外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit5Learning from nature Developing ideas 板块教学设计


名称 外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit5Learning from nature Developing ideas 板块教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 17.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-06 21:16:22



Unit5 Developing ideas板块教学设计
Developing ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自然——学习自然、探索自然
内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为论说文。通过介绍、比较中外田园诗人陶渊明和Henry David Thoreau生活的年代,回归田园生活的社会背景、原因,写作风格的异同,表达了他们对自然的热爱和对田园生活的向往,帮助学生学会用比较的写作手法介绍人物。读写部分的短文对蝴蝶破茧的过程进行了描述和评价。通过这一板块的学习,学生能够加深对单元主题的理解,并初步掌握人物介绍的基本内容、文体特征和写作手法,在比较文化异同的同时,汲取国外文化中的精华,并弘扬中国优秀文化,坚定文化自信。
教学目标 1 学生通过提取课文大意、梳理课文结构,更好地了解自然对于文学创作的重要性; 2 学生通过分析、概括、整合陶渊明和Henry David Thoreau生活的年代、回归田园生活的社会背景、原因,写作风格的异同等信息,领悟他们对田园生活的向往和对自然的热爱,树立积极健康的世界观、人生观和价值观; 3 学生通过观察语篇,发现并总结故事的基本内容、文体特征和写作手法,并能运用所学知识写一则小故事。
教学重点 引导学生读懂文章,了解中外田园诗人的生活的年代、回归田园生活的社会背景、原因及写作风格。
教学难点 引导学生注重语言在思维层面的内化和输出。
教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to share what they know about Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau before class. 2. T invites two Ss to read the introductions of the two poets. 3. T asks the class to read the introductions and get the main information of them. 1. Ss share what they know about the two poets before class. 2. Two Ss read the instructions to the two poets. 3. Ss read the introductions individually and get the main information. Lead to the topic and activate Ss’ background knowledge.
Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the passage and guess the meanings of the words or expressions that they don’t understand. 2. T asks Ss to try to figure out the answers to Activity 2. 3. T invites some Ss to share their answers. 1.Ss read the passage and guess the meanings of the words or expressions that they don’t understand. 2. Ss try to summarise their answers to Activity 2. 3. Ss share their answers. Get the main idea of the passage by guessing the meanings of the words or expressions that they don’t understand according to the context.
Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the passage and complete the chart individually. 2. T asks Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss read the passage and complete the chart individually. 2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons. Check Ss’ understanding of the passage.
Think & Share 1. T asks Ss to think and answer the four questions in “Think &Share”. 2. T asks Ss to discuss and share their answers. 1. Ss think and answer the four questions individually. 2. Ss discuss and share their answers with the class. Deepen Ss’ understanding of the passage and stimulate their deep thinking.
Activity 4 1. T asks Ss to read the two quotes one by one. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to find the Chinese version of Tao’s poem, and translate Thoreau’s quote into Chinese. 3. T asks Ss to work in groups to complete Questions1-2 in Activity 4. 4. T invites several Ss to share their thoughts and others to give comments. 1. Ss read the two quotes one by one. 2. Ss work in groups to find the Chinese version of Tao’s poem, and translate Thoreau’s quote into Chinese.. 3. Ss work in groups to complete Questions 1-2 in Activity 4. 4. Several Ss share their thoughts and others give comments.. Appreciate and analyse poems from the perspective of their genres, images, contents and messages they try to convey.
Activity 5 T guides Ss to look at the pictures and read the passage considering the four given questions. Ss read the passage and answer the questions. Get to know the extended metaphor.
Activity 6 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures. 2. T asks Ss to describe the pictures. 3. T asks Ss what they get from the pictures associated with nature. 4. T asks Ss to discuss and offers help. 1. Ss look at the pictures carefully and think. 2. Ss describe the pictures. 3. Ss discuss what they have learnt from the pictures. 4. Ss share their thoughts and listen to the T’s comments. Lay the foundations for the following writing.
Activity 7-8 1. T shows the criteria of a good composition and demonstrates how to assess a composition. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to entitle the pictures. 3. T asks Ss to list the contents of the composition logically. 4. T asks Ss to write the composition individually. 5. T invites Ss to share and then write peer evaluations. 6. T offers help and give comments. 1. Ss take notes of the criteria of a good composition. 2. Ss discuss in groups about the titles of the pictures. 3. Ss work together to list the contents. 4. Ss write individually and share. 5. Ss share their compositions and then write peer evaluations. 6. Ss revise their compositions according to the T’s comments. Write a composition using an extended metaphor and practise writing a peer evaluation.