人教版(2019)必修第二册 学案Unit2 Wildlife protection易混易错点辨析学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 学案Unit2 Wildlife protection易混易错点辨析学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-09 18:57:06



【名师原创】:Unit2 易混易错点辨析
●adapt, adopt
Elephants need large living spaces, so it’s difficult for them to adapt to the changes. (教材P15)
The young people who run the shelter work hard to keep the place clean, take care of the animals, and advertise the animals so that they can be adopted. (教材P23)
adapt 修改,改装;改编,改写(使适应新用途或新情况), 常构成以下结构:
adapt sth. for sth. 改编/改装/修改使用于……
adapt oneself to sth. 使某人适应….
adapt sth. from sth. 从….改编某物, 被动结构为: sth. be adapted from….
adapt to…. 适应…..
adopt 采纳,采用,采取;接受,批准;收养, 领养
We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
Three of her novels have been adapted for television.
Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.
They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change
Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.
She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting.
If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.
1. Pupils should be helped to ________ a positive approach to the environment.
2. Recently, the film _______ from a play of the same title.
3. She produced a TV series about _______ children.
4. So far, he _______ the play for the screen.
5. She was forced to have her baby _______.
6. Mary has tried to _______ to local customs.
7. All three teams _______ different approaches to the problem yesterday.
8. It is through our nervous system that we _______ ourselves to our environment.
9. Obviously, a more objective method of description must _______.
10. Although these vegetables _______ well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
1. adopt; 2. has been adapted; 3. adopted; 4. has adapted; 5. adopted; 6. adapt; 7. adopted; 8. adapt; 9. be adopted; 10. adapt
●attack; strike/hit (袭击)
Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks. (教材P16)
三者都可表示 “袭击,攻击”, 但用法表达有一定区别;指“攻击、袭击”时,hit 与strike完全可以互换。
hit/strike 通常指意外的自然灾害的袭击,如,台风,洪水,沙尘暴,飓风,暴风雪,地震,雷电等。
He has laid himself wide open to political attack.
Your father is an obvious candidate for a heart attack.
They aimed to make the country safe from terrorist attacks.
His research work was attacked by animal rights activists.
The white blood cells attack cells infected with an invader.
He was walking along the road when he was attacked by a dog.
The man attacked me for no apparent reason.
The strong wind hit/struck him as he turned the corner.
The chances are a million to one against being struck/hit by lightning.
Spain was one of countries hit/struck hardest by the hurricane.
1. The heavy sandstorm _______ a city in the west, and 50 people were seriously wounded the day before yesterday.
2. The police said the _______ from elephants was an isolated incident.
3. A blast of hot air ________ us as we stepped off the plane.
4. The article was a savage ________ on the government's record.
5. Last year a serious flood ________ the whole country.
6. People who are overweight run a risk of a heart _______ or stroke.
7. After being _______ by another bear, the old man lifted his gun.
8. The country ________ by the earthquake is Japan.
9. The opposition leader _______ the government by writing many articles last year.
10. A snowstorm ________ all the villages in that area last month.
1. hit/struck; 2. attack; 3. hit/struck; 4. attack; 5. hit/struck; 6. attack; 7. attacked; 8. hit/struck; 9. attacked; 10. hit/struck
●in front of…., in the front of…..
On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals. (教材P16)
in front of…意思是“在……前面”,相当于before, 指一个事物在另外一个事物外部的前面,两者互不包括,其反义词是behind(在……的后面)。
in the front of…. 意思是“在某一事物内部的前部”,即一事物在另一事物的范围之内,其反义词是at the back of…(在……范围内的后部)。
I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.
I'm surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids.
There are some flowers in front of the house.
She bawled at him in front of everyone.
There's a bus stop in front of the house.
I’d like to sit in the front of the plane
There is a big desk and a blackboard in the front of our classroom.
There is a table of contents in the front of a dictionary.
About 50 teeth lie in the front of a great white's jaws.
A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary.
用in front of…., in the front of …..填空
1. The teacher’s desk (讲台) is ________ the classroom.
2. We walked out of the hotel and had our picture taken ________ it.
3. The no - smoking seats are ________ the plane
4. They ate everything that was set________ them.
5. The introduction is always ________ the book.
6. I made a complete fool of myself ________ everyone!
7. She got a seat __________ the bus.
8. When I walked out of the house, I found that a red van was parked _________ the house.
9. Write your name ________ the book.
10. She sat and stared at the letter ________ her.
1. in the front of; 2. in front of; 3. in the front of; 4. in front of; 5. in the front of; 6. in front of; 7. in the front of; 8. in front of; 9. in the front of; 10. in front of
●include; contain
In the wetland of my hometown, there are many different kinds of animals, including wild birds, fish, snakes, insects and so on. (教材P18)
include 表示“包括,包含,包括….在内”,强调被包括者是整体的一部分。include后面接名词,代词或动名词;被包括部分放在include 后面时,include 用-ing形式,放在前面时,include 用-ed形式
contain 表示“包含,含有,装有,容纳”,强调“内含(….成分),装有(….东西)”。
Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.
I've got three days' holiday including New Year's Day.
The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.
We all went, me included.
The committee includes representatives from industry.
Local activities include walking, boating and golf.
The box contains old photographs and souvenirs.
It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.
The bottle contains two glasses of beer.
The pill contains vitamins.
