人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit3 Environmental protection知识清单课件(共46张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit3 Environmental protection知识清单课件(共46张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 13.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-07 08:25:25



选修三Unit3 Environmental Protection
1. graph /ɡrɑ f / n. 图;图表;曲线图
emission / m n /
n. 排放物;散发物;排放
gas/industrial emissions
the emission of carbon dioxide
emission reduction减排
melt /melt/ vi. & vt.(使)融化;熔化;软化
melting adj. 正在融化的,柔情似水的
melting ice 融化中的冰
melting eyes
starve /stɑ v / vi. & vt.(使)挨饿;饿死
starvation n. 饿死;挨饿;绝食
starve to death 饿死
I’m starving. 我要饿死了
suffer from starvation 遭受饥饿
starving children 饥饿的孩子
starve for 渴望=be starving for
starve for knowledge
5. release /r li s/
vt. & n. 排放;释放;发布,放生,放飞
release v. 排放,释放,发布
n. 释放, 发表
release the prisoner from the prison 释放囚犯
release the bird back into the wild 把鸟儿放生
release the men trapped in the lift 解救困在电梯里的人
release balloons at the ceremony 在典礼上放飞气球
release a new album 发行一张新唱片
The factory keeps releasing smoke, polluting the city. 【_________】
One of his new books will be released. 【_________】
The police demanded that the innocent boy should be released immediately. 【_________】
The latest film directed by the famous director is on general release. 【_________】
Unfortunately, the accident caused the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere.【_________】
v. 排放
v. 发布
n. 释放
6. sustain /s ste n/ vt. 维持;遭受;承受住
I always sustain the pressure that should not be sustained at this age.
sustain life 维持生命
sustain loss蒙受损失
Sustain the argument 证明观点
sustain the weight of…
7.trend /trend/ n. 趋势;趋向;动向
current trend
economic/social/political trends 经济/社会/政治趋势
8. broadcast / br dkɑ st/
vt. & vi.(broadcast, broadcast)
n. 广播节目;电视节目
9. policy n. 政策;方针;原则
make policies 制定政策
policies on ......关于....的政策/方针
one’s usual policy of doing sth 一贯做某事的原则
restrict /r str kt/ vt. 限制;限定;束缚
restricted adj. 有限的; 受限制的
restriction n. 限制规定;限制法规;约束
restrict one’s freedom 限制某人的自由
restrict...to... 把…限制在… (被动be restricted to... 被限制在....)
be ~ed to members only 只对会员开放
place a restriction on/upon... 对......实行限制
life/remove a restriction on /upon 撤销对......的限制
The crop scientists found that the varieties of wheat _____________(restrict) not only by the type of soil but also by the climate.
The earliest studies have suggested a link between calorie ______________(restrict) and slowing aging.
It is said that new restrictions will be placed _______ the use of plastic bottles.
were restricted
11. seize /si z/ vt. 抓住;夺取;控制
seize a chance/an opportunity/power抓住机会/抓住时机/夺权
Seeing the pearl, he was seized by curiosity.
seize sb.by the arm
fear seizes me
12. reform /r f m/
vi. & vt. 改革;(使)改正;改造
n. 改革;变革;改良
reform and opening up 改革开放
13. undergo vt. 经历;经受(变化/不快等)(underwent-undergone)
undergo surgery 接受手术
undergo tests/trials 经受考验
14. implement vt. 使生效;贯彻;执行
implement policies/reforms 执行政策/实施改革implementation n. (新政策的)实施;
the implementation of the new system 新体制的实施
15. address
vt. 处理;对付;称呼
n. 地址;演说;称呼
address climate change/emissions/pollutants
address a meeting 在会议上讲话
address your application to the committee
address sb as sth 称呼某人为…
16. aim
v. 力求达到,力争做到;瞄准
vt. 目的是;旨在 n. 目的;目标
aim at (doing) sth=be aimed at doing sth=aim to do sth 力争做到;旨在做某事
aim for sth 力求达到
be aimed at sb 针对sb
aim (sth) at... (用......)瞄准......
with the aim of... 为了......
take aim at... 瞄准
He aims ____________(become) a computer expert.
Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their ____________(aim).
When the teacher said that there was a lazy boy in the class, he was aiming ______ John.
