人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册 学案Unit2 Morals and Virtues易混易错点辨析(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册 学案Unit2 Morals and Virtues易混易错点辨析(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 15:07:47



【名师原创】:Unit2 易混易错点辨析
●why not do sth. ; why do sth.
Why not help him with his schoolwork (教材P15)
Why not do sth. 意思是“为什么不......呢 ”,常表示建议或劝说。是why don’t you do sth. 的省略形式。
Why do sth. 意思是“为什么要….呢?”,常表示反对和不同意做某事, 也有埋怨、不满、责备等感彩。
Why not ask someone else Perhaps someone knows the way.
为什么不问问别人呢 或许别人知道路线。
Why not go there at once If you are not in a hurry, you will be late.
为什么不马上去呢 你要是不赶紧的话,会迟到的。
Now that your girl-friend is in a bad mood, why not give her some flowers
She has got angry, you know, why argue with her about doing homework
Your family is very poor, and why spend so much money in playing computer games
Why go there at night It is dangerous.
Why hurt your mother Please tell me.
Why turn to him for help Don’t you know he is badly ill
Bob is a man of the world; why not go to him for advice
Having professionally made curtains can be costly, so why not make your own
Why not wipe the slate clean and start all over again
Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier
What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise
Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens
Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance
Why not have the dish of the day
1. 既然你喜欢写些文章,为什么不找个笔友呢?
2. 失败是成功之母,为啥不再试一次呢?
3. 你看,天快黑了,为什么不马上走呢
4. 为什么不做个西红柿实验呢
5. 如果你需要钱的话,为啥不卖掉这辆旧车呢?
6. 为什么要打孩子?别忘了,他才十二岁。
7. 要是你们彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢?
8. 为什么不休息几天呢?
9. 为什么不给她写信呢?
10. 为什么不过来聊聊天呢?
11. 我耸了耸肩,仿佛在说,“为什么不?”
12. 为什么不再试一试?
1. Now that you like writing, why not find a pen friend
2. Failure is the mother of success. Why not try again?
3. You see, it is getting darker and darker. Why not go at once
4. Why not do a tomato experiment
5. If you need some money, why not sell the old car?
6. Why beat your child After all, he is only 12 years old.
7. If you love each other, why not get married
8. Why not take a few days off
9. Why not write to her
10. Why not drop in for a chat
11. I shrugged, as if to say, 'Why not '
12. Why not have a try
●deep (adv); deeply
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother’s death. (教材P16)
deep 做副词时,意思是“深地”,指实际深度,可以测量出具体深度,常用来修饰实义动词, 常与into或below搭配。常见词组有:deep down在内心深处, 实际上;go/run deep强烈;深厚;深入内心;dig deep (into sth) 探究;搜集;细查;dig deep for sb. 尽力为某人提供;deep into the night深夜;
deeply 意思是“深深地;极其;强烈地;深沉地”,强调程度,不表示实际深度。
常见词组有:sleep deeply 沉睡;breathe deeply深呼吸;think deeply about sth.认真思考某事。
My mindless words must have hurt him deeply.
We were deeply moved by her plight.
He inhaled deeply on another cigarette.
She had thought very deeply about this problem.
They were deeply affected by the news of her death.
She was deeply involved with the local hospital.
The Sioux are forced deep into the Black Hills.
They dug deep down into the earth.
A farmer found some bones buried deep beneath the ground.
He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.
Deep down I still loved him.
He seems confident but deep down he's quite insecure.
Dignity and pride run deep in this community.
You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.
