Lesson 11 In the zoo 教案 (表格式)


名称 Lesson 11 In the zoo 教案 (表格式)
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文件大小 21.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-08 23:30:30



学校 班级 一(5)班 学科 英语
课题 Unit11 In the zoo 教时 Period 1 日期
教学目标: 认知内容: 从音、形、意三方面学习掌握新授核心词汇:monkey、tiger、panda、bear. 能区分清楚this与that的意义与用法。 能初步理解和运用句型Is this/that a ... 来询问是否某动物。 能初步理解和运用句型Yes./No. It’s a ...来判断。 能力要求: 能够听懂他人对于动物的疑问表达,并能够正确地表达自己的观点。 ③情感态度: 让学生了解动物的趣味性,鼓励学生爱护动物。 教学重难点:能用It’s 来描述特征,能正确运用What’s this 及其回答It’s a …。 能根据创设的情景,运用所学句型进行问答。 二、制定依据: 1.内容分析 本课时学习的是全国版牛津英语一年级Unit11 In the zoo的内容。通过本课的学习,学生能够掌握重点词汇monkey、tiger、panda、bear,能够听懂核心句型Is this/that a ... 以及Yes./No, it’s a …学生学习本课之前,已经在第十单元学习过What’s this/that It’s a ..的句型,并初步区分了this与that。 本课时为此单元的第1课时,以复习导入,开放问题,发散学生的思维。在教学中以学生为主体,通过情境对话和任务性教学让学生做学习的主人。在学习过程中,根据英语教学中的交际教学法、游戏教学法,让学生在学习新单词和新句型的过程中去感受学习英语的乐趣。老师设计了个人竞答,学生讨论,各种单词卡片游戏,猜谜游戏,角色扮演,实物展示等互动活动,下放给学生讨论充分操练了核心句型,从而培养学生综合运用英语语言的能力。 2.学生实际 虽然一年级学生刚开始接触英语,但一年级的孩子们模仿能力与好奇心强,对于活动、游戏和唱歌等比较感兴趣,而且有较高的求知欲和表现欲,喜欢在玩玩、做做、说说、唱唱中学习英语。 3.困难分析 一年级学生有效注意力比较短,教师在教学中需要不断地吸引学生的注意力,并注意运用多种形式呈现单词句型,保证操练的多样性有效性,让学生在愉快的氛围中学习英语。 三、(1)教学思想:在整节课中注重开放,特别是半开放,让学生会猜会说会学习。并创设故事情境,增强课堂的趣味性,加强师生互动和生生互动,及时巩固强化所学知识。 (2)通过这节课的学习,最终学生能够询问是否某动物并表达自己的观点。文本如下:—What’s__ —Is __ a__ —No. —Is __ a __ —Yes. It’s a __. 最后的活动呈现出螺旋上升的趋势。
教 学 过 程
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计意图
Step 1: Warming up 1. Sing a song 1. Sing the song 开头用歌曲导入,营造了轻松愉快的氛围,也为本课的学习做好铺垫。
Step 2: Review&Lead in 1. Show a picture, ask Ss what questions they can ask. T: Can you ask any questions 2. Use Ss’ questions to ask them. 3. Lead in the animals in the zoo. 1. Look at the picture carefully and try to ask. Ss: What’s this What’s that How many ducks 2. Answer questions. 3.Talk about some animals in the zoo. 复习上一单元学习过的内容,用开放式的问题激发学生旧知,为新知呈现做好铺垫。
Step 3: Presentation & Practice 1. Lead in three characters, Mickey, Minnie and Donald. Play a recording. 2. Teach “monkey” and “Is that a ... Yes.” Play monkey’s sound, show a partial picture of monkey,ask Ss to guess. Ask Ss what Mickey will ask, then play the recording of Mickey and Minnie to lead in the word. Teach “monkey”. Teach the pronounciation of “monkey”, ask Ss to read the word in class, in groups, in individual. Practice the dialogue “Is that a monkey ” “Yes.” Role play it in groups and in individual. Require Ss to understand the meaning. Use a puzzle game to help Ss master the sentence“Is that a.. ” 3. Teach “tiger” and “Is this a ... No, it’s a ...” (1) Show a partial picture of tiger, ask Ss to have a guess. (2) Play the recording of Donald and Minnie to lead in the word. (3) Teach“tiger”. Teach the pronounciation of “tiger”, ask Ss to sway body with tiger in class, in groups. (4) Practice the dialogue “Is this a monkey ” “No, It’s a tiger.” Role play it in groups and in individual. Require Ss to understand the