人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit3 Food and Culture单元复习课件(20PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit3 Food and Culture单元复习课件(20PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 99.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-27 19:44:18



Unit3 词汇变形及重点词汇
1. prior n. ____________
2. bold n. ____________ (大胆)
3. elegant n. ____________
4. exceptional ant. ___________
5. minimum ant. ____________
6. consume n. ____________
7. stable ant. ____________ adv. ____________ n. ____________
8. association v. ____________ adj. ____________
9. moderation adj. ____________ adv. ____________
10. consistent ant.____________ n. ____________
11. modest n. ____________
12. trick adj. ____________
1. prior n. priority
2. bold n. boldness (大胆)
3. elegant n. elegance
4. exceptional ant. unexceptional
5. minimum ant. maximum
6. consume n. consumption
7. stable ant. unstable adv. stably n. stability
8. association v. associate adj. associated
9. moderation adj. moderate adv. moderately
10. consistent ant. inconsistent n. consistency
11. modest n. modesty
12. trick adj. tricky
The first ________________ (prior) for people in the quake-hit area was to get temporary accommodation and sufficient food.
Upon their arrival, ten groups, each ________________ (consist) of two soldiers, spread out around the site in search of the criminal.
Upon their arrival, ten groups, each ________________ (comprise) of two soldiers, spread out around the site in search of the criminal.
The increasing ________________ (consume) of gas and oil has caused a shortage of natural resources in the recent centuries.
He was emotionally ________________ (stable) after the death of his wife, with his physical health badly affected as well.
Young as he is, Tom has showed ________________ (exception) talent as a musician.
7. At the sight of the monster, Carolyn ________________ (consume) with fear and stood entirely rooted to the spot.
8. Access ________________ education is an essential part of human rights, regardless ________________ one’s gender, culture and family background.
9. Though simply dressed, the Lady impressed all the guests with her ________________ (elegant) and beauty.
10. Issues ________________ (associate) with the aftermath of the infectious virus is being discussed at the meeting.
11. Tourists tend to have a romantic imagination of Hangzhou, frequently ________________ (associate) the city with the paradise on earth.
12. Things ________________ (moderate) good are not so good as they ought to be. ________________ (moderate) in temper is always a virtue, but in principle is always a vice.
13. What annoys Tom most is the ________________ (consistent) weather in the area, which he finds quite hard to adapt to.
14. He shows great pride in his work and has no false ________________ (modest) about his success.
15. It requires a great deal of ________________ (bold) and caution to make a great fortune, and when you have it, it requires ten times as much skill to keep it.
The first __priority______________ (prior) for people in the quake-hit area was to get temporary accommodation and sufficient food.
Upon their arrival, ten groups, each ______consisting__________ (consist) of two soldiers, spread out around the site in search of the criminal.
Upon their arrival, ten groups, each ____comprised____________ (comprise) of two soldiers, spread out around the site in search of the criminal.
The increasing _____consumption___________ (consume) of gas and oil has caused a shortage of natural resources in the recent centuries.
He was emotionally ______unstable__________ (stable) after the death of his wife, with his physical health badly affected as well.
Young as he is, Tom has showed ____exceptional____________ (exception) talent as a musician.
At the sight of the monster, Carolyn ____was consumed____________ (consume) with fear and stood entirely rooted to the spot.
Access ______to__________ education is an essential part of human rights, regardless ____of____________ one’s gender, culture and family background.
Though simply dressed, the Lady impressed all the guests with her _____elegance___________ (elegant) and beauty.
Issues ____associated____________ (associate) with the aftermath of the infectious virus is being discussed at the meeting.
Tourists tend to have a romantic imagination of Hangzhou, frequently _____associating___________ (associate) the city with the paradise on earth.
Things _______moderately_________ (moderate) good are not so good as they ought to be. _____Moderation___________ (moderate) in temper is always a virtue, but in principle is always a vice.
What annoys Tom most is the ______inconsistent__________ (consistent) weather in the area, which he finds quite hard to adapt to.
He shows great pride in his work and has no false ______modesty__________ (modest) about his success.
