高中英语 选择性必修一(人教2019版)Unit 1 People of Achievement 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练 (含答案)


名称 高中英语 选择性必修一(人教2019版)Unit 1 People of Achievement 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练 (含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-07 19:21:07



高中英语 选择性必修一(人教2019版)
第一单元 巩固基础练习 语法填空 专项训练
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HZMB),a 55-kilometre bridge-tunnel system,_1_ (consist)of a series of three cable-stayed bridges,an undersea tunnel,and four artificial islands.It is both the longest sea crossing and the longest fixed link on earth,another _2_ (significance)project.The HZMB,__3__ connects Hong Kong,Macau,and Zhuhai-three major cities on the Pearl River Delta,crosses the Lingding and Jiuzhou channel.
The HZMB designed _4_ (1ast)for 120 years was built with a cost of 126.9 billion yuan(US $18.77 billion).The cost of __5__ (construct)the Main Bridge was estimated __6__ 51.1 billion yuan(US $7.56 billion)shared among the governments of mainland China,Hong Kong and Macau.
_7_ (initial)set to be opened to traffic in late 2016,the structure was finally completed on 6 February 2018 and _8_ (journalist)were subsequently given rides over the bridge.On 24 October 2018,the HZMB was opened to _9_ public after its opening ceremony a day __10__ (early)by Xi Jinping,General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.
At age 5,Lin Qiaozhi lost her mother,____11____ death affected her deeply. So at age 18, she decided to study medicine despite ____12____ (complain) from her brother. After graduating from Peking Union Medical College with the Wenhai Scholarship, the ____13____ (high) prize given to ____14____ (graduate), she ____15____ (hire) as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital and later was named ____16____ chief resident physician. Several years later, she was sent to study in Europe and then the US where she was invited to stay by her colleagues but she ____17____ (reject) their offer.
In1941, Lin Qiaozhi became the first Chinese woman ever ____18____ (appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. In1954, she was elected to the first National People's Congress. However, despite all these important positions, she was more interested in tending patients, ____19____ (publish) medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known _____20_____ the “mother of ten thousand babies", having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.
As the saying goes, “A hero ___21___(know) in the time of misfortune”. Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, ___22___ saved many people's lives in 2003.
In 2003, SARS___23___(break)out in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers.___24___(hundred)of patient seven died from the disease. Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So, everyone was afraid of it. Zhong spent days and nights to find ___25___cause of the disease. Thanks___26___his way of treating, many patients began to get better. Zhong finally won people's trust.
In early 2020,a disease ___27___(call)COVID-19 hit Wuhan. It spread around quickly and tens of thousands of people were infected. Zhong, 84, led___28___(he) team to fight the illness. Zhong's team took many measures ___29___(cure)the patients with COVID-19. He advised people to wear masks, wash hands ____30____(frequent),stay at home and not to go to crowd places.
Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors.
William Campbell, Satoshi ōmura and Tu Youyou jointly won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work against parasitic diseases. 85-year-old Tu ____31____(award)this prize for her contribution to___32___(reduce)the death rate of malaria(疟疾), minimizing patients" suffering and promoting mankind's health. This is ____33____science is all about.
As a matter of fact, Tu has won some attention when she ____34____(get)the Lasker Award in 2011. But there is no way to compare her popularity ___35___the attention she is receiving today. As the first Chinese mainland Nobel Prize Winner of the ___36___(nature)science award, Tu's winning ___37___(complete)surprised Chinese people, who had long been wondering when the first Chinese Nobel laureate in natural science would appear.
Tu Youyou is the first Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize for work ____38____(carry)out within China. She has spent 40 years’ time on scientific research. Although the Nobel Prize did not come to her until four decades later, it is definitely one of ____39____most privileged rewards that recognize Tu's_____40_____(devote)and perseverance in discovering artemisinin(青蒿素). Her record-breaking winning is a reminder that science is never about instant success. There is no way to measure how much you spend on scientific research and compare it with how much reward you get.
C.V. Raman, a great Indian physicist, was born in 1888. His father was a lecturer in math and physics, so C.V. Raman was exposed ___41___ scientific things from ___42___ early age. He attended Presidency College in 1902,getting his BA in 1904 and MA in 1907. Though he was a brilliant student, there weren’t many ___43___ (chance) for scientists in India at that time. ___44___, after finishing his studies, he went to work for the Indian Finance Department and carried out his experimental research on acoustics.
