外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit4 A glimpse of the future Project 板块教学设计


名称 外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit4 A glimpse of the future Project 板块教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 14.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-06 19:02:47



Unit4 Project板块教学设计
Project板块教学设计 (此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与社会——未来与科技发展、认识与探索未来
内容分析 本板块要求学生设计未来城市并制作海报。教师引导学生通过自主学习、合作学习和探究式学习,培养学生的调研与动手能力,让学生对单元主题做进一步的延伸和探索。
教学目标 1.学生能够运用图书馆或网络等途径查找资料,收集有关未来城市设计的各种信息; 2.学生能够小组合作,结合收集的材料,制作图文并茂的海报; 3.学生能够关注科技发展和社会问题,形成积极面向未来的态度。
教学重点 1.引导学生利用网络搜集有关未来城市的信息,并结合单元所学,设计自己的理想城市; 2.引导学生通过小组合作完成海报制作。
教学难点 1.引导学生在介绍自己的理想城市海报时,要结合本单元所学的内容,达到学以致用的目的; 2.引导学生通过搜集资料和小组合作等活动,学会自主学习、合作学习。
教学策略 任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Investigate 1. T asks Ss to surf the Internet for problems cities today are facing, main features of a livable city, high-tech applied in present cities and plans for the construction of future cities. 2. T asks Ss to share information with the class. 1. Ss search for information about modern city issues and future cities described in sci-fi novels or films. 2. Ss share information. Develop skills of searching information.
Plan 1.T asks Ss to list the key elements of their ideal city in groups. 2. T asks Ss to have a group discussion and clarify the respective tasks. 1. Ss list the location, scale, facilities and features of their ideal city. 2. Ss work in groups. Prepare for poster making.
Create 1. T asks Ss to draw a map of the ideal city with description and illustration. 2. T offers Ss instruction and help. 1. Ss draw maps, write down description and collect pictures. 2. Ss match the text and pictures and add certain design to form a complete poster. Create posters by working together.
Present T asks Ss to present their posters and vote for the best design. Ss give presentations and vote. Practise skills in making posters, and learn from each other.