成都双流区教科院 邓兆昂
[问题提出]英语语篇的结构不是随意的组合,语篇的结构是有条理的(orderly),上下连贯( coherence),前后一致(cohesion)的有机语言整体。语篇结构关糸通过语篇策略(discourse strategies)来实现。而语篇模式( discourse patterns)是语篇总体上,高层次语义结构,语篇宏观面的语言特征。如何应用语篇策略与语篇模式理论指导英语阅读和以阅读形式的信息补充(完形填空),积极构建语篇完形新模式,指导教学呢?
【理论支撑】运用语篇语言学语篇词汇的复现与同现,”小句关系”理论. 语篇內部的衔接与连贯,语篇分类学等知识,重构语篇结构,解析语篇连续性,完整性,统一性,透过话题看主题,对提升高三英语完形填空效率有积极意义。语篇知识的掌握能帮助读者理解,分析文本结构,迅速把握文本主旨大意和段落大意。并能识别文本內在衔接和连贯的手段及其使用意义。(Oxford. Scanella . 2013)
[concept construction].小句之间的关糸直接体现着语篇的结构特征.小句关系实际指的是相邻的小句之间在意义上存在的语义或逻辑关系.[复合句中的主.从句关系亦属于小句关系]
语篇各成分之间在形式上是衔接的 (cohesion),语义上是连贯( coherence ),一个完整的语篇是通过词的重复,同义、反义、上下义,互补、同现等词汇间的语义达成的。
词汇衔接分为两大类,复现关系和同现关系。词汇的复现可以分为,原词复现,同义词近义词复现,上下义词(如animal, dog)复现,概括词 复现。
词汇同现关系指的是词汇共同出现倾向性,在语篇中围绕着一定的话题,一定的词就往往会同时出现,而其他一些词就不太可能出现,或者根本不出现。【eg. How to describe a person's character --gentle/ mild/ helpful/ talkative/ easy-going/outgoing/ generous/mean...) 词汇的同现关系,包括反义关系( good, bad),互补关系(man, woman),序列(spring,summer, autumn, winter)、词汇链,(如寄信, 汇款,打电报,挂号信等),这些都是同现关系的体现。
语篇分析:我们可以利用cohesion( lexical cohesion.词间关系] +coherence,
classification/types of discourses ,【篇际关系】discourses strategies,
It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.
Burchill was 21. packing (词汇同现关系, pack on business构成固定搭配, 意为” 谈…生意)at the hotel on business and planning to 22 visit [and是关键词, 与上句意上构成小句间的reason- result关系,…因为谈生意--拜访朋友]some friends in the area. They had asked him to 23 bring(带来…clause- extended relationship,与上句构成小句扩展-通过人称代词they, ) some pepperoni(辣香肠) from back east. So he 24 filled (通过full近义词复现)a suitcase full of pepperoni. As he was 25 worried (由that连起两个小句, 构成reason-result小句关糸)that it would be too warm, he 26 laid (进一步与as引导从句构成reason-result小句关糸)it out on the table near an open window. He thought his pepperoni was 27 safe and well chilled (冷却) and he 28 left .( 两个并列句,safe与well chilled意义衔接, and he left…是前一小句导致的结果)
That's when things went 29 wrong [语篇段落以general-specific形式展开]. “[specific1….]I remember walking down the long 30_hall_ and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls, " Burchill said in a recent letter of 31apology (原词复现, 据to apologize for the damage… )to the 4-star hotel. “[specific2…. 根据下义hyponym,---rushed to…]The seagulls immediately went 32 wild . [specific3-表结果信息词pepperoni—everywhere, rush to 与break in构成词汇链]They rushed to the window, 30 or 40 birds all trying to 33 break in at the same time, and pepperoni—everywhere . ” [specific4…(前后构成小句reason- result 关糸,)The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down, It was a real 34 mess ”
Older and wiser now, Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion (莽撞).( transitional paragraph过渡段, 利用语篇策略之对比contrast…)
“I have 35matured (上义older and wiser推测下义) and I admit responsibility for my 36 actions (responsibility 与actions构成vocabulary- chain) ,” he said in the letter. “I come to you, 37 hat in hand (谦卑地-副词词组表状态, 与小句I admit responsibility for my 36 actions构成扩充, 延伸小句关系extended -relationship), to apologize for the damage I had 38 indirectly(关键词, 概括damage…)caused and to ask you to 39 reconsider (ask与reconsider构成顺接, 回应语篇开头的Nick Burchill blacklisted )my lifetime ban from the hotel.”
