人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练 (含答案)
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文件大小 35.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-07 19:09:52



高中英语 必修三(人教2019版)
第四单元 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练
Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping made history on November 7, 2021 ___1___ she became the country’s first woman to conduct a spacewalk.
Wang and fellow astronaut Zhai Zhigang, two of the three-member team currently at China’s new Tiangong space station, ___2___ (successful) completed the 6.5 hour spacewalk in the early hours of Monday morning. The third member of the Shenzhou-13 crew, Ye Guangfu, ___3___ (stay) on the space station to support the spacewalk from the core module.
During the spacewalk, the team installed a suspension device and transfer connectors to the station’s robotic arm. They also tested the ___4___ (safe) of supporting equipment, ___5___(include) China’s domestically produced spacesuit. It’s the first time that the crew ___6___(exit) the station since their arrival on October 16. Shortly after stepping out of the space station’s cabin on Sunday, Wang waved to ___7___ (audience) on Earth and said she felt great, in a video ___8___ (release) by the flight control center.
Wang is China’s second woman in space, after Liu Yang made history by joining ___9___ Shenzhou-9 spacecraft in 2012. Before Wang, only 15 women globally had conducted spacewalks ___10___ 1984, when Soviet astronaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first to do so.
China's Long March 8 rocket set a new record at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan on February 27,2022. It's the first time that the rocket____11____(lift) off with 22 satellites, and they were later launched into space.
The technology behind a single rocket lifting off with multiple satellites inside is complex, as all the satellites must be arranged____12____(suitable)apart inside, like "passengers" in a crowded vehicle. The design of the rocket must be such that the satellites inside don' touch or block(阻挡) each other in the launching process.
Also, when the rocket reaches its launching point, the doors must open____13____(let) the satellites come out. The timing____14____(control)so that the satellites have enough time and do not hit against each other. In 1981,China sent 3 satellites into orbit with one single rocket launch, thus ____15____(become)the third country in the world to have mastered the technology. Even today, only 5 countries and the European Space Agency have the technology, but the others ____16____.
More satellites are needed to meet the demand of____17____(variety) fields, from remote communication to weather forecasting, even automated driving. Starlink, ____18____is part of Elon Musk's SpaceX project, plans to launch 40,000 satellites. Some of them are even smaller____19____a coffee cup or a book, but they still need a rocket to send them into space first.
The more satellites China can send with a single rocket launch, the more competitive it will be. This means China still has a long way to go in developing "single rocket, multiple satellite" technology.
In January 2021,a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried 143 satellites into orbit, setting a new world record for the most satellites____20____(launch)by a single rocket. But due to the efforts of Chinese scientists and engineers, China might break that record one day.
The history of steam power goes all the way back to the 1700s. At the time, steam ____21____(use) to power many different machines and helped fuel the Industrial Revolution. Over the years, steam was replaced by other fuel systems to power everything from homes to cars to industrial ____22____(equip).
Now, some scientists are developing steam power for one of today’s most highly technical ____23____(activity)—space exploration. The scientists are developing and testing a space robot model named The World Is Not Enough, which they call WINE ____24____ short. The spacecraft is designed to travel repeatedly between space rocks and planets throughout the solar system. When the spacecraft lands on these space objects, it has tools ____25____(search) for and collect water that might be below the surface. WINE can then heat the water to create steam to power the spacecraft to ____26____(it) next space stop. ____27____(additional), WINE is equipped to gather and use solar energy. A company built the model the researchers recently tested. The vice president of ____28____ company described the test as a great success, ____29____(say) WINE like spacecraft had the potential to change how we explore the universe. The scientists hold the belief _____30_____. the technology could open up limitless space exploration.
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
In the early days of space travel, scientists sent animals into space ____31____ (learn) about the conditions humans might face. By studying animals, they were able to understand ____32____ it was like to live without Earth’s gravity and atmosphere. The animals were used to test specially ____33____ (design) equipment that would later be used for human space flight. Animals ____34____ survived a space flight provided information about how weightlessness would affect humans, what spaceship designs would be the safest, and ____35____ well a spacesuit would work.
