Unit6 Project板块教学设计
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情处理。)
课型 Speaking + Creating
主题语境 人与自然——生存
内容分析 本单元的项目实践活动要求学生想象遇到了一次海难,作为唯一的幸存者应如何在一个荒岛上维持生存,帮助学生了解在险境求生的重要性,在培养学生环境保护意识的同时,鼓励学生要学会适应环境的改变。学生在教师的指导下,综合运用单元所学知识,开展自主合作,有效完成开放型任务,进一步探索本单元的主题语境,发展综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 分析不同的情境下如何选择生存所需的工具,培养学生分析问题的能力; 2. 通过小组合作的方式,分析地形地貌及该地区可能存在的资源,寻找困境下生存的契机; 3. 制作荒岛生存指南,加深对单元主题意义的理解,磨练坚强的意志,培养学生遇见困难不认输的精神。
教学重点 引导学生进行生存工具的选择。
教学难点 如何引导学生做出图文并茂的、有实际参考价值的生存指南。
教学策略 任务型教学法(自主,合作,探究)
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate Teacher asks students to choose three items for survival based on their own judgment. Teacher collects answers. Teacher asks students to study the map in groups. Students name the items listed and what they are used for. And then choose the three items that they think are most important for survival. Students share their answers and explain their reasons. Students work in groups, studying the map, discussing the characteristics of the island and possible uses of the natural resources. To encourage students to work together to make a survival guide to the desert island.
Plan Teacher asks students to work in groups to have a discussion. Teacher asks students to list the things in order of priority. Teacher divides the class into groups so that they can have a discussion on how to make use of the resources. Students work in groups to discuss what can be found on the island to survive. Students rank what they are looking for from the most important to the least important. Students discuss how to use the tools taken from the ship to integrate the resources of the island for self-help activities. To encourage each group to work together to make a survival guide to the desert island.
Create Teacher asks students to write the survival guide. Teacher asks students to prepare materials which are necessary for making the guide. Teacher asks students to decide the form of their guides. Teacher asks students to create their guide in groups. In small groups, students write a survival guide that includes an overview of the island, the tools selected from the boat, and the resources found on the island. Students look for pictures or make pictures to beautify the survival guides. Students determine the final form of a survival guide, a poster or a promotional page. Students work together to make a survival guide. To encourage each group to work together to make a survival guide to the desert island.
Present Teacher asks students to present their guides to the class and then teacher makes comments. Teacher asks each group to improve their guide. Teacher asks students to vote for the best guide. Each group presents its survival guide to the whole class. Make comments on each other’s work. Each group improves its survival guidelines based on the suggestions from other groups. Students choose the most effective and creative survival guide. To encourage students to improve their work according to others’ suggestions