人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit3 Diverse Cultures单元语法详解课件(17张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit3 Diverse Cultures单元语法详解课件(17张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 18:15:24



Unit 3 Diverse cultures
1. A: Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips covered in
B: Me, too.(教材 P30)
2. A: So it’s the food of many different cultures, all in one
dish .
B: Exactly. (教材 P30)
3. A real mid of cultures. (教材 P52)
4. Can’t wait! (教材 P30)
◆ 原句再现
1. (I/We) Beg your pardon. 请再说一遍. (省略主语)
2. (Have you) Had a good time 玩得好吗
3. (Is there) Anything you want 你要什么东西吗
4. They learn French and we (learn) English 他们学法语,我们学英语. (省略谓语)
5. (Are you) Tired 你累了吗 (省略主语和谓语)
6. --Where is John --I don't know (where is John).
--约翰在哪儿 -- 我不知道. (省略宾语)
7. What a pity (it is) you can't go with us! 真是太遗憾了,你不能与我们一起. (省略主语和谓语)
8. He didn‘t come though he had promised to (come). 尽管他承诺了,但他没有来省略 (to 后内容)
9. (The) Trouble is we don't have enough tools to go around.
麻烦的是我们没有足够的工具来满足需求. (省略冠词)
1. Sounds fine to me. 听起来不错
2. Afraid I can't come. 恐怕我来不了
3. -- Better today --Much better.
--你今天好些了吗 --好多了.
●省略句的意思有时本身很清楚;有时要依据上下文来推断;有些惯用的省略句式已成为习惯表达,很难说哪些部分被省略了 ,请观察以下句子
4. As usual, he arrived first. 和平常一样,他第一个到
5. Congratulations! 恭喜!
6. Never mind. 没关系
7. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!
◆ 常见的省略现象
● 简单句中的省略
1. (You) Close the window! 关窗!
2. (Yow) Don't be afraid! 别害怕!
3. (You/I) Just a drop more. 再喝点
4. Thank you very much! 非常感谢!
※ 祈使句一般省略主语, 请观察以下句子
※ 某些句子结构省略谓语, 请观察以下句子
1. They get up earlier than I (get up) every day. 他们每天比我起得早
2. I like English and she (likes) history. 我喜欢英语,而她喜欢历史
※ 疑问句的简略问答, 请观察以下句子
1. Finished your work -- Almost.
2. Why not 为什么不
3. What next 接下来干什么
※ 感叹句中的省略, 请观察以下句子
1. What a wide river! 多么宽的河呀
2. Simply impossible. 简直不可能
※回答特殊疑问句时的省略, 请观察以下句子
-- What time do you go to school every day 每天儿点到学的
-- (I go to school) At 7:30 every day). 七点
※ “the+比较级….the+比较级” 结构中可省略be或there be, 请观察以
1. The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (is).
2. The more, the better. 越多越好
※ 年龄和钟点的省略, 请观察以下句子
1. --How old are you -- I’m thirty-six (years old).
2. -- What time is it -- It is eight (o’clock) .
-- 几点了? -- 八点了
※ 所有格后面的名词表示处所时,可以省路, 请观察以下句子
Our school is near the grocer’s. 我们学校在食品店附近
※ 并列的不定式可以省略后面不定式的 to,不定式的简略回答可省略 to 后面的内容, 请观察以下句子
1.The picture is intended to be shown and not sold.
2.-- Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight -- I’d like to.
-- 今晚你愿意和我一起去听音乐会吗? -- 我愿意
● 并列句中的省略
※并列句里,后面句子与前面句子中相同的部分可以省略, 请观察以下句子
1. My bedroom is on the third floor and hers on the second.
2. One passer-by was killed and another badly wounded.
They are not so busy as they were (busy) last month.
2. This pole is four times longer than that one (is).
※ 由 than和 as引导的某些从句中的省略, 请观察以下句子
● 复合句中的省略
※ 宾语从句中的省略, 请观察以下句子
1. He hasn't turned up. I don't know why (he hasn't turned up).
2. -- Do you think she is a dancer --Yes, I think so.
-- 你认为她是个舞者吗 -- 是的,我想是.
※ 定语从句中的省略, 请观察以下句子
1. She did everything (that) she could (do) to help me.
2. The girl (whom) they are talking about is my sister.
3. Do you know the old man (who is) sitting over there
※ 状语从句中的省略,请观察以下句子
1. I won't attend her party unless (I am) invited.
2. He is taller than (he was) before.
3. While (I was) waiting, I read newspaper.
4. When (it was) possible, I would stop him.
※ 在虚拟语气句型中可以省略if, should, 请观察以下句子
Were I you, I would stop doing like that. 如我是你,就不会那样做
Had I time, I would take part in it. 如果有时间,我会参加的
3. It is a pity that you (should) miss a good chance.
1. -- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend -- _______.
A. I don't believe B.I don't believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not
2. -- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat
-- Not at all. _______.
A. I've no time B. I'd rather not C. I'd like it D. I'd be happy to
3. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to
4. -- What's the matter with John -- He didn't pass the test but he still ______
A. hopes so B. hopes to C. hopes it D. hopes that
◆ 考点训练
5. --She must look like a very pretty girl. --Yes, I imagine _________
A. to B. that C. it D. so
6.-- Is Mr. Zhang very sick --I'm afraid _______.
A. so B. this C. to D. that
7.-- Are you a film star -- ______.
A. Yes, I was B. I used to be C.I used to D. I'm used to .
8.-- Alice, why didn't you come yesterday -- I ________, but I had an unexpected visitor.
had B. would C. was going to D. did
9. --Do you need anew tie to go with your new suit, Mr. Smith
--No. _______
A. I'm having plenty of ties B. I have lots of ties to do it
C. I think I have several that will do D. There are lots of ties to do it
10. -- Have you been here long -- _______
A. Not much B. No, not very C. Yes, only little D. No, only yesterday
11.-- Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow -- _____
A. I don't B. I won't C.I can't D.I haven't
12 He speaks English and _________ very well.
A. this B. it C. that D. so
13. -- I'm so tired and want to have a rest. -- ________
A. Me, too B. I, too C. So is he D. I am, too
14. Don't come in, unless _______
A. inviting B. inviting to C. invited to D. being invited to
15.--The new coming teacher is very strict with us. -- ________
A.I was told so B.I was told C.I was told that D. I told so
16. -- Have you ever been to Wuhan -- _____
A. Not yet B. Haven't C. Yet not D. Don't
17.-- Do you mind my taking this seat -- ______
A. Yes, sit down please B. No., of course not
C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it
18. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and ______
the other is white B. another white
C. the other white D. another is white
19. -- Do you like tea or coffee -- ______
A. Neither B. Yes, I do C. Thank you D. No, I don't
20. Though _______, running does us much good.
A. tired B. tiring C. we tired D. it gets tired
That’s all!
Thank you!