Shenzhou XIII taikonauts’ six-month stay at the Tiangong space station is wrapping up. Now they face one last test of their scientific and space travel skills—returning home safely. What needs to be done before leaving ____36____ space station in mid-April
Besides their personal ____37____(belong), astronauts also need to “pack” experimental data and samples, so they can be further researched on Earth. And they have to tidy up a large number of materials, ____38____(include) goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo (货物) spacecraft.
Since the space station has no room service, the three astronauts need to “clean the house”____39____(they). The waste is then put into the orbital module, which burns as it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere.
They also have to put all equipment ____40____ place correctly since there will be a gap of more than one month ____41____ the astronauts of Shenzhou XIV enter the space station. The crew members need to make sure some items, such as gym equipment, ____42____(fix) to the walls to avoid floating and slipping.
Astronauts experience microgravity (微重力) for long periods of time during their stays on the space station, ____43____ has an effect on their bodies. This includes a loss of fluid, muscle atrophy as well as bone loss. ____44____(ensure) their safe and sound return, the three taikonauts have been doing physical exercises to train their muscle for the return to Earth. ____45____(base) on their in-orbit physical examinations and data, experts have customized (定制) exercise plans for each of them.
Just like a house that will be empty for a long time must have its water and power switched off, taikonauts need to check everything before they leave.
China launched the Shenzhou XIII manned spacecraft ____46____(successful) early on Saturday morning, carrying three astronauts who will stay inside the country’s Tiangong space station for six months. It is expected to become the ____47____(long) space journey by Chinese astronauts, ___48___(double) the time of their peers in the Shenzhou XII mission.
Wang Yaping is China’s second female astronaut to participate ____49____ a spaceflight. She will become the first Chinese woman to enter the Tiangong space station and conduct a spacewalk. Zhai Zhigang, the mission commander(指挥官), is the country’s first astronaut to take a spacewalk, having done so when he____50____(be) a mission commander during the Shenzhou VII mission in September 2008. Ye Guangfu is making his first journey to space.
The Shenzhou XIII crew is tasked with ____51____ wide range of missions, including performing two to three spacewalks ____52____(install) a small robotic arm onto a larger one, verifying key procedures and technologies such as the manual control of the robotic arms and the robotic arm-assisted movement of station modules, checking the performance and ____53____(capable) of devices inside the station, and testing support instruments for astronauts’ lives and work during long-term ____54____(flight). They will conduct scientific experiments and technology demonstrations in space medicine, microgravity physics _____55_____ other fields.
The U.S. space as agency NASA has released the first images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, the most ____56____ (powerful) equipped telescope ever put into space. The Webb launched in December, 2021 ____57____ a mission ____58____ (see) farther into space and farther back in time than ever before and observe faraway planets for signs of life.
One of the images shows some of the first galaxies (星系) ever to form, which means the Webb is seeing the galaxies that existed about 13 billion years ago. Additional ____59____ (photo) taken by the Webb show a cloud of gas and dust ____60____ stars are born, a distant planet’s atmosphere, and a dying star. This is just the beginning of ____61____ (it) mission, which ____62____ (expect) to last at least 5 to 10 years.
The Webb is the result of a $10 billion, 25-year project led by NASA and supported by other space agencies. ____63____ (name) after former NASA head James Webb, the telescope is about 100 times better than NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which is still operating after more than 30 years. The Webb collects and ____64____ (analyze) infrared light, using 18 mirrors covered in a thin layer of gold. The Webb also has a sun shield _____65_____ size of a tennis court to help keep it cool.
In the early days of space travel, scientists sent animals into space to learn about the conditions humans might face. By studying animals, they were able to understand ___66___ it was like to live without Earth’s gravity and atmosphere. The animals were used to test specially ___67___ (design) equipment that would later be used for human space flight. Animals ___68___ survived a space flight provided information about how weightlessness would affect humans, what spaceship designs would be the safest, and how well a spacesuit would work.
