Book 3 Unit 2 Making a difference教学设计
单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,涉及的主题语境内容是优秀品行与社会责任感。本单元从介绍中外的助人主题日及优秀人物开始,通过讲述几位优秀人物的突出事迹和他们从事的公益事业,丰富学生对优秀品行的认识,引导学生深入了解中外普通人乐于助人的高尚品格和善行的力量,最终形成积极参与志愿服务活动的态度。
单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于单元提供的个人故事、人物传记、电话咨询、个人简历等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,读懂语篇内容,听懂并能独立进行电话咨询,丰富对志愿服务活动的认识;能够使用新学语言描述人物品行,恰当使用过去分词作定语描述人物的事迹,撰写人物介绍,探究不同文化在助人为乐方面的共通之处,深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘;能够运用单元所学知识评价人物对社会的贡献,分享自己的志愿服务经历,培养自己坚持善行、关爱他人的人生态度,树立为社会服务的意识,形成正确的人生态度和价值观;通过运用各种学习策略,在自主、合作与探究式学习的过程中,结合单元所提供的反思性和评价性问题不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,提高自己的理解和表达能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。
Starting out板块教学设计 (建议时长10–15分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Viewing + Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——做人与做事
内容分析 本板块旨在帮助学生初步了解中外的助人主题日及对社会有突出贡献的人物,激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生与单元主题意义相关的语言知识和文化知识,为开展整个单元的学习活动进行铺垫和预热。活动1是看视频,并回答2个问题。视频内容是介绍了我国2016年9月5日设立的中华慈善日和西方Pay It Forward Day。 活动2是看人物图片和阅读人物quotation,叙说人物贡献,描述人物品质,并能联系自身生活,介绍具有相同品质的人物。学生对于图片中出现了的三个人物,可能不太熟悉,教师可以在单元学习开始前布置学生查找相关资料,为课堂学习进行铺垫。这两个活动旨在引导学生进入本单元主题意义即探究助人为乐,积极从事公益事业和志愿服务,引导学生认识到“Donating money is not the only way to help others”,“power of giving”和“One small act can make a big difference.”,同时激活学生与主题意义相关的语言知识和文化知识,为开展整个单元的学习活动进行铺垫和预热。
教学目标 通过完成教材13页活动1,学生能够说出有关我国Charity Day和西方Put It Forward Day的基本情况,并能够认识到“Donating money is not the only way to help others.”和“One small act can make a big difference.” 通过完成教材13页活动2,学生能够通过阅读图片中人物的quotation,说出其所做的贡献,运用恰当的词汇描述人物品质,并能联系所学知识举出更多的人物事例,以加深对描述人物品质的词汇的理解。
教学重点 学生了解并能说出我国Charity Day和西方Put It Forward Day的基本情况,能够认识到“Donating money is not the only way to help others.”和“One small act can make a big difference.”。 学生能够运用恰当的词汇描述人物品质,并能联系所学知识举出更多的人物事例。
教学难点 学生能联系自己所知举出更多的人物事例,并能用恰当词汇进行描述。
教学策略 认知驱动
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 T plays a video clip and encourages Ss to answer the following questions: How much do you know about Charity Day in China How much do you know about Put It Forward Day What kinds of good deeds are shown in the video What idea does the video convey T encourages Ss to answer the questions and plays the video clip again. T helps Ss to check their answers. Audiovisual activity Ss watch the video clip and answer the questions. Then, Ss watch the video clip again and check their answers with the help of T. Ss are expected to cover the following key points: Charity Day in China was first celebrated on 5 September 2016. A series of activities were held around the country. The day is set aside to help promote traditional Chinese moral virtues—caring about others and being ready to help. Giving a helping hand does not just mean donating money. Put It Forward Day is similar to Charity Day in China and is popular in the West. People are encouraged to do one or two good deeds on the day. Many good deeds are shown in the video, such as visiting an elderly neighbor and asking if they need anything, or letting a restaurant manager know just how great their waiter or waitress was. The good deeds are just small things in our daily life. The video tries to tell us that helping others does just mean giving money and one small act can make a big difference. Ss are led into the theme of the unit. Ss can realize that caring about others and being ready help are traditional Chinese moral virtues, which are also popular in the west. Ss are motivated to think about the meaning of helping others.
