高中英语 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 必修三 用适当的单词完成短文类试题 专项练习 ( 含答案)


名称 高中英语 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 必修三 用适当的单词完成短文类试题 专项练习 ( 含答案)
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文件大小 37.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-07 18:40:37



高中英语 2023高考复习
必修三 用适当的单词完成短文类试题 专项练习
If you come across an 85-year-old woman walking slowly with a walker in the Children’s Hospital of Soochow University, don’t take her as a patient. Instead, she is a doctor___1___still insists working in the hospital.
Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935,a famous expert in pediatric asthma(儿科哮喘),___2___(treat)about 30,000 children suffering asthma so far. She is known.___3___“the most beautiful grandma doctor” by others. Currently, she still sees 40___4___(patient)every day. Sheng has always stuck to her post though she had two bones___5___(break)in a fall a month ago. So now she can only walk with___6___help of a walker. Others don’t understand her. In their eyes, she___7___(expect)to live a peaceful life in this old age. But she wants to cure more children.
One of Sheng’s most___8___(impress)experiences happened in her 50s. She saw 146 patients from 7:45 am to 9:45 pm that day,___9___(eat)nothing except some milk. Though awarded the “lifelong___10___(achieve)physician in pediatrics ”at the 24th Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society in this October, Sheng seems not proud at all. She said it was her goal to be a diligent person and a good doctor.
China’s record-setting Shenzhou 13 missionis in the books.
After orbiting Earth for six months, ____11____ three crew members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission have departed ____12____ the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on Saturday morning, finishing the nation’s ____13____(long) manned spaceflight.
Shortly after landing, all three astronauts radioed that they were feeling fine after their long space mission, bringing ____14____(applaud) from the China National Space Administration’s mission control center in Beijing.
Shenzhou 13 set other national marks as well. For example, the mission’s Wang Yaping became the first woman to live aboard Tianhe and the first Chinese woman ever ____15____ (conduct) a spacewalk.
Wang was joined on Shenzhou 13 by Ye Guangfu and Zhai Zhigang, ____16____ commanded the mission. They were very busy during their six months in orbit. The astronauts — or taikonauts, as Chinese spaceflyers are called — performed two spacewalks, conducted more than 20 different scientific experiments and delivered two live ____17____(education) lectures from Tianhe.
The Shenzhou 13 crew also spent some time ____18____(get) Tianhe ready for its next round of visitors, which will arrive ____19____(relative) soon; the Shenzhou 14 mission ____20____(expect) to launch in early June.
On 16 October 2021, as the only female astronaut in the mission, Wang Yaping ____21____(successful)entered space. Wang was born in January, 1980 in Shandong and graduated from Peking University. The following are some important ____22____(event)in her life.
First of all, Wang has shown great interest in space ____23____ she was little. After a year’s learning of flying, she ____24____(fly)into the blue sky in a plane in 1998 for the first tine. As we know, she cannot avoid ____25____(hurt)herself during the training. However. she never ____26____(give)up her dream. What’s more, she used to fly to Wenchuan ____27____(rescue)people. After that, she was chosen to be ____28____ astronaut. So excellent was she that she was awarded the Model of The Times with other astronauts.
As far as I'm ____29____(concern), she is terribly persistent and not afraid of difficulties. Therefore, as students, we should learn from her and make contributions _____30_____ our country.
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates (叙述) the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC) __31__ (found) in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media,__32__the discussion shows that it has influenced young people__33__(positive).
The TV series __34__ (celebrate) the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC has won high praise online. The stories of the young people in the drama—who devoted everything, even their lives, __35__the revolution— have touched a large number of viewers. The storytelling in the show has also been praised by viewers for successfully showing the__36__(deep) of the CPC’s history and spirit, as well as the warmth of China and every family in the country.
Many audiences were inspired to find background information about the series and commented that this was their first time__37__ (learn) the history about the founding of the Party and the country. “I read many of Lu Xun’s novels such as A Madman’s Diary when I was in elementary school, but I couldn’t understand why he wrote them or the angry feelings hiding in the characters. After watching the drama, I read __38__ (they) again and found that I could understand __39__they wanted to convey to readers,” said Li Lin, __40__ 18-year-old viewer.
