人教版(2019)必修第三册 学案Unit4 Space Exploration 易混易错点辨析学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 学案Unit4 Space Exploration 易混易错点辨析学案(有答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 91.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 20:15:23



【名师原创】:Unit4 易混易错点辨析
●realize; come true
However, some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space. (教材P40)
However, others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realize how exploring space helps us. (教材P44)
Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realize that our planet’s resources are limited. (教材P44)
come true 是系表结构, 无被动语态, 句型结构为:e(s) true,这里的come 为系动词,表示“变成”的意思。
realize vt. 意思是①“实现, 使…..成为现实” ②“认识到,意识到”(通常不用于进行时态)。
These predictions will come true if technology continues to develop.
His dream will come true sooner or later.
Her wish to become a doctor has come true.
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
People think all they need to do is endure one crazy, intense, job-free creative burst and their dreams will come true.
My dream of getting into Beijing university has come true.
The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong.
I don't think you realize how important this is to her.
The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized.
They managed to leave without any of us realizing.
Only later did she realize her mistake.
Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realized.
Various textile techniques will be explored to realize design possibilities.
Do you realize the importance of this question
Only then did he realize that he had been wrong.
用come true或realize 的适当形式填空
1. The jobless can only hope that such predictions will ______.
2. Every minute you are making all your dreams ______!
3. What dreams would you like to see ________
4. Did Tom’s predictions about the gulf ecosystem _______
5. As soon as we _______ something was wrong, we moved the children away.
6. People don't _______ how serious this recession has actually been.
7. There was a cheer when it ________ that everyone was safely back.
8. She _________ her ambition of becoming a professional singer at last.
9. It takes patience for humans to ______ their dreams
10. It cannot ________ without technological innovation.
1. come true/be realized; 2. come true/realized; 3. come true/realized; 4. come true; 5. realized; 6. realize; 7. came true/was realized; 8. realized; 9. realize; e true/realize
●mankind; man; human; human being; human race
However, some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space. (教材P40)
China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. (教材P41)
mankind, man作“人类”讲时,都是不可数名词,前面不可加任何冠词(包括定冠词和不定冠词)。它们对应的代词为it或its, 而不是they, them和their
温馨提示:man 做人类讲作主语时,谓语用单数,而human作主语时,谓语既可用单数也可用复数。
human, human being; human race 意思是““人,人类”, 是可数名词,可以构成以下表达:a human; three humans; a human being; two human beings; a human race; three human races;human 除了作名词,也可作形容词,表示“人的,人类的”。这三个词或词组作名词时完全可以换用。
Mankind's/man’s knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure
His research is for the betterment of mankind/man.
It exerts a civilizing influence on mankind/man.
The civilization of mankind/man has taken thousands of years to develop.
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind/man.
In the world today, mankind/man is progressing at a tremendous pace.
That is no way to treat another human being/human race/human.
Physical perfection in a human being/human race/human is exceedingly rare.
No human being/human race/human on the face of the earth could do anything worse than what he did.
No human being/human race/human can be free from mistakes.
she's the best human being/human race/human in the world.
Challenges are necessary for every human being/human race/human who is seeking quality life.
根据mankind, man, human being, human race和 human的用法填空
1. Although the Negroes were _______ just like the whites, they were not treated as human beings.
2. The need to communicate is a key characteristic of ______ society.
3. Mankind _______ (use) the horse since ancient times.
4. Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of _______ knowledge.
5. Mankind _______ (try) every means to maintain the balance of nature.
6. Contact with other people is a basic ______ need.
7. All progressive mankind _______ (love) peace.
8. She is best known for her work on the ______ brain.
9. The Chinese people should make a greater contribution to ______.
10. Each ______ has to die, but mankind goes on world without end.
11. The country has a poor record on ______ rights.
12. Each human being has to die, but _______ goes on world without end.
13. How long can a _______ go without sleep
14. In every ______ there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition.
15. Asia is one of the places where _______ originated.
16. Be a responsible _______ and do not do evil things to others.
17. One of writer's favorite themes is the fraternity of _______.
1. human beings/humans/human races; 2. human; 3. have/has used; 4. human; 5. have/has been trying; 6. human; 7. love/loves; 8. human; 9. mankind/man; 10. human being/human race/human; 11. human; 12. mankind/man; 13. human being/human race/human; 14. human being/human race/human; 15. mankind/man; 16. human being/human race/human; 17. mankind/man
●no one; none
No one knows the answers yet. (教材P42)
两者都是不定代词,意思相近, 但用法和含义上有一定的区别。
no one 通常只能指代人, 意思是“没有人, 谁都不”, 后面不能接of 短语,而且作主语时句子的谓语动词一般用单数形式,回答how many 或 how much 的特殊疑问句时不能用 no one, 而用 none; 而在回答 who/anybody/anyone 提出的疑问时用 no one 或nobody, 而不用none; no one 这种否定语气较强,通常与 everyone/everybody 相对。
none 既可指代人,也可指代事物,意思是“没有一个人”,“没有任何东西”,往往用于三个或三个以上的人或物的否定,与代词all 相对;作主语时,句子的谓语动词用单数和复数皆可,强调个体时,谓语动词用单数,强调整体时,谓语动词用复数,表示“所有…..都不/没有”;none后多数情况下接of 短语,作为固定的内容范围。
No one hopes to attend the lecture.