He ___45___ (offer) a professorship in physics at the University of Calcutta in 1917 and stayed for the next 15 years, ___46___ (achieve) fame for his research there. In 1930,he won the Nobel Prize for his work on the scattering of light. Raman found ___47___ light passes through a transparent (透明的) sample of a substance, most of the light remains unchanged but a small part of it has ___48___ (differ) wavelengths. This later is ___49___ (know) as the Raman effect and is useful for physical and chemical ____50____ (analyse) of gases, liquids and solids, including biological tissue.
A heartwarming letter ____51____ (write) by Yuan Longping has caught international attention as the world is mourning (哀悼) over his passing away. At the age of 80, Yuan wrote the letter in memory of his late mother, Hua Jing, and many are ____52____ (deep) touched by its sincerity.
In the letter named “The Rice is Ripe, Mom”, Yuan ____53____ (look) back to the old days with his mother in Anjiang town in Hunan province, where his mother was buried. “Mom, the rice is ripe. Can you smell it After ____54____ seemed to be so many years, I can still hear your laugh ____55____ (ring) in Anjiang. I can still see my son holding your hands to help you walk through the ____56____ (entirely) rice field,” he wrote.
Born in a wealthy family in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, Hua was well educated and open - minded. She taught Yuan English and the thoughts of Nietzsche (尼采) when he was very young. Having never worked in the fields, Hua moved to Anjiang ____57____ (support) her son’s research.
“Mom, the rice is ripe and I come back to Anjiang to see you. Every time when I was able to deliver ____58____ speech to the audience from around the world or take a prize in my study, I always thought of you and your ____59____ (devote). You made me who I am. People say I’ve changed the world with one tiny rice seed, but l know you had planted the seed _____60_____ me when I was still a little boy, mom.”
Ancient volcanoes on the moon likely left more water than what sits in Lake Michigan locked in ice beneath the lunar surface. This is a potential source for ___61___(astronaut), the researchers from the University of Colorado have concluded in a newly published study. The findings reflect NASA interest in possibilities for a long-term moon base, ___62___ requires water supplies for drinking and producing rocket fuel. NASA investigations in 2020 confirmed they detected water crystals on the surface of the moon, ___63___(indicate) more water than previously believed may be present.
Tu Youyou is famous around the world. She is the first Chinese female scientist ____64____ (win)a Nobel Prize. She studied medicine at Peking University Health Science Centre. After her ____65____ (graduate)from university, she became a member of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. In 1969, she ____66____ (choose)to establish a team to find a cure ____67____ malaria—a disease that killed millions of people every year. It was not ____68____ easy task. They had limited resources and they did not have enough staff. Tu Youyou studied ancient Chinese medical literature and ____69____ (visit)experts in traditional Chinese medicine. Then she and her team began using modern research methods to study these Chinese herbs one by one. After hundreds of failed experiments, they ____70____ (eventual)came across a promising chemical. The medicine they discovered was artemisinin, ____71____ has now become the world’s ____72____(effective)drug for fighting malaria.
According to Tu Youyou, from their research experience in _____73_____ (discover)artemisinin, they learnt the wisdom behind both Chinese and Western medicine. And there is great potential for future advances if we integrate these two kinds of wisdom fully.
Charles Darwin was born on February 12,1809. He was the British naturalist ____74____ became famous for his theories of ____75____ (evolve). Like several scientists before him, Darwin believed all the life on earth evolved over millions of years from a few common ancestor.
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural ____76____ (select) holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction (灭绝)of each organism ____77____ (determine) by that organism’s ability ____78____ (adapt) to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called “The Origin of Species”, which was published in 1859. After ____79____ (publish) of the book. Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882.
Darwin’s work had a great influence ____80____ religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religion. Darwin avoided ____81____ (talk) about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, ____82____ other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was _____83_____ a scientific man that before he made up his mind to get married, he made a careful list of the advantages and disadvantages of marriage.
Jane Goodall has studied chimps for many years and ____84____(help) people understand how much they behave like humans. Nobody before Jane fully understood their behaviour. Since her childhood she had wanted ____85____(work) with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was ____86____(usual) for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for ____87____ first few months was she allowed to begin her project. She spent many years ____88____(observe) and recording their daily activities, and watching them wake up was her first activity every day. She also discovered how chimps communicate ____89____ each other. She has argued that they should be left in the wild ___90___ not used for entertainment or advertisements. She has helped to set up special places where they can live ____91____(safe). She has achieved everything she wanted to do, and she is respected by many people ____92____the world. And she inspires those who want to cheer the _____93_____(achieve) of women.
