人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册 学案Unit5 The Value of Money易混易错点辨析(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第三册 学案Unit5 The Value of Money易混易错点辨析(有答案)
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文件大小 85.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-10 23:04:43



【名师原创】:Unit5 易混易错点辨析
●whenever…, no matter when…
You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. (教材P51)
whenever…. 既可以引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。
no matter when… 只能引导让步状语从句,此时可以和whenever互换。
温馨提示:whatever/no mater what; wherever/no matter where; whichever/no matter which; whoever/no matter who; however/no matter how的用法与whenever/no matter when的用法基本相同。
Whenever/no matter when you move to a new area, you should locate the fire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room.
无论何时你搬到一个新的地方, 你都应该找到火警报警站和离你房间最近的两个出口。
Whenever they go abroad depends on the passports.
However/no matter how you look at it, it's going to cost a lot.
She has the window open, however/no matter how cold it is outside.
However go there is a matter.
He hired himself out to whoever needed his services.
Come out of there, whoever/no matter how you are.
A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever/no matter where they went.
Wherever he goes is unimportant.
Whatever/no matter what system you choose, it must be run in properly.
The United States will do whatever it can to help Greece
The situation is an awkward one, whichever/no matter which way you look at it.
Whichever/no matter which they choose, we must accept their decision.
Just be sure to be aware of the safety regulations in whichever country you happen to be buying your eggs in.
用whenever/no matter when; whatever/no mater what; wherever/no matter where; whichever/no matter which; whoever/no matter who; however/no matter how填空
1. ________ you come here, please call me first.
2. I don't care _______ they will come from.
3. _______ he has put these books is unimportant.
4. ________ a problem arrives, do three things – face it, fight it and finish it.
5. _______ you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting.
6. _______ happens, I'll always be there for you.
7. _______ goes there, we’ll agree.
8. ______ they are, they will be helpful.
9. _______ you do, try your best.
10. We'll try our best to do _______ is right.
11. _______ is worth doing is worth doing well.
12. ________ wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I'm busy.
13. _______ does best will get the prize.
14. _______ they select, we will disagree.
1. No matter when/Whenever; 2. wherever; 3. Wherever; 4. Whenever/No matter when; 5. No matter when/how/Whenever/However; 6. No matter what/Whatever; 7. Whoever/No matter who; 8. Wherever/No matter where; 9. Whatever/No matter what; 10. whatever; 11. Whatever; 12. Whoever/ No matter who; 13. Whoever; 14. No matter which/Whichever
●seem; appear
Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me! (教材P51)
Henry got upset with the brothers when they seemed too happy about his bad luck. (教材P53)
Well, what seems to be the trouble (教材P56)
After that, it seemed like everyone in London was talking about Henry. (教材P58)
Why, it seems that every banker and…. In the city is eager to meet you. (教材P58)
A man appears wearing a hat. (教材P60)
seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实,常用于以下机构中:
① seem + n/adj. 似乎/好像….
② seem to be/to do sth. 好像是/做某事
③ it seems that从句 好像….
④ seem like…..看起来像….
⑤ it seems as if/though…..看起来好像…….
⑥ there seem to be….好像有…..
appear强调自身表现出, 流露出;appear 指外表给人的印象,可能是真象也可能是假象,不确定性更大一些,常用于以下结构或词组中:
① appear + n/adj. 似乎/好像…..
② appear to be/to do sth. 好像是/做某事
③ it appears that从句 好像….
④ what appears to be…看起来像….的东西
⑤ there appears to be…. 似乎/好像有……
⑥ appear out of nowhere 突然冒出来
⑦ appear overnight 一夜之间出现(反义:disappear overnight)
①在seem like…. 和 it seems as if/though…..结构中,一般不能换成appear
②appear 表示“出现”时,不可与seem 换用
One day a stranger appeared on my doorstep.
She tried hard to appear/seem (to be) calm at the interview.
There’s evidence that people who have a purpose in life appear/seem to do better.
It seemed like a good idea.
The theory without practice seems/appears to be the cars without motors.
It seems as if they didn’t care about Henry’s feelings at all.
It seemed/appeared that he was lying.
Everyone in the picture seems/appears to have put on some weight, don’t they
He doesn’t seem/appear to be happy.
She seemed/appeared to have caught a cold.
