Unit3 Project板块教学设计
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情处理。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自我--运动竞技领域实现“更快、更高、更强的体育精神”
内容分析 本单元的项目实践活动要求学生展开调研,搜集或自行设计趣味运动会的运动项目。学生在教师的指导下,综合运用本单元所学内容,开展自主学习、合作学习和探究式学习,有效完成开放型任务,利用幻灯片或手绘等多种形式展示调研成果,进一步挖掘体育精神的主题意义,提高综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 了解和掌握广告或者海报等宣传文本的结构和内容特点; 综合运用本单元所学内容,详细、生动、全面地介绍趣味运动会的情况和特色; 开展合作探究,进一步了解不同的体育项目,培养对体育活动的热爱。
教学重点 引导学生自主选择合适的宣传文本结构、内容和呈现方式介绍趣味运动会; 培养学生对体育活动的热爱。
教学难点 引导学生综合运用本单元所学内容,开展自主学习、合作学习和探究式学习,有效完成开放型任务。 引导学生进一步挖掘体育精神的主题意义。
教学策略 任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate (In the previous class) Teacher asks students to go online to research fun races or activities they could include in their fun sports meet and make a list. Teacher asks students to find out the specific details for each race or activity on their list. (In the previous class) Students go online to research fun races or activities they could include in their fun sports meet and make a list. Students find out the specific details for each race or activity on their list. To get students prepared for the project, and develop their individual learning and exploring abilities.
Plan Teacher asks students to work in small groups to discuss and decide which races and activities to include in their fun sports meet. Teacher asks students to choose a date, time and location. Teacher asks each group to decide how to advertise their fun sports meet, for example, on a poster or via email. Each group discusses and decides which races and activities to include in their fun sports meet. Students choose a date, time and location. Each group decides how to advertise their fun sports meet, for example, on a poster or via email. To help students prepare for the fun sports meet.
Create Teacher asks students to consider what details to include in the advertisement. Teacher asks students to make an advertisement for their fun sports meet. Students consider what details to include in the advertisement. Students make an advertisement for their fun sports meet. To help students to carry out practical tasks.
Present Teacher asks each group to present the advertisement of their fun sports meet to the class and the whole class vote for the best races and activities. Teacher asks students to choose the most suitable date, time and location, and hold their fun sports meet. Each group presents the advertisement of their fun sports meet to the class and the whole class vote for the best races and activities. Students choose the most suitable date, time and location, and hold their fun sports meet. To develop students’ creative thinking ability.