Malaria has been a____94____ (dead) problem for humans since ancient times. Countless people have died of it.____95____(thank), Chinese scientist Tu Youyou found qinghaosu.
This year marked the 50th anniversary of Tu’s____96____ (discover). In 1967, Chinese started a national project. Two years later, Tu became director of it to develop ____97____ drug against malaria. Tu and her team collected over 600 plants and listed almost 380 possible Chinese recipes for malaria.
One recipe uses the sweet wormwood plant____98____(treat) malaria Tu found it effective and tried to extract the qinghaosu____99____it in order to make drugs and succeeded in 1972.
After her team showed that qinghaosu could treat malaria in mice and monkeys, Tu and two of her colleagues volunteered to test the drug on____100____ (they) before testing it on human patients. It turned out ____101____ qinghaosu was safe. Gradually, qinghaosu became the first-line treatment for malaria, ____102____ (save) millions of lives around the world.
In 2015, when Tu ____103____ (award) with the Nobel Prize, she refused to take all of the credit. She said, “Every scientist dreams of doing something that can help the world.”
I feel so ___104___ (bless) to be alive in such a beautiful and wide place. Nothing can be ___105___ (good) than breathing the fresh air and enjoying the adventure of ___106___ (hike) over the difficult land to the other side of the valley.
Body language ___107___ (vary) from culture to culture. For example, making eye contact is a way to display interest while in other countries, it is not always approved ___108___. On the other hand, some gestures seem ___109___ (have) the same meaning everywhere. ___110___, a good knowledge of body language is a must for better communication.
___111___ impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfill his dream. He succeed in producing a rice ___112___ could feed more people at home and abroad. His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a _____113_____ (real). Everyone is waiting to see what he will dream up next.
Because of her contribution to the fight against malaria, Tu Youyou has become the first female Chinese scientist ____114____(receive) a Nobel Prize.
Born in 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Tu____115____( study) medicine at university in Beijing and acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In 1969 Tu became head of a team that intended to find a cure for malaria. ____116____ (inspire) by an over 1,600-year -old text about preparing qinghao with cold water, she succeeded in making qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice. ____117____, the trials on patients were likely to____118____ (postpone) because they did not have sufficient safety data.
To speed up the process and ensure its safety, Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on____119____(they) first. The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid____120____. In November 1972, they ____121____(success) discovered qinghaosu,____122____is now a key part of many malaria medicines. Tu encouraged scientists to ____123____ (far) explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.
Many Greek philosophers were at the same time scientists. Thus Plato was a mathematician and Aristotle contributed to zoology. Aristotle, indeed, started methodical research, patiently ____124____ (collect) material and laying ____125____ (mass) foundations (基础) for modern science. Before Plato and Aristotle, there had been scientist-philosophers. After them, Greek science made further advances. Two men may be mentioned for ____126____ they did to push science forward. Both lived in the 3rd century B.C.
Euclid is even now well-known for his Elemerits, a textbook of geometry (几何学) , perhaps the most successful textbook ever ____127____ (write), because it was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century.
Archimedes did important work not only in geometry, but also in arithmetic(算术), mechanic and hydro-static (静水力学). He discovered that when ____128____ body is immersed in water, its loss of weight is equal to the weight of the water displaced (排水). He invented machines which greatly helped his native city against the Romans. ____129____ (illustrate) the principle of the lever (杠杆), he is said to tell the king: “Give me a place to stand, and I ____130____ (move) the world.”
Greek science did not neglect ____131____ (apply). Mathematics, the purest of science was applied in at least five fields. Greek scientists collected a wealth of material and tried to find the proper method of doing scientific work. As a result, they were able to deduce (推断) theories and built up systems, ____132____ had a great influence on later scientists.
_____133_____ they failed to create conditions for the continuous growth of science. It is there that great changes began in the 17th and 18th centuries and it is this that set off modern from ancient science.
Chinese female scientist TU Youyou, ___134___ (honor) with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Oct 6 when she was 85 years old, was ___135___ first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in science. Tu ___136___ (share) the prize with the Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi omura of Japan who were awarded for their innovative anti-roundworm (抗线虫) treatment.
Tu Youyou is a committed and patient researcher at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was awarded ___137___ developing artemisinin, “a new drug therapy against malaria” ___138___ has saved millions of lives worldwide, ___139___ (especial) in developing countries, the Nobel Assembly said on its website.
