Unit 4 Using Language(2) 名师教学设计
The world of tomorrow
1. 了解音频中“时间旅行”的注意事项及需要遵守的现则,发展听、读、说等技能。
2. 学习和理解“表达激动心情”和“确认信息”两种表达的含义及语用功能,并能在具体语境中灵活使用。
3. 了解人工智能在未来医疗和交通领域中可能的使目情况,培养学生的想象力和创造力。
4. 运用本课词汇及关于时间和期盼的表达,谈论未来主活的其他方面的情况。
5. 了解中国AI近些年的发展趋势和在现实生活的广乏应用,感受高科技,增强民族自豪感和国家荣誉感。同时关注科技将来的发展趋势及给人类带来的问题和威胁,里解事物的两面性。
1. 了解“时间旅行”需要遵守的规则以及人工智能在卡来医疗和交通领域中可能的使用情况。
2. 理解“表达激动心情”和“确认信息”两种表达的含义、语用功能和相关的词汇及表达,并能在具体语境中灵舌使用。
1. 了解中国AI近些年的发展趋势和在现实生活的广泛使用,感受高科技,增强民族自豪感。
2. 预测人工智能将来的发展趋势及给人类带来的威胁和解决方法。
1. “时间旅行”“未来医疗”及“未来交通”的相关信息。
2. 音频及图片。
1. 预习本课词汇。
2. 穿越剧(的经典桥段)。
3. 人工智能在现实生活中的应用。
Step I学习理解
1. Write “time travel” on the blackboard and have students describe it.
2. Ask students to talk about these posters and find the similarity.
3. Encourage students to imagine what they desire to do if they have the chance to travel back.
4. Instruct students to read “Did You Know ”.
Did You Know Time travel could result in a paradox-an event that contradicts itself. For example, if a person travelled back in time and prevented an event. that event would never have happened: there would therefore be no reason for the person to travel back in time to prevent it.
【设计意图】在黑板上写下 “time travel”,鼓励学生根据已知展开讨论:呈现三张有关时间旅行的电影/电视剧海报,让学生讨论并设想自己有机会时间旅行时想做的事;随后学习“Did You Know ”的文字材料,理解时间旅行存在的悖论,从而更好地理解听力活动中关于时间旅行的各种注意事项,为下一步的听力做铺垫。
1. Ask students to read the following sentences carefully.
①Time travel is dangerous.
②Talking to people in the past can change the future.
③Anything you say or do in the past can affect the future.
④Time travel within your own lifetime should be avoided.
2. Tell students to listen to the conversation and choose its main idea.
3. Check the answer.
Suggested answer: ③
4. Have students work in pairs and go over the table below.
RULE 1 ①_________________________________________________________ ·A tourist wants to ②______________________ because ③________________ ·The guide told her ④________________________________________________
RULE 2 ⑤_________________________________________________________ ·The guide said that ⑥_______________________________________________
RULE 3 ⑦_________________________________________________________ ·A tourist wants to ⑧________________________________________________ ·The guide told him not to because ⑨___________________________________
5. Ask students to write down key words while listening. Play the recorder again for students to complete the table.
6. Invite some volunteers to share the answers.
7. Check the answers as a whole class.
Suggested answers: ①Don’t talk to anybody. ②tell her 8-year-old self to buy shares in companies that are profitable today ③she wants to become rich ④not to do that ⑤Be careful not to break anything. ⑥breaking something could also cause a paradox and change your path through life ⑦Never give anything from our time to someone in the past. ⑧give a present to his father ⑨anything that doesn’t belong to that time may have an impact on someone and cause a paradox
8. Encourage students to take turns to be the guide and explain the rules of time travel.
Step II应用实践
1. Ask students to complete the boxes with the expressions from the conversation.
·Amazing! ·Wow! ·I can’t wait to… ·So, what you’re saying is that.. ·Let me get this straight. You mean that. ·It’ll be exciting enough to... ·Imagine how excited… ·That’s OK. isn’t it ·Are you serious ·How about
Expressing excitement Asking for confirmation
2. Have volunteers read their answers and check the answers as a class.
Suggested answers: Expressing excitement ·Amazing! ·Wow! ·I can’t wait to... ·Imagine how excited... ·It’ll be exciting enough to... Asking for confirmation ·So, what you’re saying is that... ·How about... ·That’s OK, isn’t it ·Are you serious ·Let me get this straight. You mean that...