Life on Mars
Some people believe humans could live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. Our own planet, the Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted because of the rapid increase in population. ___41___(hopeful), people could start all over again and build ___42___ better world on Mars. Here is what life there could be like. At present, our spacecraft are very slow—it would take ___43___(month). With the development of technology, the journey might only take about 20 minutes by 2100 in spacecraft ___44___ travel at the speed of light! ___45___, the spacecraft would travel so fast that the journey might be quite ___46___ (comfort). Many people would feel ill. Humans cannot survive ___47___ water, oxygen or food. Nobody knows ___48___ there would be enough water or oxygen on Mars for people there. Gravity could be another problem. The gravity on Mars ___49___(be) only about three-eighths of that on the Earth. People would have to wear boots that are specially designed to prevent ____50____ from floating off into space. Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging.
Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor ____51____ (regard) as the common ancestors of Chinese nation. Huaihua ____52____ (undoubted) has historical and cultural relations with Yan Emperor, Yellow Emperor, Chinese culture, Chinese agriculture and TCM.
Yan Emperor is also known as Shen Nongshi, Lie Shanshi. As the ____53____ (late) academic report shows, about 5500 to 6000 years ago, he was born in the current Lianshan area, Huitong county,Huaihua city, ____54____ the leader of a tribe. He guided people making farm tools, planting many kinds of corn, and running the market for ____55____ first time. Planting hemp and then making it into cloth, so that people can wear clothes. He guided people making musical ____56____ (instrument), so that people can play music, and making pottery, which ____57____ (enable) people to have a better life. He inherited the Fuxi Eight Trig-ram and then created the Lianshan I Ching(Book of Changes). Yan Emperor was also the ____58____ (found) of the tea ceremony. He tasted hundreds of herbs and created the traditional Chinese medicine. It was said that Yan Emperor tasted a toxin herb, ____59____ (cause) his death finally. In honor of his great contribution to Chinese agriculture and traditional Chinese medicine, people used to call him“ShenNongshi”,i. e. , God of Agriculture. Because of his fire morality, he was greatly honoured, _____60_____ (refer) to as Fire-God.
Learning Chinese calligraphy ____61____ (list) as one of the must-do things when I came to China. Now, I’m in the course of learning this unique art, ____62____ value is considered very high in China, even across East Asia today. It is not only ____63____ ancient artistic form of human language, but it also reflects Chinese traditions.
As someone who paints, draws, and loves all ____64____ (create) things, at first, I assumed I would be rather good at Chinese calligraphy. I was ____65____ (total) wrong. Using thick brush tips to produce awkward brush strokes (笔画)____66____ (be) very difficult for a beginner. I have no idea about the different types of calligraphy and the meanings ____67____ (hide) behind each one. Also, I have to hold the paintbrush in a very specific way; ____68____ (like) a pen or pencil, the paintbrush is held upright in the hand. I need to be extra careful when changing the angle or____69____ (direct) of the brush, especially if I press too hard on the paper.
After taking the lesson, I now understand the difficulty of calligraphy and that it will take efforts and commitment ____70____ (master) this art form. Yet, I am grateful to learn such a special Chinese tradition.
Famous Chinese vlogger Li Ziqi has reached 14100,000 subscribers on YouTube, ____71____(break)the Guinness World Records title for the most subscribers for a Chinese language channel on YouTube
Li Ziqi released her first YouTube video in 2017 titled "Making a dress out of grape skins", ____72____(follow)by a number of short video works she created and shot.____73____Li Ziqi shot has attracted fans from all over the world who love to watch her seemingly idyllic(诗情画意的)life in the countryside that shows ____74____(tradition)Chinese culture.
She ____75____(pick)up many of her skills such as weaving(编织), cooking and farming before she was a middle school student, learning from her grandparents who lived in the countryside. These ____76____(process)have become important elements of her videos.
She puts a lot of time into each video, with most taking days to shoot. Although ____77____(original)she shot all the videos herself, she now works ____78____the help of a personal assistant and a videographer. One series ____79____took a particularly long time was showing the process of making the "scholar's four jewels" from ancient China—the writing brush, ink stick, ink slab(砚)and paper. It took her an entire year ____80____(create)these items which were made from scratch(从零开始)by Li Ziqi herself.