meaning. (5) Show a picture of monkey, ask Ss what question they can ask. Ask Ss to differentiate “this” and “ that”. (6) Pair work. Play a guessing game with Mickey, Minnie and Donald. Ask Ss to take out their pictures to guess and practice, further differentiate this and that. 4. Teach “panda” and “bear”, review the sentence “What’s__ ” (1) Play two riddles. Ask Ss if you’re Minnie, what will you ask, to lead in “What’s this ” Ask Ss if you’re Donald and Mickey, what will you guess. (2) Teach “panda”. Use higher and lower voice to practice the word in class, in groups. (3) Teach “bear”, use train train train to practice the word. Require Ss to understand the meaning of panda and bear. And add some words to describe them. T: Look at the panda, it’s big. What about the bear, how is it (4) Ask Ss what’s that to lead in pear, compare bear with pear. Show a chant, give time for Ss to practice it. 1. Listen to the recording and know about the characters. 2. Ss have a guess. Listen to the recording. Practice “monkey” in class, in groups and in individual. Practice and role play the dialogue with masks. Play the puzzle game, discuss with partner. 3. Have a guess, try to use “Is ... a ... ” Listen to the recording. Practice “tiger” in class, in gruops and in individual. Practice and role play the dialogue with masks. Tlak about the difference between this and that. Pair work. S1: Is this/that a ... S2: Yes./ No. It’s a ... 4. Try to guess the riddles. Learn the word “panda” and “bear”. Practice them in various forms. Know the meaning of panda and bear. Try to descibe panda and bear. S: It’s small. Make clear pronounciation of bear and pear. 创设米奇、米妮、唐老鸭去动物园的情境引出新内容。 采取 guess-lisetn-repeat- practice-talking的形式引出此环节所要学习的内容。趣味性高,环节较完整, 机械操练、角色扮演让学生熟悉了解句 型Is that a ... 学会运用,并强调注意升调的发音。并用拼图猜谜游戏进一步操练此句型,第一个老师带着学生一起练,第二个下放给学生讨论,然后再让学生输出。 在对话中教授tiger, 让学生跟着卡片舞动身体朗读单词,既提高了课堂的趣味性,集中学生的注意力,也巩固强化新词 教完Is this a ... 的结构,拿出Is that a ... 让学生对比讨论,归纳总结出this与that的区别,接下来的学生猜测活动意义操练这两个句型,进一步提高学生的理解。 开放学生的思维,下放给学生,让学生自己去说。 通过同桌之间互相问答培养学生的合作能力和提供更多开口说英语的机会。 让学生用猜谜语的方式引出下两个要参观的动物是熊猫和熊,提高学生的课堂积极性。 前面教结构,现在让学生运用结构,让学生自己用Is ... a ... 来猜测是什么动物。 用大小声、开火车这种不一样的方式操练单词panda&bear,给学生新鲜感,让学生乐在其中。 这部分引导学生简单描述下动物,在内容难度上有所上升,让学生的接收能力学习能力也得到相应提高。为最后的角色扮演讨论输出活动做铺垫。
Step 4: Consolidation 1. Role play. Ask Ss to use the sentences they learnt to guess what’s in the box. Practice with partner, then show us. First T should make an example. 1. Discuss with partner what’s this/that, pratice the sentence pattern in pairs. S1: What’s__ _. S2: Is __a __ S1: No. S2: Is __a __ S1: Yes. It’s a __. 学以致用。能把所学的词汇句型灵活运用,与同伴一起交流学习。
Step 5: Sum up & Assignment Play some lovely pictures of animals. T: Animals are our friends, everyone should protect them. Homework: (1) Ask your partner to guess what’s this in your bag. (2) Listen and read the new words and sentences for three times.