Tu and her colleagues joined a government project ___140___ (find) a new malaria drug in the late 1960s. They made 380 herbal extracts from 2,000 recipes from traditional Chinese ___141___ (medicine) books. In 1971, after more than 190 ___142___ (fail), Tu’s team finally found an extract that was 100 percent effective against the malaria parasites (寄生虫) artemisinin.
“The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinese medicine. It’s the collective achievement of the research team. ___143___ (win) the prize is an honor for China’s science and traditional Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.”Tu told Xinhua.
Edward O. Wilson, the “modern-day Charles Darwin”, damaged his right eye when he ____144____ (catch) a fish in the river near his home at seven. The poor eyesight only allowed him to observe small ____145____ (creature) like ants. Interested in the selflessness of ants, which would sacrifice themselves for their colony (群体), Wilson developed a theory, ____146____ (confirm) the existence of altruistic(利他的) behavior in a wide range of species. It made him influential as both a close observer and a pioneering theorist.
At the end of May, events were held to honor the 110th anniversary of the birth of nuclear physicist Wu Chien-shiung.______147______(compare) with physicists such as Marie Curie, Wu is not a household name in China, but she was one of the most important nuclear physicists of the 20th century, who changed human’s view of_____148_____universe.
Wu was born on May 31, 1912, in Taicang,___149___the Yangtze River flows into the East Sea. Her father, Wu Zhongyi,___150___(found) the first school for girls in Taicang in 1913. He aimed_____151_____(break) the old belief that it was women’s virtue to have no talents. The father, _____152_____ (absorb) the merits (长处) of Western ideas while bearing the great thoughts rooted deep in Chinese culture in mind, made a real impact _____153_____Wu Chien-shiung’s life.
She spent most of her life in the US, but always wore qipao, a_____154_____( tradition) Chinese dress. Working in the scientific world dominated (主宰) by men, she never gave up or lowered her standards even if___155___(unequal) treated.
During her 44-year career as a nuclear physicist, Wu’s great____156____(achievement) won her nicknames such as “Chinese Madame Curie”, “queen of nuclear research “and “first lady of physics”.
Chinese agronomist (农业科学家) Yuan Longping, the “father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻)”, died of an illness at 1:07 p.m. on Saturday at the age of 91.
____157____ a serious nationwide starvation (饥荒) in the 1960s,Yuan,decided to devote ____158____ (he)to studying how to increase the production of rice, the main food of China. Yuan ____159____ (succeed) in developing the world's first high-yielding hybrid rice in 1973, ____160____ production could reach over 500kg per mu. For the following years, he continued to develop hybrid rice, achieving ____161____ (increase) higher outputs than before. On September 29, 2019, Yuan ____162____ (award) the “Medal of the Republic”, the highest honor in the country, for his outstanding ____163____ (contribute) to China's agricultural development and food supply. In 2020, hybrid rice ____164____ (develop) by Yuan’s team achieved a new world record.
Yuan once said he had two dreams: one was to “enjoy the cool breeze under rice crops ____165____ (tall) than men,” and the other was that “hybrid rice could be grown all over _____166_____ world to help solve global food shortage.
Professor Yuan’s devotion to China and the world will inspire us to value food and try our best to serve our country.
After two years of looking for work as a teacher, Einstein took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent office. While ____167____(work)there, out of a strong passion for knowledge, he continued to study, ____168____(earn)a doctorate in physics in 1905. That same year, ____169____ was later recorded as a miracle year in science, he published four extraordinary physics papers. In 1922, he ____170____(award)the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
To the public, he was seen ___171___ a slightly odd-looking but kind and funny man. He had a thick moustache and long white hair, ___172___ sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. ___173___ he was a genius, he sometimes forgot things, like his friends’ birthdays. But despite his ___174___ (peculiarity), he was loved by his friends and neighbours.
Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, globally known for developing the first hybrid rice strain in 1973 that rid countless people ___175___hunger, passed away in 2021 at the age of 91.
The scientist spent over five decades researching and improving hybrid rice, ___176___has reached its third generation, feeding ___177___(near) one-fifth of the world’s population with less than 9 percent of the world’s total land. In China, the annual planting area of hybrid rice has topped 16 million hectares, or 57 percent of ___178___total planting area of rice. Its growth area overseas has reached 8 million hectares. His more recent achievements included developing ___179___(vary) seawater rice, or saline-alkali(盐碱) tolerant rice. His team planned to use the rice ___180___(transform) 6.7 million hectares of saline-alkali land in China over the next eight to 10 years.