His letter 40 worked (起作用…根据小句上下义Burchill is now welcome to come back,) Banned from the hotel since 2001, Burchill is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont said.
21. A. studying B. staying C. looking D. packing
22. A. visit B. help C. follow D. make
23. A. sell B. have C. bring D. taste
24. A. filled B. locked C. abandoned D. lost
25. A. surprised B. pleased C. excited D. worried
26. A. dug B. cleared C. cut D. laid
27. A. delicious B. safe C. soft D. ready
28. A. left B. nodded C. waited D. regretted
29. A. far B. funny C. wrong D. blind .
30. A. beach B. driveway C. hall D. table
31. A. application B. apology C. request D. invitation
32. A. hungry B. dead C. missing D. wild .
33. A. wake up B. get out C. take off D. break in
34. A. mess B. puzzle C. fight D. challenge
35. A. recovered B. retired C. escaped D. matured
36. A. suffering B. plans C. madness D. actions
37. A. hands in pockets B. nose in the air
C. hat in hand D. feet on the ground
38. A. indirectly B. deliberately C. cautiously D. secretly
39. A. replace B. remember C. reconsider D. renew
40. A. arrived B. worked C. ended D. disappeared
联接手段 表示关系 例子与说朋
词汇衔接,小句关系埋论 复现 22 /visit [and是关键词, 与上句意义上构成小句间的reason- result关系,…因为谈生意--拜访朋友] 23_/_bring(带来…clause- extended relationship与上句构成小句扩展-通过人称词they实现句间衔接, ) 24 / filled (通过full近义词复现) 25/ worried (由that连起两个小句, 构成reason-result小句关糸) 26/ laid (进一步与as引导从句构成reason-result小句关糸) 29/ wrong [语篇段落以general-specific形式展开, 衔接上下段落]. 31/apology (原词复现, 据to apologize for the damage… ) 34.The curtains were falling down, the lamps were falling down, It was a real 34/ mess (前后构成小句reason- result 关糸)” 37/ hat in hand (谦卑地-副词词组表状态, 与小句I admit responsibility for my 36 actions构成扩充, 延伸小句关系extended -relationship) 39/ reconsider (ask与reconsider构成顺接, 回应语篇开头的Nick Burchill blacklisted )
词汇衔接-上, 下义 Hyponym and superordinate 27 /safe and well chilled (冷却) and he 28/ left .( 两个并列句,safe与well chilled意义衔接, and he left…是前一小句导致的结果) 35/matured (上义older and wiser推测下义) 40/ worked (起作用…根据小句上下义Burchill is now welcome to come back,) .
同现 21/packing (词汇同现关系, pack on business构成固定搭配, 意为” 谈…生意) 30/hall( walking – opening, hall- room构成同倾向词汇链) 32/ wild . rushed 与 33 / break in构成同倾向词汇链) 36/ actions (responsibility 与actions构成vocabulary- chain) 38/ indirectly (关键词, 概括damage…)
【结论】这是一篇以主张-应答( claim-response) 语篇模式而展开的记叙文。首先阐述故事发生的背景, 采用倒叙的方法, 说明Nick Burchill上了信用黑名单, 关键词blame-responsibility, 主张seaside birds对此负有部份责任:
语篇模式: Claim-Response
[Claim]: It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.
[Response1]: Write a recent letter of apology to apologize for the damage to the 4-star hotel.
[Response2]: Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion . 把这件事归咎于年青人的莽撞.
[Response3]:Admit the blame >apologize for the damage >ask for rethinking about canceling the lifetime ban.
Evaluation/result:Positive result, Nick Burchill’s apology letter helps him and he is now welcome to come back, the Fairmont.
以语篇模式为抓手的语篇分析, 帮助读者理解语篇主题, 围绕主题对缺信息展开填空; 能更准确. 快速. 有针对性完善完形填空。
1.Halliday and Hasan《 cohesion in English》p113,上海外语教育出版社,1983年。
2.黄国文 《 语篇语言学概要》,p13 ,湖南教育出版社,2004年。
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