Space exploration began in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. Yuri Gagarin ____69____ (become) the first person to orbit(环绕) the earth in 1961. In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk ____70____ the moon. Since then, space exploration has advanced very ____71____ (rapid). It has produced, much ____72____ (amaze) technology that brings changes to the world.
Even if all goes well for you in high school, that time of life still can be tough. After all, there's so much for you___73___( learn) academically and socially, like getting along with classmates, and dealing with teachers. But of all the___74___(challenge), making good friends might be the most important.
According to a new study published in the journal Child Development, best friends likely had a___75___( significance) influence on how you behave in your 20s. Researchers found that those with strong. close bonds with their friends at age fifteen were more likely to be healthy and happy later. Importantly, ___76___ ( popular), defined as lots of people liking you generally but not closely, wasn't found to have the same benefit as close friends.
The University of Virginia researchers ___77___ran the study followed 169 subjects aged 15 to 25 every year for a decade. Then the researchers ___78___( analyze) the 10 years of data to understand how people handled stress over time. They found that, compared to people with strong high school friendships, those who were merely popular did much ___79___( bad) on several measures of mental health, such as self-worth, social acceptance and relaxation.
“ ___80___(like) by a large group of people cannot take___81___place of building deep, supportive friendships. So trying to build close connections____82____a few people should be a priority(优先考虑的事情),”wrote Joseph Allen, who coauthored the study.
Directions: After reading the passage below; fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Billionaires Race to Space
In late July 2021, Jeff Bezos achieved an out-of-this-world ambition. The billionaire founder of Amazon ____83____ (fly) to the edge of space—62 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth’s surface—on a rocket designed by his company Blue Origin.
“Best day ever,” Bezos said over the radio to mission control after landing safely back on Earth, ____84____others weren’t so impressed. They called the mission an enormous waste of money. Bezos, they argued, ____85____be spending his billions to improve things on Earth.
Bezos wasn’t the first billionaire to set his sights on space. Nor was he the first ____86____ (criticize) about wasting enormous personal wealth. A week ____87____the Amazon founder made history, business owner Richard Branson did, too. Branson became the first person to fly to space on a rocket he helped fund, ____88____ (develop) by his company Virgin Galactic.
Critics say that the money ____89____ (go) toward commercial space travel would be better spent on ____90____they see as more important pursuits. These include working to cure diseases, reducing poverty, and helping to solve the climate crisis. Besides, launching spacecrafts is harmful to the planet, critics declare. ____91____naturalist Holly Haworth pointed out in Sierra magazine, “traveling in rockets is arguably the most carbon-emitting thing an individual can do.”
But supporters of commercial space travel argue that it does benefit humanity. Personal funds _____92_____ (put) toward high-paying jobs and a new industry. That’s money they could have spent on new limousines or villas for themselves, supporters say. Plus, their companies are investing in new technologies that increase access to space and drive innovation in other areas as well.
China’s Space Day, ____93____ falls on April 24, indicates numerous opportunities ahead for the world in the country’s peaceful development of its fast ____94____ (grow) space programs.
Three Chinese astronauts ____95____ (return) to Earth on April 16 after 183 days aboard the new Chinese space station, a new national record for duration. The authorities announced a series of new ____96____ (launch) ahead. These included two more three member teams being sent to the space station within the year, one of which, as we know, has been achieved so far.
China’s outreach to other parts of the world was partly exhibited by Wang Yaping, the first Chinese woman ____97____ (perform) a spacewalk. Her recent discussion with American students livened up the goodwill of China to use its space programs for ____98____ common good.
Looking back at the period from November 2020 to November 2021, it can be seen that China did emerge ____99____ a serious space power worthy of the name. This was ____100____ (large) due to four major achievements over that yearlong period, including missions to the moon and Mars, the establishment of a key satellite telecommunications constellation (星座), and the launch of a new space station.
