Unit5 Starting out板块教学设计
单元主题 本单元主题语境是“人与自然”,涉及的主题语境内容是认识与探索自然。使学生通过学习初步了解自然,认识自然, 积极探索并努力揭示自然规律,发现自然奥秘。单元通过对生物物种、生物进化、生物的多样性、自然界植物语言奥秘等多维度的介绍,使学生初步了解物种起源、植物发展规律,引发对自然的思考,激发对自然的探索、对规律的敬畏,进而帮助学生理解人与自然和谐相处的重要意义。同时,单元通过讲述达尔文完成著作《物种起源》的故事,引导学生体会探索的艰辛,学习科学家的不畏艰难、大胆质疑、勇敢探究的科学精神和创新精神。
单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于本单元提供的多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,掌握本单元有关动植物及生物进化的词汇及表达,听懂与自然界生物多样性相关的话题,恰当使用所学词汇与表达谈论、阐述相关话题;初步了解中外科学家对大自然的探索,获取世界不同地区的动植物信息,深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘;运用单元所学知识,经过比较、分析并联系自身实际,介绍与自然相关的纪录片以及世界著名的自然历史博物馆,积极探索自然,培养不断探究、不断创新的思维意识;在自主、合作、探究式学习的过程中,运用各种策略,结合单元提供的反思性和评价性问题,不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,激发学习兴趣,提升分析问题和解决问题的能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。
Starting out板块教学设计 (建议时长10–15分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Viewing + Speaking
主题语境 人与自然——认识与探索自然
内容分析 本板块有两个活动,活动一为科学杂志的一页,介绍三种稀有动物,引入单元主题——自然。活动二呈现了一段与单元话题自然相关的视频,帮助学生初步了解自然界中种子的传播途径。该板块旨在激活学生已有的关于自然界动植物的背景知识和语言知识,并引入新知,为单元后续话题及学习活动做铺垫和预热。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 了解三种稀有动物的基本信息,指导学生掌握关于动物的相关词汇,引入主题的同时为进一步阅读、表达作词汇铺垫; 激活已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣; 3. 谈论动植物相关的知识,初步探索自然。
教学重点 引导学生初步了解关于动物的相关词汇,并联系生活实际与自身经历,激发对话题的兴趣,从而为整个单元的活动做铺垫和预热。
教学难点 谈论动植物相关的知识、用新学的和积累的词汇对动物进行介绍。
教学策略 视听教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher divides the students into groups before class and asks them to collect words about wildlife and information of their favourite animals. Teacher asks students to introduce their favourite animals. Teacher asks students to scan the magazine page and discuss Question1 in groups. Teacher asks some pairs to share their answers in front of the class and other students make supplements or free discussion. Teacher asks students to read the page carefully to refine relevant animal vocabulary and discuss and answer Question 2. Teacher asks students to report their outcome of the discussion, and introduce similar animals by using the new vocabulary. Students collect words about wildlife and information of their favourite animals. Students introduce their favourite animals. Students scan the magazine page and discuss Question 1 in groups. Students share their answers in front of the class and other students make supplements or free discussion. Students read the page carefully to refine relevant animal vocabulary and discuss and answer Question 2. Students report their outcome of the discussion, and introduce similar animals by using the new vocabulary. To arouse students’ interest in the three animals and draw their attention to the theme of this unit – Revealing nature.
Activity 2 Teacher plays the video and asks students to watch the video and answer how seeds travel. Teacher plays the video again and helps students to refine relevant information. Teacher asks students to answer how seeds travelling benefit plants. Teacher asks students to think about another example of seeds travelling and answer the question. Students watch the video and answer how seeds travel. Students watch the video and complete the information. Students share the information in groups and answer how seeds travelling benefit plants. Students think about another example of seeds travelling and answer the question. To make students realize ways of seeds travelling.