Unit1 Understanding ideas板块教学设计
Understanding ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长30–35分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、了解自我
内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇体现单元主题的课文,语篇类型为专题讨论。课文展示了三位普通年轻人对外表的不同的看法和自我形象认知以及专家对他们观点的评价。读前的导入活动请学生阅读全球各种人群对自我形象满意度调查情况的相关资料,然后再进行评价,并联系自身情况谈谈外表对一个人是否重要,旨在读前预热,为课文学习做好准备。读中活动请学生分别找出每位年轻人对自己外表的态度以及专家的评价,与读前活动形成呼应。读后活动则通过理解主旨大意、分析文章的逻辑结构和开放性问答等多种形式的活动,帮助学生深入理解课文信息,探究主题意义,同时培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维。
教学目标 1.学生通过阅读课文,了解文章中每个年轻人对自我形象的态度和专家的评价; 2.学生通过细读课文,感知文章的语篇结构及语言特点,学习和掌握语篇中与话题相关的表达,并能运用所学表达进行交流; 3.学生通过理解文章内容,加深对主题意义的认识,形成正确的审美观、自我认知和积极的人生态度。
教学重点 引导学生通过自主阅读和小组合作理解文章的主旨大意。
教学难点 引导学生根据文章的标题、图片等元素预测文章主题和分析文章写作目的,培养这一阅读策略与技能。
教学策略 任务型教学法、P–W–P阅读模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 T asks Ss to read the facts and answer the questions in Activity 1. Ss read and answer the questions in Activity 1. Lead to the topic and arouse Ss’s interest..
Activity 2 T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and find out each person’s attitude. Ss read the passage quickly and find out the answer. Train students’ reading skills of getting the main ideas.
Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to choose the author’s purpose in Activity 3. 2. T asks some Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss figure out the answers. 2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons. 3. They can read the passage again if necessary. Train students’ reading skills of getting the author’s purpose and main ideas.
Activity 4 1. T asks Ss to complete the diagram with words from the passage in Activity 4. 2. T asks Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss read the passage again and complete the diagram in Activity 4. 2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons. Train Ss’ skills of getting specific information.
Think & Share T asks Ss to discuss the four questions in groups and offers help if they need. Ss discuss the four questions in groups and then share their ideas with the class. Train Ss’ ability to use language in their real life and express their ideas in a logical way.