We should aim ______ the best results.
to become
17. harmonious adj. 和谐的
harmoniously adv. 和谐地
harmony n. 和谐;融洽
a harmonious society/community
in harmony with... 与…和谐/融洽
Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.
18. moderate
adj. 适度的;中等的;温和的
adv. ~ly 一般地;适度地;勉强地
vi. & vt. 缓和;使适中
a moderate amount of... 适量的......
students of moderate ability 能力一般的学生
moderate policies 温和的政策
The tension between them has moderated over time.
We agreed to moderate our original demands.
19. submit vt. & vi. 提交;呈递;
屈服(submitted ,submitted)
n. submission 提交,呈递;
submit an application/a complaint呈递申请书/投诉
submit sth to ... 向...提交,呈递(文件、建议等)
submit (yourself) to sb/sth =give in=yield
in submission to服从.....;顺从....;
20. annual adj. 每年的;一年的 n. 年刊;年鉴
an annual event 一年一度的大事
annually adv. 每年;一年一度;
be held annually 每年举行一次
21. sensitive adj. 敏感的;善解人意的;灵敏的
a sensitive topic/issue(敏感的话题)
a sensitive and intelligent young man(善解人意的)
a highly sensitive camera (高灵敏摄像头)
(1.)be sensitive to… 对…敏感/体恤
+ cold food/pollen/seafood/other
people’s feelings
(2.) be sensitive about/to…
+ her weight/criticism
22. originate vi. & vt. 起源;发源;创立
originate from...... 来自…, 源于…; 起源
origin n. 起源; 起因; 出身
original adj.原来的; 独创的;原作的 n.原件; 原作
originally adv.原来; 起初
23. volume n. 量;体积;(成套书籍中的)一卷 ;一册; 容量;音量;
volume of traffic 交通量
turn up/down the volume 把音量调大/小
measure the volume of a gas计量气体的体积
a library of over 50,000 volumes 藏书5万多册的图书馆
This bottle has larger volume than that one. 【_________】
TV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume. 【_________】
Previously, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists, many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river. 【_________】
We have been so surprised by the volume of rain water this summer, which has been much more than when we first moved there. 【_________】
How can the city government control such a large volume of traffic. 【_________】
n. 容积
n. 音量
24. restore vt. 恢复;使复原;修复
restore one’s sight /public confidence
Her job is restoring old paintings.
I volunteered to contribute to restoring wildlife habitat.
restore sth. to sth./sb.
He is fully restored to health.
Police have restored the oil painting to its owner.
restoration n. 恢复; 复原; 整修;
restorative adj. 促使康复的;整形的
25. dozen n. (一)打;十二个
dozens of 许多;很多
two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋
dozens of times很多次
They arrived in dozens. 他们大批到达了。
26. regarding prep 关于;至于
concerning prep 关于;涉及
All cases concerning/regarding children are dealt with in a special children’s court.
27. disposal n. 去掉;清除;处理
garbage disposal 垃圾处理
the safe disposal of nuclear waste 核废料的安全处理
at one’s disposal 任某人处理;
dispose vt./vi.处理,处置,安排
dispose of the waste 处理废物
28. inspection n. 检查;查看;=examination视察
carry out regular inspections定期检查
inspect v. 检查; 查看; 视察
inspect the work/ army 检查工作/检阅部队
inspector n. 检查员; 视察员; 巡视员
29. fine vt. 对……处以罚款 n. 罚款/罚金;
fine sb sth (for sth /doing sth) 因…处以罚款
fine sb. some money 罚款某人一些钱
Sb. pay a fine of … 支付… 的罚金
a parking fine 违规停车罚款
He was fined 200 yuan for speeding.
30. campaign n. 运动;战役 vi. & vt. 参加运动;领导运动
launch a campaign发起一场运动
campaign for... 参加/领导为了... 的运动
campaign against... 参加/领导反对... 的运动
(1)The unions are campaigning for a shorter working day.
(2)We have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years.我们最近15年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。
(3)We are campaigning against corruption in government.
