Module 5 Unit 1 How many?教案


名称 Module 5 Unit 1 How many?教案
格式 zip
文件大小 12.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-03 15:59:07



一、教学内容:三年级上册Module 5 Unit 1 How many
1.能听懂、会说one to eight 这八个数字,并能在实际情境中行运用。
2.能用“How many ”询问。
能用“How many ”进行询问,并能用one to eight 这八个数字回答。
学习并会运用句子“How many ”
五、教具准备 :ppt、单词卡片、食物等.
Step 1 Greetings and warming up全班一起唱How many?这首歌曲,并加上动作。
Step 2出示图片,复习Color:Red/green/yellow/blue/black. It’s a red chair等。
Step3 : Presentation
1.T: Boys and girls, look, there are many things in my bag. Let ’s look at. 从包里把糖果一个一个地呈现出来,直到最后一个糖果了。 T: 拿起所有的糖果说,“How many ” Help students understand the mean of “How many ”and let them answer in Chinese.
2.Learn the target language: How many many ,many, how many ( 采用开火车,分组读,个别学生读,全班读)
3.T: Today we are going to talk about numbers.
( Teacher shows one picture ) and then ask : How many Help the students say “one”, teacher shows the cards and ask the students to read it in this way “ one ,one, one”
4.(Shows two birds) Ask:How many When the teacher says, she must say slowly .Students read after the teacher and learn “ two ”.
T: Let’s count, one two.
T: How many 并引导学生回答:Two.
5.用同样的方法教学 :“three, four .” (Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “three”
6.Practice one to four .出示实物及手指,问:‘‘How many ’’学生自己数并回答。用同样的方法教学:five,six,seven,eight.
7.Practice one to eight .出示课件图片,问How many 学生数并回答。
8. I can say the numbers.
114 752 254 125 416 214 682 985
课件出示一组电话号码,请同学用英语说出这组数字。并给予奖励。(备注:教授单词通过教师领读、学生齐读、小组读、男女生PK、开火车、Magic Cards 等不同的形式进行教授)
1.师过渡:刚才我们通过学习知道了(师边用手指板书,生边读How many one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight.)Now,let’s open the book,and turn to page twenty-six.(并适当用中文补充说明。)Let’s learn module five—numbers 数字one to eight中的Unit1(在How many前板书Unit1,并教读2次)。
2. Show a picture of four rabbits. What do they say (播放视频一)
Show a picture of a panda. What's in the hat (播放视频二)请个别学生回答。
3.And Listen and repeat.
Step5 Consolidation
1.Do pair work.学生利用周围的物品,用How many来进行提问。Ask some students come to the front,and make the dialogue.
2.Play a game: 全班分成六组,进行报数比赛,count the number. 每组一位同学到台前进行报数,from one to eight.报错的同学,即淘汰,坚持到最后的同学就是winner.其所在的组就获得一个小星星。
4.Say and chant(结束本节课)
How many How many One, one, one.
How many How many Two, two, two.
How many How many Three, three, three.
How many How many Four, four, four.
How many How many Five , five, five.
How many How many Six, six, six.
How many How many Seven, seven, seven.
Step5 Homework 1.Listen and read the text. 2.write the words.
Module 5 Unit 1 How many
How many
One two three four
five six seven eight