-- Who is going to the movie
-- No one.
-- Did anybody come to see us while we were away
No one.
These trees were all cut down but none were/was planted.
None of those books is/are in Russian.
The teacher said that none of the students watched the experiment carefully.
-- How much water is there left in the bottle
-- None.
-- How many animals were hurt in the hurricane
-- None.
用no one/nobody或none 填空
1. _______ of us have/has seen him.   
2. -- How many students are there in the room
-- ______.   
3. -- Is there any water in the thermos
-- _______.   
4. -- How much money do you have on you
-- _______.
5. I want some coffee, but there is _______ in the pot.
6. He wants me to lend him some money, but I have ______ at hand.
7. They asked for nine books, but there _______ none in the library at present.
8. The war broke out. All the people felt frightened but ______ had left there.
9. Sorry, but none of us _______ English.
10. ______ of the money on the desk is mine.
11. There are many apples in the basket, but ______ of them are fresh.
12. ______ likes a person with bad manners.
13. -- Who will go to the party
-- _______.
14. -- Did any one of the passengers get injured in the accident
--No, ______ was injured.
15. -- Did anyone want to attend the meeting
-- No, _______ wanted to.
1. None; 2. None; 3. None; 4. None; 5. none; 6. none; 7. is/are; 8. none; 9. speaks/speak; 10. None; 11. none; 12. No one/Nobody; 13. No one/Nobody; 14. none; 15. no one/nobody
●so as to do sth. ;in order to do sth
What do they do so as not to float around while they sleep (教材P43)
两者都可以作目的状语,一般情况下没有什么区别, 常可互换使用, 但用法有细微区别。
so as to do sth. 引导的目的状语只能放在句尾,不能位于句首。
in order to do sth. 引导的目的状语既可以放句首,也可以放句尾,位置较为灵活。
①两者的否定式: in order not to do sth.; so as not to do sth.
② 两者的复合结构: in order for sb. to do/so as for sb. to do (当不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,必须用其复合结构)。
He arrived early in order to/so as to get a good seat.
In order to arrive before dark, we started early.
You'd better check the names once again so as to avoid mistakes.
The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
I got up early in order to catch the first bus.
I got up early in order not to miss the first bus.
I woke him early in order for him not to miss the first bus.
He started early so as to be there on time.
根据in order to do sth. 和 so as to do sth. 用法填空
1. We first need to understand the current usage scenarios and analyze the resulting performance problems _______ to do the correct performance correcting actions.
2. He started early _______ not to be late for school.
3. Zhang Yang’s mother woke him early _______ for him not to be late for work.
4. And _______ to do that, I need to talk about mice a little bit.
5. So, ______to do that, the technology has to be just as much human as it is artificial.
6. The purpose of these practices is to make athletes have a quicker recovery after training _______ to do their future study and training well.
1. in order/so as; 2. in order/so as; 3. in order/so as; 4. in order; 5. in order; 6. in order/so as
1. contained; 2. including; 3. contain; 4. included; 5. contains; 6. include; 7. contain; 8. includes; 9. contains; 10. including
●whether; if(是否)
Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions, whether to Mars or other planets much further away. (教材P44)
whether①引导主语从句可位于句首,if引导的主语从句只能放在句尾, 用it 做形式主语放句首。②介词之后宾语从句只能用whether引导,不能用if。③whether可引导表语从句和同位语从句, if则不能。④whether可以和动词不定式连用,if 则不能。⑤在whether …… or not 的固定搭配中, 一般不用if 。whether和if都可用it作形式主语从句中。⑥在discuss/consider等某些动词之后,只能用whether,不能用if引导宾语从句。
if 在引导否定概念宾语从句时,只能用if,而不用whether.
I don’t know whether they will come or not.
I don’t know if / whether it will snow tomorrow.
Can you tell me whether to go swimming after supper
I worry about whether he will be angry with me.
You should consider whether the car you are interested in is good value.
I can’t decide whether to stay.
I want to know whether it’s good news or not.
His father is worried about whether he will lose his work.
Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem.