Any of these achievements would be ____101____ (significance) in its own right. _____102_____ (take) together over a mere 12-month period, they represent a momentous leap (飞跃) for human progress in space.
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
China’s Mengtian space lab module, the third major part of the nation’s Tiangong space station, ___103___ (launch) on Oct 31. It is recognized as another key step forward in completing the in-orbit assembly of Tiangong, ___104___ (take) construction into its final stage.
Mengtian docked with Tianhe, the space station’s core module, early ___105___ the morning of Nov 1.
The lab module is about 17.9 meters in length, ___106___ has a diameter of 4.2 meters and weighs more than 23 tons. Consisting of a work cabin, a cargo airlock cabin, a payload cabin and a resource cabin, it is currently the ___107___ (heavy) single-cabin active spacecraft in orbit.
“There are 13 scientific cabinets inside ___108___ craft to hold scientific equipment,” said Gan Keli, Mengtian’s project manager at the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. He added that the equipment onboard would be used for microgravity studies and to carry out ___109___ (experiment) in fluid physics, materials science, and other ___110___ (relate) subjects.
After the labs, the Tianzhou 5 cargo craft and the Shenzhou XV crew members are scheduled ___111___ (arrive) at the space station around the end of the year.
The country plans to operate Tiangong for at least seven years, during which time it aims to keep it permanently occupied and ____112____ (potential) host commercial missions to the station.
Wang Yaping and her fellow astronaut Zhai Zhigang ____113____ (leave) China’s space station on Sunday and spent more than six hours installing (安装) equipment and ____114____ (carry) out tests outside the space station. The spacewalk lasted until early Monday. The third member of the crew, Ye Guangfu, stayed inside the station to provide ____115____ (assist).
The three ____116____ (be) the second crew on the permanent station ____117____ they will stay there for the next six months. The mission that began with their arrival on Octobor 16 ____118____ (schedule) to be the longest stretch of time in space yet for Chinese astronauts.
The Tianhe module (核心舱) of the station will be connected next year to two more sections named Mengtian and Wentian. Three spacewalks are planned to make preparations for the station’s expansion, while the crew will also assess living conditions in the Tianhe module and conduct ____119____ (experiment) in space medicine and other fields. China plans to send multiple crews to the station over the next two years to make it ____120____ (full) functional.
Wang Yaping, ____121____ had traveled to China’s now-retired experimental space station, has become the first Chinese woman to conduct _____122_____ spacewalk, while Zhai conducted China’s first spacewalk 13 years ago.
On 15 May, 2021, China became the second country ___123___ (land) a spacecraft on Mars. The rover, Zhurong, ___124___ (carry) to Mars on board the Tianwen 1 spacecraft, which was launched in July 2020. Equipped with cameras and a radar, Zhurong’s task was to search for signs of life. It ___125___ (work) on Mars surface for over ten months and is in good shape.
A black hole is a spot in space that has ____126____ (power) gravity. Its gravity is so strong that it pulls everything nearby into it, stars, planets and other things. Black holes form when a star dies. When that happens, a huge amount of matter crowds into a very small space, which ____127____(become) very dense. Black holes ____128____ (talk) about in 1783 first. That year, one scientist said that in the universe, there might be places with strong gravity to trap light, although he didn’t use the term “black hole”.
Two new satellites of BeiDou Navigation (导航) Satellite System (BDS)_____129_____(send) into space on a Long March-3D carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, China at 2:07 a.m. on November 19, 2018. The satellites entered a Medium Earth orbit (轨道) ____130____(safe) more than three hours later and will work with 17 other BDS-3 satellites already in space. They are also the 42nd and 43rd_____131_____(member) of the BDS satellite family.
China launched these satellites with the aim of providing navigation services_____132_____countries and regions which participate in the Belt and Road Proposal by the end of 2018. “This is a key and______133______(value) step for BDS developing from a Chinese experimental system to a regional and then a global navigation system,” said Yang Changfeng, chief expert_____134_____contributed much to the BeiDou system. The positioning_____135_____(accurate) of the BDS-3 system has been improved to 2.5 meters to 5 meters, said Yang.
