人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit2Wildlife protection 写作素养练(有答案解析)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit2Wildlife protection 写作素养练(有答案解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-09 19:03:59



Unit2 写作素养练
2.政府正在寻找有效办法来解决这个问题。(search for)
3.我们必须采取行动来挽救这些濒危动物。(take measures to do)
4.他试了各种办法来解这个数学问题。(make out)
5.因为我的懒惰,我错过了一个非常好的机会。(due to)
6.我们要意识到我们的环境正在被破坏。(is being damaged)
7.为了节约水资源,我们总是循环利用水。(in order to)
8.我选择骑车去上班,这是一种很好的生活方式。(a way of life)
9.看着动物们跑跳,我被这美景给震撼了。(Watching…,I was struck by...)
10.只有当我们都行动起来我们才能真正保护我们的地球。(Only when…can we...)
假定你是李华,上周末学校组织了一次到野生动物园的研学活动(field trip)。请给你的英国朋友 Alice写一封信,介绍这次活动。
Dear Alice,
Li Hua
众所周知,现产于中国的野生动物越来越少,而大熊猫、老虎、野象等野生动物正面临灭绝的趋势,请以“Save the Wild Animals”为题,写一篇有关保护野生动物的文章。
Save the wild Animals
Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly.____________________________________
It was a cold December day. After saying goodbye to his neighbour, David,Tom set out for a run with his dog, Taz. As a professional athlete,Tom often went for training runs by himself, and had done this particular route many times before, but that day something unusual happened to him.
About an hour later,Tom hit some black ice. He found himself slipping down the rock face,which became steeper(陡峭的)and steeper until suddenly he was in free fall. He fell 60 feet into the canyon(峡谷), landing on grass and dry branches. If he'd missed them,there was no way he would have survived. He could feel his legs,so he knew he wasn't paralyzed(瘫痪的),but he was in great pain,Taz had managed to find his way back to Tom,so Tom knew there must be a way out of the canyon,but he even crawl(爬行).He later learned that he had broken his pelvis(骨盆).
Tom shouted for help,and tried to pull himself forward. Every inch was an effort. It took him five hours to go a quarter of a mile. Eventually it got so dark that he couldn't see where he was going. He decided to stay next to a river which he could drink some water from All he had on him were his jogging clothes,a water bottle,two boxes of medicine,a bar of chocolate,and a shower cap which adventure racers often wear to prevent heat loss.
At night,the temperature dropped below freezing Tom couldn’t go to sleep or he would die,so he stayed awake lifting his head a few inches,over and over. Throughout the night,Taz curled up next to him and kept him company. The next morning,he couldn’t move any more.He tried to stay positive. He was sure somebody would find he was missing or hear him screaming for help. But there was nobody around.
Paragraph 1:
As time went by,Tom felt himself growing weaker and he knew he must take action, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
About three hours later, Taz returned and Tom heard an engine in the distance.
To pollute or not to pollute?That is the question. In der to survive,we all need to cause pollution. Factories that process the food we eat,clothes we wear,and cars we drive have to cause pollution. The environment has the ability to absorb our waste or the pollution,but its absorption ability has its limits. If the pollution level is higher than what the environment can cope with,then that's the time when pollution is bad. If the pollution level becomes too high,human health can be affected badly. Then,the productivity level of the sick people is low and he economy suffers. The economy suffers not only because of the lost productivity of the people,but also because government must pay for the damage the pollution done to its people. This is the reason why the government prefers taxation policy. Imposing(征收)a tax on firms that pollute the environment can be considered a good strategy, as long as the tax covers all the external costs or the cost of the damage the firm has created during production. Taxation,if enforced(执行)really well,can make firms create a technology that may reduce pollution,if they find our that it will be cheaper than continuously paying the tax. The disadvantage of this policy, however, lies in the possibility that some big firms will find the tax cheap and then they will just produce more and pollute the environment more. If other small firms find the tax expensive, thus closing down, their production will be eaten up by those firms which can afford the tax. Therefore,it is important that lawmakers in each country, when deciding to impose a tax on pollutant emissions,first review and analyze very carefully the real cost of the mage(307 words)
I 1. This photo reminds me of my childhood in the countryside.
2.The government is searching for an effective way to solve the problem.
3. We must take measures to save these endangered animals.
4. He tried all means to make out the maths problem.
5. I missed a very good chance due to my laziness.
6. We need to be aware that our environment is being damaged.
7. In order to save water, we always recycle water.
8. I choose to ride to work, which is a good way of life.
9. Watching these animals jump and run, I was struck by the beauty.
10. Only when we take action can we protect our earth.
Ⅱ. A One possible version:
Dear Alice,
How are things going I am writing to tell you about the field trip I went on with my classmates last Saturday. We went to a wildlife park located in the mountains.
The activity aims to improve the students’ awareness of wildlife protection. On arriving, we attended a lecture given by an expert on rare animals and their habitats. Next, we watched a short video about the endangered animals. what attracted me most was the visit to the panda research centre, where I saw several newly-born baby pandas. They were so cute! All of us found the activity educational, inspiring and highly rewarding.
How about your school field trips Hope you can write and share with me.
Li Hua
第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:field trip 研学活动,located in 坐落于,awareness of… …的意识,attend a lecture 参加讲座,rare animals 珍稀动物,the endangered animals 濒危动物,educational,nspiring and highly rewarding有教育意义,鼓舞人心,有很高的回报,等等。
B One possible version:
Save the Wild Animals
Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the development of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrower and narrower. Many of the wild animals now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.
In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. Therefore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keep down poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited: national parks should be set up as wildlife reserves.
Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.
Ⅲ. One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
As time went by, Tom felt himself growing weaker and he knew he must take action, so he though of David. He attached the shower cap to Taz and signalled the direction to his house to Taz and Taz went out of the canyon. Soon Taz went back to his house and knocked at David’s door. Seeing the shower cap, David realized that Tom was in danger. He called the rescue workers and drove his car to the canyon with Taz in it.
Paragraph 2:
About three hours later, Taz returned and tom heard an engine in the distance. He was glad that someone could help him. After a short while, David came with two rescue workers, and they carried Tom out of the canyon together. Luckily, Tom was not seriously injured. He pulled through after ng in bed or two weeks. He owed his survival to his devoted dog and caring neighbour.
Ⅳ.One possible version:
It's human beings that cause heavy pollution, which has surpassed environmental self-purified capability.(要点1)Hence,government prefers imposing tax to remedy the economic loss and medical expenses produced by pollution.(要点 2)However taxation is a double-edged sword. Small companies may develop environmental technology to refuse the taxation of pollution, while big ones’expenses of taxation can be offset through mass production.(要点3)Thus,it's vital for tax lawmakers to take the cost of pollution into consideration.(要点4)
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