3. Encourage students to design a conversation by using these expressions as many as possible.
1. Tell students to look at the picture carefully and share what they can see from it.
2. Have students look for related information about their discussion and share in class.
Related information: 人工智能在医疗健康领域中的应用已经非常广泛,从应用场景来看,主要分为虚拟助理、医学影像、药物挖掘﹑营养学四大方面。 一、虚拟助理:人类医师的得力助手还是替代者 在医疗领域,虚拟助理可以根据和用户的交谈,智能化地通过病情描述来判断病因。因此虚拟助理主要分成两类,一类是包括Siri等在内的通用型虚拟助理,另一类是专注医疗健康类的专用虚拟助理。 二、医学影像:辅助及代替医生看胶片 医学影像与人工智能的结合,是数字医疗领域较新的分支和产业热点。医学影像包含了海量数据,即使有经验的医生有时也显得无所适从。医学影像的解读需要长时间专业经验的积累﹐医生的培养周期相对较长,而人工智能在对图像的检测效率和精度两个方面,既可以做得比专业医生更快﹐又可减少人为操作误判率。 三、药物挖掘:大幅度降低药物研发成本 人工智能为人们提供了一个更低成本检测药物的安全专家。 首先﹐在新药筛选时,可以获得安全性较高的几种备选物。当很多种甚至成千上万个化合物都对某个疾病显示出某种疗效,但又难以判断它们的安全性时,人们便可以利用人工智能的搜索算法挑选新药的最佳备选者。其次,对于尚未进入动物实验和人体试验阶段的新药,也可以利用人工智能来检测其安全性。人工智能可以通过对既有药物的副作用进行筛选搜索,由此选择那些产生副作用的概率最小和实际产生副作用危害最小的药物进入动物实验和人体试验,节约时间和成本。 四、营养学:机器学习算法给你更精准、个性化的营养学建议 医学专家通过分析标准化饮食的结果,发现即便食用同样的食品,不同人的反应依然存在巨大差异。这表明,过去通过经验得出的“推荐营养摄入”从根本上就有漏洞。研究结果表明,机器学习算法可以给出更精准的营养学建议,成功控制餐后血糖水平,结果优于传统专家建议。合理的膳食搭配以及更安全的有机食品需求成为新的食品产业增长点,也迅速成为被新技术推动变革的传统领域。
3. Ask students to work in pairs and read the passage on Page 43 to put the expressions in bold into the boxes.
Expressions about time Expressions about expectation
4. Let students who could do well in English share the answers in class.
Suggested answers: Expressions about time within our lifetimes any time soon on the horizon around the corner far ahead of their time Expressions about expectation bank on get our hopes up bound to happen
Step III迁移创新
1. Lead students to repeat the expressions.
within our lifetimes bank on any time soon on the horizon get our hopes up around the corner far ahead of their time bound to happen
2. Encourage students to write sentences or make up stories with these expressions.
3. Request students to complete the passage with the above expressions.
Who knows in what exciting ways transport will change ①________ Trains that travel at the speed of today’s aeroplanes may sound ②________, but scientists are already developing “hyperloop” trains that travel at over 1, 000 km per hour. And although we can’t ③________ flying cars being the norm ④________, there are plans to introduce flying taxis that will be stationed on rooftops around busy cities. Many cities already have elevated cycle paths and I’m sure that these are ⑤________ for many others around the world. As well as faster, safer and more comfortable transport being just ⑥________, we can also ⑦________ about shorter waiting times, with companies intending to provide on-demand services.
Suggested answers: ①within our lifetimes ②far ahead of their time ③bank on ④any time soon ⑤bound to happen ⑥on the horizon/ around the corner ⑦get our hopes up
4. Invite students to express their ideas about medical care and transport of future.
1. Ask students to work in pairs and talk about another aspect of life in the future using the expressions they have learnt in this section.
2. Encourage students to do further research on the Internet if necessary.
3. Tell students to think about how effectively their partner used these expressions, and what they could learn from him or her.
4. Have students look at the pictures below and talk about what happened about AI in China in 2020.
Unit 4 A glimpse of the future Period III Using language (2) I. 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 1. Describe “time travel”. 2. Talk about some posters. 3. Imagine. 4. Read“Did You Know ”. 活动二:获取与梳理 1. Read some sentences. 2. Listen and choose. 3. Check the answer. 4. Go over the table. 5. Listen and complete the table. 6. Share the answers. 7. Check the answers. 8. Explain the rules of time travel. II. 应用实践 活动三:分析与判断 1. Complete the boxes. 2. Check the answers. 3. Design a conversation. 活动四:内化与运用 1. Look and share. 2. Look for related information. 3. Read the passage and put the expressions in bold into the boxes. 4. Share the answers. III. 迁移创新 活动五:推理与论证 1. Repeat the expressions. 2. Write sentences or make up stories. 3. Complete the passage. 4. Express ideas. 活动六:想象与创造 1. Talk about another aspect of life in the future. 2. Do further research. 3. Think. 5. Talk about AI in China in 2020.
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