___136___(name) after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper, the BeiDou system has been serving China for 18 years where another six BDS-3 satellites will be put into the Medium Earth orbit from 2019 to 2020. The system is expected______137______(provide) first-class services around______138______globe by the end of 2020.
China has committed itself to___139___(finish)constructing its space station by the end of this year and say it is planning more than forty___140___(launch) for 2022, putting the number roughly level with___141___of the United States.They would include those of two Shenzhou crewed missions, two Tianzhou cargo spacecraft and the station’s additional two modules(太空舱), the official Xinhua News Agency reported, ___142___(cite) a recent announcement by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, ___143___(know) as CASC.The two modules will join the Tianhe core module___144___is currently home to a three-person crew.
Working largely___145___its own, China has pushed ahead with its Tiangong Space Station program. The current six-month space mission by the crew aboard Tianhe has been China’s longest since it first___146___(send)a human to space in 2003. The three are the second crew ___147___(board) the space station, which upon____148____(complete) will weigh about 180 tons, and be about a quarter the size of the International Space Station.
Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture 400 kilometers above the Earth to millions of students ___149___ the afternoon of December 9, 2021, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, all members of the Shenzhou XIII, ___150___ (greet) students, teachers and other participants when the lecture started at 3:54 pm. They showed viewers ___151___ they live and work inside the space station. The astronauts displayed their exercise equipment and a ___152___ (special) designed space suit, and gave presentations of physical ___153___ (phenomenon) in microgravity, such as “disappearing buoyancy (浮力)” and a “water ball”. Ye, ___154___ is on his first spaceflight, showed how he turned around his body in the ___155___ (weight) environment. The astronauts also answered questions ___156___ (raise) from students during the lecture. Tens of millions of primary and middle school students across China watched the hour-long televised event, which gave students an opportunity ___157___ (communicate) with the astronauts while encouraging their interest in space and science. It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, or Heavenly Palace Class, to make space science popular. It also helped to strengthen their sense of national identity as they saw ____158____ rapid development of our country’s space technology.
Tianwen I, the unmanned probe for China’s first independent Mars mission,____159____(land) on the Red Planet on May 2021, marking an important step in China’s exploration of the outer space. China has become the second country to land on Mars. The landing____160____(see) now by the world as another milestone in the development of China’s aerospace(航空航天) industry. And China’s space station core module Tianhe entered pre-set orbit in April,____161____marked a solid step in building the country’s first space station.
Wang Yaping, the Chinese female astronaut onboard Shenzhou 13, entered the Tiangong space station, ___162___ name means Heavenly Palace, on October 16. She is the first female astronaut ___163___ (visit) China’s space station and carry out extravehicular activities. Born in Yantai, Wang became the second female astronaut in spaceflight. During this mission, Wang, as one of the crew ___164___ (member), will stay in orbit for six months, setting a new record for China’s manned space mission duration.
The British have many traditions but there is nothing more quintessential (典型的) than taking afternoon tea. We know the British have a love affair with drinking tea, ___165___ more than 160 million cups drunk every day, but it was the invention of afternoon tea that turned tea-drinking into ___166___ popular pastime.
This sociable feast involves drinking good quality tea ____167____ (comfort) while nibbling (小口吃) on nice sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and a selection of small cakes. And, of course, it can only happen in the afternoon! Afternoon tea, ____168____ (design) as a light snack to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner, dates back to the 1840s. It went on to become a ____169____ (fashion) social occasion for the upper classes.
Now there is a resurgence (复苏) in its ____170____ (popular) in the UK and it is available to anyone who can afford it. ___171___ it can be enjoyed at home, the best way to experience it is at a smart hotel of café. But if you’re thinking of visiting such a place ___172___ (enjoy) a plate of sweet and tasty treats with a steaming hot brew, remember the rules you must follow to avoid ____173____ (ask) to leave.
