人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations 拓展阅读专项训练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations 拓展阅读专项训练(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 13:22:22



Unit1 拓展阅读专项训练
体裁:议论文 题材:人际关系 词数:343 难度:中 建议用时:8分钟
[陕西西安一中2020高一期中]I didn’t know how to say “no”, and was afraid to tell people what I wanted. Instead, I got myself tangled(纠结的)in a web of obligations, anxiety, and white lies.
The worst thing was that I didn’t even realise what I was doing. I thought I knew how to say “no”—but couldn’t remember the last time I had done this. Like a lot of people,I just wanted to be accepted appreciated, loved-and the only way to get those things was to put everyone else’s needs before my own.
I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do. I’d like to learn Spanish,write more fiction, and travel. These aren’t huge, unrealistic goals. And yet, my people-pleasing ways dramatically cut into my free time to pursue these desires.
But recently, I decided I'd had enough. As an experiment, I began standing up for myself,even at the risk of alienating(使疏远)myself from everyone and having my entire life come crashing down around me. Several days ago, a good friend asked me to go for coffee at 5 pm. I was planning to hit the gym and then binge—watch Mad Men for the millionth time. I said I’ve got the said, That’s fine. Maybe another time. It was all so painfully simple that I wanted to cry.
Saying “no” is so much easier. If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest in, I'm polite but honest. “I’m sorry. I don’t think that’s really for me.” The words slip out faster than some other lame excuses.
Learning how to say “no” has added several extra hours to my days, days to my weeks, and what feels like months to my years. I no longer have to back-burner my plans to help friends with their job search, or set aside a weekend to read a book draft by someone I barely know. Saying “no” has set me free.
1. Why was the author afraid of saying “no”
A. She didn’t want to tell lies.
B. She wanted to make more friends.
C. She wanted to please everyone.
D. She was always willing to help others.
2. What was the bad point of being afraid of saying “no” for the author
A. Alienating many friends.
B. Keeping busy all day long.
C. Feeling depressed now and then.
D. Having no time for her own hobbies.
3. What was her friend's reaction when the author said “no” to her
A. Natural.
B. Painful.
C. Angry.
D. Disappointed.
4. How did the author feel after she had learnt to say “no”
A. Lonely.
B. Relaxed.
C. Confident.
D. Lost.
体裁:议论文 题材:人际关系 词数:363 难度:中 建议用时:8分钟
[河南郑州2020高一期末]My husband came across the programme from his father’s high school graduation 90 years ago. It was the Class of 1928 and their class motto was “Build for character, not for fame.”
I’m pretty sure society has done quite the opposite. These days, we have people who are famous for simply being famous. They haven’t done anything particularly impressive, but they do take great selfies. We are all crazy about fame these days, mainly due to social media. All we want is to make people follow us friend us,like us or share our posts. We are nearly mad about fame.
“Build for character not for fame.” is based or the belief that one is looking up and ahead. That’s an encouraging idea, especially today, when most of us have our heads down, looking at the screens of our smartphones. Looking ahead and building for character take thought and intentionality. One can be intentional in building for fame as well,but fame often relies heavily on the right timing and connections as well as the creation of the base of fans and supporters. Character isn’t decided by the ideas of others. Character is built with self-discipline and the willingness to learn from difficulties. Character grows inside and needs no praise.
Fame depends on people looking at you, while character is who you are when no one is looking at you. Fame often comes with jealousy—a feeling that time is running out or that someone better than you is coming to steal your fans. Character is marked by feeling fulfilled and being generous. There is satisfaction that comes with the rewards of achievements but at the same time, good character willingly holds the door open for others who are also hoping to achieve.
This graduation season, speakers will tell new graduates to get out of here and build a better world. The best way is to build character, which runs deep and can carry you through life’s storms. Build character with courage, justice and strength. Build character by respecting yourself and others. Build character with kindness, hope and love and you will build a better world.
1. What does the author think of people nowadays
A. They' re mad about achievements.
B. They want to be famous very much.
C. They’re trying to build character.
D. They like do.
2. What does “building for character” require people to do
A. Connect with others at the right time.
B. Mind their behaviour when being looked at.
C. Behave themselves and learn from hardship readily.
D. Look ahead and accept other people’s advice willingly.
3. What does the underlined word “fulfilled” in anagram oh 4 probably mean
A. Content.
B Confident.
C. Famous.
D. Comfortable.
4. Why does the author value “building for character”
A. It inspires people.
B. It enables us to build a better world.
C. It allows graduates to get a good job.
D. It helps us gain the respect of other people.
体裁:说明文 题材:社会文化 词数:272 难度:易 建议用时:7分钟
[湖北黄冈黄州区一中2020高一月考]Many of us connect gratitude with saying “thank you” to someone who has helped us, making it a short act of appreciation. According to Robert Emmons, a researcher, gratitude is emotion that can result in long-lasting positivity(积极性). 1
Gratitude is good for our health.