Yuan once said he had two dreams - to “enjoy the cool under the rice crops ___181___(tall) than men” and that hybrid rice could be grown all over the world to help solve the global ___182___(short) of food.
Yuan’s lifelong devotion to ___183___(reduce) hunger has made him a national hero and household name in China. In 1999, an asteroid(小行星) discovered by the National Astronomical Observatories ____184____(name) after Yuan. In 2019, he was awarded the Medal of the Republic, China’s highest state honor.
Standing in the National Speed Skating Oval, China’s former speed skating world champion Wang Beixing had mixed emotions. She was jealous of those young athletes who had the chance ____185____ (skate) on the new rink (溜冰场). And she felt very glad as the testing program in the venue,____186____ (know) as the “Ice Ribbon”, was going as smoothly as the athletes skated on the gleaming ice.
Following the ____187____ (success) testing program on snow in February, the “Experience Beijing” ice sports testing series for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics,____188____ (consist) of five Olympic events and two para events, got underway ____189____ April 1 and 10 in five different competition venues, including the National Speed Skating Oval ____190____ the 36-year-old Wang Beixing works as the stadium’s sports director.
“The testing program in the ‘Ice Ribbon’ had three ____191____ (priority). First is the ice. We need to make sure the ice will be ____192____ perfect quality during the Winter Olympics, Wang said. “The second would be the competition facilities including the safety cushions, training equipment and so on, which ____193____ (be) mostly relevant to the athletes, and we want feedback from them, “Thirdly, we also need to drill on the operation teams,” she said. “____194____ (certain), I feel very glad because the competition went well and I am satisfied with the result of the rehearsals.”
Tu Youyou, a ___195___ (commit) and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo on 30 December 1930. After graduating from Peking University Medical School, she worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. She joined a team of scientists ___196___the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria in 1967. Two years later, she___197___(appoint) head of the project and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional botanical treatments for the disease. One medical text from the fourth century suggested ___198___(use) the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever. Tu’s team did experiment after experiment and finally found a substance by lowering the temperature ___199___( draw)out the extract. After many ___200___(fail), they at last found artemisinin, ___201___ soon became a standard treatment for malaria and ___202___(save) millions of lives worldwide so far. For this, Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2015. According to Tu Youyou, ___203___discovery of artemisinin was a team effort, and it was indeed an honour for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine_____204_____(spread) around the world.
Chinese female scientist TU Youyou, ___205___ (award) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine on Oct 6 when she was 85 years old, was ___206___ first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in science. Tu ___207___ (share) the prize with the Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi omura of Japan .
Tu Youyou is a committed and patient researcher at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was awarded ___208___ developing artemisinin, “a new drug therapy against malaria” ___209___ has saved millions of lives worldwide, ___210___ (especial) in developing countries, the Nobel Assembly said on its website.
Tu and her colleagues joined a government project ___211___ (find) a new malaria drug in the late 1960s. They examined over 2,000 recipes from traditional Chinese ___212___ (medicine) books. In 1971, after more than 190 ___213___ (fail), Tu’s team finally found an extract that was 100 percent effective against malaria.
“The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinese medicine. It’s the collective achievement of the research team. ___214___ (win) the prize is an honor for China’s science and traditional Chinese medicine to be spread around the world.” Tu told Xinhua.
In a hungry world, rice ____215____ (be) a staple food and China is the world’s largest producer. Yuan Longping, the scientist born and ____216____ (bring) up in China, is a leading figure in the rice-growing world. He thought that the key ____217____ feeding people was ____218____ ( have) more rice and to produce it more quickly. He thought he could make it only by crossing different species of rice plant and producing a new one which could give a ____219____ (high) yield than either of the original plants. Yuan Longping did lots of experiments, the results of ____220____ were published in 1966. Finally, in 1970 a ____221____ (nature) sterile male rice plant was discovered. As a result of those ____222____ (discover), Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. In Pakistan rice is the second most important crop and ____223____ (grow) in many parts of the country in the future. Its yield is much greater than ____224____ of other types of rice.
Kang Yu, a 24-year old volunteer teacher in a remote town in the mountains of Yunnan province, was teaching calligraphy to the eighth graders when all of ___225___ sudden, the clouds seemed to burst and the electricity went out.___226___ (see) that the students were staring at the rain, Kang ___227___ (immediate) got a burst of inspiration.
