人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection 单元检测-(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection 单元检测-(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 38.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-01 15:41:31


Book 2 Unit 2 Wildlife protection单元检测
班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 分数:___________
一、词形变换 (每题1分,共20分)
1. legal: adj.合法的→ : adj.不合法的→ :adv.不合法地
2. hunt: v.打猎→ : n. 猎人→ : n. 打猎
3. alarm:vt.使恐慌→ :adj.令人恐慌的→ : adj.感到恐慌的
4. extinct: adj.已灭绝的→ :n灭绝
5. aware: adj.知道的→ : n.知道
6. endanger: vt危害→ : adj.有危险的
7. concern: vt.涉及→ :adj.担心的→ :prep.关于
8. living : adj.居住的→ : v.生活adj活的adv在现场直播 → : adj.活泼的,活着的→ : adj.精力充沛的
9. adapt: v.适应→ :n.适应,改编→ :adj.适合的→ :adj.能适应新环境的
10. measure: vt..测量,n措施→ :adj.可测量的,恰当的→ : n.尺寸,度量
11. reserve: vt.预订,n保护区→ : adj.预订的,储备的→ : n.保留,预约
12.observe vt.观察→ : n. 观察→ : n.观察者
13. beauty: n.美,美人→ : adj.美丽的→ : vt美化
14. effect :n影响,效果v造成→ :adj.有效的
15. recover:v.恢复康复,找回→ :n.恢复
16. remove: vt去除.→ : n.移动→ : adj.可移动的
17. intend:v.打算,计划→ :n..意图目的→ :adj.企图的,故意的
18. threat: n.威胁→ : vt.威胁→ : adj.胁迫的,险恶的
19. exist:vi.存在→ :n.存在→ : adj.现存的
20. neighbour:n.邻居→ :adj.相邻的→ :n.临近的地方
1. aware (adj.) : 对……知道 awareness(n.) : 提升某人的……意识
2. average (n.) : 平均来看
3.concern (v.) : 就某人而言
4. adapt(v.) : 使……适应……
5. measure (n.) : 采取措施做某事
6. reserve(v.) : 为某人保留某物
7. observe (v.) : 观察某人正在做某事
8. remind (v.) : 提醒某人某事
9. intend (v.) : 本打算做…… 10. existence (n.) : 产生,成立
三、单句语法填空 (每题1.5分,共15分)
1.The sports meet has to be put off due_______________ the bad weather.
2.The endangered animals are now_______________(protect) by the government.
3.The house_______________(bury) under the earth was their own home.
4.It was not until I followed this feeling to its source__________ I discovered I had a passion for writing.
5.Mothers are usually _______________(concern) about their children’s health.
6.It took John a long time to adapt _______________ his new school.
7.We human beings should try our best to live _______________ harmony with nature.
8.I was not able to make_______________ who it was from such a far-away place.
9.My grandpa is now_______________(recover) from his disease.
10.The poster stirred_______________ their emotion to the endangered animals.
四、句式升级 (每句4分,共20分)
1. (普通)Because we had failed to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.
→(高级表达) , we sent an email instead. (分词做状语)
(普通)She managed to escape from the rising flood waters only with the greatest of luck.
→(高级表达) ______________________________________________________________ . (only倒装)
(普通)The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those. Their lives were affected.
→(高级表达) (定语从句)
(普通)This book is intended for beginners, and it is now very popular in China.
→(高级表达)______________________________________________ is now very popular in China.(分词作定语)
(普通)He studies hard because he wants to change his fate. (the reason引导定语从句)
五、句子翻译 (每句5分,共25分)
1. 只有在Jack回来后我才知道真相。(only)
谈到孩子的教育, 很多父母非常关注孩子的爱好的发展。(pay much attention to)

3.在有些区域, 鲸鱼仍在遭受非法猎捕。
5.我写信是为了跟你分享一些关于某事,详细信息如下。(“告知信”句型)一、词形变换 (每题1分,共20分)
1. legal: adj.合法的→ illegal : adj.不合法的→ illegally :adv.不合法地
2. hunt: v.打猎→ hunter : n. 猎人→ hunting : n. 打猎
3. alarm:vt.使恐慌→ alarming :adj.令人恐慌的→ alarmed : adj.感到恐慌的
4. extinct: adj.已灭绝的→ extinction :n灭绝
5. aware: adj.知道的→ awareness : n.知道
6. endanger: vt危害→ endangered : adj.有危险的
7. concern: vt.涉及→ concerned :adj.担心的→ concerning :prep.关于
8. living : adj.居住的→ live : v.生活adj活的adv在现场直播 → alive : adj.活泼的,活着的→ lively : adj.精力充沛的
9. adapt: v.适应→ adaptation :n.适应,改编→ adapted :adj.适合的→ adaptable :adj.能适应新环境的
10. measure: vt..测量,n措施→ measurable:adj.可测量的,恰当的→ measurement : n.尺寸,度量
11. reserve: vt.预订,n保护区→ reserved : adj.预订的,储备的→ reservation : n.保留,预约
12.observe vt.观察→ observation : n. 观察→ observer: n.观察者
13. beauty: n.美,美人→ beautiful : adj.美丽的→ beautify : vt美化
14. effect :n影响,效果v造成→ effective :adj.有效的
15. recover:v.恢复康复,找回→ recovery :n.恢复
16. remove: vt去除.→ removal : n.移动→ removable : adj.可移动的
17. intend:v.打算,计划→ intention :n..意图目的→ intentional :adj.企图的,故意的
18. threat: n.威胁→ threaten : vt.威胁→ threatening : adj.胁迫的,险恶的
19. exist:vi.存在→ existence:n.存在→ existing : adj.现存的
20. neighbour:n.邻居→ neighbouring :adj.相邻的→ neighbourhood:n.临近的地方
1. aware (adj.) be aware of : 对……知道 awareness(n.) strengthen one's awareness of : 提升某人的……意识
2. average (n.) on average : 平均来看
3.concern (v.) as far as sb be concerned : 就某人而言
4. adapt(v.) adapt......to...... : 使……适应……
5. measure (n.) take measures to do sth : 采取措施做某事
6. reserve(v.) reserve sth for sb : 为某人保留某物
7. observe (v.) observe sb doing sth : 观察某人正在做某事
8. remind (v.) remind sb of sth : 提醒某人某事
9. intend (v.) had intended to do sth : 本打算做……
10. existence (n.) come into existence : 产生,成立
1.to 2.being protected 3.buried 4.that 5.concerned 6.to 7.in 8.out 9.recovering 10.up
Having failed to reach them on the phone
Only with the greatest of luck did she manage to escape from the rising flood waters.
The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those whose lives were affected.
This book intended for beginners
The reason why he studies hard is that he wants to change his fate.
Only after jack returned did I learn about the truth.
When it comes to education, many parents pay much attention to                        the development of children’s hobbies.
In some areas whales are still being hunted illegally.
If you want to know anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I am writing to share with you something about sth and the detailed information is as follows.