Activity 2 T asks Ss to gather information about the three people before class and invites Ss to share what they have learned in class. T asks Ss to read their quotations and encourages them to talk about the following points: The contribution they made to society. The qualities Ss admire in each of them. Other people who have similar qualities. Talking Ss are supposed to gather information about the three people before class and report in class what they have learned about the three people briefly with the help of the pictures of the three people and their quotations. Ss are encouraged to talk about the points. Ss are expected to cover the following key points: Bai Fangli was old, but he worked hard to make money for poor students to go to school. Florence Nightingale tried her best to help the sick although the sick may be very dirty. Red Adair tried his best to save people by putting out dangerous oil well fires. Warm-hearted, hardworking, selfless, kind, courageous, determined and so on. Open. Ss are encouraged to use proper words that describe personal qualities. Ss are expected to recall the words which describe personal qualities. Ss are expected to apply their vocabulary about personal qualities. Ss are expected to realize that helping others is a kind of virtue and should be promoted.
Understanding ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长50分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——做人与做事
内容分析 Understanding idea部分共设计了5个学习活动,其中包括Think and share板块。 本板块呈现一篇描述普通人做公益事业的新闻特写,语篇类型为人物介绍,介绍介绍了一位名为Ryan的加拿大人从孩童时期起,坚持帮助非洲缺水地方的儿童解决饮水问题的事迹,有利于引导青少年学生勇于承担社会责任,从事公益事业和志愿服务积极帮助他人。 该语篇以时间线索展开,通过第一段“问题的提出”,第二段到第五段“问题的解决”和第六段“解决问题的意义”逐层推进。特别是第二段到第五段,一波三折,很好地体现了Ryan从事公益事业的三个阶段,即work hard alone to reach his first target of $70到ask for help from his classmates and neighbours to raise $2000 with the help of his mother’s friend到set up a foundation to encourage more people to help,体现了Ryan坚定地从事志愿活动,为实现自己的梦想持之以恒的努力。活动1是看图并谈论非洲国家淡水资源匮乏的问题,通过勾选为非洲提供淡水的举措,启动学生思考如何帮助非洲部分区域解决淡水问题,引导学生进入对于阅读语篇主题意义的探究。活动2是通过阅读理解课文的主要事实。活动3是通过阅读准确理解课文标题意义,要求学生对于自己的理解进行合理解释。活动4提供了四幅图片勾勒出Ryan从事公益事业的起因及经历,并通过补全句子帮助学生梳理记叙文的六要素,特别是事件的起因、经过和结果,有助于学生熟悉记叙文的语篇结构。 Think and Share部分共有两个问题,聚焦高阶思维,有利于学生进行评价,引导学生通过阐释原因,发展逻辑思维,并且通过引导学生思考自己如何帮助有需要的人,培养学生从事公益事业的意识。
教学目标 1. 通过完成教材14页到16页活动1、2和3,理解并能说出Ryan为解决非洲缺水问题所作的主要努力, 并能正确理解并说出标题的意义。 2. 通过完成教材16页活动4,能够复述课文的主要事实,并能结合记叙文六要素梳理Ryan参与公益事业的起因和过程;能够理解Ryan从最初的 “Why don’t I help”到 “How can I help today ”的变化;能够归纳出Ryan实现梦想的原因,并能够对于Ryan在参与公益事业和实现梦想过程中的不同阶段进行恰当评价。 3. 通过完成教材16页Think and Share,能够对Ryan进行整体评价,并能够深入思考自己如何帮助他人,初步形成积极参与公益事业的意识。
教学重点 通过阅读,获取Ryan从孩提时期到成年从事公益事业全过程的事实性信息,并能归纳概括Ryan从事公益事业的原因,理解Ryan从最初的“Why don’t I help”到“How can I help today ”的变化,归纳出Ryan实现梦想的原因,并能深入理解标题的意义,掌握记叙文六要素和语篇结构。
教学难点 理解Ryan从最初的“Why don’t I help”到“How can I help today ”的变化。
教学策略 PWP阅读教学模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 T asks the following question: 1. In the world, how much fresh water is there for each person to use every year on average T helps Ss to answer the question by guiding them to read the map. T asks more questions: 2. What does dark yellow mean? 2. What does light yellow means? T asks the following question to motivate Ss to think deeply. 3. What can we do to help solve the water problems T encourages Ss to tick the solutions that they think are most effective to supply Africa with fresh water. Viewing Ss answer T’s question: Ss can answer the question with the help of the map in A1. Ss look at the map again and answer T’s questions. Ss are guided to realize that some parts of Africa are facing water problems. Ss are motivated to think by the following question: What can we do to help solve the water problems Ss tick the solutions. Ss are motivated to think about the water problem. Ss are expected to enhance the ability to read paragraphs. Ss are expected to realize that some countries in Africa are badly in need of water. Ss are encouraged to think about how to help solve the problem of water shortage in Africa.
