Unit 4 Developing ideas & Presenting ideas 名师教学设计
A boy’s best friend
[what]本节课包含Developing ideas和 Presenting ideas两部分。
Developing ideas包含两部分:第一部分节选自科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的科幻小说《男孩的挚友》,介绍了一个在月球上出生和成长的小男孩Jimmy和电子狗Robutt的故事。续写部分的语篇是一个不完整的科幻小说,讲述的是关于机器人的越狱事件。
Presenting ideas是关于人工智能和未来生活的内容。
1. 通过阅读,了解科幻小说《男孩的挚友》节选部分的故事概要,学习、欣赏科幻小说的文学性和思想性。
2. 能从小说要素情节、人物﹑情感等方面理解小说结构,学习“伏笔”的写作手法,以独立或者合作形式完成科幻小说的续写。
3. 复习本单元所学词汇及表达,充分发挥想象力和创造力,设计自己未来理想的一天,并可以口头描述未来生活。
4. 联系实际,辩证地看待人工智能给人类生活带来的便利及潜在的问题。
5. 利用多渠道了解社会各方面的发展趋势,关注时政及科技发展,了解科技进步和未来发展的多样性,树立积极的人生态度,积极地迎接未来的机遇和挑战。
6. 积极进行小组合作﹐合理安排分工和履行职责,培养团队意识。
1. 了解科幻小说《男孩的挚友》节选部分的故事概要。2.学习“伏笔”的写作手法,完成科幻小说的续写。
1. 合理构思规划和描述未来生活。
2. 意识到人工智能发展带来的潜在问题并探索解决方法,辩证地看待科技进步和人工智能,积极面对未来挑战。
1. 科幻小说家Isaac Asimov和科幻小说《男孩的挚友》的相关信息。
2. 视频及设备。
3. “伏笔”写作手法的相关知识。
1. 预习本课词汇。
2. 科幻小说的写作方法的相关知识。
Step I学习理解
1. Talk about Isaac Asimov.
Ask students to look at the pictures and talk about Isaac Asimov.
Related information: Isaac Asimov(1920~1992)阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov was an American writer, and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov loved to write: he wrote or edited more than500 books. Together with Arthur C. Clarke and Robert A. Heinlein, Asimov was considered to be one of the “Big Three” science-fiction writers during his lifetime. Asimov is perhaps best known for his Foundation series, the first three books of which won the Hugo Award for “Best All-Time Series” in 1966. His other major works are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series. He put forward the Three Laws of Robotics-an idea which continues to exercise some influence today. 机器人三定律是科幻小说家Isaac Asimov在他的《我,机器人》和其他机器人相关小说中为机器人设定的行为准则,是阿西莫夫除“心理史学”外另一个著名的虚构学说: ·Law I: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 第一法则:机器人不得伤害人类,或袖手旁观坐视人类受到伤害。 ·Law II: A robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First law. 第二法则:除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。 ·Law Ⅲ: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second law. 第三法则:在不违背第一及第二法则下,机器人必须尽可能保护自己的生存。
2. Watch a video.
(1) Let students watch a video and answer the questions below.
·How does Asimov set out the relationship between humans and robots
·Have you read any of Asimov’s novels If so, share one story you’ve read with the class. If not, would you like to read them Why or why not
(2) Encourage students to share the answers and check as a class.
Suggested answers: ·He puts forward the Three Laws of Robotics, which ensure that robots should always obey and protect humans. ·(略)
【设计意图】要求学生先观看图片,了解科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的生平和作品,然后观看“机器人三定律”视频,获取他的作品中人与机器人的关系的信息,导入话题,激活学生已有的背景知识,为文本学习铺垫。
1. Predict.
Ask students to look at the title and the pictures on Pages 44~45, predict what the passage is about.
2. Have students read the passage quickly alone and catch the main idea to check their prediction.
3. Ask students to complete the table to compare life on Earth with life on the Moon.
Life on Earth
·Wear ordinary clothes and change according to the seasons. ·Breathe the air freely. ·Have to make an effort to jump high. ·Keep pets, such as dogs, cats, etc.
Life on the Moon
·_________________________________________________________________ ·_________________________________________________________________ ·_________________________________________________________________ ·_________________________________________________________________
4. Tell students to read the passage carefully to check the answers.
Suggested answers: Life on the Moon ·Wear spacesuits whenever outside. ·Breathe from an air supply. ·Jump high easily. ·Keep robots as pets.
1. Have students judge whether the statements are true(T) or false(F).
①Robutt is one of the children of Mr Anderson. ②Jimmy looked thicker and stubbier when he wore his spacesuit. ③Robutt didn’t need a spacesuit when he was with Jimmy.