Through his research, Emmons found that grateful people reported feeling healthier and happier, both mentally and physically. 2 In the workplace,employees who are shown that they are appreciated are healthier and more productive by 50 percent.
Gratitude is a selfless act. We often take the simple things in life for granted. Those who recognise in life, no matter how simple, are more likely to be sensitive to the needs of others and to help whenever they can. Being considerate of others’ opinions, experiences and backgrounds will make us better people.
Gratitude makes us more self-aware.
Working in an ever-developing and fast-paced society, we are surrounded by ambitious people who are always struggling for more and better things. 4 It starts by paying attention to what’s now going on in our life, and it’s true that self-awareness is the key to being successful.
Gratitude helps us build strong relationships.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening relationships, both at work and in our personal life. People who express their gratitude tend to be more willing to forgive others and therefore able to create long-lasting connections.
5 Taking the time to thank people for their work and kindness—whether it was today, last month many years ago—makes us happier and more self-aware.
A. Gratitude builds understanding.
B. Here are a few benefits of being grateful.
C. Gratitude helps us build up self-confidence.
D. All in all, we feel and express our gratitude in different ways.
E. Specially, those who were grateful were 25 percent happier than those who weren’t.
F. Gratitude makes us reflect (反思) on the present instead of always thinking about the future.
G. As the old saying goes, “It’s never too late to say you’re sorry.” And the same is true of gratitude.
体裁:议论文 题材:哲理感悟 词数:297 难度:中 建议用时:15分钟
[河南林州一中2020高一月考·改编]When is that magical day going to come when everything is perfect and we can finally be happy Well, we may sometimes 1 a day like that. But for most of the time there is always something that upsets us. And that is 2 . Life is a mixture of happy, neutral, and not-so-happy 3 .
The 4 is in what you concentrate on, which determines your mood. I love the saying “Seize the day.” To me it means that we should not just look forward, 5 the happiness to come from the future. Happiness is right here and right now. It is in the little moments, and you’ll 6 have to understand that good things are 7 around you. The other day I did have a try. That day I paid attention to everything I 8 in my day. I liked the sunshine, birdsong, and morning coffee. I liked the purr of a cat, and my 9 jeans. I liked the roads that were in good 10 . I liked the leaves of spring. I liked the chat with my co-workers… You can do this with your phone too. Take a picture of everything that you like during the day. At the end of it, 11 your pictures, and maybe write a page about these good things into your diary. If you use a computer, paste the 12 into your electronic diary.
Another thing I did is see the good things even in a bad situation. Here’s how it works: You suffer a terrible thing, but you tell yourself the good aspects of it. You really 13 the day when you are able to concentrate on it. One day it was raining. People were not 14 about it—it was dark and gloomy. But you tell yourself that the weather here is not 15 , which explains the attitude.
1. A. admire B. achieve C. earn D. experience
2. A. normal B. perfect C. suitable D. right
3. A. activities B. moments C. situations D. accidents
4. A. result B. mystery C. magic D. ability
5. A. accounting for B. thinking about C. referring to D. waiting for
6. A. hardly B. simply C. nearly D. instantly
7. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. anywhere
8. A. faced B. liked C. missed D. wished
9. A. shabby B. poor C. expensive D. comfortable
10. A. condition B. time C. fit D. mood
11. A. get through B. go through C. pull over D. come across
12. A. sayings B. words C. pictures D. works
13. A. get B. remember C. seize D. forget
14. A. happy B. curious C. clear D. upset
15. A. snowy B. rainy C. windy D. dry
1.C推理判断题。根据第二段第三句中的 I just wanted to be accepted,appreciated,loved可知,作者希望被接受、被欣赏、被喜爱由此可推测,作者希望取悦每个人。故选C项。
2.D细节理解题。根据第三段内容,尤其是其中的 I never seemed to have time for things I really wanted to do.可知,别人的要求大大占用了作者做自己想做的事的时间。故选D项。
3.A推理判断题。第四段中作者朋友的回复是“That’s fine. Maybe another time.”,而且后文中作者说感到拒绝别人很容易,由此可知作者的朋友并没有因为作者的拒绝而产生负面情绪,而是非常自然地将邀请推迟到了下一次。故选A项。
4.B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段,尤其是最后一句 Saying “no” has set me free可知,作者学会拒绝别人后感受到了自由。之前作者感觉自己像是被缠在一张由义务、焦虑和善意的谎言织成的网中,而现在作者不再有这样的负担,可以做自己想做的事,因此作者的心情应该是轻松自在的。故选B项。
长难句分析 I no longer have to back-burner my plans to help friends with their job search,or set aside a weekend to read a book draft by someone I barely know.