Writer Henry James once noted that “there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour devoted to the ceremony known as afternoon tea”. I’m sure once you try it, you ____174____(agree).
China launched the Shenzhou Ⅺ manned spacecraft on Monday morning to transport two astronauts to the Tiangong Ⅱ space laboratory. The spacecraft _175_(send) skyward at 7:30 am atop a Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China, _176_(carry) two male astronauts — Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong. After the launch, the spacecraft will travel two days before docking with the Tiangong Ⅱ, _177_was lifted from the Jiuquan center in mid-September. Then the astronauts will enter the space lab and stay there _178_30 days, and it will be the longest space stay by Chinese astronauts.
The core _179_(task) of the Shenzhou Ⅺ mission are to test rendezvous and docking technologies for the country’s _180_(plan) space station, to verify the life-support capability of the spacecraft-space lab combination as well as conduct _181_(science) research and test engineering experiments.
China is _182_third country in the world that has _183_(independent) fulfilled manned spaceflight following the former Soviet Union and the United States and __184__(it) space program aims to place a permanent manned space station, into service around 2022.
The first creature ____185____ (orbit) our planet was just 2 years old. Her name was Laika.She was a good dog. Her 1957 flight paved the way for space ____186____(explore) when scientists wondered____187____it was lethal (致命的) for living things.
Humans are explorers since the dawn of civilization. We ____188____ (attract) over the horizon to find food or more space, or just to see what beyond those trees or mountains or oceans. Our ability to explore reached new heights. Airplanes shortened distances, simplified travel and showed us Earth from ____189____ new aspect. By the middle of the last century, we aimed even____190____ (high).
Our first steps into space began. Laika ____191____(follow) into orbit four years later by the first human,Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Space travel is nothing like in the movies. Getting from A to B requires complex calculations____192____ (involve) inertia (惯性) and gravity. Space is also dangerous. More than 20 astronauts have died while doing their jobs.
That hasn’t stopped people from signing up and blasting off. NASA’s Apollo program had ended____193____private companies are readying their own space programs. A company______194______(name) SpaceX is hoping to land civilian astronauts on Mars. Maybe you’ll be a member of them. Don’t forget to bring your dog.
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HZMB),a 55-kilometre bridge-tunnel system,_195_ (consist)of a series of three cable-stayed bridges,an undersea tunnel,and four artificial islands.It is both the longest sea crossing and the longest fixed link on earth,another _196_ (significance)project.The HZMB,__197__ connects Hong Kong,Macau,and Zhuhai-three major cities on the Pearl River Delta,crosses the Lingding and Jiuzhou channel.
The HZMB designed _198_ (1ast)for 120 years was built with a cost of 126.9 billion yuan(US $18.77 billion).The cost of __199__ (construct)the Main Bridge was estimated __200__ 51.1 billion yuan(US $7.56 billion)shared among the governments of mainland China,Hong Kong and Macau.
_201_ (initial)set to be opened to traffic in late 2016,the structure was finally completed on 6 February 2018 and _202_ (journalist)were subsequently given rides over the bridge.On 24 October 2018,the HZMB was opened to _203_ public after its opening ceremony a day __204__ (early)by Xi Jinping,General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.
China’s Zhurong rover(火星车)has found evidence suggesting that water existed on Mars for much longer than expected.
Zhurong landed in a large plain on Mars on May 15,2021. Since then it has been exploring its landing site and sending information____205____ (constant) back to the Tianwen-1 orbiter circling the planet.
Data____206____ (collect) by the rover shows that the plain contained water during a time____207____ many experts believed Mars to be dry and cold.
“____208____came as a surprise to us researchers that at the landing site we found some minerals____209____ (indicate) water activities,” said Yang Liu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “Previous observations didn’t uncover the signature of these minerals.”
The minerals are contained within bright-colored rocks and these rocks make up a hard surface. The surface can form when a substantial amount____210____water evaporates (蒸发) . The discovery of the hard surface suggests that the plain____211____ (have)active water circles millions of years ago.