I want to know whether/if he lives there.
1. He asked me _______ I could help him.
2. ______ the 2000 Olympic Games will be in Beijing is not known yet.
3. Success depends on _______ we make enough effort.
4. It's uncertain he'll come this evening.
5. The question is ________ it is not worth doing.
6. The question ________ the students answered correctly should be decided by the teacher.
7. We are uncertain Mary will come.
8. Please tell us ________ to go or stay here.
9. We discussed ________ we should close the shop.
10. He asked me _______ I hadn't finished my work.
11. I can't decide ________ to buy this pen or that one.
12. My question is _______ the Chinese team can go further.
13. _______ I can pass the exam isn’t clear.
1. whether/if; 2. Whether; 3. whether; 4. whether/if; 5. whether; 6. whether; 7. whether/if; 8. whether; 9. whether; 10. if; 11. whether; 12. whether; 13. Whether
●such as; for example
Instead, we should feed the world’s poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as pollution and fatal diseases. (教材P44)
Today, space technologies are widely used in all kinds of industries, and everyday products such as GPS, memory foam pillows, and smart phone cameras are changing our lives. (教材P44)
such as 意思是“例如; 像; 象…这样; 诸如…之类”, 相当于like, 可以用来列举一个事物或情况,这时可以和for example换用,但更多情况下用于列举两个或两个以上的事物或情况,而且不能放在句首和句尾,such as后也不跟逗号,有时such 和as可以分开。
for example意思是“例如,比如”,相当于for instance, 一般列举一个事物或情况,for和example不能分开,for example后常接逗号,也可不用逗号;for example或for instance可以放句首或句尾。
Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.
The rate is determined by intrinsic qualities such as the land's slope.
Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into account.
Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.
A business needs insurance against risks such as fire and flood
She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.
You have to type in commands, such as 'help' and 'print'
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.
Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy
Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.
Many factors are important, such as class, gender, age and ethnicity.
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.
There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and in Italian.
There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.
根据donate, contribute 的用法及适当形式填空
1. After talking about the job in general, we got down to the specifics, ________ the salary.
2. Carmakers use robots to do unpleasant jobs, ________ painting cars in hot conditions.
3. There is a real risk of injury in sports ________ climbing.
4. There are many big cities in Europe, ________, London, Paris and Rome.
5. ________, we are to have less clothes, coal and food even than we have had and less petrol than we expected.
6. I know many women who have a career and a family Alison ________.
7. Great men have risen from poverty—Lincoln and Edison, ________.
8. Many young people are taking radio courses in English. There is the boy next door, ________.
9. Some sports, _______ motor racing, can be dangerous.
10. My wife likes social activities, ______ tennis and golf.
11. Avoid unhealthy foods ______ hamburger and chips.
12. The disease attacks such animals _______ cats and dogs.
13. Each situation is different. ______, a man with a rich wife doesn't have to work.
14. You make too many mistakes—lots of spelling mistakes, ______.
15. One of the side effects may be to change the geographical distribution of parasitic diseases _______ malaria.
1. such as / for example 2. such as / for example 3. such as / like 4. for example 5. For example 6. for example 7. for example 8. for example; 9. such as/for example; 10. such as/like; 11. such as/like; 12. as; 13. For example; 14. for example; 15. such as/for example
●widely; wide (副词)
Today, space technologies are widely used in all kinds of industries, and everyday products such as GPS, memory foam pillows, and smart phone cameras are changing our lives. (教材P44)
wide 做副词时表示“宽,宽地”,强调实际的具体的宽,可以测量出具体数值。wide awake 完全醒着;far and wide到处,四面八方,都是习惯短语。
widely 副词,表示“广泛地,普遍地,相差甚远地”,强调程度,无法测量出实际宽度。
The championship is still wide open.
The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.
Open your mouth wide, so that I may see clearly what's wrong with your teeth.
The door was wide open.
He was standing with his feet wide apart.
He has traveled widely.
The most widely distributed is the Hui people.
Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.
That the attempt to save her had failed soon became widely known.
The conversation ranged widely.
Prices vary widely from shop to shop.
Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.
In bed he lay wide awake.
1. We must publicize the meeting ________.
2. The river runs ______
3. The school is _______ admired for its excellent teaching.
4. He opened the window _______.
5. He is _______ acknowledged as the best player in the world.
6. I want to travel far and ________.
7. Garlic is ________ used in Chinese folk medicine.
8. His name has spread far and ________ and become more and more celebrated with the passing of time.
9. The idea is now ________ accepted.
10. Those old people lay in bed _______ awake all night long.
1. widely; 2. wide; 3. widely; 4. wide; 5. widely; 6. wide; 7. widely; 8. wide; 9. widely; 10. wide
2 / 2