Activity 2 T asks Ss to read the text and answer the following question: A six-year-old Canadian schoolboy named Ryan tries to help solve the problem of water shortage in Africa. Let’s read the passage and find out what he did. T may help Ss to find out what Ryan did by the following structure: Ryan helps solve the problem by... At first… Later… While Ss are reading, T put down the title on the blackboard. T may guide Ss to understand what Ryan did quickly by reading the title. First-reading Ss read the text to answer the following question: A six-year-old Canadian schoolboy named Ryan tries to help solve the problem of water shortage in Africa. Let’s read the passage and find out what he did. Ss are expected to cover the following key points with the help of the structure given by T: Ryan help solve the problem by building wells. At first, he planned to earn money to build a well. Although building a well needed a lot of money, he raised enough money to build a well with determination. Later, he set up a foundation to encourage more people to help. Ss are expected to get the main idea of the text.
Activity 3 T asks Ss to read the title and asks them to answer the following questions: 1. Is it easy for a six-year-old boy to build a well 2. How did Ryan build the well and how did the well changed the world 3. Let’s read again and find them out. After reading, T encourages Ss to discuss their difficulties that arise in the process of reading each paragraph and helps them understand the meaning of the each paragraph. T asks more questions to help Ss to think deeply. Second-reading Ss read the title and think deeply by thinking about the following questions: 1. Is it easy for a six-year-old boy to build a well 2. How did Ryan build the well and how did the well changed the world Ss read the text again with T’s guidance “Let’s read again and find them out.” Ss discuss their difficulties. Ss answer the following questions in the process of reading each paragraph: What questions did Ryan ask when he knew people in Africa couldn’t get enough clean water Which adjective would you like to use to describe Ryan Why Why couldn’t $70 do much help Which adjective would you like to use to describe Ryan’s feeling when he learned that his seventy dollars was not enough How did Ryan raise enough money Which adjective does the writer use to describe Ryan Do you agree What did Ryan see in Uganda and how did he feel How did Ryan encourage more people to help And what is the result What question does Ryan ask today And what does it mean What quality helps Ryan realize his dream Ss are expected to fully understand the text. Ss are expected to realize that the key to realizing one’s dream is perseverance.
Activity 4 T asks Ss to complete the sentences and retell Ryan’s story with the help of the sentences in A4. T helps Ss summarize the six elements of a narrative and the structure of the text. Retell Ss retell Ryan’s story with the help of A4. Ss summarize the six elements of a narrative and the structure of the text with the help of T. Ss are expected to be clear about the structure of the text and be aware of the six elements and the structure of a narrative.
Think & Share T asks Ss to discuss the two questions. Discussion Ss discuss the two questions of this part. Ss are expected to develop their thinking capacity and realize that helping others is admired.
