人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit5 Languages around the world 单元考点突破学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit5 Languages around the world 单元考点突破学案(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 103.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-09 14:26:14



名师原创:Unit5 单元考点突破
1. major adj. 主要的/重要的/重大的(反义:minor;(专业课程中) 主修的;n. 主修科目;主修(某科目的) 学生
The supplies which were provided to the disaster area were collected from around the country.
a major cause 主要原因
the major subjects 主修课程
majority n. 多数,大多数(反义词: minority)
※ majority 常与of 连用,后接可数名词复数。当“majority + of + 复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数,请观察下面句子
The majority of people believe smoking is harmful to health.
※ 当majority 后不接of 短语作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数,请观察下面句子
The majority was/were in favor of the proposal. 大多数人赞成这个提议
Who says the majority is/are always able to make the minority agree with their idea
We live in a country where women are in the majority.
Wang Lin wants to major in physics at college.
Environment protection is a major event.
He is a major in French at Beijing University.
在北大, 他是主修法语的学生
One-third of the country ____ (be) covered with tress and the majority of the citizens _______ (be) black people. (湖南新课改卷) (is; are)
The _____ (major) of the students find it quite hard to learn German. (majority)
2. character n.性格; 性质; 特色; 特性;(好的) 品性;道德品质;人物;角色; 符号;字体
It has a plot, settings, characters and actions, as well as dialogue between characters.
characterize/characterise vt.以为特色; 具有-的特征
a man of character 品德高尚的人
a famous character in history历史上的著名人物
cartoon characters 卡通人物
a leading character in a film电影里的主角 )
a musical character乐谱符号
Chinese characters汉字
Mr. Brown loves to study Chinese characters. 布朗先生喜欢研究中国汉字
We are good friends and we are much alike in character.
She has a cheerful but quiet character. 她的性格乐观文静
Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
The whole character of the school has changed since he became the president.
The city invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the character of the old t own.
Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for building. (湖北卷.完型)
A. respect B. friendship C. character D. reputation ( C)
He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his was seen at its best when he worked with others. (上海卷.完型)
A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character (D)
(Sports can be good for character building.
An elephant is characterized by a long trunk.
3. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的;n.本地人;本国人
How many billion people speak the UN's official languages as their native or second language
one's native country/land/language 某人的祖国/故乡/母语
be native to… 原产于……
be a native of... ……的人;生长于……的动物或植物
Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English.
Is her uncle a native of Shanghai,or just a visitor
The researcher says the tiger is native to India.
As a matter of fact,French is not my native language.
The British forced the (native) to leave their land by burning their villages.
(陕西卷) (natives)
The kind of horses is not native __ America--it was introduced by the Spanish. (to)
4. refer to提到,谈到;查阅,参考;指的是
Pronouns refer to something or somebody mentioned earlier.
reference n.提及,涉及; 参考; 推荐信;推荐人
in / with reference to关于;根据.而论
refer … to …把…委托给…
The scientist referred to global warming at least three times in his speech.那位科学家在演讲中至少3次提到了全球气候变暖。
My colleague said that as the situation was unusual he would refer the matter to his editor.我同事说由于情况非同寻常,他会把这个问题交给他的编辑处理。
In reference to your question about cost, the tickets for the film are 50 yuan each.关于你询问的价格,那部电影的票价是每张50元。
While giving the English speech, one is not allowed to refer to the notes. (天津卷.阅读篇)
The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ______ his notes. (山东卷.完型)
A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on (B)
You'd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future (江西卷)
A. purpose B. reference C. progress D. memory (B)
Here is a memo for your _____ (refer) when you answer the phones. (福建卷) (reference)
The word “ business ” also refers _____ an organization that provides goods and services.(全国卷.) (to)
(Please refer to a dictionary to check the spelling.)
(Avoid making any reference to his illness.)
5. base v. 以……为依据;n.根据地,基地
At the beginning,written Chinese was a picture based language.
basis n.基础;根据
on the basis of… 在……的基础上,根据……
on a regular basis 定期
be based on… 以……为基础
The basis of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.
The article will form the basis for our discussion.
My theory is established on the solid basis of facts.
I suggested that we meet _____ a regular basis to discuss the progress. ( 陕西卷) (on)
Don't evaluate a person on the basis _____ appearance. (of)
The novel is based (base) on historical facts. (on/upon)
6. date back(to...) = date from追/上溯到……
It dates back several thousand years to the use of longgu--animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient people.
date back to…=date from…追溯到……
out of date 过时的, 陈旧的
up to date 最新的,最近的
※ date from与date back to都用主动语态,不用被动语态和进行时态,但可用动词 ing形式作定语、补语、状语等。
※ 谈论现存的物品或建筑物时,虽然这一事物建造于过去某一时期,但date from和date back to却用一般现在时。
As far as I know,the old town dates from/back to the early Tang Dynasty.
According to the expert,the building has a history dating from/back to the early Tang Dynasty.
=According to the expert,the building has a history which dates from/back to the early Tang Dynasty.
All the photos in this book date back to/from the 1950s.
