人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册 Unit4 Natural disasters单元考点突破(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册 Unit4 Natural disasters单元考点突破(有答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 63.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-09 12:49:28



名师原创:Unit4 单元考点突破
1. supply n. 供应量; 补给量; 生活必需品; 补给品; 供应; 供给; vt. 供给; 供应; 提供
The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.
school/ medical / relief supplies学校用品/医疗用品/救援物资
supply and demand供应与需求
cutoff the electricity supply切断电力供应
supply sth to sb / supply sb with sth.
There was a plentiful supply of cheap labor
The media supplies lots of information to us every
As the world's population continues to grow, the ______ of food becomes more and more of a concern. (浙江卷)
A. worth B. supply C. package D. list (B)
The bookstore supplied the school ______ many science book. (with)
2. strike (struck, struck/stricken) vt&vi. 打/撞击;(灾害,疾病,不幸等)突然降临/突然袭击;打动/给…以印象;突然想到,想起;罢工(时钟)敲响,报时
The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off the west cost of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island.
strike sb. as (being)… 给人以…印象
It strike sb. that ….某人突然想到…
strike a balance 两者兼顾,达到平衡
strike a deal 达成协议
strike a match 擦燃一根火柴
go on strike 罢工
be on strike 罢工中
The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了
The church clock began to strike twelve. 教堂的钟开始敲12点
Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods.上个月,东南亚地区遭了洪灾
We were struck by her kindness. 我们被她的善良所打动
What struck me most was the enthusiasm of the local people.
He strikes me (being) a very serious person. 他给我的印象是一个很严肃的人
The solution struck me immediately. 我一下想到了解决办法
It struck me that we might have made the wrong decision.
The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned down.
The bus drivers were striking ____ more money. (湖北卷)(for)
Eventually, they _____ (strike) a deal last week. (struck)
3. rescue n.&vt. 救援;营救
What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood hit area
rescue sb./sth.from...  把……从……营救出来
come to one's rescue 来营救某人
a rescue team 救援队
The police came to his rescue and sent him home.
A large number of soldiers were sent there to rescue those trapped in the building.
Tom rescued a boy from the river on his way home.
The mother,along with her two children,was rescued from the sinking boat by a passing ship. 那位母亲和她的两个孩子,被经过的轮船从正在下沉的小船上救起来了。
All the people nearby came to _______ rescue when hearing her cry for help. (陕西卷) (her)
The rescue team succeeded in _____ (rescue) a boy from a cave. (rescuing)
4. damage vt.损害;破坏;n.损坏;损失
Which buildings were damaged in Seoul
do/cause damage to…给……带来/造成毁坏
be badly damaged 遭受严重损害
damage one's health 损害某人的健康
Eating too much meat one time will cause damage to your stomach.
As we all know,smoking can do/cause damage to our health.(damage n.)
=It is well known that smoking can damage our health.(damage vt.)
The crops were badly damaged by the storm.
The earthquake caused damage _____ property(财产) about $6 billion.(陕西课改卷) (to)
It did damage _____ the income of the local farmers. (to)
5. ruin n.& vt. 破坏;毁坏
In less than one minute,a large city lay in ruins.
be/lie in ruins 成为废墟;毁灭
fall into ruin 成为废墟;毁灭
ruin one's hope/chance 使某人的希望破灭/机会失去
ruin oneself 自我毁灭
That mistake ruined his chance of getting the job.
The ancient temple has fallen into ruins and needs repairing.
The country's economy was in ruins.
Years of fighting left the area ____ ruins. (浙江卷) (in)
His good fame fell ____ ruin because of his rudeness. (into)
6. shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克;vt.(使) 震惊
People were in shock—and then,later that afternoon,another big quake shook Tangshan again.
in shock震惊;吃惊
be a shock to... 使……吃惊
shocked adj. 震惊的;惊讶的
be shocked at/by 对……吃惊
be shocked to do sth. 做某事很吃惊
shocking adj. 令人震惊的
It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen!
I know this may come as a shock to you.
The girls were in shock.
There was blood everywhere,and the woman was embarrassed and clearly ____ shock.
