Module 4 Unit 12 Three little pigs Period 2 教案


名称 Module 4 Unit 12 Three little pigs Period 2 教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 07:49:13



Module 4 12 Three little pigs Period 2 教学设计
1. 语言知识目标
① 复习和巩固有关三座房子的单词;
② 能理解和运用语言Who is afraid of the big bad wolf Open the door. Let me in. Go away. You can’t come in. My house is strong.
2. 语言技能目标
3. 学习策略目标
① 注意倾听和观察;
② 敢于开口,乐于模仿,积极参与;
③ 学会合作,体验成功。
4. 情感态度目标
5 文化意识目标
上节课讲了三只小猪按照自己的喜好分别建起了straw house, wood house and brick house,住在自己喜欢的房子里,他们觉得安全和开心。本节课是在上节课的背景下进行的,小猪们开心地唱啊跳啊,非常自豪地认为他们并不be afraid of the big bad wolf。这时候,大灰狼来了,会发生什么事呢 本节课紧紧围绕着Who is afraid of the big bad wolf 来进行,故事情节起伏跌宕,紧紧吸引了学生的注意力,是上节课故事的延伸发展,却又相对独立。
能理解和运用语言Who is afraid of the big bad wolf Open the door. Let me in. Go away. You can’t come in. My house is strong.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning. Mr Li.
2.1) 准备活动
T:Boys and girls, today we will continue learning the story Three Little Pigs. Last period you have learned Making Houses. First of all, I have video for you.
Ss watch the video.
2.2) 复习巩固
T: What animal can you see
① T: How are they
T: Are they sad or happy
② T: Why
③ T: Tom made a house of straw.
Tim made a house of wood.
Jim made a house of bricks.
④ T: Do they like their houses
T: And they think their houses are strong. So they are happy.
2.2) 复习巩固
Ss: Pigs.
① Ss: Happy.
② S: They are not afraid of the big bad wolf.
S: Because they have their houses.
③ Ss: Tom made a house of straw.
Tim made a house of wood.
Jim made a house of bricks.
④ Ss: Yes.
Ss: They think their houses are strong.
So they are happy.
① T: What are they singing about
② 教授新词:afraid
T: Who is afraid Show me.
③ T: Which one is the big bad wolf
④ T: Are the pigs afraid of the big bad wolf
⑤ T: Who is coming
⑥ T: Are the pigs happy now
T: They are afraid.(板书) So they run to their houses.
① Ss: Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf
② S does the action.
③ Picture B.
④ Ss: No.
⑤ Ss: The wolf.
⑥ Ss: No. They are afraid. So they run to their houses.
4) 主要文本的呈现及操练:
①T: The wolf comes to Tom’s house. What will the wolf say (预测)
T: Is she the big bad wolf Who is the big bad wolf
Listen and check. Then read.
②T: Will Tom open the door for the wolf
T: What will he say (预测)
Listen and check. Then read.
③T: How is the wolf
T: What will the wolf say (预测)
Listen and check. Then read.
④ T: What will happen (预测)
Watch and check.
⑤ T: Is the pig afraid of the big bad wolf
W: Ha, ha, ha! Open the door and let me in.
P: Go away, big bad wolf. My house is strong. You can’t come in.
W: I’ll huff. I’ll puff. I’ll blow you house in.
P: Help!
The wolf blows away the house of straw.
①S1: Open the door.
S2: Go out.
S3: Open the door, little pig.
Ss try to read as they are the big bad wolf..
②Ss: No.
S1: You can’t come in, big bad wolf.
S2: My house is strong.
Ss try to read as they are the little pig.
③Ss: Angry.
S1: …
S2: …
Ss read as they are the angry wolf.
④ S1: Tom’s house is down.
S2: Tom’s house is broken.
⑤ Ss: Yes.
5) 文本的巩固练习:
①T: The wolf comes to Tim’s house. What will the wolf say (预测)
T: Who is the big bad wolf
Listen and check. Then read.
②T: Will the pigs open the door for the wolf
T: What will they say (预测)
Listen and check. Then read.
③T: How is the wolf
T: What will the wolf say (预测)
Listen and check. Then read.
④ T: What will happen Can the wolf blow away the house of wood (预测)
Watch and check.
⑤ T: Are the pigs afraid of the big bad wolf
W: Ba, ba, ba! Open the door and let me in.
P: Go away, big bad wolf. My house is very strong. You can’t come in.
W: I’ll huff. I’ll puff. I’ll blow you house in.
P: Help!
①S1: Open the door.
S2: Ba, ba, ba..
S3: Open the door, little pigs.
Ss try to read as they are the big bad wolf..
②Ss: No.
S1: You can’t come in, big bad wolf.
S2: My house is very strong.
Ss try to read as they are the little pig.
③Ss: Very angry.
S1: …
S2: …
Ss read as they are the angry wolf.
④ S1: No.
S2: Yes.
⑤ Ss: Yes.
6) 合并两段故事练习
6) 合并两段故事练习
7) 创编故事。
① T: This time, what will the wolf be Will the wolf be Mother Sheep again (预测)
② Group work:
4 in a group. (4人一组)
1 is the big bad wolf, 1 is Tom, 1 is Tim, 1 is Jim.
Imagine and make a dialogue. (想象并编对话)
Act out the dialogue. (表演对话)
1. Correct. (正确)
2. Good actors or actresses. (表演精彩)
7) 创编故事。
① S1: Mother Pig.
S2: Mother Rabbit.
S3: Elephant.

② Ss make dialogues and practice, then act out the dialogue.
8) 领悟道理
① T: Are the pigs afraid of the big bad wolf now
How are they now
② T: Why
③ T: The house of bricks is very very strong. The pigs help each other.
8) 领悟道理
① Ss: No.
Ss: They are happy.
② S1: Because the big bad wolf runs away.
S2: Because they are safe.
③ Ss: The house of bricks is very very strong. The pigs help each other.
9) Homework
1. Share your story with your parents.
2. Try to help others.