Today, Mount Qomolangma’s peak is not a lonely place any more. Over 3500 people have___81___ (successful) climbed the mountain over the past years. Meanwhile, climbers have complained about___82___(wait) for hours in the bottlenecks.
In fact, the dangerous___83___(crowd) aren't the only problem. All those climbers need ___84___(bring) a lot of gear (装置) and much of them ends up being left on the mountains, becoming the world's___85___ (tall) rubbish dump.
But the good news is___86___ some mountaineers are overtaking it to clean up Qomolangma. Mountaineers Paul and Eberhard are part of Eco Everest Expedition which has been cleaning up rubbish since 2008. So far they___87___(collect)over 13 tons of garbage.
Some of that rubbish is even being used for___88___ higher purpose. As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project. a group of 15 artists Nepal collected 1.5 tons of garbage. They’ve changed the cans and oxygen tanks into 74 piece of art that are exhibited___89___Nepal’s capital. Part of the profit from sales_____90_____ (be) available for the Everest Pakeers Association which has helped ole rubbish of the mountain.
The coronavirus pandemic has so far swept the world. Social distancing is playing an important role in the battle ___91___ it. Recently, some companies launched an initiative (倡议) to call for people to stay indoors through creative ideas.
Coca-cola, for example, ran ___92___ advertisement in New York's Times Square last month. It ___93___ (show) the letters of its famous brand being placed further away from each other to represent social distancing. Also, ___94___ the billboard displayed was this —“Staying apart is the best way to stay ___95___ (unite).” Similarly, McDonald's moved the two iconic arches of its logo away from each other on ___96___ (it) Brazilian Facebook page.
More ___97___ (interesting), some artists have even re-imagined brands. A director Jure Tovrlijan added a mask to Starbucks' double-tailed mermaid ( 美人鱼). By doing so, he wanted to encourage people to wear masks when ___98___ (go) out in public places.
___99___ these initiatives are only posted online, it's still “a positive move encouraging people to reduce ___100___ (necessary) physical contact with others”, China Daily noted.
Cold Dew, the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 8 and ends on Oct 22. At this time, there are some interesting ____101____ (phenomenon) you need to know.
Not only ____102____ temperatures drop significantly, but also rainfall is reduced. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, it turns into misty rain or fog. When the humidity is high, ____103____ (fog) regions form in many areas of China.
People always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn makes sense. That’s ____104____ temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine doesn’t reach deep water thoroughly. Fish swim to shallow water areas ____105____ the water temperature is ____106____ (relative) high.
Pomegranates (石榴) are ripe during Cold Dew, releasing a sweet scent. With their exquisite beauty, flavor and color, pomegranates never fail to attract people and ____107____ (cherish) for centuries also for their health benefits and anti-aging benefits.
Chrysanthemum (菊花) is the iconic flower of Cold Dew. ____108____ (prevent) autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine, which is thought to boost heart health by strengthening blood vessels and ____109____ (stimulate) blood flow.
During Cold Dew, North China takes on a look of late autumn with white clouds, red leaves and early frost. People often climb hills with cornels (茱萸)_____110_____ the day of the Double Ninth Festival, aiming to dispel evils.
A family dinner is an important tradition ___111___ (celebrate) Spring Festival. Nowadays, some people choose to have the dinner in a restaurant. We ___112___ (eat) out for the Spring Festival family dinner for the last three years, and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home. I don’t understand ___113___ some people refuse to embrace the change.
Can’t they admit that the ___114___ (preparation) for the dinner are hard work I really don’t think ___115___ is worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal, and then another hour cleaning up the mess ___116___ it’s over. We work all year, so why can’t one day be about spending time with family and ___117___ (relax)
Eating out is a good choice and it has nothing to do with loss of traditions. We still have the dinner with the same people, just in a different place. The occasion is more ___118___ (enjoy) without all that tiring cooking, and the dishes taste better!
In my opinion, what or where we eat on Spring Festival Eve really ___119___ (make) no difference. Eating out may change the form of this tradition, but the love between the family members sitting around the table together remains ____120____ same.
May 21st this year marks the first International Tea Day, which was named officially ___121___ the United Nations on November 27th, 2019. To celebrate ___122___ festival, a number of events took place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing on Thursday.
The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society ___123___ (address) the opening ceremony. “As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the ___124___ (large) tea-producing country, China has a ___125___ (responsible)to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry. It can help to build a community with a ___126___ (share) future for mankind,” he said.