She told them to go outside, under a shelter, to enjoy the rain and come back to write something like a poem. Much ___228___ her surprise, the works written by the students were far beyond her expectations!
Inspired by that class, Kang founded the nonprofit, Enlighten Our Future, to help Chinese youngsters improve their mental well-being and their exam grades through poetry composition and___229___(appreciate).She managed to persuade 13 school ___230___(adopt) the“Four Season Poetry Lessons”project, with a teaching plan, content and method she provided. So far, the poetry lessons ___231___(design) by the nonprofit have helped 68,0000students in 823 primary and middle schools, mostly in poor areas. Now Enlighten Our Future___232___(run) by three full- time workers, including Kang, 60 part time workers,280 backups and more than 1,000 volunteers.
What's great about poetry is that it can help one to find an___233___(effect) way to communicate with oneself,” she says. What they need is not sympathy, but recognition, _____234_____I think will influence their whole life.”
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Thank you so much for invit ing me to speak today. My name is Lupita. Some of you may know me from the movie 12 years a slave. I was born in Mexico, but I___235___(raise) in Kenya. I always knew I wanted to be an actress, but when I first got to Hollywood, I started work as a production___236___(assist). Then in 2008, I was in a short film called East River, and in 2009 I wrote,___237___(product), and directed the documentary In My Genes. I got my master’s degree in acting from the Yale School of Dream in 2012, and right after I graduated, I played the role of Patsey in 12 years a slave,___238___which I won the Academy Award for Best___239___ (support) Actress. I am the first Kenyan actress___240___(receive) an Academy Award. When I won, I really felt like all of my dreams___241___(come) true.
Now I live in Brooklyn, New York.___242___(late), I’ve been working with the conservation organization Wild Aid to help elephants. Elephants are beautiful, smart creatures ___243___need our help. I’m very happy to announce that I have been named Wild Aid’s Globa l Elephant Ambassador. I’m also involved with Mother Health International, which provides support for women and children in Uganda. If anyone in the audience today is interested in____244____ of those organizations, I encourage you to get involved.
Thank you so much for having me today.
Tu Youyou, a famous female chemist and ____245____ (scientific), was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province on 30 December 1930. In 1951, she was ____246____ (admit) into Beijing University, majoring ____247____ making medicine and graduated in 1955. She worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing after ____248____ (graduate). In 1969, she became ____249____ head of the project and performed numerous tests. In 1971, Tu’s team succeeded in ____250____(discover) and developing artemisinin to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world,for ____251____ she won many big awards. To our excitement and delight, she ____252____ (award) the Nobel Prize for Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first Chinese woman ____253____ (win) the Nobel Prize. We are called on to learn from her and devoted ____254____ (we) to scientific research.
Tu Youyou ____255____(acknowledge) as a great scientist of achievements. When the Chinese government formed a team of scientists ____256____ the objective of finding new treatments for malaria, Tu was among the first researchers chosen. Tu and her team reviewed and evaluated ancient Chinese medical texts to find ____257____(botany) treatments for the disease. Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract from wormwood, they found a substance that worked. Later, the medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of ____258____ recovered. Upon ____259____(hear) that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said the honor belonged to her team and all the people in her country.
In mid-September in 2022, to honor the 110th anniversary of the birth of nuclear physicist Wu Chien-shiung, ____260____ global online conference was held to mark this anniversary. Compared with physicists such as Marie Curie, Wu is not a household name in China or in the United States, ____261____ she was one of the most influential nuclear physicists of the 20th century.
Wu was born on May 31, 1912, in Liuhe town, Taicang, ____262____ the Yangtze River flows into the East Sea. Wu’s father, Wu Zhongyi, received a modern ____263____ (educate) in Shanghai, and in 1913, ____264____ (found) the first school for girls in Taicang. He aimed ____265____ (break) the old sexist advocacy that it was women’s virtue to have no talents.
The father, absorbing the merits of Western ideas while bearing the great thoughts rooted deep in Chinese culture in mind, had the most profound influence ____266____ Wu Chien-shiung’s life. She spent most of her life in the US, but always wore qipao. Working in the scientific world dominated by men, she never gave up or lowered her standards even if ____267____ (unequal) treated.
During her 44-year career as a nuclear physicist, Wu’s great ____268____ (achievement) won her nicknames such as “Chinese Madame Curie”. She was the first woman to be president of American Physical Society, and the first female winner of the Comstock Prize in physics ____269____ (give) by the US National Academy of Sciences.
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