人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit4History and traditions Reading and thinking 词汇语法专项训练(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit4History and traditions Reading and thinking 词汇语法专项训练(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 17.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-09 22:40:28



Unit 4 History and Traditions Listening and speaking-Reading and thinking 词汇语法专项训练
Part I Vocabulary & Grammar
1. Oceans and seas connect man, and they are home to various creatures and are a key ________ (defend) against the global climate emergency.
2. His great ________ (achieve) is to make all the players into a united team.
3. Was it in this room that he made the decision that he would break away ________ his family
4. Judging from his ________ (puzzle) expression, this problem must be quite puzzling.
5. Believe it or not the new car in front of my home ________ (belong) to my neighbour.
6. The buses, most of which were already full, ________ (surround) by an angry crowd
7. Most of the people ________ (invite) to the conference were my old friends.
8. When I came home last night, I saw my little kid ________ (seat) on the bed, with his whole attention fixed upon the book.
9. Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5 pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, ________ she opened with her late husband Les.
10. There is hard evidence ________ the accident was caused by his careless driving.
1. 如果你想使你的英国之旅愉快而有价值,你必须留意这些文化遗产。(keep your eyes open for)
You must ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.
2. 史密斯一家一周前为他们的新房子买了许多最新的家用电器,还有一些新的家具。(as well as)
A lot of latest household appliances, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ , ________ ________ by the Smiths for their new house a week ago.
3. 我们去了珠宝店,那里有太多的项链可供选择,所以我不知道该买哪条。(there be句型)
We went to the jewelry store, where ________ ________ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ , so I was at a loss which to buy.
4. 五名年轻的消防员在执勤时牺牲,这引起了对消防员安全的极大关注。(result in;定语从句)
Five young firefighters died on duty, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ firefighters’ safety.
5. 正是通过保罗,我们第一次听说了那个被人称为计算机软件专家的人。(refer to;非谓语动词)
It was from Paul that we first heard of the man ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in computer software.
6. 在英国,无论你去哪里,你都会发现人们买东西时会安静地排队。(wherever)
________ ________ ________ in England, you will find people waiting in a line quietly to get anything.
7. 现在有许多不同种类的电脑,都可以连接到互联网。(join., to…的被动式;定语从句)
There are many different kinds of computers now, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the Internet.
8. 端午节是中国一年一度的传统节日,它的历史可以追溯到大约两千年前,在农历的五月初五(date back to;非谓语动词)
The Dragon Boat Festival, an annual festival in China ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ , falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
1. defence 句意为:海洋连接着人类,它们是各种生物的家园,是抵御全球气候紧急状况的关键。在形容词key后作表语应用名词形式。故填 defence。
2. achievement 句意为:他的伟大成就在于把所有选手组织成支团结的队伍。此空作主语,要用 achieve的名词形式。谓语动词是单数形式,故填 achievement。
3. from 句意为:他是在这个房间里作出了与家人分离的决定吗?break away from为固定搭配,意为“离开(家、家人或工作)”。故填from。
4. puzzled 句意为:从他疑惑的表情来看,这个问题一定非常令人费解。以-ed结尾的形容词修饰人以及与人相关的 expressIon,lok等词,意为“感到疑惑的”,故填 puzzled。
5. belongs 句意为:信不信由你,我家门前那辆新车是我邻居的。belong to意为“属于”,无被动语态和进行时态,此处 belong是谓语动词,介绍现在的情况,所以应用一般现在时。主语 the new car为单数形式,故填 belongs。
6. were surrounded 句意为:这些公共汽车中的大部分已经坐满了人,它们被愤怒的人群包围了。surround在此是谓语动词,与主语是被动关系,根据前面从句中的were可知应用一般过去时。故填 were surrounded。
7. invited 句意为:被邀请参加会议的大多数人都是我的老朋友。本句中已有系动词were,设空处应用非谓语形式;Invite与 Most of the people之间为逻辑上的被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故填invited。
8. seated 句意为:昨晚我回到家时,看到我的孩子正坐在床上全神贯注地看那本书。seat与宾语 my little kid之间是逻辑上的被动关系,所以应用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填 seated。
9. which ________ she opened with her late husband Les在此处是非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作 opened的宾语,所以应用关系代词 which。
10. that 句意为:有确凿的证据证明是他的粗心驾驶酿成了这次事故。the accident was caused by his careless driving在此是同位语从句,解释 evidence的内容,从句是陈述句,应用that引导。
1. keep your eyes open for these cultural relics
2. as well as some new furniture; were bought
3. there were too many necklaces to choose from
4. which resulted in great concern about
5. referred to as a specialist/an expert
6. Wherever you go
7. which can all be joined to
8. dating back to about 2, 000 years ago
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