人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art课外美文拓展阅读课件(26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art课外美文拓展阅读课件(26张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-02-28 20:42:33



Unit 1 ART
Starting around 4000 B. C., traditional Chinese brush painting has developed continuously over a period of more than six thousand years.It’s growth has reflected the changes of time.
During the 1st century A. D., the art of painting religious morals gradually gained in prominence(明显;突出),with the introduction of Buddhism to China and the consequent building of temples.
However, the subject later expanded beyond religious themes. For example,paintings of historical characters and stories of everyday life became extremely popular. By the 4th century, this particular type of painting had already established itself as an independent form of expression. It then gradually developed into two separate styles including a genre(艺术风格)commonly found in Chinese brush painting—flower-and-bird painting. A great many artists in the 9th century painted in this genre and their subjects included a rich variety of flowers,fruits, birds, insects and fish.
Since the turn of the 20th century, painters have often mixed several colors on one brush or mixed their colors with black inks, which is similar to the western painting skill. As a result, they have obtained more natural and richly varied colors. Such techniques have been widely adopted and further developed in the contemporary period.
1. tradition- traditional
2.continue- continuous-continuously
3. reflect- reflected -reflected
4. moral-morally
5.expand- expanded -expanded
6.history- historical
7.depend- dependent- independent
8.express- expressive- expression
9. a great many = a large number of = a great quantity of
10. a variety of = varieties of = various
11. is similar to similar- similarity
12.obtain- obtained- obtained
13. rich- richly
14. adopt- adopted- adopted
Healthy Lifestyle
Kunming Holds Qrienteering Challenge to Promote Healthy Lifestyle
More than 1, 000 people togk part in the 2020 Kunming City Orienteering Challenge in the capital city of Southwest China's Yunnan Province on Wednesday to promote healthy lifestyle.
As a popular urban activity, City Orienteering Challenge encourages participants° to take outdoor exercise and enhance team spirit during the event.
More than 1,000 citizens" from the ages of 6 to 60 took part in this year's event. Devided into groups of five members7] each team needed to ryf across four districts, along six routes to Complefe e humber of tasks and challenges by walking, running or taking public transport".
The event also set an amusing" route for family participants Tasks along the family route included guessing the (iddles) on the lanterns,while parents had to make traditional Chinese tea art together with their children.
"It is very interesting. City Orienteering Challenge turns the city into a big playground.My kid enjoys teamwork° with her classmates,and the cooperation" could promote their friendship," a participant, Li Xi, said.
This year's challenge was the fourth edition of the event.
①challenge n.挑战
@promote v.促进;推动
③urban adj.城市的;都市的
④participant n.参加者;参与者
⑤citizen n.公民;居民;市民
⑥district n.地区;区域
⑦transport n.交通工具;交通车辆
⑧amusing adj.有乐趣的
⑨teamwork n.团队合作;
cooperation n.协同工作
Enviromental Protection
Water Quality of Yangtze Improved in 2019
Yangtze River, China's longest waterway, saw continuous improvement in its water quality in 2019 as the country continues a campaign" for the river's protection, a senior environmental official said.
In 2019, the quality of water in 91. 7 percent of Yangtze's sections stood above Grade i, the third highest in the country's five-tier water quality system. This is an increase of 4.2 percentage points year-on-year, said Zhang Bo,chief engineer and head of the water department at the Ministry of Ecology and Environment,during a news conference on Friday.
Only 0. 6 percent of sections were found to have quality worse than Grade Vi, the lowest score. This is a drop of 1.2 percentage points,and there are now only three sections of the river with such a poor water quality level, he said.
The Chinese government has attached great importance to the Yangtze's conservation" after President Xi Jinping presided over a national conference on the Yangtze River Economic Belt in January 2016. There, he demanded concerted efforts to protect the river and the avoidance of excessive development.
The ministry, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, launched a special campaign on Yangtze conservation in early 2019. A major task of the campaign is to enhance management° of chemical industrial parks along the Yangtze to reduce environmental risks.on over 900 chemical companies in 2019. While
Zhang said the ministry completed its work some of the companies were moved away or shut down, others had rectified their environmental violations. He said more efforts will be made to optimize the distribution of chemical industrial parks along the Yangtze and promote their transformation and upgrading in 2020.
Qquality n.质量
②campaign n.战役;运动
③increase n.增加
④conference n.会议
⑤attach greatimportance to强调;重视
⑥conservation n.保护;保持
Omanagement n.管理;经管
③shut down关闭;停业
⑨distribution n.分配;分布
@upgrading n.升级;提升
Adversity and Courage
Doctor on the Front Lines Movedby Daughter's Video
Sun Jinzhong, a doctor who has been treating" hospitalized novel coronavirus patients for the past 10 days in Wuhan, Hubei Province,received a video from his wife on Friday.
The video showed scrolling screen-shots of his daughter Sun Sihaoxue video-chatting with him, and the background sound was the girl reciting" her essay" My father's eyes.
The 8-year-old girl wrote the essay as a winter vacation homework assignment. Her father works in Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. After listening to her recital, the father was moved to tears and delighted his daughter understands and supports him.
"I told my daughter many of my colleagues are also on the front line. They work harder and are in a more dangerous situation than me. They are more admirable"," the father said.
Below is the girl's essay:
My Father's Eyes
My father and I haven't met for a few days. It is due to the horrible novel coronavirus and we can see each other only through phone video calls.
Although my father is not a soldier, he is a“warrior" dressed in white in the war against the virus.
My father told me the ward is his battlefield, and he is duty-bound to fight and protect as many patients as possible.
Today I chatted with him again. I saw he was wearing a blue medical cap and a pair of transparent° protective glasses. His nose and mouth were covered by thick white mist". I could only see his eyes through glasses. The eyes were full of love, tears, strength, power and courage.
I know he was in a dangerous situation, but his eyes seemed like they were saying "I'm fine".
①treat vt.治疗
②recite ut.背诵
③essay n.散文
④assignment n.任务;分配
⑤colleague n.同事
⑥admirable adj.令人钦佩的
due to由于
⑧virus n.病毒
⑨transparent adj.透明的;清澈的
⑩mist n.薄雾;视线
To the Oak
If I love you
I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper
upvalue myself by your height
If I love you
I will never follow a spoony bird
repeating the monotone song for the green shade
not only like a springhead
brings you clean coolness whole year long
not only like a steepy peak
enhances your height, sets off your straightness
even sunshine
and spring rain
No, all these are not enough!
I must be a ceiba by your side
as a tree standing together with you
our roots melt underneath
our leaves merge in clouds
when every breeze blows we greet each other
but no one
can understand our peculiar words
you have your strong stem and branches
like knives and swords
and like halberds
I have my red ample flowers
like heavy sighs
and heroic torches as well
we partake cold tide, thunderstorm, firebolt
together we share brume, flowing mist, rainbow
as if we separate all the time
actually we forever rely on each other
this is great love
loyalty lives here
not only your giant body
but also the position you stand
the earth under your feet
①shade n.阴影
@steepy adj.陡峭的
③melt v.融化
④breeze n.微风
③greet v.问候
⑥thunder n.雷声
separate ut.分离
⑧loyalty n.忠诚
Thank you