(陕西卷) (in)
It is _____ (shock) that students can't spell these words. (shocking)
Everyone in the street was (shock) when they heard the news. (shocked)
We were all shocked __ the news of his death. (at)
It was quite ____ shock to see my face on that screen. (a)
7. trap vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套;n.险境;陷阱
Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
be trapped 使陷入困境
trap sb.into(doing) sth. 诱骗某人做某事
set a trap 设置陷阱;布下圈套
fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套
If you choose this way,you're likely to fall into a trap.
There was a power failure;they were trapped in the lift.
The police set a trap to catch the thief.
The team ______ (trap)in the burning building and they were eager to wait for rescue.
(江西课改卷) (were trapped)
They (trap) here for three days. (have been trapped)
That big boy always traps other children _____ doing for him. (into)
8. bury vt. 埋藏;掩埋;隐藏
Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
bury one's face in hands双手掩面
be buried in… 埋头于;专心于;沉浸于
bury oneself in… 埋头于;专心于;沉浸于
She buried her face in her hands and wept when she heard the bad news.
In the past three weeks,we have been burying ourselves in study because the exam is drawing near.
在过去的三个星期里, 我们专心的学习, 因为考试即将到来
Ever since he moved there,he has been buried in his research work.
____ (bury) in the book,he didn't know it was raining outside. (福建新课改卷) (Buried)
____ (bury) himself in the book,he didn't know it was raining outside. (Burying)
9. effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
With strong support from the government and the tireless efforts of the city's people,a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake ruins.
spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事
make an effort to do sth. = make great efforts to do sth. 努力做某事
As far as I'm concerned,you should make a greater effort to study hard.
依我看来, 你应该更加努力学习
If I am lucky enough to be given such a good chance,I will spare no effort to finish the task.
I do believe that all your efforts will pay off sooner or later.
I will make great efforts ____ (finish) the task ahead of schedule. (湖北卷) (to finish)
They spared no effort ______ (help) these old men. (to help)
10. suffer vt.遭受;蒙受;vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦
What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need
suffer from患……病;因……而受苦
suffer from cold and hunger 忍饥挨冻
suffering n. 苦难;痛苦
sufferer n. 受难者
辨析:suffer from;suffer
suffer from 表示“遭受战争、自然灾害所带来的苦难”及“患病”,后跟a war,the flood,cough,headache,flu等
As far as I know,he has ever suffered from a serious illness.
He suffered great pains as a result of the accident.由于那次事故,他遭受了很大痛苦
Even if he suffered from a lot of difficulties,he never gave in.
He suffered ______ all kinds of diseases in those years. (全国卷) (from)
He went through a lot of ______ (suffer) in the war. (sufferings)
1. too...to...太……不……
Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat,and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
句式分析:本句是一个并列句。在第一个分句中,句子的主语是Chickens and even pigs,动词不定式短语to eat作结果状语。too...to do sth.意为“太……以致不……”,too后接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式符号,后接动词原形,动词不定式表示否定意义。
※too + adj./ adv.(for sb.) to do sth....意为“太……而不能……”,表示否定意义;
I was too young to understand the meaning of the film.
=I was so young that I can't understand the meaning of the film.
我太年幼, 不理解这部电影的含义。
The problem is too difficult for me to settle.
=The problem is so difficult that I can't settle it.
这个问题太难了, 我解决不了。
The man was too tired to go any farther.
2. as if/as though仿佛;好像
It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!
句式分析:It seemed as if...这是一个含有表语从句的主从复合句。
as if=as though意为“仿佛;好像”,引导的从句,常放在be,look,seem,sound,smell,feel等系动词之后作表语
※ as if从句用陈述语气:从句表示的情况是真实的或极有可能发生的;
※ as if从句用虚拟语气:
③从句用would/could/might do形式(与将来的事实相反)。
Look at the clouds in the sky!It looks as if it is going to rain.
Hurry up!It looks as if the train is going to move.
He sang and laughed loudly as if he were the only person in the world.
They talked as if/though they ______ (be) friends for years. (湖北卷) (had been)
He treats me as if I _______ (be) his own daughter. (were)
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