The “First International Tea Day Tea Road Cooperative Initiative” issued (发布) at the ceremony calls for people working in the tea industry to come together to promote international cooperation ___127___ cultural exchanges. A four-year tea promotion —Tea Road Cooperative Plan — was also issued in accordance with the initiative.
___128___ (strengthen)the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, ___129___ (invite) twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts.
The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled (揭幕) at the ceremony, opening _____130_____ (it)first exhibition: The Avenue of Truth — A Special Exhibition of Pu’er Tea.
World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7, the founding day of the WHO.____131____ (establish) in 1950, this event has a theme each year to draw attention to a current world health issue. The day is also used to highlight the ____132____ (important) of personal health. For common people, we can take some extra steps ____133____ (care) for our health like getting a gym membership (and going!) or starting a diet.
Are you ready for __134__ (expensive)film ever made to premiere(首映)in Chinese theaters It costs much more than its budget.On Sept 30,2021,The Battle at Lake Changjin __135__(release).
The film features a star-studded cast __136__ (lead)by three Chinese directors,Chen Kaige,Hark tsui and Dante Lam,and actors including Wu Jing,Duan Yihong and Yiyang Qianxi.
It is reported that the original script features over 130,000 words,making __137__ the longest script in Chinese film history.The film depicts __138__ the Chinese People’s Volunteer(CPV)soldiers fought __139__ (brave)in extreme conditions in a key campaign around Changjin Lake in the Korean Peninsula from Nov 27 to Dec 24,1950,__140__ was considered a turning point of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(1950-53).
The production team encountered problems while __141__ (film),such as sandstorms,hail and the most unexpected factor:the outbreak of COVID-19.The film was scheduled __142__ (shoot)in 2020 but was delayed to early February 2021.
__143__ impressed Chen most was the great spirit of the CPV soldiers.For“the hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers who died in the War”,said Chen,“It is a tribute(致敬)to them.”
The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence ___144___ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been ___145___(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.
Modern methods ___146___ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive ___147___(perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut ___148___(report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a ___149___(believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by ___150___(note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are ___151___(high) than they actually are. Of ___152___ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six ____153____(be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
In the early days of space travel, scientists sent animals into space ____154____ (learn) about the conditions humans might face. By studying animals, they were able to understand ____155____ it was like to live without Earth’s gravity and atmosphere. The animals were used to test specially ____156____ (design) equipment that would later be used for human space flight. Animals ____157____ survived a space flight provided information about how weightlessness would affect humans, what spaceship designs would be the safest, and ____158____ well a spacesuit would work.
We all know that the Friday after Thanksgiving means a mad dash to the shopping centre for ridiculous sales. But how did this bargain shopping get _____159_____(it) start
In fact, the first Black Friday had nothing _____160_____ (do) with Thanksgiving or shopping. The origin of Black Friday as we know it today started in Philadelphia during the 1950s and 1960s. Crowds of people would come to town the day after Thanksgiving for the annual Army Navy football game to be held the _____161_____ (follow) Saturday. Streets and _____162_____ (store) were always crowded, which was great for business but made easy pickings for shoplifters (行窃者). Local police called this “Black Friday”. Not only did they have to deal with extra traffic _____163_____ shoplifting, but they had to work extra hours and couldn’t request the day off.
The term didn’t go national _____164_____ the late 1980s, but the _____165_____ (explain) changed. While shopkeepers _____166_____ (general) suffered financial losses most of the year, the increase of holiday shoppers marked the first day of real profit. In traditional accounting (会计) practices a few years ago, losses _____167_____ (record) in red ink, and profits in black ink. So the day after Thanksgiving, _____168_____ companies go “into the black” and make a profit, became Black Friday.
As a five-year old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother’s death. At the age of 18, instead of following the____169____ (tradition) path of marriage, she ____170____ (choose) to study medicine.
Eight years later, Lin graduated with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize ____171____(give)to graduates. She became the first woman ever to be hired ____172____ a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of PUMC Hospital ____173____ (immediate). Within six months, she ____174____ (name) a chief resident physician, a position that usually took four years ____175____(achieve). After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then in the US. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, ____176____ invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer.
The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin playing ____177____ key role. She was always responsible for the ____178____ (patient) and treated them as her sisters. She was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”.
People say that the real culture of Beijing exists ____179____ the culture of hutong and siheyuan. The hutongs ____180____ (locate) in Beijing are formed by lanes of siheyuan, which is a type of residence in ____181____ houses are purposely built to form squares or rectangles.
In the mid 20th century, several hutongs in Beijing were torn down to pave the way for the ____182____ (develop) of the city. However, since then, thanks to efforts designed to safeguard this ____183____ (significance) aspect of the Chinese architectural culture, many hutongs ____184____ (preserve).
Because of the interlacement (交织) of the lanes, every house is connected to the other, making ____185____ easy for local people to keep in touch with their neighbors. ____186____, once one enters any of them, one can feel the deep and warm relationships among people, which is rarely found in this modern world.
Gossiping in these lanes ____187____ (be) a common scene as it is the main way for people _____188_____ (strong) their relationship. Where there is such a lane, there is a story.
Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping made history on November 7, 2021 ___189___ she became the country’s first woman to conduct a spacewalk.
Wang and fellow astronaut Zhai Zhigang, two of the three-member team currently at China’s new Tiangong space station, ___190___ (successful) completed the 6.5 hour spacewalk in the early hours of Monday morning. The third member of the Shenzhou-13 crew, Ye Guangfu, ___191___ (stay) on the space station to support the spacewalk from the core module.
During the spacewalk, the team installed a suspension device and transfer connectors to the station’s robotic arm. They also tested the ___192___ (safe) of supporting equipment, ___193___(include) China’s domestically produced spacesuit. It’s the first time that the crew ___194___(exit) the station since their arrival on October 16. Shortly after stepping out of the space station’s cabin on Sunday, Wang waved to ___195___ (audience) on Earth and said she felt great, in a video ___196___ (release) by the flight control center.
Wang is China’s second woman in space, after Liu Yang made history by joining ___197___ Shenzhou-9 spacecraft in 2012. Before Wang, only 15 women globally had conducted spacewalks ___198___ 1984, when Soviet astronaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first to do so.
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
A Venturing Pilot
Charles Lindberg born in December Michigan was raised on a farm in Minnesota, where his father ____199____ (elect) to the U.S. Congress in 1907. From then on, he spent his boyhood alternatively in Washington D.C., and Little Falls, Minnesota. ____200____ Lindbergh exhibited exceptional mechanical talent, in 1921, he was admitted to the University of Wisconsin to study engineering. ____201____(seek) more challenges, he left university before graduation and became a pilot, who performed exciting flight show at country fairs and public assemblies. This unusual and dangerous undertaking paid off so greatly in the sense that it allowed him to gain all-round experience in flying. He was particularly delighted in ____202____ he called “wing-walking” and parachute jumping.
_____203_____(train) in air service for a year, Lindberg completed his program at the Brooks and Kelly airfields at the top of his class. He was offered a job in Robertson Aircraft Corporation of St. Louis in Missouri where he retained his job _____204_____ 1927, running the routes between St. Louis and Chicago. During this period, he set out to win the Raymond B, Orteig prize of $25,000 to be awarded to the first pilot _____205_____(fly) nonstop from New York to Paris. He knew this ambitious flight _____206_____ (change) his life.
On board the greatest adventure of his time, Lindberg left Roosevelt Airport at 5:52 a.m. on May 20, 1927 and landed at Le Bourget Field at 5:24 p.m. the next day. Fearing that he would be unknown when he arrived, Lindberg carried letters of introduction to the officials in Paris, but when his plane came to a stop, he found himself _____207_____(crowd) with welcoming people. He was decorated in France, Great Britain, and Belgium. President Coolidge sent a specially designated cruiser, the Memphis to bring him back. His accomplishments in flying brought _____208_____ more medals and awards that had ever been received than any other person in private life.
Two new satellites of BeiDou Navigation (导航) Satellite System (BDS)_____209_____(send) into space on a Long March-3D carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, China at 2:07 a.m. on November 19, 2018. The satellites entered a Medium Earth orbit (轨道) ____210____(safe) more than three hours later and will work with 17 other BDS-3 satellites already in space. They are also the 42nd and 43rd_____211_____(member) of the BDS satellite family.
China launched these satellites with the aim of providing navigation services_____212_____countries and regions which participate in the Belt and Road Proposal by the end of 2018. “This is a key and______213______(value) step for BDS developing from a Chinese experimental system to a regional and then a global navigation system,” said Yang Changfeng, chief expert_____214_____contributed much to the BeiDou system. The positioning_____215_____(accurate) of the BDS-3 system has been improved to 2.5 meters to 5 meters, said Yang.
___216___(name) after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper, the BeiDou system has been serving China for 18 years where another six BDS-3 satellites will be put into the Medium Earth orbit from 2019 to 2020. The system is expected______217______(provide) first-class services around______218______globe by the end of 2020.
Years ago, a documentary series titled Masters in the Forbidden City ____219____ (release) in China and soon became a hot topic, bringing the profession of cultural relic (文物) restoration into the public spotlight. Given China's long history and rich collections, ____220____ takes years of experience and a deep understanding of history to become a qualified restorer. ____221____ backstage heroes, many of them have devoted their lives to protecting cultural relics.
In the Hubei Provincial Museum, Fang Guorong, 62, and Fang Chen, 32, jointly lift a 12-kilogram bronze object, ____222____ attempt to restore a huge and ancient chime bell (编钟). They both work as relic restorers at the museum. The chime bell they are taking care of is the ____223____ (heavy) one ever preserved there.
Fang Guorong has been engaged in restoration work for over 40 years. He enjoys it, ____224____ (treasure) every touch of the bells. According to Fang Guorong, some chime bells were thought too damaged to be restored. But ____225____ (fortunate), digital technologies like 3D scanning have been used ____226____ (preserve) them. “That’s something the older generation couldn’t even dream of,” he says.
Fang Chen began working in the museum in 2014. He has acquired new technologies his elder workmates may find quite ____227____ (challenge). “The restoration work should also keep pace with advances in technology,” says Fang Chen. “This doesn’t mean overturning traditional methods. It’s about the _____228_____ (combine) of old and new methods.”
Yu Rong, a famous artist, thinks of a new way to introduce ____229____ ancient story of Hua Mulan in her picture book. In the book, I Am Hua Mulan, she tells the story by ____230____ (combine) paper-cutting with international artistic styles. She places Shaanxi paper-cuts over western-style pencil sketches (素描) ____231____ (create) a typical presentation of Chinese elements, which turns out to be a ____232____ (success) and impressive breakthrough.
Hua Mulan, ____233____ story has been told by generations in China, was a fighter from the Northern Wei Dynasty(386 -534). As a devoted daughter, she dressed herself as a man to serve in the army ____234____ place of her father. Mulan’s characteristics, such as courage, kindness and a disinterested attitude toward fame and fortune, made ____235____ (she) one of the most respected historical Chinese heroines. Mulan’s story has been adapted ____236____ (frequent) in modern media. For example, in 1998, Disney produced a film named Mulan, which ____237____ (consider) a great success by critics and the public.
To better tell the story, Yu Rong draws inspiration from her several _____238_____ (visit) to sites of ancient battles and Henan Opera. After years of preparation she finally makes this extraordinary work.
Lockdown Love
The cost of a typical Saudi wedding is enough to prevent the most passionate lover. Even a simple party involves renting an impressive ballroom. Then there are the cheerleaders and musicians. Men and women gather in separate halls, ____239____ (double) some of the prices. Altogether it might cost 200,000 riyals ($53,000). Often, many of these marriages end in divorce. Those that don’t ____240____ (burden) with debt.
Therefore, many couples have welcomed these ____241____(restrict) that have come with Covid-19. In 2020 Saudi Arabia limited gatherings to 50 people or ____242____ (few). So couples could downsize their weddings ____243____ losing face. Some chose ____244____ (share) halls over ballrooms. Smaller crowds ate smaller cakes. All in all a Saudi couple might have spent 90% less on their weddings. Will low-cost weddings become the new norm It’s reported ____245____ few couples complained when the Covid-19 forced Saudi Arabia to place some limitations. Though the outbreak recedes (退去), some still express concern over the health of in-laws. “A girl always dreams of a five-star marriage, but Covid-19 has made us more ____246____ (practice),” says Bayan Zahran, a lawyer in Jeddah. Some couples are opting for a simple party, ____247____ places little pressure on either side. They, ____248____ , must still deal with pressure from their family and peers.