31. tolerate vt. 忍受;包容;容许
=stand /bear /put up with
can’t tolerate the air pollution
can’t tolerate (sb.) doing sth.容忍/忍受(某人)做某事
The school can't tolerate cheating in exams.
tolerance n.宽容;忍受;忍耐力
tolerant adj. 宽容的,容忍的 ; 能耐…的
1.melt v. 融化 ----melted (过去式、过去分词) ----melting (adj.正在融化的,柔情似水的,令人爱怜的)
2. starve v. 挨饿,饿死-----starving (adj. 极饿的) -----starvation (n. 饥饿)
3. ecology n.生态-----ecological (adj. 生态的) -----ecologist (n. 生态学家)
4. habitat n.栖息地----habitable(adj. 适合居住的)------ habitant (n. 居民)
natural habitat天然栖息地
5. sustain v.维持----sustainable (adj. 可持续的)
sustainable development 可持续发展
sustain life 维持生命
sustainable economic growth可持续的经济增长
6. comprehend v. 理解----comprehensive (adj. 全部的,所有的)-----comprehension(n.理解力)
7. restrict vt. 限制-----restricted (adj. 有限的; 受限制的)-----restriction ( n. 限制规定;限制法规;约束)
restrict …… to…… 将……限定在……
8. harmony n. 和平----harmonious(adj. 和平的)
in harmony with... 与…和谐/融洽
9. submit v.提交,屈服---submission(n. 提交,屈服,递出)—submissive (adj. 顺从的)—---submitter (n.发送者)
10. sense n. 感觉----sensible (adj. 明智的)----- sensitive(adj. 敏感的)
be sensitive to ……对……敏感
11. origin n. 起源----original (adj. 原来的,原创的)----originate(v. 起源于)
12. dispose v. 处理 ------disposal (n. 去掉)
13. tolerate vt.忍受;包容;容许→tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的→tolerance n.容忍
14. inspect v. 检查;查看;审视;视察→inspector n. 检查员;视察员;巡视员→inspection n. 检查;查看;视察
15. restore vt. 恢复;使复原;修复→restoration n. 修复;整修
16. conserve vt. 保护;节约;保存→conservation n. 对(环境、文物等)保护;保持
17. undergo vt. 经历----underwent (pt.) ----undergone (pp.)
18. know-knew-known vt.知道
19. mean-meant-meant vt. 意味着
20. throw-threw-thrown vt. 丢掉
21. lead-led-led vt.引导
21. find- found- found vt. 发现
found-founded-founded vt. 建立
22. rise-rose-risen vt. 上升
Exercise 1
1. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of whose purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation(starve).
2. It is everyone's duty to protect animals and maintain the ecological (ecology) balance.
3. The aim of sustainable(sustain)development is to balance our economic, environmental and social needs.
4. Their reading is limited to school books so they possess restricted(restrict) knowledge.
5. USA is like a big melting(melt) pot where immigrants of different cultures or races form an integrated society.
6. He submitted the report on the matter to the committee.
1.The project will contribute to ________(develop) the economy and reducing poverty when it is completed.
2.This is the first time we see how energy is involved in the ___________(conserve) process.
3.Every weekend there are dozens ________ football and basketball games on television.
4.It is my pleasure to answer the questions ________(regard) the American Civil War.
5.So far, power ________(restore) in most parts that were hit by high winds last night.
6.Make sure all the elevators must undergo an annual safety ________(inspect).
7.Doing volunteer work can contribute to ____________(increase) your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life.
8.Human beings have limited ________(tolerate) to noise.
9.She ________(fine) $300 and banned from driving for one month.
10.He explained this ________(regulate) to me word for word.
People around the world may feel that the climate has been ______________________ in recent years.
_________________ the good thing will come, and when it comes, it will be a surprise.
was fined
getting warmer and warmer
There is no doubt that
There is no/little doubt that 毫无疑问……
doubt 相关的其它用法
1. have no doubt that... 相信,没有疑问。
2. there is some/much doubt whether... 有一些/许多怀疑(肯定句中常用whether引导)。
3. without doubt 毫无疑问。
4. no doubt 毫无疑问(觉得某事很有可能发生=I suppose)。
5. beyond doubt 毫无疑问。
I have no doubt that he is an honest man.
There is some doubt whether he will come to this activity tomorrow.
Paul McCartney is without doubt one of the greatest composers of popular music of all time.
No doubt you'll want breakfast before you leave tomorrow.
The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease