学科 英语 年级 三年级 学期 春季
课题 Module4 Unit1 We’ll pick fruit
教科书 书 名:外研版三年级下册(一年级起点) 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
1、通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,学会本课时的单词:pick,fruit,apple,pear,orange,peach以及句型A:Will you... B:Yes,I’ll...。 2、学会will表达的含义,即将要发生或者将要做的事情,表将来时态;能根据例子写一句含有单词will表将来时态的简单句子。 3、读懂Part2的小语篇,并能够在课后根据小语篇制定一份自己的周末计划并实践。
教学重点: 1、学生能够通过听说读写等方式学会本课时的词汇以及句型,并运用词汇句型和同伴进行交流。 2、学会有效的阅读方式,准确快速在语篇中找到老师提出的一系列问题的相关句子并回答问题。 教学难点 1、学会语篇阅读的方法,能够根据问题快速提取文本中的有效信息。 2、能够根据脉络,复述第二部分的小语篇。 3、学习完本课时之后,能够写出自己的周末计划并参与实践。
Step1 Warm-up 1、Greeting and free-talk Hello,Boys and girls Nice to meet you . How are you today What day is it today What is the date today Are you ready for class Today,We are going to learn Module4 Unit1 We’ll pick fruit. Let’s chant.(The chant of Module4 Unit1 Part1) We’re fourteen. You’re four. We’re big. You’re small. Step2.Lead-in 1、Show a picture of a fruit salad T:We are hungry.We will make a fruit salad.What do we need S1: We need Fruit. (学生也可能说出沙拉酱等词语,教师适时补充) There are some fruit with different colours. (教师PPT呈现一些不同颜色的水果图片,帮助学生理解) 2、Ask a question. T:Where will we get fruit (1)fruit shop -buy fruit -easy (2)Fruit farm - pick fruit - fresh/happy/funny/a bit tired Step3.Presentation 1)Listen and Find T:This time,We are going to a fruit farm. We’ll pick fruit. Now Let‘s listen and find.Where are they going this weekend T:They are going to a fruit farm.(听完录音,学生尝试回答问题)。 2)利用思维导图,提出关于小语篇的四个问题,让学生再读语篇,找到相关的答案。 Questions: (1)Who will go Ms Smart,Amy,Sam. (2)When will you go This weekend. (3)Where will you go A fruit farm. (4)What will you do Pick fruit. This weekend, we're going to a fruit farm.We'll pick fruit. 2)Ask more questions about the text. T:Now,Look at Sam.First, Sam is happy.But at last,Sam is angry. Q1:What’s happening Ss:They are arguing。(学生可能说不出argue这个词,老师出示并解释) Q2:Why are we arguing Ss:We are arguing about who will pick more fruit. (通过对What fruit will we pick 和How many fruit will pick 两个问题进行分析,得出他们争论的原因是谁将会摘到更多数量的水果)。 Step4.Practise 1、Let’s retell. T:Now , Boys and girls. Let’s retell the text. (根据PPT上面对小语篇的整理,给学生自由准备的时间之后,对语篇进行简单的复述) 2、Homework (1)仿照图一的句型,根据图片内容写一句含有will句子话。 (2)制定一份自己的周末计划并实践。 Make a plan This weekend, we're going to a We'll ______________. Great! I'll ________ ______________. Hooray! 参考答案: ②This weekend,Amy will draw a picture.③This weekend,Da Ming will fly a kite.④This weekend,Sam will play football. 开放性题型,答案不唯一。