课件12张PPT。celebrated congratulated C dealing with do with B B A If only Only if D 课件8张PPT。source shortage limited spacecraft calendar topic tackle presidential president footprint superpower consumption consume hopefully celebrated iceberg tackle consume source shortage spacecraftcalendar topic president footprint superpower consumptioniceberg glacier assembly limited presidential celebrated 课件6张PPT。单元知识与高考链接C (教材原句:Even though many of the world’s citizens know the issues...)单元知识与高考链接B单元知识与高考链接单元知识与高考链接单元知识与高考链接单元知识与高考链接课件11张PPT。Vocabulary Breakthroughpreserve troublesome alien negative consequence crash endangered shaky import choke undesirablethoroughly inspection innocent pearl migrate Vocabulary Breakthroughquestionnaire household recyclable fortnight warn export replace productive Vocabulary Breakthroughproduct produce origin severe agency agent issue Vocabulary Breakthroughpreserve alien crash import choke innocent household warning export Vocabulary Breakthroughproduce original issue inspect migrate warn replace Vocabulary Breakthroughwildlife inspection pearl snail questionnaire gender fortnight cattle replacement product origin agency Vocabulary Breakthroughtroublesome endangered shaky thorough unwanted recyclable productive severe Vocabulary BreakthroughVocabulary BreakthroughVocabulary BreakthroughVocabulary Breakthrough课件36张PPT。本课栏目开关话题导入本课栏目开关话题导入本课栏目开关TTTF话题导入本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关本课栏目开关Period Onepreserve our natural resources Preserving public order B 本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period Onetrouble troubled troubling troublesome 本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period OneAs a consequence of/In consequence of D 本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One CYesterday a girl was killed in a car crash.The plane crashed in the forest 本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period Oneis innocent of prove their innocence 本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period OnePeriod One本课栏目开关He was to blame for the accident. They blamed him for the accident.They blamed the accident on him. A Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关C by accident/chance by design Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关IttoB tookhimsolvePeriod One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关a great deal of D Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关C leads to to take up Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关I’m afraid I can’t help you. On the one hand, I’m very busy;on the other hand, I’m not familiar with the project.you should exercise more.On the one hand, you should study hard;on the other hand,Period One本课栏目开关Period One本课栏目开关A There used to be Period One本课栏目开关Period One旅行返家前,先把鞋子和衣服清扫一遍,这样可以移除那些你不想带走的昆虫。动名词 主语 本课栏目开关课件9张PPT。语法感知has been typing has been studying have been teaching have been contributing have been reading have covered 本课栏目开关语法感知was raining→has been raining have written→have been writing 在married前加been works→has been workingpainting→painted本课栏目开关知识储备本课栏目开关知识储备本课栏目开关知识储备本课栏目开关知识储备was traveling has been raining have been working 本课栏目开关知识储备本课栏目开关知识储备本课栏目开关知识储备have taken place have been married had been doing 本课栏目开关课件34张PPT。本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关 not to stay up warning D 本课栏目开关本课栏目开关Mr.Wang has replaced our former headmaster now.Mr.Wang has taken the place of our former headmasternow.Mr.Wang has taken our former headmaster’s place now.本课栏目开关A 本课栏目开关本课栏目开关original Originally original origin本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关paid off back off for 本课栏目开关本课栏目开关on the basis of 本课栏目开关A本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关depend on depend on/rely on B 本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关concerned with As far as I’m concerned concernthemselvesabout本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关 make people laugh makes you happy wasA madetowork本课栏目开关本课栏目开关A 本课栏目开关主语 主语 单数 it 名词所有格 形容词性物主代词 本课栏目开关粮农组织提到,要让动物不致于在恶劣的气候状况或者疾病蔓延下数量锐减,保持动物的多样性是可行之路。本课栏目开关本课栏目开关environmental protectiongender be interested inhave nothing to do withpay attention to 本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关本课栏目开关课件9张PPT。单元知识与高考链接A 单元知识与高考链接A 单元知识与高考链接B (教材原句:...and this has led to the spread of undesirable species.)单元知识与高考链接C(考查单元语法)单元知识与高考链接B(考查单元语法)单元知识与高考链接 D(考查单元语法)单元知识与高考链接C(考查单元语法)单元知识与高考链接单元知识与高考链接