Unit 3 Starting out & Understanding ideas 名师教学设计
本课时包括 Starting out和 Understanding ideas两部分。
Starting out是导入部分,包括观看视频回答问题和看图片回答问题两个环节。通过对新旧时代快节奏和慢节奏的生活进行比较及观察四组图片,引导学生看到购物、居住、交通、通讯等生活中方方面面的巨大变化,激励学生与时俱进,学好本领,适应时代发展。鼓励学生应该好好学习科学和技能,不断提高自身素质,只有这样才能顺应时代的变化,反之将会被时代洪流吞没。为了明天和将来而奋斗,紧跟时代潮流,做一个时代的弄潮儿。
Understanding ideas部分以自述的口吻记叙了社区书店的变化。随着电子产品和网上书店的兴起,实体书店越来越萧条,甚至面临着关闭的危机,可这个书店承载着几代人的记忆,是孩子们梦想的摇篮。于是,大家团结一心,将旧书店进行改造,焕发出新的生机。通过该文章的学习,引导学生认识到时代变化不可逆转,要顺应时势,奋力前行。
1.认知并灵活运用本课时的重点单词 decade、elderly、tablet、sympathy、bunch、dusty、shelf、furniture、mist、brick、saleswoman、leadership、organic、jazz、humble、compete和短语 a bunch of、draw conclusions from、drop in、be packed into、have a chat with、be attracted by、stay in business、drop by、wave goodbye to、for good、be replaced by、in good hands、take over、under one’s leadership、pop up、combine with、compete with、play an important role等。
学习、掌握本课的重点单词 decade、elderly、sympathy、bunch、dusty、shelf、furniture、leadership、organic、humble、compete和短语 a bunch of、draw conclusions from、drop in、be packed into、drop by、wave goodbye to、for good、be replaced by、in good hands、take over、pop up、combine with、compete with,并能在具体语境中灵活运用。
3.预习 Starting out和 Understanding ideas两部分的内容,通过查字典等方式提前解决词汇问题。
Step I Starting out
1. Watch the video and answer the questions.
·What is the video about
·Which do you prefer, a faster pace of life e or a slower pace of life
Suggested answers: ·The video is about whether it’s better to live life at a fast or slow pace. ·(略)
2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
·What kinds of changes do the pictures show
·What else can you think of that has changed in recent decades
·Imagine you could travel 40 years back in time. What would you want to experience Why
Suggested answers: ·Changes in the way we shop, the buildings in which we live, the way we travel and how we communicate. ·(略) ·(略)
Step II Reading
1. Pre-reading.
(1) Look at the charts and answer the questions.
·What information do the charts show
·What conclusions can you draw from these charts
Suggested answers: ·The charts show the sales made by physical bookstores and online bookstores in China from the year 2011 to 2017. ·More and more people are choosing to buy books online instead of in physical bookstores.
(2) Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Think about what the title means. Read the passage and check your answer.
2. Fast reading.
Read the passage quickly and choose the best answers.
①How did the author feel after knowing the Rainbow Bookstore was closing A. Desperate B. Unconcerned C. Unfair D. Fortunate ②What difficulty did Casey meet in running the independent bookstore A. Fewer and fewer people like reading. B. E-books and online sales influence it deeply. C. More and more tablets are used by young people. D. The bookstore can’t provide the latest books in time. ③What can we see in the reopened bookstore A. A large board for sharing ideas and comments. B. A large screen showing the prices of the books. C. Some tablets showing different best-sellers. D. The shelves selling best-seller-themed items. ④What brings the bookstore new life A. People’s long for the good old days. B. Popular new books delivered. C. Innovation and cooperation. D. The spirit of respecting work.
Suggested answers: ①A ②B ③D ④C
3.Careful reading.
(1) Language points.
Master the words and phrases:
decade,elderly,sympathy,bunch,dusty,shelf,furniture,leadership,organic,humble,compete,a bunch of,draw conclusions from,drop in,be packed into,drop by,wave goodbye to,for good,be replaced by,in good hands,take over,pop up,combine with,compete with
(2)Read the passage again and retell it.
4. Post-reading.
(1) Do Activity 3 on Page 28.
Choose the ideas conveyed in the passage and find evidence to support your choices.
①Traditional bookstores can’t compete with large bookstore chains. ②People’s love of reading never changes. ③Technology has been a key factor in bringing the Rainbow bookstore back to life. ④Creativity plays an important role in the new Rainbow bookstore.
Suggested answers: ②④
(2) Do Activity 4 on Page 28.
Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram.
Suggested answers: (略)
Step Ⅲ Summing up
1.总结本节课的重点词汇 decade、elderly、sympathy、bunch、dusty、shelf、furniture、leadership、organic、humble、compete、pop up、a bunch of、draw conclusions from、drop in、be packed into、drop by、wave goodbye to、for good、be replaced by、in good hands、take over、combine with、compete with和句型,了解它们的用法,形成知识脉络。
Step IV Homework
1. Sum up what we learnt in class and take notes.
2. Preview the next period.
Unit 3 Times change! Period I Starting out & Understanding ideas I. Starting out 1. Watch the video and answer the questions. 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Ⅱ. Reading 1. Pre-reading. (1) Look at the charts and answer the questions. (2) Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Think about what the title means. Read the passage and check your answer. 2. Fast reading. Read the passage quickly and choose the best answers. 3. Careful reading (1) Language points. Master the words and phrases: decade, elderly, sympathy, bunch, dusty, shelf, furniture, leadership, organic, humble, compete, a bunch of, draw conclusions from, drop in, be packed into, drop by, wave goodbye to, for good, be replaced by, in good hands, take over, pop up, combine with, compete with (2) Read the passage again and retell it. 4. Post-reading. (1) Do Activity 3 on Page 28. (2) Do Activity 4 on Page 28. Ⅲ. Summing up Ⅳ. Homework
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