Using Language板块教学设计 (建议时长60–70分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——做人与做事
内容分析 本板块包括–ed as attributive、词汇部分Personal qualities和听说部分To be a volunteer。-ed as attributive部分包括三个活动,即A1、A2和A3。 A1中学生通过观察语篇中-ed as attributive的语言现象,理解-ed as attributive的用法,并能与-ing as attributive进行区分,能够建立起-ed as attributive与定语从句之间的关联。A2中学生在语篇中将含有定语从句的句子改写成含有-ed as attributive做定语的句子,加深对于-ed as attributive的理解。A3中学生在语篇中选择-ed as attributive和-ing as attributive,有助于学生加深对于-ed as attributive的理解以及进一步加强对于这两种形式的辨析。 Personal qualities部分共设计了3个活动,即A4、A5和A6。 A4提供了四篇描述人物品质的短文,其中出现了大量的描述人物品质的词汇,有利于学生积累相关词汇进行人物描述。A5引导学生将描述人物品质的词分为positive、neutral和negative三类,有利于学生加深对相关词汇的认识,为学生提高语言能力奠定基础。A6设计了对话练习,话题是谈论人物品质,意在促进学生使用所学语言,提高语言运用能力。 To be a volunteer部分包括Did You Know和Learning to learn两个板块和四个活动,即A7、A8、A9和A10。 Did You Know是背景知识介绍类板块,提供了一篇介绍国内外志愿者活动的短文,有利于学生更多地了解国内外志愿者活动的开展情况。Learning to learn是学习策略指导类板块,指导学生如何打电话进行问询,特别是当没有听清楚时需要再次询问,确保获取准确的信息。A7中学生通过听对话获取基本信息。A8中学生通过再次听对话获取详细信息并填写登记表,同时学生要根据所听,学会如何进行电话问询。A9中学生开展pair work,借助书后Communication bank 中的提示进行对话练习,旨在运用所学进行电话问询。A10中学生开展pair work,思考可能从事的志愿者服务,并进行电话问询,提高综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 学生能够归纳出-ed as attributive的用法,能辨析-ed as attributive和-ing as attributive的用法,并能在活动提供的语篇中将定语从句转换成-ed as attributive。 学生能够运用所学描述人物品质的词汇进行人物介绍。 学生能够进行电话问询。
教学重点 1. 学生归纳出-ed as attributive的用法,并能在语篇中加以运用。 2. 学生能够运用所学描述人物品质的词汇进行人物介绍。
教学难点 学生归纳出-ed as attributive的用法,并能在语篇中加以运用。
教学策略 归纳法、情境教学模式、PWP听力教学模式、3P口语教学模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 T shows the two sentences to Ss and asks Ss to look at the two sentences. T helps Ss sum up the usage of -ed as attributive. T shows examples of -ed as attributive and -ing as attributive and asks Ss to compare and explore the difference. T shows examples of -ed as attributive and the attributive clause and asks Ss to explore the relationship between them. Observation and Exploration Ss look at the sentences from the reading passage and explore the meaning of -ed as attributive. Ss compare the examples of -ed as attributive with the examples of -ing as attributive and tell the difference between them. Ss compare the examples of -ed as attributive with the examples of the attributive clause. Ss are expected to relate the meaning of past participle to the form of past participle by looking at the sentences given in the first box. Ss can tell the difference between -ed as attributive and -ing as attributive Ss can relate -ed as attributive to the attributive clause.
Activity 2 T asks Ss to rewrite the underlined sentences using the -ed form Rewrite Ss rewrite the underlined sentences using the -ed form. Ss are expected to apply what they have observed and explored.
Activity 3 T asks to read the passage and choose the correct form of the words. Choose the correct form of the words Ss read the passage and choose the correct form of the words. Ss are expected to state the difference between -ed as attributive and -ing as attributive and consolidate what they have learned.