On our way to the house, it was raining ___249___ hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would take ___250___(get) there. It was in the middle of Pearl City.
We were first greeted with the barking by a pack ___251___ dogs, seven to be exact. They were well trained by their masters ___252___ had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts shared many of their experiences and ___253___(recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit. For breakfast, we were able to eat papaya(木瓜) and other fruits from their trees in the backyard.
When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting ___254___(compete) to watch, together with the story behind it. They also shared with us many ___255___(tradition) stories about Hawaii that were ___256___(huge) popular with tourists. On the last day of our week-long stay, we ___257___(invite) to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, ____258____(listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals.
Xu Yuanchong, a translator ____259____(know) at home and abroad and a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University, passed away in Beijing on June 17, 2021 at ____260____ age of 100.
Born in 1921 in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, after studying foreign ____261____(language) at both The National Southwest Associated Univeristy and Tsinghua University, Xu had been working ____262____ a professor at Peking University since 1983.
Xu devoted ____263____(he) to literary translation for more than 60 years, who was ____264____(wide) recognized in China as “the first person able to translate Chinese, English and French classics”. He translated Chinese works into English and French, and major western publications into Chinese.
Xu held the belief that the translated version should convey the whole sensory (感官的) experience ____265____ the original brings to the reader. Through this pursuit of respect for the authors, Xu ____266____(award) the “Aurora Borealis” Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature in 2014, one of the ____267____(high) honors in the field of translation. He was the first Chinese translator ____268____(win) such an award.
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. The Spring Equinox(春分), as the fourth term of the year starts on March 20 ___269___ ends on April this year.
The Spring Equinox signals the equal ___270___ (long) of the day and night time. The day of the Spring Equinox is ___271___ the sun is directly above the equator. After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in ___272___ (gradual) longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.
Standing an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox. It is an old custom that ___273___ (date) back to 4,000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It ___274___ (believe) that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.
The Spring Equinox is ___275___ good time to fly kites. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources. So ___276___ (pray) for good health, they wrote their medical issues on paper kite. When the kite was ___277___ the air, people would cut off the stringy let the paper kite float away, ____278____ (symbolize) the flying away of diseases.
In early December, Zhang Guimei was named a national outstanding(杰出的) member of the Communist Party of China for her___279___ (devote) to education in rural China.
About 20 years ago, while on the way to visit a student's house, Zhang Guimei, then a teacher in Huaping, Yunnan province, noticed a girl ___280___(sit) on the hillside. The girl, 13, told Zhang she was about to get married. It was decided by her parents. "But I want to go to school." the girl said. Zhang went to her house and tried to persuade her parents ___281___(let) the girl return to school and promised to pay for the school fees herself. However, they didn’t agree.
From then on, Zhang dreamt ___282___ building a free high school for girls. After years trying to raise money, ___283___(final) in 2008, Huaping High School for Girls, a free public high school, was founded at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping, ___284___ Zhang is the headmaster. Her efforts have been worth it. Since 2008, more than 18,000 students ___285___(admit) to college, which is considered a “miracle” in that distant area.
Zhang plays ___286___ active part in local education. It is reported that she___287___ (give) the honor of the country's “role model for teachers”, in February, 2021. Her moving stories encourage ____288____(thousand) of people.
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11.the 12.from 13.longest 14.applause 15.to conduct 16.who 17.educational 18.getting 19.relatively 20.is expected
21.successfully 22.events 23.since 24.flew 25.hurting 26.gives 27.to rescue 28.an 29.concerned 30.to
31.was founded 32.where 33.positively 34.celebrating 35.to 36.depth 37.to learn 38.them 39.what 40.an
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101.phenomena 102.do
103.foggy 104.because 105.where 106.relatively 107.have been cherished 108.To prevent 109.stimulating 110.on
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144.that 145.poorly 146.of/for 147.to perform 148.have reported 149.belief 150.noting 151.higher 152.the 153.are
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159.its 160.to do 161.following 162.stores 163.and 164.until 165.explanation 166.generally 167.were recorded 168.when
169.traditional 170.chose 171.given 172.as 173.immediately 174.was named 175.to achieve 176.who 177.a 178.patients
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