disappointed nor __________(annoy).
⑥______________________________________ are coming to visit the museum.
Not only Tom but also his classmates
1.As far as I know, the ________(数码的) camera in our shop is of high quality.
2.When he writes, he's always __________(引用) Shakespeare's words.
3.The company has changed its ________(形象) in the last few years.
4.Once upon a time, the hunters lived in ________(山洞) and hunted for animals to live on.
5.She's got lots of good ___________(品质), so her classmates all like her.
6.You'll never see life if you stay at home _____________(永远).
1.She has lectured all _______the world and becomes famous.
2.Our culture has many different customs and ____________(tradition).
3.It's still all about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw ________
4.It is a _____________(history) site made of many old stone buildings.
5.In _______________ (compare) with other students, Mike is more diligent.
6.Neither the temples nor the intangible cultural heritage of this place _____________________(destroy).
has been destroyed
7._____ my opinion, forming good habits to learn English is very important and necessary.
8.Visitors are welcome to take photos ______the exhibit.
9.I would like to do some research work _____biology.
10.We are giving the show _________(raise) money for Project Hope.
1.__________________, cultural relics are treasures that our ancestors created for the whole nation.
to raise
As is known to all
2.Technological development is to provide humans with a life _____________
instead of replacing human beings.
3.This young man_______________________________.
4.The smile on her face was ____________________on a summer day.
5.____________________ to live simply and work hard.
of high quality
was neither strong nor tall
as bright as the sun
It is a good tradition
It was the late 1930s, and things were tough.Mum had a hard time raising us on her own in our small community of New Westminster, BC.My dad had drowned in Pitt Lake five years ago.
Looking back, I realize what Mum went through sending us kids to school.Every morning she would tuck a new piece of cardboard in our shoes, because our soles(鞋底)were worn out.When we got home, Mum would have “French toast” ready for us.Constant moving was typical for my family in those times.Rent was 25 dollars a month, but Mum couldn't pay it, and we knew we would be evicted(驱逐) right after Christmas on the first day of January.
Christmas was approaching, and we were entitled to a twenty five dollar Christmas fund from social services.The inspector came to our house, and searched it from top to bottom to be sure we didn't have any food hidden away.When he didn't find any, he issued the cheque to Mum.Mum said that instead of buying food, she would use the 25 dollars to pay back rent, assuring us all of a roof over our heads for a little while longer.She told us then there would be nothing for Christmas.
Unknown to Mum, I had been selling Christmas tree, shoveling snow, and doing odd jobs to earn enough money to buy a new pair of boots.Boots that weren't patched, boots with no cardboard in the soles.I knew exactly which boots I wanted.They were ten inch Top Genuine Pierre Paris and they had a price of 23 dollars.
As I continued walking I began to reconsider my plan.I was feeling a strange sense of guilt, so I decided to spend the 25 dollars I had earned to buy lights, decorations and a turkey instead of a new pair of boots.After finishing shopping, I went home, excited and happy.When Mum knew the fact, she was moved to tears.Holding back my tears, I said, “Merry Christmas!” That day I got enough hugs and kisses from Mum.