Unit 1 阅读导读备课资料
How to build a good interpersonal relationship with others?
Here are several techniques you can use to improve your interpersonal relations with friends,family coworkers,and employees. In fact,you can use these techniques to influence others to have a positive attitude toward you in just about any type of relationship.
1.Don’t criticise, condemn,or complain about people.
There’s no faster way create resentment toward you than to criticise or complain about a person. Instead of telling people they’re doing something wrong,consider asking them questions to try to find out why they do what they do. Offer them an alternative in a way that comes across as trying to help. Show them how doing things the way you would like them done can benefit them or lead to reward.
2.Appreciate people.
If you’re normal,you’re probably very quick to notice things you don’t like about people. Maybe you sometimes even let people know when you don’t like something. I’ll let you on a secret that can vastly improve your interpersonal relations very quickly: whenever you see someone,imagine them wearing a flashing sign on their chest that says APPRECIATE ME,PLEASE!Then,give them what they want. If you start appreciating the good things others are doing,they are much more likely to give you more good things to appreciate. Just make sure your appreciation is genuine. People will pick up on it if you’re just feeding them a line,in which case you’re better off having said nothing at all. You might have heard this saying when you were growing up: “If you can’t say something nice don t say anything at all. ”Wise advice!
3.Solve your own problems by solving other people’s problems.
This relates to number one. If you would like someone to do something or act in a certain way, try to ligure out how what you want might benefit him or her. This works especially well for people who work in sales. Instead of telling your potential clients how great your product is, ask them questions to find out what problems they might have Once you know those issues, you can then work with your clients to help solve them. If they don’t have a problem your product or service solves, then you know that you’ re not a good match. It saves a lot of time on chasing clients that were never really potential sales anyway.
As a side note, I’ve worked in sales and found this approach amazing. It really takes the pressure off both you and the client and it helps foster interpersonal relations built on trust. If you work in sales or deal with customers in any way, you might really enjoy this honest and open approach to selling. You can get more info here. I’ ve worked through the material myself and it really made the whole sales process feel much more enjoyable and effective for both my clients and me.
4.Be genuinely interested in others.
You’ll make more friends by being interested in others than you ever will by trying to get people to be interested in you. This was touched on earlier, but it’s worth repeating here. Not everyone will admit it, but the truth is, most people’s favourite subject is themselves. Use this to your advantage. Become genuinely interested in other people. Ask them questions. Talk to them about things they’re interested in. Put the focus on them. You’ll quickly gain their friendship.
5.Smile Smiles are infectious.
They make others feel warm inside and warmer toward you. Force yourself to do it if you have to because it will ultimately make you feel better too. Try it right now: just smile!
6.Be a good listener.
This goes back to the principle of focusing on the other person. Listen more than you speak and encourage others to talk about themselves and you’ll quickly develop good interpersonal relations with them.
7.Make others feel important.
If someone is important to you in any way, tell them so! This goes for any type of interpersonal relationship including your spouse, kids, employees, coworkers, your friends, family-anyone! People like to feel important. Give them what they want and they will love you for it. Again, it’s important that you do this with sincerity. People can easily tell when you’ re just dishing something out for personal gain. Mean it when you say it.
8.Avoid arguing, and understand that you really aren’t always right.
When two people argue, neither one is really listening to the other. You’ll be better off to try and remain calm and listen to the other person’s thoughts. Then take some time to consider them. Maybe you’ re not right! And if you are right, telling someone else will only make them resentful. Be tactful in your approach and consider the other person’s feelings. Try asking yourself how you would feel in their situation.
9.If you’ re wrong, admit it.
You can really harm your interpersonal relations if you refuse to admit when you’ re wrong. It’s frustrating for others and it damages their trust in you. If you’ re wrong de a mistake, admit it. This will quickly clear the air and allow everyone to move on.
10.Save your anger.
If you approach someone in anger, their defenses immediately go up and your discussion will go nowhere. If you have a problem with someone that needs to be sorted out, approach that person calmly. Ask them if you can sit down with them to work on an amicable solution for both of you. Everyone thinks more clearly when they’re calm.
11.Suggest, don t tell.
Interpersonal relations are strained when you tell someone how to do something or how to think,People like to come up with their own beliefs or opinions of how to do things. Instead,try offering suggestions. Suggestions leave people more open to considering your idea rather than stubbornly defending their position.