The rover will carry out a____212____ (far) exploration in the plain in the following period of time____213____ (gain) more insights about the history of water in the region. The plain has been of interest to____214____ (scientist) because some guess the region once hosted an ocean.
Shenzhou-13 entered the Tianzhou 2, according to the China Manned Space Agency in October, ____215____attracted attention at home and abroad. It was the fourth spacecraft to visit the Tiangong station and the second crewed ship to transport astronauts to the orbiting station. Together ____216____ Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu made his first trip into space. “The crew will install equipment and test technologies,” the agency said, “they will stay in orbit for six months, ____217____ (set) a new record for a Chinese space mission.
A Chinese spacecraft flew down through the Martian sky on Saturday, May 15, 2021, becoming the country’s first probe (探测器) to land on a planet other than Earth. The lander, ____218____ (carry) a Mars rover, touched down at its pre-selected landing area in Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars, at 7:18 am, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced.
“The Mars landing of the Tianwen-1 mission is a total success,” Zhang Kejian, head of the CNSA, announced.
Tianwen-1, ____219____ consists of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province on July 23, 2020. After ____220____ journey of nearly seven months through space, the spacecraft entered the Mars orbit in February, 2021, ____221____ spent about three months surveying potential landing sites. In the early ____222____ (hour) of Saturday, the spacecraft began to fall from ____223____ (it) parking orbit, and the entry capsule containing the lander and the rover ____224____ (separate) from the orbiter around 4 am. After flying for some time, the entry capsule entered the Mars atmosphere, initiating the ____225____ (risky) phase of the whole mission.
At about 100 meters above the Martian surface, the craft hovered (盘旋)____226____ (identify) obstacles and measured the slopes (坡度) of the surface. Avoiding the obstacles, it selected a _____227_____ (relative) flat area and fell slowly, touching down safely with its four legs.
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
A Venturing Pilot
Charles Lindberg born in December Michigan was raised on a farm in Minnesota, where his father ____228____ (elect) to the U.S. Congress in 1907. From then on, he spent his boyhood alternatively in Washington D.C., and Little Falls, Minnesota. ____229____ Lindbergh exhibited exceptional mechanical talent, in 1921, he was admitted to the University of Wisconsin to study engineering. ____230____(seek) more challenges, he left university before graduation and became a pilot, who performed exciting flight show at country fairs and public assemblies. This unusual and dangerous undertaking paid off so greatly in the sense that it allowed him to gain all-round experience in flying. He was particularly delighted in ____231____ he called “wing-walking” and parachute jumping.
_____232_____(train) in air service for a year, Lindberg completed his program at the Brooks and Kelly airfields at the top of his class. He was offered a job in Robertson Aircraft Corporation of St. Louis in Missouri where he retained his job _____233_____ 1927, running the routes between St. Louis and Chicago. During this period, he set out to win the Raymond B, Orteig prize of $25,000 to be awarded to the first pilot _____234_____(fly) nonstop from New York to Paris. He knew this ambitious flight _____235_____ (change) his life.
On board the greatest adventure of his time, Lindberg left Roosevelt Airport at 5:52 a.m. on May 20, 1927 and landed at Le Bourget Field at 5:24 p.m. the next day. Fearing that he would be unknown when he arrived, Lindberg carried letters of introduction to the officials in Paris, but when his plane came to a stop, he found himself _____236_____(crowd) with welcoming people. He was decorated in France, Great Britain, and Belgium. President Coolidge sent a specially designated cruiser, the Memphis to bring him back. His accomplishments in flying brought _____237_____ more medals and awards that had ever been received than any other person in private life.
The three crew members of the Shenzhou XIII mission have been awarded with medals to honor ______238______they have achieved. Zhai Zhigang was commander of the six-month Shenzhou XIII mission _______239_______Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu were crew members. Zhai and his crewmates _____240_____ (spend) 183 days in orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth since their Shenzhou XIII spacecraft was launched on Oct 16 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, making ______241______ China's longest-ever spaceflight. They were the second inhabitants of the country's permanent space station _____242_____ (name) Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace.