句式分析:本句主干为 I no longer have to back-burner my plans or set aside a weekend,其中主语为I;or连接了back-burner和 set aside;to help friends with their job search和 to read a book draft为动词不定式短语作目的状语;someone为介词by的宾语,I barely know为省略关系词的定语从句,修饰 someone。
1.B细节理解题。根据第二段第四句 We are all crazy about fame these days,mainly due to social media.可知,作者认为如今的人都非常想出名。故选B项。
2.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的 Character is built with sell-discipline and the willingness to learn from difficulties. Character grows inside and needs no praise.可知,作者认为塑造品格是通过自律和从困难中学习的意愿建立起来的,性格从内在成长,不需要赞扬。故选C。
3.A词义猜测题。根据画线词后的 There is satisfaction that comes with the rewards of achievements可知,满足感会伴随着成就的奖励而来,由此可知,此处表示良好品格的特征之一就是满足感,所以画线词应意为“满足的”。故选A项。
2.E该段是关于感恩对身心健康的好处,空前提到感恩的人在心理上和生理上都感觉更健康、更快乐,空后一句介绍被感激的人更健康和更高效的比例,所以设空处应是关于感恩的人精神上更健康的比例。E项中的happier与空前的 mentally相呼应,E项中的25 percent也与空后句子中的50 percent相呼应。故选E项。
3.A该空为本段的小标题。本段中的 be sensitive to the needs of others Fill Being considerate of others’ opinions, experiences and backgrounds 说明本段强调对他人的理解,A项(感恩增进理解)与段落内容相符,故选A项。
4.F该段小标题是“感恩让我们更有自我意识”;由设空处后一句中的 by paying attention to what’s now going on in our life可知,设空处强调对当下的反思。F项(感恩让我们反思当下,而不是总想着未来)符合语境。故选F项。
5.G空后表示花时间感谢别人所做的事和善意使我们更快乐、更有自我意识,作为文章的总结,设空处应该是建议读者学会感恩。空后句中的 whether it was today,last month or many years ago强调了什么时候表达感恩都不会晚。G项(正如一句老话所说“道歉永远不会太晚”,感恩也是一样)符合语境。
2.A本句中的that指代的是前一句中提到的“大多数时候我们会遇到令人烦扰的事情”,根据下文 Life is a mixture of happy, neutral, and not-so-happy ________,可知,生活是就是由快乐的、平和的以及并不那么快乐的时刻组成的。故此处表示这种情况是正常的(normal)。故选A项。
3.B由上文的 sometimes和 most of the time可知,此处是表达生活就是由快乐的、平和的以及并不那么快乐的时刻组成的。moments和sometimes,most of the time相呼应。故选B项。
4.C根据文章第一句 When is that magical day going to come when everything is perfect and we can finally be happy?可知,此处是揭晓能让我们幸福的“魔力”,即它在于你关注的东西,magic与 magical相呼应。故选C项。
5.D根据 look forward和 to come from the future可知,此处是指我们不应该只是期盼并等待(waiting for)幸福的到来。account for意为“解释;是……的原因”;think about意为“考虑”;refer to意为“参考”。故选D项。
7.C根据上文 Happiness is right here and right now.和下文作者列举的系列小事可知,美好的事物就在我们身边各个地方(everywhere)。故选C项。
8.B根据下文 I liked the sunshine,birdsong,and morning coffee. I liked the purr of a cat,and my ________ jeans. I liked the roads that were in good ________. I liked the leaves of spring. I liked the chat with my co-workers.中多次提到 liked可知,此处指作者关注自己喜欢(liked)的事物,故选B项。
10.A此处表示作者喜欢状态(condition)良好的马路。in good condition意为“状态良好的”。
11.B根据上文 Take a picture of everything that you like during the day可知,作者建议把喜欢的东西用手机拍照,由此可推知,在一天结束的时候,你可以浏览这些照片。get through意为“(法律或提案)被通过”;go through意为“浏览;翻阅”;pull over意为“靠边停车”;come across意为“偶遇”。故选B项。
12.C根据上文 At the end of it,our pictures可知,这里是指粘贴上你自己拍的照片,故选C项。
13.C此处为原词复现,根据第二段中的 I love the saying “Seize the day.”可知,此处表示当你能够全身心地关注一天中美好的事物的时候,你就真正地“抓住”了这一天。故选C项。
14.A根据下文的 it was dark and gloomy可知,因为天色又黑又阴沉,人们不开心。故选A项。
15.D根据上文 You suffer a terrible thing,but you tell yourself the good aspects of it.可知,作者建议在糟糕的境况中也要看到好的一面,天色又黑又阴沉,与之相反,好的一面是,天气不干燥(dry)了。故选D项。
解答完形填空题目时,可以利用原词或近义词复现来寻找答案。例如第8小题根据下文中的几句话 I liked the sunshine, birdsong, and morning coffee. I liked the purr of a cat, and my ________ jeans liked the roads that were in good ________. I liked the leaves of spring. I liked the chat with my co-workers…中多次提到liked可知,此处指作者关注喜欢的事,故选 liked。第12小题根据上文 At the end of it, ________ your pictures可知,此处指拍的照片,故选 pictures。第13小题也是与第二段中的 I love the saying “Seize the day.”相呼应。
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