1. They had to dig very ________ in order to find the treasure.
2. I didn't realize but he was ________ unhappy at that time.
3. We're asking you to dig ________ for the earthquake victims.
4. The President is ________ concerned about this issue.
5. We knew _________ down that we could do it
6. She felt her mother's death very ________.
7. Somewhere ________ beneath the surface lay a caring character
8. Opinion is _________ divided on this issue.
9. Minerals are often found _______ in the ground.
10. His problems are _______ rooted in his childhood experiences.
11. While ________ in the forest in a woodcutter's cottage,there lived an old man.
12. His comments were _______ offensive to a large number of single mothers.
13. She went _______ into the woods.
14. She was ________ ashamed of her behavior at the party.
15. I kept reassuring them but ________ in my heart I knew we had no hope
16. We were ________ saddened by the news of her death.
1. deep; 2. deeply; 3. deep; 4. deeply; 5. deep; 6. deeply; 7. deep; 8. deeply; 9. deep; 10. deeply; 11. deep; 12. deeply; 13. deep; 14. deeply; 15. deep; 16. deeply
●stay; remain
She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. (教材P16)
stay 意思是“保持,仍然是;停留,逗留;留宿,暂住”,常构成以下结构:
①stay for dinner 留下来吃饭
②stay at home 待在家里
③stay at/in a hotel 住旅馆
④stay the night = stay overnight = stay over 过夜
⑤stay away 走开,不打扰
⑥stay in = stay (at) home待在家里,不外出
⑦stay on 留下来继续(工作,学习)
⑧stay out 待在户外,不回家
⑨stay out of…. 避开,远离,不介入
⑩stay up 熬夜
stay 也可以作名词,表示“停留,暂住”等。
remain 意思是“保持,仍然是;遗留,剩下;停留,逗留;留待,尚待”,常构成以下结构:
①remain + adj. = stay + adj. 保持….
②remain + n = stay + n 仍然是…..
③remain + prep. + 地点 = stay + prep. + 地点 待在某地,但是,可以说stay (at) home,不能说remain at home, 只能用remain home,去掉at, 两词组可换用。
④sth. remain to be done 某事尚待做
⑤it remain to be seen + wh-从句 …..有待观察/看/尚待定论
⑥there remains ….尚有…..
remain 可以做名词,意思是“遗迹,残留物”
Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment.
It remains to be seen whether his project will fly.
The disease often remains undetected for many years.
There remains the problem of finance.
It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.
We went on to Paris and stayed/remained there eleven days.
We stayed/remained in a village where time has stood still.
She stayed at home, afraid to show her face.
We stayed up all night, setting the world to rights.
I want you to stay away from my daughter.
His parents won't allow him to stay out late.
用remain, stay的适当形式填空
1. She _______ home while the children were young.
2. I went to Ningxia and _______ there for one year.
3. We promised ________ friends for ever.
4. We must ________ competitive in the competitive society.
5. I ________ on the job for five months when they left.
6. Birds’ singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _______ away.
7. You should leave those naughty boys _______ out of trouble.
8. Last month, Tom wrote two articles during his short _______ in hospital.
9. So far many of his songs _______ popular.
10. We were told ________ in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened.
11. I never see what has been done; I only see what_______ to be done.
12. It ________ to be seen whether you are right.
13. There ________ one significant problem now.
14. Please _______ calm when you meet with some difficulties.
15. You should ________ quiet when someone is making a speech.
1. stayed/remained; 2. stayed/remained; 3. to stay/remain; 4. stay/remain; 5. Stayed; 6. to stay; 7. to stay; 8. stay; 9. have remained/stayed; 10. to remain/stay; 11. remains; 12. remains; 13. remains; 14. remain/stay; 15. stay/remain
●be known as…; be known for…; be known to….
Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, having delivered over 50, 000 babies in her lifetime. (教材P17)
be known/well-known as….. = be famous as….. 表示“作为…..而出名/著名”,后面常接表示职业或身份的名词。
be known/well-known for…. = be famous for…. 表示“因为…而出名/著名”,后接出名的原因。
be known/well-known to….. = be famous to….. 表示“为…..所知;对…..来说是出名/著名的”,后接人、团体或地域的名词。
You want to be known for your work, not your rumor radar.
Kobe has always been known for being an extreme competitor.
China is known for tea and pandas.
Mary was known as a poet.
They retreat along an ancient Native American path that will later be known as Broadway.
Jon Snow, the King in the North, will be known as the White Wolf.
北境之王琼恩 雪诺会被称为“白狼主”。
The news will be known to everybody in the course of time.