Try using one new technique each week and see how differently people start responding to you.
l.condemn vt.谴责,指责
2.resentment n.愤恨,怨恨
3.genuine adj.真诚的
4.ultimately adv.最后,基本上
5.spouse n.配偶
6.dish…out v.分发,指责,给予批评、惩罚等
7.resentful adj.气愤的,愤慨的,令人憎恶的
8.tactful adj.机智的,圆滑的,老练的
9.sort out 解决(问题)
10.amicable adj.友好的,友善的
11.strained adj.紧张的
Making small talk
The ability to make small talk is highly valued. In fact, many English students are more interested in making effective small talk than knowing correct grammar structures. Small talk gets friendships started and breaks the ice before important business meetings and other events.
1.Why is small talk difficult for some English learners
First of all, making small talk is not only difficult for English learners, but also for many native speakers of English. However, small talk can be especially difficult for some learners because making small talk means talking about almost anything-and that means having a wide vocabulary that can cover most topics.
2.How to improve small talk skills
Now that we understand the problem, the next step is to improve the situation. Here are some tips to improve small talk skills. Of course, making effective small talk means lots of practice, but keeping these tips in mind should improve overall conversational skills.
·Do some research
Spend time on the Internet, reading magazines, or watching Tv specials about the type of people you are going to meet. For example: If you are taking a class with students from other countries, take time after the first few days of class to do some research. They will appreciate your interest and your conversations will be much more interesting.
·Use the Internet to gain specific vocabulary
This is related to doing research about other people. If you have a business meeting, or are meeting people who share a common interest (a basketball team, a tour group interested in art, etc.), take advantage of the Internet to learn specific vocabulary. Almost all businesses and interest groups have glossaries on the Internet explaining the most important jargon related to their business or activity.
·Find common interests
Once you have a subject that interests both of you keep to it!You can do this in a number of ways talking about travel,talking about the school or friend you have in common,talking about the differences between your culture and the new culture.
l.conversational adj.(谈话的风格、用语等)非正式的,口语的;谈话的,会话的
2.glossary n.术语(特殊用语)表,词汇表,专业词典
3.jargon n.行话,术语
White lies
The most popular oxymoron is the term “white lie”. A white lie is a lie that is innocent and is used to help, not harm someone. Sometimes white lies help conceal the truth, which may be painful for the other person to hear.
The occasions that I think are allowable not to tell the truth almost all concern saving someone’s feeling. We have all experienced situations when to be totally frank and truthful would be to hurt someone, sometimes very badly. In such situations, I feel that it is all right to tell a white lie.
The thing about white lies is that they are really useful. They build confidence, and sometimes, they even help encourage people to do better.
For example, you may happen to be at a large party where a friend’s boyfriend is one of the guests. Your friend is not present because she is away at a conference. You cannot help noticing that your friend’s boyfriend is with a very attractive young woman to whom he is behaving rather amorously, and he has not noticed you.
Unfortunately, your friend asks you if you saw her boyfriend at the party and if he was with anyone. Do you tell your friend the truth It may well be better not to do so.
For all you know, there may be an innocent explanation for the boyfriend’s behaviour, but if you tell your friend what you have seen, it may damage the relationship between her and her boyfriend and also between you and her. It may seem very disloyal to your friend, but it might well be best in these circumstances to say that there were a lot of people at the party and you did not notice her boyfriend. If he is being unfaithful to her in such a blatant way, then she is going to find out in the very near future anyway.
Some other examples are: a fifth grader may return home with an average grade, such as a B. After a parent tells a white lie, by saying that they were really proud of him, he would try to aim for a better grade to impress his parents even more. And maybe next time, he might even get an A.
A cancer patient might have given up hope, but if the doctor tells her that she is going to be okay, she might build confidence and have a stronger will to live. One white lie might even save a life.
Sometimes white lies are even used in miniscule situations. If a friend wanted an opinion on her hair that day, you could lie and say it looks fine, even if it actually looks awful.
White lies are really harmless. Everyone lies about things,even adults lie. When they’re talking to their friends or coworkers, they can brag about their new car or how smart their child is when it’s actually not even true.
On Mother’s Day,you might give your mom all these white lies to make her happy. You can tell her how good she looks in her sweatpants even when they’re really baggy.
Strong people don’t need white lies,because only strong people can handle the truth. Ask yourself this, would you rather hear a random lie Or the hard truth
1.oxymoron n.矛盾修辞法
2.conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒
3.amorously adv.多情地
4.innocent adj.无辜的,清白的
5.blatant adj.喧嚣的,公然的,炫耀的
6.miniscule adj.极小的,微乎其微的
7.brag v.吹嘘,自吹自擂
8.baggy adj.宽松的,肥大的,宽松而下垂的
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