根据include, contain 的用法用其适当形式填空
1. It was found that her blood _______ poison.
2. The city has dozens of factories, _______ a power plant and a steelworks.
3. This drink doesn't ________ any alcohol.
4. Six students were playing table tennis, two girls ________.
5. Their diet ________ a lot of fat at present.
6. I ________ apples on the list of things to buy today.
7. How much water does this bottle ________
8. We all know that this book _________ ten short stories.
9. Sea water _________ plenty of salt.
10. My uncle has a lot of duties, _________ taking care of these children.
1. contained; 2. including; 3. contain; 4. included; 5. contains; 6. include; 7. contain; 8. includes; 9. contains; 10. including
●because; since;as; for
Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built. (教材P16)
The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programs, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared. (教材P16)
四个词都可以表示“因为”,但是语气和用法有一定区别。其语气由强至弱依次为:because → since → as → for; 其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。
since,一般表示明显的或已为人所知的理由,侧重主句的意思,常译为“因为”、“既然”,相当于now that, 语气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,偶尔也可以放句尾,有时表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。
as 一般表示双方都知道的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不够重要,与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”。往往是,从句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从句并重。
Life was harder then because neither of us had a job.
The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things.
Nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously.
Since the rain has stopped, let’s go for a walk.
Since we are young, we shouldn’t be too afraid of making mistakes.
He didn’t come since he was busy.
Please return the book to the library as you will go there this afternoon.
As it is raining, you had better take a taxi.
既然下雨, 你最好坐出租车来。
Everyone likes you as you are both kind and honest.
The days are short, for it is now December.
It must have rained, for the ground is wet.
The day breaks, for the birds are singing.
天亮了, 因为鸟都叫了。
用because, since, as, for填空
1. ______ you are free today, you had better help me with my mathematics.
2. _______ you are tired, you had better rest.
3. He seldom goes out now, _______ he is very old.
4. _______ you don't trust him, you should not employ him.
5. He must be ill, ______ he is absent today.
6. It was _______ I missed the early bus that I was late for school.
7. ______ you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.
8. He could not have seen me, ______ I was not there.
9. I did it _______ they asked me to do it.
10. _______ it is raining, you’d better take a taxi.
11. I went to bed early, _______ I was exhausted.
12. I was worried ________ Mary was late.
1. Since; 2. As; 3. for; 4. Since; 5. for; 6. because; 7. Since; 8. for; 9. because; 10. As; 11. as; 12. because
●worth; worthwhile; worthy
It is hard work, but the young people working at the shelter think it is worth it. (教材P23)
worth 意思是“值得;值….”,常构成结构:主语 + be worth sth/doing sth.
worthwhile 意思是“值得的”, 常构成结构:it is worthwhile doing sth./to do sth.
worthy 意思是“值得的”,常构成结构:主语 + be worthy of being done (=主语 + be worthy to be done
It is worthwhile buying the dictionary.
It is worthwhile to pay much attention to their great value in application.
It is worthwhile to send him abroad for further education.
It is worthwhile to discuss the problem further.
Since the Chinese market has huge potential, it is worthwhile being patient.
The vases are believed to be worth over$ 20 000 each.
Those might be worth trying .
I think that the house should be worth the price.
We esteem him to be worthy of trust.
It is the core of the railroad transportation contract system that the carriers responsibility system may be worthy to be called.
根据worthwhile, worth, worthy的用法填空
1. If you'd be loved, be worthy ________ (loved).
2. It is worthwhile _______ (spend) money on advertising.
3. What is worth doing is worth ________ (do) well.
4. Therefore, it is worthwhile ________ (do) research on this kind of animal.
5. This art collection is worth ________ (show) once again.
6. They thought these ideas too obvious to be worth ________ (publish).
7. The global environmental change would be worthy __________ (pay) much attention to.
8. It is worthwhile ________ (think) over some details of this book.
1. to be loved/of being loved; 2. spending/to spend; 3. dong; 4. doing/to do; 5. showing ; 6. publishing; 7. to be paid/of being paid; 8. thinking/to think
●rescue; save
The organization aims to rescue and raise orphan elephants, and then return them to the wild. (教材P24)
rescue 意思是“救援,营救,挽救,援救,救援行动”,既作名词也做动词,往往表示大灾大难之后快速而紧迫的营救和救援。
save 词义更加广泛,强调把处于危险或危机状态中的人或物解救出来,使之脱离危险,表达这意思时不能作名词;另外,save 还有“救助,节省,节约和储蓄”的意思, 如,save time/energy/money/strength 等。
②rescue 可以作名词,表示“救援,救援行动”,这时不能与save互换。
④表示“拯救/挽救/救某人生命”时,一般用save one’s life
Helicopters rescued/saved nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.
The brave firemen saved/rescued people from a burning house.
He dove into the river to save/rescue the drowning child.
The meeting is an attempt to mobilize nations to save children from death by disease and malnutrition.
We should try to save water.
Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy.
They are campaigning to save the area from building development.
He's saving his strength for the last part of the race.
She needs to win the next two games to save the match.
Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.
A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue/save three young climbers.
Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue/save passengers from the sinking ferry.
The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team.
People rushed to her rescue and picked her up.
用save, rescue 的适当形式填空
1. We_________ up to go to Australia for several months.
2. If we go this way it will ______ us two hours on the trip.
3. Doctors fought for more than six hours to _______ his life.
4. So far we _______ enough money to pay for the house.
5. Two children _______ from the burning car.
6. The ______ helicopter made another sweep over the bay.
7. _______ teams are using thermal imaging to locate survivors of the earthquake.
8. _______ planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.
9. Volunteers formed a human chain ________ precious items from the burning house.
10. With the help of a ladder, neighbors were able to _______ the children from the blaze.
11. The exhausted climbers _______ by helicopter.
12. The bank stepped in _______ the company from financial ruin.
1. have been saving; 2. save ; 3. save; 4. have saved; 5. were rescued/saved; 6. rescue; 7. Rescue; 8. Rescue; 9. to save/rescue; 10. rescue/save; 11. were rescued/saved; 12. to save/recue
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