Suggested answers: ①F ②T ③T
2. Let students choose the best answers.
①Where was the real dog when Jimmy’s parents were having a conversation A. On the Earth. B. At the rocket station. C. Behind a rock. D. On the Mars. ②Who is Jimmy’s best friend according to the passage A. Mr Anderson. B. Mrs Anderson. C. Robutt. D. His classmate. ③How did Robutt react when Jimmy hid behind a rock A. It tripped him and looked for him. B. It jumped on the rock and squeaked low. C. It was frowning with the desperate look on its face. D. It circled around and squeaked low and was scared.
Suggested answers: ①B ②C ③D
Step II 应用实践
1. Ask students to complete the short article below with the information from the passage.
Jimmy, ①________ long and agile arms and legs, was out on the crater, looking ②________ (thick) and stubbier with his spacesuit on. Robutt, a dog, was a mechanical imitation, ③________ had four legs, tripping Jimmy or jumping on him ④________ (show) how much he loved him, or ⑤________ (circle) around and squeaking low and ⑥________ (scare) when Jimmy hid behind a rock. Robutt ⑦________ (adjust) to act as if it loved Jimmy. Jimmy’s father would send him a real dog from Earth, which meant Jimmy wouldn’t need Robutt. Jimmy held Robutt ⑧________ (tight). ⑨________ the little robot-mutt which had never been held like that in all its ⑩________ (exist), squeaked high and rapid squeaks.
Suggested answers: ①with ②thicker ③which ④to show ⑤circling ⑥scared ⑦was adjusted ⑧tightly ⑨And ⑩existence
2. Tell students to write a summary according to the article above.
3. Have students role-play the passage in groups of four. (Jimmy, Mr Anderson,Mrs Anderson, narrator)
4. Invite volunteers to represent in the class.
Lead students to grasp the key information and complete the summary of the story.
Title Author Setting ·Time: ___________________________________________________________ ·Place: ___________________________________________________________ Characters ·Jimmy, a Moon-born boy ·___________________________________________________________ ·___________________________________________________________ ·___________________________________________________________ Plot Jimmy’s parents get a dog from Earth. They want to give it to Jimmy as a pet. But... Different attitudes towards Robutt ·Parents: __________________________________________________________ ·Jimmy: __________________________________________________________
Suggested answers: Title A Boy’s Best Friend Author Isaac Asimov Setting ·Time: In the future. ·Place: On the Moon Characters ·Jimmy, a Moon-born boy. ·Mr Anderson, Jimmy’s father. ·Mrs Anderson, Jimmy’s mother ·Robutt, a mechanical dog, Jimmy’s pet Plot Jimmy’s parents get a dog from Earth. They want to give it to Jimmy as a pet. But... Jimmy already has a robot pet named Robutt. His parents think it would be good for Jimmy to have a real dog, and that he would like it. They want to send Robutt to another family. To his parents’ surprise, Jimmy refuses to accept the real dog, because he loves Robutt and he believes Robutt loves him too. For Jimmy, Robutt is not just a mechanical dog, but a real friend. Different attitudes towards Robutt ·Parents: They think Robutt is a mechanical imitation of a real dog. ·Jimmy: He loves Robutt and treats him like a real dog.
1. Learning to learn.
Request students to work in groups and read “Learning to learn”.
Learning to learn
Foreshadowing is when the author gives a clue as to what is to come later in the story. This often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and helps the reader develop expectations about the coming events in a story.
2. Think and share.
·Make students talk about their attitudes towards the story.
·What are the similarities and differences between Robutt and a real dog
·Is there any foreshadowing of Jimmy’s final decision Find clues in the reading passage.
·What other sci-fi novels about robots can you think of Share one with the class.
·The two reading passages in this unit show us different aspects of technology in the future. Which of these do you most expect to encounter in your lifetime
Suggested answers: ·Similarities: Both are able to respond to orders given by human beings. Both can outrace human beings. Both can guide and protect human beings. Differences: They have different appearances. A real dog is a living creature, while Robutt is a machine. A real dog loves human beings as a result of its nature, while Robutt is just adjusted to act as though it loves human beings. ·Yes, there is. At the beginning of the story, we know Jimmy has never seen a real dog. It also seems that he spends a lot of time with Robutt. Jimmy plays with Robutt enthusiastically, shouting "Come on, Robutt”. In the middle of the passage, we are told that “Jimmy couldn’t go wrong while Robutt was around”,indicating that Robutt protects Jimmy well. ·(略) ·(略)
3. Give a talk.
(1) Ask students to work in groups and give a talk on whether it is possible to have a real friendship with a robot.
Answer the questions to help to form your point of view.
·Why do Jimmy and his parents have different feelings towards Robutt
·If you were Jimmy,which one would you choose, Robutt or a real dog
Suggested answers: ·Because Jimmy was born on the Moon, he has never seen a real dog. He has been getting along well with Robutt,and thus has developed an affection for him. He cannot figure out why a real dog is better than a mechanical dog, despite his father’s explanation. While Jimmy’s parents have seen real dogs before they left Earth,they know what real dogs look like. They think Robutt is just a machine. ·(略)
②Organise the main points they would like to cover and complete the table.
