Unit1 Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计
Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计 (建议时长40–45分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)
课 型 Speaking
主题语境 人与社会 — 人生与成功
内容分析 本板块旨在引导学生思考什么样的人生才算是成功的人生,让学生从内心深处去设想一个成功的未来对他们意味着什么。本板块要求学生首先看三幅图片,回答每幅图代表的是什么样的生活,以及对成功人生有怎样的认识。然后教师请学生通过演讲的形式来进一步谈谈他们对成功人生的认识,引导学生思考:为了追求成功他们会制定什么样的目标?做出怎样的努力?如果不能达成或实现自己的目标,他们应该如何面对?这种讨论和追问有助于帮助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观,同时帮助学生内化单元主题思想,发展思维品质,完成对所学内容的迁移和创新。
教学目标 1 引导学生通过本单元的学习,能够更全面理解“面向未来、确定目标、审慎选择、正确决断、成就自我”的重要性,并能够正确、全面地认识人生成功的意义; 2 引导学生能够运用本单元所学表达方式,恰当表达自己的观点,使自己的演讲能达到打动人、感染人、教育人的效果; 3 培养学生的团队合作意识,引导学生小组成员共同探讨,分工协作,集体协商,统一意见,保质保量完成学习任务。
教学重点 1. 引导学生通过学习,对“人生与成功”有更加深入的理解; 2. 引导学生了解英语辩论的基本方法,并能运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论。
教学难点 1. 引导学生运用所学的恰当的表达方式进行辩论; 2. 引导学生升华对“人生与成功”的认识,让学生树立正确的人生观与价值观。
教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Presenting ideas
Activity 1 1. Teacher asks students to work in pairs, take a close look at the three pictures and ask and answer the two questions. 2. Teacher divides the class into pairs and discuss what success is and give reasons. 3. Teacher asks students to choose the best group(s) and give reasons. 1. Students work in pairs, take a close look at the three pictures and ask and answer the two questions. 2. Students work in pairs and discuss what success is and give reasons. 3. Students choose the best group(s) and give reasons. To help students further understand the meaning of success.
Activity 2 1. Teacher asks students to work in groups and talk about what success means with specific examples. 2. Teacher asks students to work individually to complete the items in the table “meaning of success and examples”. 3. Teacher invites some students to the front to share the result of the discussion. 1. Students work in groups and talk about what success means with specific examples . 2. Students work individually to complete the items in the table “meaning of success and examples”. 3. Students come to the front to share the result of the discussion. To guide students to use what they have learned to complete the table.
Activity 3-5 1. Teacher asks students to work in teams and discuss their under- standing of success in more detail, asking and answering the four questions. 2. Teacher invites some students to share what they discuss. 1. Students work in teams and discuss their understanding of success in more detail, asking and answering the four questions. 2. Students share what they discuss. To encourage students to express their opinions and help them understand the unit theme correctly.
Activity 1. Teacher guides students to recall or summarize what they’ve learnt in this unit. 2. Teacher asks students to work individually to complete the Reflection in Student’s Book with the help of the 6 questions given below. 3. Teacher invites some students to share what they’ve learnt in this unit and their reflections 1. Students rate their performance in this unit, summarize what they’ve learnt and think about what they need to improve. 2. Students work indivi- dually to complete the Reflection in Student’s Book with the help of the 6 questions given below. 3. Some students share what they’ve learnt in this unit and their reflections To help students evaluate their performance, review the unit, and think about how to improve themselves.
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