Do you want to be known to many people and admired by them
He hopes to be known to all peoples.
The song is known to many young people.
根据be known for…..; be known as… 和 be known to….用法填空
1. The policy will be known ______ all the people.
2. The British are known _______ laughing at themselves.
3. Having been working with you for such a long time, my name shall be known _____ each of you.
4. The country is known _______ sending rockets up to space quickly.
5. New York may be known _______ its skyscrapers.
6. Edison was known _______ an inventor in the world.
7. He would be known ________ the game.
8. She wants to be known ________ a movie star.
9. Now it will be known _________ holding the 2008 Olympic Games.
10. The people(民族) is always known ________ longstanding traditional service and hospitality.
1. to; 2. for; 3. to; 4. for; 5. for; 6. as; 7. for; 8. as; 9. for; 10. for
●not…any more (= no more) ; not… any longer (= no longer)
“Don’t try to rescue me any more. Don’t waste the medicine any more.” (教材P17)
两者都有“不再”的意思,no more/not…any more与no longer/not…any longer同义,但用法有所区别。
not…any more (= no more)意思是“不再”,通常放在be动词和行为动词之后,一般与瞬时动词或be 动词连用,往往表示程度或数量不再增加,次数不再重复。
not… any longer (= no longer)意思是“不再”,通常放在行为动词前,be动词的后面,往往表示某状态或某个动作在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了, 一般和延续性动词或表示状态的动词连用。
温馨提示:not... any longer和not... any more中的not须和be动词或助动词连在一起构成否定形式,而any longer和any more则放在句尾。
Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more.
He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms
He could stand no more and engineered an escape
Finally, he could do no more, which is where Jacques came in.
Rudolph said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words.
I'm no longer a student.
He no longer lives here. =he doesn't live here any longer.
He was no longer a thief.
When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground.
She could no longer find a way to get into the valley.
根据no longer (= not…any longer) 和no more (= not….any more) 用法填空
1. Time or opportunity lost will return _______.
2. She could not keep up with him ________
3. We couldn't stand it ________.
4. These conditions _______ obtain.
5. I will say _______ on these matters, important though they are
6. The choice is _______ in their disposition.
7. I've had enough of your insolence, and I'm having _______.
8. Phonograph is _______ used nowadays.
9. This word is ______ in current use.
10. She _______ feared that they should misunderstand her.
1. no more; 2. any longer; 3. any more; 4. no longer; 5. no more; 6. no longer; 7. no more; 8. no longer; 9. no longer; 10. no longer
●neither…. nor…. ; not only… but also
Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road. (教材P20)
neither……nor….. 既可以连接两个并列句子成分,也可以连接两个并列句子,表示“既不…..也不……”,强调两者都不。
not only…but also既可以连接两个并列句子成分,也可以连接两个并列句子,表示“不仅…..而且….”,着重强调后者,其中, only有时可以换成just; also有时可以省略。
②当引导两个并列句子时,not only 引导的句子要倒装;
③not only…but also的形式比较固定,但也会出现but与also被分隔开来的情形。
Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.
Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor。
If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly but thank fully.
Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space.
Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker.
Professor Smith spoke neither English nor German
Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory.
理论没有实践不行, 实践没有理论也不行。
I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.
Not only had the poor man been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well.
They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.
The students were not in the classroom. Nor was the teacher.
根据donate, contribute 的用法及适当形式填空
1. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _____ fond of watching television.
2. Neither Anna nor I ______ interested in high finance.
3. Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor ______ (spit).
4. Neither is Baker that kind of person nor _______ he do that kind of things yesterday.
5. Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, _____ the students have theirs.
6. ______ has he done it, nor will he do it.
7. He was not only a successful writer _______ but (also) the greatest poet of his time.
8. I don't know where he lives. _______ does she.
9. In fact, he is famous ______ in China nor in the whole world.
10. Not only the mother but the children _______ are also sick now.
1. are 2. am; 3. spit; 4. did; 5. but; 6. Neither; 7. But; 8. neither; 9. neither; 10. but
2 / 2