Activity 4 T asks Ss to read the four descriptions, underline the words that describe personal qualities and add the underlined words to the form. T encourages Ss to add more words which describe personal qualities to the form. T encourages Ss to work in pairs to talk about people’s personal qualities using the words they have learned. Reading Ss read the four descriptions, underline the words that describe personal qualities and add the underlined words to the form. Ss add more words which describe personal qualities to the form. Ss work in pairs to talk about people’s personal qualities using the words they have learned. Ss can set up their vocabulary web about words which describe personal qualities. Ss are expected to enhance their ability to use the related words.
Activity 5 T asks Ss to read the short passage about volunteering in P19. T may give the following instruction: Since different people have different qualities, we can choose suitable volunteer work according to our qualities. T plays the tape about the phone enquiry and asks Ss to complete the activities 7-8 in P19. Reading and listening Ss read the short passage about volunteering in P19. Ss are guided to think more about voluntary work by T’s instruction. Then, Ss listen to the phone enquiry and complete the activities7-8 in P19 Ss know more about voluntary work and know how to make a phone enquiry about the topic.
Activity 6 T asks Ss to act out a telephone enquiry with the help of communication bank in P81 and P84. Speaking Ss act out a telephone enquiry with the help of communication bank in P81 and P84. Ss can apply what they have learned about to how to make phone enquiry according to the topic.
Activity 7 T encourages Ss to think about other voluntary work that Ss would like to be involved in, and have a similar conversation. Talking Ss think about other voluntary work that they would like to be involved in, and have a similar conversation. Ss can apply what Ss have learned to practice and are ready to be volunteers.
Developing ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自我—做人做事—优秀品行
内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为人物介绍。教师引导学生通过阅读Nicholas Winton 的生平,了解他的国际主义精神和对社会的贡献,通过问题引导学生深入思考他的事迹及其影响,并启发学生联想和搜集有类似事迹的中国人的故事,在全班分享。读写部分的范文是屠呦呦的简历,学生需要从中提取信息,结合前面学过的课文的文体和结构为屠呦呦写一篇人物小传,初步掌握人物传记的文体特征和写法。
教学目标 1. 理解课文内容,了解Nicholas Winton的生平和他为社会所做的贡献; 2.按照时间线梳理Nicholas Winton的生平,并概括出人物传记类文本的行文组织方式和关键要素; 3. 通过思考和分析问题,深入理解Nicholas Winton事迹的影响,表达自己的观点和感情; 4. 通过了解中国人在二战中的事迹,关注世界和平和人类正义的话题,对于人类命运共同体形成初步意识; 5. 读懂屠呦呦的简历,并根据简历内容写出屠呦呦的简略传记; 6. 根据写作评价标准,评价同学的作业,并能反思并改进自己的作业。
教学重点 1. 按照时间线梳理Nicholas Winton的生平,并概括出人物传记类文本的行文组织方式和关键要素; 2. 读懂屠呦呦的简历,并根据简历内容写出屠呦呦的简略传记。
教学难点 1. 通过思考和分析问题,深入理解Nicholas Winton事迹的影响,表达自己的观点和感情; 2. 根据写作评价标准,评价同学的作业,并能反思并改进自己的作业。
教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. T draws Ss’ attention to the title, and asks whether they know who Schindler is. 2. T introduces Activity 1 and asks Ss to predict what Winton might have done based on the word cloud, the two pictures, and the title. 3. T collects answers from Ss. 1. Ss share what they know about Schindler. 2. Ss predict what the man might have done as required. 3. Ss share answers in pairs and then in class. To activate Ss’ background knowledge and stimulate Ss to explore more through predicting.
Activity 2 & Learning to learn 1. T asks Ss to read the biography and check the predications. 2. T guides Ss to summarize the main idea of the text with one sentence. 3. T invites one student to read out “learning to learn”, and then ask Ss to answer: what is a biography How are most biographies organized 1. Ss read the text and check their predictions. 2. Ss use one sentence to summarize the main idea of the text. 3. Ss read “learning to learn” and answer two questions from the T. To train Ss’ ability of summarizing the main idea. To help Ss understand the style and key elements of biographies which will be applied to their writing task.
Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the text carefully and match the events to the years in which they happened (If Activity 3 is not challenging enough, T can also ask Ss to draw a timeline to note down the key events in Winton’s life. 2. While checking answer, T draws a timeline on the blackboard with key words. 3. T guides Ss to retell Winton’s life story according to the timeline. 1. Ss read the text again and finish Activity 3. 2. Ss share answers in class. 3. Ss retell Winton’s life story according to the timeline. To guide Ss to understand how this biography is organized by sorting out the main events.
Think & Share 1. T asks Ss to discuss the first three questions in groups. 2. T invites Ss to voice their opinions on the first question. (T can also provide background information if necessary.) 3. T continues to ask why this parting scene at Prague’s Wilson Station is described in Paragraph 1. 4. When collecting answers to the third question, T provides more vocabulary to enrich Ss’ expressions. 5. T asks Ss the last question, if Ss don’t know any, T provides information of He Fengshan, and asks Ss to search more information of this kind and think about why people around the world risked their lives to help and contribute during WWII. 1. Ss discuss the first three questions in groups. 2. Ss voice their opinions on the 3 questions. 3. Ss listen carefully to the response from T and other Ss and think actively to give prompt response. 4. Ss listen to the story of He Fengshan and think why people around the world would like to risk their lives to help the refugees during WWII. To guide Ss to have an in-depth understanding of the text from multiple perspectives. To help Ss to put forward their own point of view through analyzing the text, discussing and sharing information as well as judging the text.
Activity 4 1. T groups Ss and asks them to complete the table. 2. T explains how Ss should organize their talk by following the second step. 3. T asks Ss to plan their talk in groups. 4. T invites Ss to share their talk in class. 1. Ss work in groups to complete the table. 2. Ss follow the second step to plan their talk. 3. Ss present their talk in class. To consolidate and integrate the language and content learnt.
Activity 5 1. T introduces the writing task—writing a biography of Tu Youyou, and then invites Ss to share anything they know about Tu Youyou. 2. T asks Ss to read Tu Youyou’s CV individually first and then lets them work in groups to help each other with any new word. 3. T asks Ss to fill in the boxes with the corresponding information individually. 4. T draws Ss attention to Useful Expressions, and explains how to write a biography and shows the criteria for evaluation before setting the writing task. 1. Ss share anything they know about Tu Youyou. 2. Ss read Tu Youyou’s CV and work in groups to tackle new word barriers. 3. Ss fill in the boxes. 4. Ss learn about the criteria for writing first and then write. To activate the background information. To familiarize Ss with the style of resume. To help Ss grasp how to organize a biography through information classification. To improve Ss writing skill by providing and explaining the criteria.
Activity 6 T explains how to evaluate the biography first, and then invites several Ss to share their biography in class with the others listening actively and giving evaluation. Ss share their biographies and evaluate. To encourage Ss to improve writing through peer evaluation.
Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计 (Presenting ideas和Reflection部分建议总时长40–45分钟, 教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自我—做人做事—优秀品行
内容分析 Presenting ideas板块训练学生表达技能,请学生推选出“年度人物”,可以选择名人或者身边熟悉的人。学生在小组内描述优秀人物的事迹、成就和品格,陈述自己推荐他/她的理由,与小组成员交流、协商、合作最终达成共识,推选出小组内公认的“年度人物”并在全班进行展示。通过分享信息、表达观点、展示成果、反思自身等一系列应用实践与迁移创新活动,加深学生对本单元主题的理解,深入了人物的善德品行,丰富对优秀品行的认同,树立正确的价值观和人生态度。 Reflection板块引导学生回顾本单元所学,及时对自己的学习行为和效果做出评估和判断,反思并改进。
教学目标 1. 运用本单元所学语言描述优秀人物的事迹、成就和品格,并说明推荐该人物的理由; 2. 恰当、得体地表达自己的观点,与小组成员交流、协商并达成共识,完成汇报任务; 3. 进行自我反思,评估学习效果,调整学习策略,提高学习效率。
教学重点 1.运用本单元所学语言描述优秀人物的事迹、成就和品格,并说明推荐该人物的理由; 2. 引导学生从语言能力、思维品质等方面对自己在本单元学习过程中和结束时的学习行为和效果做出合理的评价。
教学难点 恰当、得体地表达自己的观点,与小组成员交流、协商并达成共识,完成汇报任务。
教学策略 元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. T guides Ss to think and answer: What qualities should “Person of the Year” possess 2. T invites one student to give an example by guiding him / her to answer: Who do you want to recommend What achievements did he / she make What personal qualities does she / he possess Why do you recommend him / her 3. T asks Ss to complete the form about the person. 1. Ss voice their opinions on the qualities of “Person of the Year”. 2. Ss complete the form in Activity 1 after listening to the demonstration from the T and one student. To lead in the task and provide a demonstration.