Thanks to the Shenzhou XIII mission, Wang Yaping is now the record holder in China for the ______243______(long) time in spaceflight, ______244______(total) 198 days. She also became the first female Chinese spacewalker after taking part in the crew's first spacewalk on Nov 7.
A statement ____245____ regard to their medals called the astronauts outstanding representatives of Chinese science and technology _____246_____(profession), space industry workers and PLA service members. The CPC Central Committee urged that the Chinese people _______247_______(learn) from their spirit and contributions to work harder for the Party and the country.
1.when 2.successfully 3.stayed 4.safety 5.including 6.has exited##have exited 7.audiences 8.released 9.the 10.since
11.has lifted 12.suitably 13.to let 14.is controlled 15.becoming 16.don’t 17.various 18.which 19.than 20.launched
21.was used 22.equipment 23.activities 24.for 25.to search 26.its 27.Additionally 28.the 29.saying 30.that
31.to learn 32.what 33.designed 34.which##that 35.how
36.the 37.belongings 38.including 39.themselves 40.in 41.before 42.are fixed 43.which 44.To ensure 45.Based
46.successfully 47.longest 48.doubling 49.in 50.was 51.a 52.to install 53.capability 54.flights 55.and
56.powerfully 57.with 58.to see 59.photos 60.where 61.its 62.is expected 63.Named 64.analyzes 65.the
66.what 67.designed 68.that##which
69.became 70.on 71.rapidly 72.amazing
73.to learn 74.challenges 75.significant 76.popularity 77.who/that 78.analyzed 79.worse 80.Being liked 81.the 82.with
83.flew 84.while 85.should 86.to be criticized 87.before 88.developed 89.going 90.what 91.The 92.are put
93.which 94.growing 95.returned 96.launches 97.to perform 98.the 99.as 100.largely 101.significant 102.Taken
103.was launched 104.taking 105.on 106.which 107.heaviest 108.the 109.experiments 110.related 111.to arrive 112.potentially
113.left 114.carrying 115.assistance 116.are 117.and 118.is scheduled 119.experiments 120.fully 121.who 122.a
123.to land 124.was carried 125.has worked
126.powerful 127.becomes 128.were talked
129.were sent 130.safely 131.members 132.for 133.valuable 134.who/that 135.accuracy 136.Named 137.to provide 138.the
139.finishing 140.launches 141.that 142.citing 143.known 144.which##that 145.on 146.sent 147.to board 148.completion
149.on 150.greeted 151.how 152.specially 153.phenomena 154.who 155.weightless 156.raised 157.to communicate 158.the
159.landed 160.is seen 161.which
162.whose 163.to visit 164.members
165.with 166.a 167.comfortably 168.designed 169.fashionable 170.popularity 171.Though / Although/While 172.to enjoy 173.being asked 174.will agree
175.was sent 176.carrying 177.which 178.for 179.tasks 180.planned 181.scientific 182.the 183.independently 184.its
185.to orbit 186.exploration 187.whether 188.have been attracted 189.a 190.higher 191.was followed 192.involving 193.but 194.named
195.consists 196.significant 197.which 198.to last 199.constructing 200.at 201.Initially 202.journalists 203.the 204.earlier
205.constantly 206.collected 207.when 208.It 209.indicating 210.of 211.had 212.further 213.to gain 214.scientists
215.which 216.with 217.setting
218.carrying 219.which 220.a 221.and 222.hours 223.its 224.separated 225.riskiest 226.to identify 227.relatively
228.was elected 229.Because/As 230.To seek 231.what 232.Having been trained/Trained 233.until 234.to fly 235.would change 236.crowded 237.him
238.what 239.while 240.have spent 241.it 242.named 243.longest 244.totaling##totalling 245.with##in 246.professionals 247.should learn##learn