According to the expert,the vase has a history (date) back to the Tang Dynasty.
(陕西卷) (dating)
Our friendship (date) back to 1960. (dates)
A lot of new words go ___ of date very quickly. (out)
They are very ___ to date in their method of language teaching. (up)
7. variety n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化
Over the years,the system developed into different forms,as it was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.
a variety of… = varieties of…种类繁多的
various adj. 不同的;各种各样的
for various reasons 由于种种原因
vary vt.&vi. 改变;变化
vary from...to... 从……到……不等;在……到……之间变动
In my free time,I'd like to take exercise,such as swimming,running and various/a variety of ball games.
在业余时间, 我喜欢锻炼, 例如:游泳、跑步和各种各样的球类运动
Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.苏珊心目中的自由就是拥有多样的生活
The music itself has so much variety.
The author gave (vary) reasons for having written the book. (江西课改卷) (various)
We have (variety) of flowers in our garden. (varieties)
Teaching methods vary greatly school to school. (from)
8. means n.方式;方法;途径
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China's present is connected with its past.
a means of communication一种通讯/交流工具
by this means 通过这种方法
by means of 用……办法;借助……
by no means 决不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
by all means 尽一切办法;务必;当然可以
Please by all means hand in the report on time. 请务必准时上交报告
-- Can I use your car 我能用你的汽车吗? -- By all means. 当然
There is no doubt that WeChat is an important means of communication.
Students sometimes support themselves by means of doing part time jobs.
Every possible means has been tried,but none has worked.
All possible means have been tried,but none has worked.
We can save much time by this means.通过这种方法我们能节省大量时间
She is by no means stupid. 她一点也不笨
I escaped a secret tunnel. 借助于秘密通道,我逃走了
-- Can I come and have a look at your new house -- Yes, _____! (浙江卷)
A. with pleasure B. I like it C. I quite agree D. by all means. (D)
-- Do you think their table tennis will win the first place at the coming Asian Games
-- _____. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (江苏卷)
A. Of course B. It depends C. Don’t mention it D. By no means. (D)
从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项
I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ____ with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied (D)
9. regard n.尊重;关注;vt. 把……视为;看待
The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters as an art form,known as Chinese calligraphy,which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
regard/consider...as... 认为……是……
have high/no regard for... 高度关注/无视……
with/in regard to sth. 关于某事
give one's regards to sb. 向某人致意;代……向某人问候
regarding prep. = concerning =with/in regard to关于;至于
regardless adv. 不顾,不加理会
regardless of 不管,不顾
Never regard study as a duty. 绝不要把学习视为任务
Please give my regards to your parents. 请带我向你父母问好
With/in regard to his suggestions, we shall discuss them fully.
Regarding/Concerning your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.
He is regarded as one of the great classical composers in this century.
I am sure that kindness is more likely to win their regard than pride.
I've lived in the town so long that I regard it as my home.
I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. ____ the party on July1st, I shall be pleased to attend. (江苏卷)
A. On account of B. In response to C. In view of D. With regard to (D)
Our club is open to everyone ____ age, sex or educational background. (福建卷)
A. due to B. except for C. along with D. regardless of (D)
Her parents always regarded her _______ the smartest of their children. (as)
If you should see him,please give him my _______ (regard).(regards)
The government has set up some rules ______ (regard) the food safety. (regarding)
10. appreciate vt. 欣赏/赏识;重视;感激/感谢;领会/理解;vi.增值
As China plays a greater role in global affairs,an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language.
appreciate+n./pron./v. ing重视/感激……
I would appreciate it if...假如……,我将不胜感激
appreciate the significance/value of sth. 理解某事的重要性/意义
appreciate + that/wh- 从句 意识到/理解/明白某事
appreciation n. 欣赏;感激;鉴赏
have a deep appreciation of literature 对文学有很高的鉴赏力
express one's appreciation to sb.for sth. 表达因某事对某人的感激之情
I really appreciate your handwriting.你字写得真好
His talents aren't appreciated by his boss, which makes him depressed.
I appreciate your help very much and what you have done means something to me.
非常感谢你的帮助, 你所做的对我来说意义非凡
I really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.
We would appreciate you letting us know of any problem.
I'd appreciate it if I'd appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.
We didn't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.
It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what my parents had done for me. 我用了很长时间才完全理解父母为我所做的一切
Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.
I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.
Chinese arts have won the of a lot of people outside China. (北京课改卷)
A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D. reputation (B)
I really appreciate ______ (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.
We appreciate your (help) us. (helping)
I would appreciate ___ if you would send me the postcard as soon as possible. (it)
Our house (appreciate) by 50% in the last two years. (has appreciated)
11. system n. 系统;体系,体制,制度
There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.
systematic adj. 系统的,有条理的,有条不紊的
the postal system 邮政系统
a railway system 铁路系统
a social system 社会制度
a system of education 教育系统
a system of the government 政府体制
Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system.
What similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school systems
In 1959 the company produced the ELEA computer ____ (systematic). (广东卷) ( system)
He knew that his success was almost entirely due to his assistant’s hard ___ (system) work.