Activity 2 1. T directs Ss’ attention to “Useful expressions” and encourages them to use the expressions when sharing and discussing in groups. 2. T introduces the evaluation rubrics. 3. T asks Ss to work in groups, taking turns to share their candidates of “Person of the Year”, and eventually reaching agreement on the group’s “Person of the Year” and choose one presenter. Meanwhile, T monitors and provides support and assistance if needed. Ss work in groups, talk about their “Person of the Year” and choose the best one in their group as a presenter. To consolidate the language for recommendation and show opinions. To develop students' ability of cooperative inquiry and learn to listen and express within the group.
Activity 3 1. T invites several groups to recommend their “Person of the Year”, with the rest of the class listening actively and evaluating. 2. T invites Ss to give comments on the presentations. 1. Ss do presentations in class. 2. Ss vote for the “Person of the Year”. To develop students' comprehensive ability of language use.
Reflection 1. T guides Ss to recall what they’ve learnt in this unit. 2. T asks Ss to complete “Reflection” on page 24. Ss rate their performance in this unit, summarize what they’ve learnt and think about what they need to improve. To guide Ss to rate their performance, review the unit, and think about ways to improve.
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自我—做人做事—公民义务与社会责任
内容分析 本单元的项目实践活动为创办志愿者组织。学生在教师指导下分小组开展课上课下学习实践活动,通过开展调查研究了解志愿者组织和机构,然后小组讨论需要帮助人群、制定计划,组建志愿者组织。要求学生开展实际志愿服务工作,并鼓励学生总结经验,不断改进,从身边、社区小事做起,坚持志愿者服务工作。
教学目标 1. 通过在小组内交流调查结果,实现信息共享,更加全面了解身边的志愿组织和机构; 2. 根据调查研究结果,提出新的志愿服务方向,并制定出切实可行的计划。
教学重点 根据调查研究结果,组建志愿小组,确定志愿服务方向,并制定出切实可行的计划。
教学难点 引导学生能够走出课堂,实际开展志愿工作,并总结汇报自己的志愿者工作。
教学策略 任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate 1. Before the class,T asks Ss to work in group of 4-6 to research volunteer groups in their neighborhood and gather as much information as possible. 2. T invites several groups to share the results of investigation, meanwhile guiding the rest of the class to listen actively and compare the results of other groups with those of theirs. Ss share the results of their investigation and reflect their own work by comparing. To improve Ss’ metacognition level by sharing, comparing and reflecting.
Plan 1. T asks Ss to make a detailed plan of their volunteering group as required. 2. T invites several groups to present their plan in class. 1. Ss work in groups, planning for their volunteering group. 2. Ss share their plans in class. To increase Ss cooperative awareness.
Create T encourages Ss to carry out their volunteering work after class, offering guidance and assistance when needed. Ss think of a name for their group and carry out the volunteering work after class. To encourage Ss to apply what they learned in class to real life.
Present T sets time in later periods for Ss to share their volunteering experience. Ss talk about their volunteering experience and share how helping others makes them feel. To share experience and feelings.