人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Talking 名师教学设计(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Talking 名师教学设计(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 828.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 14:51:56



Unit2 Listening and Talking 名师教学设计
Talk about the important of kindness
[What]本节课为听说课,通过听力语篇获取歌曲Chain of love”的背景故事,感受小小善举的重大意义。在口语活动中,讨论并讲述自己遇到的或者听说的关于给予或收到善举的故事。
1.能够听懂录音中歌曲“Chain of love”的背景故事信息。
获取歌曲“Chain of love”的背景故事信息。
Step I学习理解
活动一:感知与注意(Discuss and Listen)
1.Before listening,ask students to discuss the questions in groups.
Q1:Do you think we can trust the kindness of strangers when we need help?
Q2 Do you believe a small act of kindness can make a big difference?
Suggested answers:
2.Listen to a radio show and answer these questions.
What is the name of the radio show?
What does“paying it forward” mean?
What does the guest want the listeners to do?
Suggested answers :
The name of the radio show is “Rush hour show”.
“Paying it forward” means when you receive kindness from someone,you go out and show kindness to another person.
The guest wants the audience to join the chain kindness and “pay it forward”.
活动二:获取与梳理(Listen and check)
1.Listen for specific information.
First go through the passage with students,and then play the tape for students to listen and fill in the blanks to complete the story
2.Listen and check .
Ask students to listen to the radio show for second time and check the answers.If necessary,play the tape again for students to check.
Suggested answers :
has broken down,show kindness,tired,hundred dollar bill,leaving,surprise,husband,started
【设计意图】通过两至三次听力活动,学生获取歌曲“Chain of love”的背景故事,完成练习,不仅可让学生感受到小小善举的重大意义,同时提高学生获取信息的能力。
Step Ⅱ 应用实践(Role play)
活动三:获取相关背景信息(The story of Henry Norman Bethune)
Bethune-a model of self-sacrifice .
Born on March 4, 1890, Henry Norman Bethune came from a family with deep Canadian roots. Young henry Norman was deeply affected by his family's wanderings, developing a restlessness of spirit along with keen intelligence and curiosity Inspired by the example of his grandfather, a Toronto surgeon and educator, he was strongly attracted to a medical career .
Bethune enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine in 1912 and completed his medical degree in December 1916. Then he became a member of the royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1922. At age 36 he contracted tuberculosis and was hospitalized in New York State. This experience changed his life: Norman Bethune determined to battle tuberculosis by becoming a thoracic specialist. From 1928 to 1933, he introduced new procedures, invented or improved several surgical instruments, trained surgeons and made a series of contributions to the Canadian and international medical literature At the same time Bethune became involved in montreal’s vibrant cultural scene. In addition to taking up painting and creative writing, he became increasingly conscious that social inequities were the root cause of tuberculosis.
With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, he resolved to help the republican forces in their struggle against Franco and his Fascist allies. Bethune's major contribution in Spain was the establishment of the first mobile transfusion service to bring blood to front-line battle units, an approach which became the model for blood
services during World War Ⅱ and subsequent conflicts.
When the Japanese invaded China in 1937, he was determined to continue the war on fascism by aiding the Chinese. In February 1938, Bethune's Canadian-American Mobile medical Unit flew to Hankou, where after meeting with Communist leader Zhou Enlai, they made the long and dangerous trek to Yan' an in northern China to support Mao Zedong’s 8th Route Army.
While in Yanan, Bethune worked briefly at the primitive regional hospital there. He helped train Chinese surgeons in basic surgical and nursing techniques and saved numerous lives of the Chinese soldiers on the battlefields. He continued to work relentlessly, sleeping very little and sharing his food and clothing with patients. During a battle in April, Bethune and his Chinese assistants performed 115 operations in 69 straight hours. But these ceaseless efforts were taking a great toll on his health, and by August his teeth and eyes were aa shape and he was deaf in one ear.
In November, 1939, Bethune died of blood poisoning contracted during surgery. On December 21, 1939, Mao Zedong published a eulogy, in memory of or man Bethune praising his“utter devotion to others without any thought of sell”and his“boundless sense of responsibility in his work.”
When the People' s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Bethune was enshrined as a martyred hero of the revolution. His tomb was moved to Shijiazhuang, a large city south of Beijing.
活动四:语言学习(Telling a story)
1.Provide some important words,phrases and expressions for students to learn.
(1)Words and phrases .
once upon a time,long ago,first of all,then,after that,later,finally,so,however,although,but
I remember this happened when I was...
I was on my way to…
I was sitting…when…
It was a…day/morning.
There were…on the street…
2. Show the strategy of telling a story with students .
When telling a story, you can start by saying what the story is about. Give the background to the listeners, including when and where it took place. Say what happened step by step and be sure to use correct tenses. Do not forget to use sequencing words or linking words. Finally,finish your story by saying why it is important to you or why you remember it.
活动五:描述与阐释(Think and Share)
1.Ask students to think of a story of showing or receiving kindness,either their own story or one that they have heard of. Then share it with their groups.
2.Remind them to use the sequencing words,linking words,phrases and expressions and the strategy of telling a story to help them.
3.Share the story with the whole class
Step Ⅲ 迁移创新
活动六:想象与创造(Help or Not)
1.Ask students to look at the four pictures and discuss whether to help or not,and give their reasons.
2.Have a debate.
Divide the students into two groups. One group will be for helping and the other will be against helping.
Unit 2 Morals and virtues
Period I Listening and Talking