It requires a great deal of ______boldness__________ (bold) and caution to make a great fortune, and when you have it, it requires ten times as much skill to keep it.
relate vt. vi. 把......联系起来 n. relation/relationship
relate A to B (把A和B 联系起来)
It is difficult to relate the pretty girl to the murder (把这个漂亮的女孩和杀人犯联系起来).
relate to 与....相关;能够理解;共情 (empathize with)
We should discuss the problem as it relates to our specific problems in studies. (和我们学习中的特定的一些问题相关)
Many adults can’t relate to their kids(理解孩子), hence causing conflicts with them.
In ancient times, the relation between rainfall and crop yields were quite close(降雨量和农产品产量紧密关联), that’s why there were various ceremonies to pray for the rain.
* relations=relatives 亲戚
Jane Eyre doesn’t have any relation(没有一个亲戚)in this town, so she has no one to turn to.
prior adj. 先前的、较早的
Please give us prior notice(提早给通知)if the work time is lengthened(long).
prior to 在...之前
All the arrangements should be completed prior to our departure.(在我们离开之前)
priority n. 优先事项 ;优先;重点
Education is a top priority (教育是头等大事).
Club members will be given priority (被给与优先权).
exceptional adj. 杰出的=outstanding/excellent 例外的;罕见的 (very unusual)
Children with exceptional ability (有非凡能力的孩子)will be admitted to Peking University through the Early Entrance Program.
The quality of electronic appliances made in this country is exceptional(是非常卓越的).
Teachers will ask for a day off from work in exceptional circumstances(在及其罕见的情况下), such as severe illness, or other crucial incidents.
exceptionally adv. 特别地,非常地
The weather at the end of this month is exceptionally cold(非常地冷).
consume vt. 吃喝;消耗; 使...充满强烈的感情
Before he died, he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol(喝了很多酒).
Every year, the electricity industry consumes large quantities of (消耗了大量的)fossil fuels.
Faced with the destroyed city, the survivors were consumed with rage(非常生气).
= Rage consumed the survivors(愤怒充满了幸存者的全身)when they faced the destroyed city.
耗时的 time-consuming 耗能的 energy-consuming
Knitting is time-consuming(编织非常耗时), and many retired women are keen to do it.
consumer n. 消费者;客户 consumption n. 消耗
The production of beef can’t meet the demand for domestic consumption(国内消耗), so we have to import from other countries.
quantity n. 数量;数额
The change of quantity causes the change of quality. (量变引起质变。)
a large quantity of/ large quantities of 大量的
A large quantity of (大量的) carbon dioxide is released into the air, causing the temperature to go up.
As a result of deforestation, large quantities of desert have covered the land in the past few decades.
in quantity/ in large quantities 大量地
With the development of science and technology, some products can be produced in large quantities (大量地), thus making them cheap enough for most people to afford.
associate v. 联想;联系
Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom (把乌云与沮丧、阴郁联系起来).
Some people claim that classical music is only associated with (仅仅与…有关) old people.
association n. 协会;联盟;社团
the National Basketball Association (NBA) (美国)全国篮球协会
the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) 中国篮球协会
n. 联系;联合
They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. 保持密切联系
This dictionary was published in association with (=together with) Oxford University Press.
trick n. 诀窍;计谋;把戏 adj. tricky 棘手的;难对付的
Patience is the trick of doing this job well. (耐心是做好这份工作的诀窍。)
If the neighbors do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on/ play tricks on (捉弄) them.
the tricks of the trade 行业的窍门
v. 欺骗;哄骗
An advertiser might be trying to trick customers into buying (哄骗顾客购买) a product or a service.
consistent adj. 一致的;连续的 ant. inconsistent n. consistency
Make sure that the tenses are consistent (确保时态一致).
There is no denying that all our decisions will be consistent with (与…相符) scientific development.
fundamental adj. 根本的;基础的;基本的
It was claimed that there had been a fundamental shift (根本性的转变) in policy as well as language.
It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to (对…是根本的) the development of life.
regardless of 不管;不顾
Our club is open to everyone regardless of (不管) age, sex or educational background.
Regardless of what happens (不管发生什么), I will always be there for you.
stuff n. 物品 vt. 充满 be stuffed with
Please put away all your stuff in the locker.(把你的物品收到储藏柜里)
The turkey is stuffed with (被塞满) apples and other food.
somewhat adv. 有点;稍微
The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance (在外形上有点相似).
He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood. 情绪有点忧郁