( systematic)
12. relate vt&vi. (使) 互有关系;叙述;理解,认同
Does each sentence relate to the main idea
relation n. 关系,联系
related adj. 相关的,有关的
relative n. 亲戚,亲属; adj. 相对的,比较的
relationship n. 关系,联系
a distant relation 远亲
the relationship between teachers and students 师生关系
in close relationship with 与… 有密切关系
have a direct relationship with ….与…. 直接关系
a question relative to my plan 与我的计划有关的问题
in relation to 与…. 相比,关于
be related to 与….有关
The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.
He related how the accident happened. 他叙述了事故发生的经过
Tiredness is directly related to a driver’s response time. 疲劳和司机的反应时间密切相关
The relationship between them is that of teacher and pupil. 他们是师生关系
He has established good relationship with his neighbors.
I have a lot to say in relation to this affair. 关于这件事我有很多话要说
Everyone seemed to be a relative of Tom’s. 每个人都像是汤姆的亲戚
The accident was related ____ the driver’s carelessness. (山西卷) ( to)
Women’s earnings are still low in relation _____ men’s. (to)
13. equal adj. 相同的;同样的;相等的; 平等的; vi& vt等于; 比得上; n.同等的人/物
If I’m talking to a close friend, I can use short requests, like “Open the window”—our relationship is close and we’re equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.
equal in size/length/height = of equal size/length/height同等大小/ 长度/高度
be equal to …与…相等/平等; 与...同样出色; 比得上; 能胜任
equality between the sexes 男女平等
equally adv. 相等地; 同样地; 平等地
equality n. 相等; 平等
racial equality 种族平等
on equal terms 相同条件地
They believe that all work is of equal value. 他们认为所有工作都具有同等价值
All human beings are equal.人人平等
The rent was equal to half his monthly income. 这租金相当于他半个月的收入
The architecture here is equal to any in the world.
He is equal to anything.他无所不能
Three times three equals nine. 3乘3等于9
No one equals him in strength. 论力气, 谁也比不上他
Let x be the equal of y 设x等于y
When it comes to the art of war ants have no equal 在战术方面谁也比不上蚂蚁
People are born equal and should be treated equally. 人生来平等, 应该同等对待
Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be ______ (equal) respected. (福建课改卷) (equally)
These workers are equal to ______ (do) this kind of work. (doing)
14. demand vt. (坚决)要求;需要; n. 要求; 需要; 需求
But if I’m talking to someone who isn’t very close to , I must make my request longer—and I must make it a question, not a demand, e.g., “Could you open the window, please ”
demand to do sth:
demand + that.. (should) do sth
a demand for higher wages加薪的要求
meet/satisfy the demands of the customers满足客户要求
supply and demand供求
in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的
on demand 一经要求
温馨提示:不能用demand sb to do sth
Taylor was able to demand very high pay for her movies. 泰勒能要求很高的片酬。
She demanded to see the manager. 她坚决要求见经理
Her teachers demanded that she wear longer skirts. 老师要求她穿长一些的裙子
This work demands care and patience. 这项工作需要细心和耐心
Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.
应公众的要求, 一个为急切的初学者设立的写作项目即将开展
The demand for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind. 人类未来对自然资源的需求正成为一个日益严峻的问题
While modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. 由于模特业不易进入,好模特总是供不应求
The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are ________ great demand in this city. (全国课改卷) (in)
The old scientist demanded that the research on the cloning _______ (delay) at once. 【(should) delayed】
1. “of 抽象名词”结构
That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.
句式分析:of great importance属于“of+抽象名词”结构,相当于very important
※名词是age/shape/color/size/kind/type/price/height/depth/ width
/length/weight等时,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,这类名词前可用the same,different,good等修饰。
What you are saying is of no interest(=not interesting) to me.
His opinion is considered to be of great value(=very valuable).
This medicine is of no use.
I feel happy that the work I'm doing is of much value
Your skirt is of the same size with mine but of different colors
Smoking is not _____ (benefit) to you. (山东卷)(beneficial)
Smoking is of no ______ (beneficially) to you. (benefit)
Having the answers ready will be of great _____ (help). (help)
2. no matter where/what...引导让步状语从句
Even today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak,they can all still communicate in writing.
句式分析:No matter how/what/when ..... 引导让步状语从句
※ no matter how意为“不管;无论如何”,引导让步状语从句,相当于however。
※“no matter+特殊疑问词(如who/what/where/when等)”均可引导让步状语从句,可与特殊疑问词 ever等词互换。
No matter how difficult the problem is,we should not lose heart.
No matter what/Whatever you say,I won't believe you any longer.
Whenever(=No matter when)I'm unhappy,it is my friend Jane who cheers me up.
_______ you are,you must obey the law. (湖北卷) (Whoever=No matter who)
I'll post that letter no matter _____ Wilson says. (what/whatever)
No matter _____ you like,you can take it away. (which/what)
No matter ______ hot it is,he will not take off his coat. (how)
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