用appear, seem的适当形式填空
1. He _______ to have traveled a lot.
2. He ________ to be very tired now.
3. He ________ to be a gentleman – he was wearing a suit, not like a thief at all.
4. It _______ as if he didn’t love her at all at that time.
5. It _________ to me that working experience is more important than a degree.
6. It ________ that he had a taste for music.
7. There ________ to be some disagreement between his words and actions at present.
8. It _______ like rain now.
1. seems/appears; 2. seems/appears; 3. appeared/seemed; 4. seemed; 5. seems/
appears; 6. appeared/seemed; 7. seems/appears; 8. seems
●take part in; attend; join; join in; participate in
They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry walking on the street outside. (教材P53)
take part in指参加某项活动,重在说明参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用,当part前有形容词时,须用不定冠词。
join “加入”各种团体、党派、组织、人群等,成为其中的一员。
join in “参加”,尤其指与其他人一起参加某项工作或活动。
participate in “参加,参与”,正式用语。
温馨提示:join in用法相当于take part in或participate in, 三者一般可以换用。指参与游戏时一般用join in
The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
Our children attend the same school.
Thousands of people attended the funeral.
I've joined an aerobics class.
She joined the Communist Party three months ago.
His wife and children moved to join him in their new home...
He joined the Army five years ago.
May I join in the discussion
I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun
It's no use egging him on; he's made up his mind not to take part in the tournament.
More and more people are beginning to participate in the activity.
The researchers asked 25 university students to take an active part in their sleep experiment.
根据attend; join; join in; take part in; participate in 用法填空
1. They ______ college together at the University of Pennsylvania last year.
2. We all _______ his wedding yesterday.
3. Now and again he'd ______ when we were playing video games.
4. They _______ the sport that interests them most.
5. He also writes articles, hoping that more people will _____ protecting natural ecosystems.
6. Ally has learned how to work with Clara and to get her to _______ the lessons.
7. A teen might ______ a volunteer project because his or her friends are doing it, or get good grades because his or her friends think getting good grades is important.
8. They all _______ the Trade Union last year.
1. attended ; 2. attended; 3. join in ; 4. join in/take part in/participate in; 5. join in/take part in/participate in; 6. join in/take part in/participate in; 7. join in/take part in/participate in; 8. joined
●spend; cost; pay
Oh, I’d rather not pay you now. (教材P56)
I’d like to pay in a month. (教材P56)
spend 主语一般是人, 常用在以下结构中:
sb. spend some time / money on sth. 某人在某事上花费时间或金钱
sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间或金钱做某事
sb. spend money for sth. 花钱买某物
cost 主语是某物或某事,常用在以下机构中:
sth. cost(sb.) some time 某物花了(某人)多少钱
(doing) sth. cost (sb.) some time/effort (做)某事花费(耗费)(某人)多少时间或努力;cost 也可以作名词,表示“费用,成本”。
pay 主语一般是人,表示“付款,赔偿”, 常用在以下结构中:
sb. pay some money for sth. 某人为某物付钱
sb. pay sb. some money for sth. 某人付给某人买….的钱
sb. pack some money back 某人还钱
sb. pay off money/debt 某人还清钱或债
She spent 100 on a new dress.
How long did you spend on your homework
She would pinch on food in order to spend on clothing.
I spend most of my working day sitting at a desk.
We calculated the cost of building a new house.
That car must have cost a bundle.
How much do the vegetables cost
The work was cost by the engineer at $50,000.
这项工程据工程师估价为50 000美元。
Let me pay for dinner.
He'll have to pay off all his debts.