Point of view
Supporting details
③Give a talk to the class.
(2) Encourage students to vote for the best speaker and ask them to share their experiences.
Step Ⅲ 迁移创新
1. Direct students to read the story on Page 47 and answer the questions.
·What happened to the prison and what was the cause
·What kind of job do you think Carolyn has
·Are there any sentences that might foreshadow what will happen next Underline them.
Suggested answers: ·There was a prison breakout, caused by faulty robotics. ·She might be a prison governor. ·(略)
2. Request students to think about what will happen next, based on the examples of foreshadowing they have underlined.
3. Get students to complete the notes on Page 47 to plan the rest of the story and continue the story.
4. Ask students to share their story with the class.
5. Request student to work in pairs, make comments on their partner’s story and see whether the language style is consistent.
Suggested answer: Carolyn had a long commute to the prison, even by aircar. When she arrived, everything seemed normal, except for a robot lying at the front gate, motionless. It’s an old model, she thought. They broke down now and again. She passed through the gate, noting that everything else was apparently in order. But just as she closed her office door behind her. a loud alarm sounded. Carolyn’s blood froze. She had only ever heard that sound during drills. It can’t be! she thought. A general systems failure! She looked out of the reinforced glass of her office window into the prison below. Sure enough, the robots were out of control. Most had stopped moving at all. Some spun aimlessly around and around. But others were randomly operating things, including the cell gates, and she could see prisoners rushing out to freedom. “Grab the robots’ weapons and run!” shouted the prisoners. Carolyn opened her bag and reached for her emergency call device. Her heart sank as she realized she had left it at home. I need to call in the police, she thought. But how Without the device, she couldn’t communicate. Nothing in the prison would work properly now. There was a voice behind her. “Looking for one of these ” Carolyn gasped. “Julius!” There was her second-in-command, holding an emergency caller in his hand. “What are you doing in my office ” “It should be my office!” snarled Julius, “I’ve worked here for forty years... and the City Commissioners gave you the job as prison governor !But now you’ll pay. You’ll all pay! I can make every robot in every prison in the city go crazy. The prisoners will escape, and the city will burn!” Then the door burst open, and the room was suddenly flooded with riot police. And there was...Todd! “I took the aircar over here to bring you this,” he said quietly, winking as he pushed the emergency call device secretly into her hands. “I could see there was trouble, so I activated it to call in the police.” “It was Julius,” said Carolyn, watching the police bundle Julius out of the door. “He’s gone mad.” “Sure,” said Todd. “But now we know how easy it is to cause a mass robot breakdown. You’ll have to write a report. Make some recommendations to upgrade the robots.” “I know.” Carolyn slid from Todd’s hug and walked towards the door. She could see the police rounding up the prisoners. “But right now, I’ve got a prison to run.”
活动八:Presenting ideas
1. Have students work in groups and look at the pictures.
2. Ask students to discuss the questions.
·What are the people doing in each picture
·Imagine and describe their daily lives. Would you like to live like this
Suggested answers: ·In picture one, the robot is displaying some information to a girl. Perhaps the girl is being taught by the robot. In picture two,a girl is sitting on the robot. She looks like she is controlling the robot with a device. She seems to be playing. In picture three, the robot is helping a mother look after her child. ·(略)
3. Let students work in groups and discuss how other daily activities might be different in the future and complete the table.
Activities Descriptions
Having fun
4. Tell students to design their own ideal day in the future and consider the following questions.
·Is it a weekday or weekend What activities will you do
·Who do you want to spend the day with
·In what ways is it different to your present daily life
5. Encourage students to share their ideal day in the future with the class.
Ask students to write a reflection after completing this unit and consider the following questions.
·What is your understanding of life in the future
·What text types have you learnt about What are their features
·What words, expressions and structures have you learnt
·What improvement have you made in understanding different cultures
·What improvement have you made in using learning strategies and exploring effective ways of learning . What improvement have you made in analysing and solving problems
Voice your opinion.
Unit 4 A glimpse of the future Period IV Developing ideas & Presenting ideas Ⅰ. 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 1. Talk about Isaac Asimov. 2. Watch a video. 活动二:获取与梳理 活动三:概括与整合 1. Judge the statements. 2. Choose the best answers. Ⅱ. 应用实践 活动四:描述与阐释 活动五:分析与判断 Complete the summary. 活动六:内化与运用 1. Learning to learn. 2. Think and share. 3. Give a talk. Ⅲ. 迁移创新 活动七:Writing 活动八:Presenting ideas 活动九:Reflection 活动十:时政与实际
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