根据spend, cost和pay的用法填空
1. She spends too much effort _______ things that don't matter.
2. Businessmen spend enormous amounts _______ (advertise) their products.
3. You should spend time on basic training, not ______ those flourishes.
4. The company has spent thousands of pounds _______ (update) their computer systems.
5. This energy could be much better spent _______ (take) some positive action.
6. The new car will _______ (cost/pay) 5000 at the lowest computation.
7. Finishing the project ________ (cost/pay) them two years.
8. They paid 3,000 yuan ________ these desks.
9. After ten years of hard work, she paid ________ all her debts at last.
10. The old woman ________ (cost/paid) 20 dollars for the three books in English.
1. on; 2. advertising; 3. on; 4. updating; 5. taking; 6. cost; 7. cost; 8. for; 9. off/back; 10. paid
●clothes; cloth; clothing
Now, you shouldn’t judge people by their clothes. (教材P56)
clothes 表示的衣服包括上衣、裤子、外衣等各部分,永远是复数形式。
①clothes前不能用数词修饰,但可以用形容词性物主代词my, their, his, her, our, your、指示代词these, those和不定代词many,a few, several, some等词修饰。
正:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes
误:a clothes / two clothes / three clothes
② clothes单独做主语时,谓语动词须用复数形式; 但a suit of clothes(一套衣 服)做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
③clothes可受某些名词修饰,表示不同用途的衣服,如:school clothes(校服),sports clothes(运动服),work clothes(工作服),play clothes(休闲服)等;表示不同季节穿的服装,如spring clothes(春装)、summer clothes(夏装)、autumn clothes(秋装)、winter clothes(冬装);还有men’s clothes(男装),women’s clothes(女装),children’s clothes(童装)等,但是“婴儿服装”是baby clothes,通常不说babies’ clothes。
④表示一套衣服,可以借助suit或set,如:a suit of clothes(一套衣服);two suits of clothes(二套衣服)等。
cloth指做衣服等用的材料,如布料,毛料、丝绸等,是物质名词,不可数,不能和不定冠词a连用, 表示“一块布料”是:a piece of cloth/an article of cloth/an item of cloth,类似的表达还有:
Three pieces/articles/items of cloth 三块布;three yards of cloth 3码布;a roll of cloth 一卷布。
当cloth和某些名词构成复合名词时,指有特殊用途的一块布,是可数名词。如: a dustcloth/a dust cloth 一块抹布;a tablecloth/a table cloth 一块桌布;
a dishcloth/a dish cloth 一块洗碗布;a face cloth 一块洗脸毛巾。以上这种情况时,可以根据上下文语境简称为a cloth.
clothing表示“衣服”的总称,是一个不可数的集合名词, 永远用单数形式。
①如果要表示“一件衣服”,可借助单位词article, item或piece, 即: an article of clothing/an item of clothing/a piece of clothing;
三件衣服: three pieces /items/articles of clothing
②汉语说中的“衣食”,在英语中通常表达为food and clothing。
③习语a wolf in sheep’s clothing的意思是“披着羊皮的狼”,其中的clothing习惯用法,一般不可能换成clothes。
This kind of cloth wears well.
Can you see any difference between these two pieces of cloth
They handed each of us a hot wet cloth to wipe our hands.
The box was covered with a black cloth by the magician.
Your clothes are in the bedside table.
Please send these clothes to the laundry.
请把这些衣服送到洗衣 店去。
There was a suit of clothes on his bed.
He had to buy a good many clothes.
This shop sells children's clothing.
They provided the refugees with food and clothing.
No matter where we are, we always have food, clothing, and shelter us as well as people who love us.
We need warm clothing for the winter.
1. I found an article of ________ in his office.
2. Where did he get his ________ made?
3. What do you think of this suit of ________
4. She bought some ________ to make some new dresses.
5. The ________ feels smooth and soft.
6. Pass me a table ________, please.
7. Those curtain ________ need washing.
8. Our ________ protects us from the cold.
9. We have enough food and _____________ for the winter.
10. She’s got many beautiful ____________.
11. _________ can be made from any kind of ________ including wool and cotton.
12. How much _______ will I need to make a pair of trousers
13. She often wears beautiful _________.
14. You should give all the old ________ away.
1. clothing; 2. clothes ; 3. clothes; 4. cloth; 5. cloth ; 6. cloth ; 7. cloths ; 8. clothing ; 9. clothing ; 10. clothes ;11. Clothing ; cloth ; 12. cloth ;13. clothes ;14. clothing
●remember doing sth.; remember to do sth.
I remember thinking that never would I hold such a note as this… (教材P56)
remember doing sth. 表示““记得已经做过某事”。
remember to do sth. 表示“记住将要做某事”。
Remember to do so because you want to and not because you have to.
I remembered tuning off the lights when I left the room.
But remember to do your homework before stepping into the conference hall, or you will feel like a rudderless boat in mid-sea.
Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman.
I can't remember doing it so I can't deny it.
You can also set a due date for the tasks to make sure you'll remember to do them on time.
I don't even remember doing it!
I can remember doing some really, really spectacular doodles.
I can't remember doing it so I can't deny it.
Don't you remember seeing the man before
根据remember to do sth.和remember doing sth.的用法填空
1. I don't remember ______ (say) anything to get you so mad at me.
2. Where ever you are, whatever you are doing, if you haven't said Happy Mother's Day to your mom yet, remember ______ (do) so.
3. I remember ________ (do) something on a regular basis that hardly anyone does any more.
4. Remember _______ (let) the cat out when you leave.
5. I remember _______ (turn) off the light, why are they on now
6. But remember ______ (carry) out some stretches first before you start to take some exercise.
7. I remember ______ (hand) in my homework,but it still in my school bag.
8. Remember ______ (do) this for your parents tomorrow.
9. Don't you remember _______ (tell) me the story yesterday
10. Before you take that call or go to the in-person meeting, remember ______ (make ) some preparations.
11. I hope you will remember _______ (do) something that makes you happy, try to find a way to serve,
1. saying; 2. to do; 3. doing; 4. to let; 5. turning; 6. to carry; 7. handing; 8. to do; 9. telling; 10. make; 11. to do
2 / 2