人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册 学案Unit1People of Achievement 单元考点突破(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第一册 学案Unit1People of Achievement 单元考点突破(有答案)
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文件大小 83.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 09:57:30



名师原创:Unit1 单元考点突破
1. vital adj. 必不可少的;极其重要的;充满生机的
Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria... (教材P2)
be vital to... = be very important to….对……很重要
It is vital to do sth. = It is very important to do sth. 做某事是很重要的
It is vital that... =It is very important that……是十分重要的(that从句中要用虚拟语气,即should do, should可以省略)
His vital and cheerful manner filled the whole team with courage.
It is vital that we should be kept informed of all developments.
Tourism is vital to the Spanish economy.
It's vital that the operation _____ (carry) out immediately. (陕西卷) 【(should) be carried】
Consideration for other people is vital _______ all of us. (to)
It is vital ________ (protect) wild animals. (to protect)
2. commit vt. 承诺;保证(某个人、机构等)vi. 忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)
Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China,on 30 December 1930, and graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955. (教材P2)
commit...to… 把……送交/托付给……;对……作出承诺,承担义务,担负责任;使(自己)致力于……
commit oneself to do/to/sth./ doing...承诺;保证做……
commit a crime 犯罪
committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的
commitment n.承诺;委托;承担义务
We are committed to improving services.
Nobody was prepared to commit themselves.
She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.
Also, be totally committed to what you do, as excellence is only possible with commitment.
The President is committed to _______ (reform)health care. (江苏卷) (reforming)
The boy _______ (commit) to the care of his aunt yesterday. (was committed)
He has committed himself _______ the cause of education. (to)
He has committed himself _______ (support)them. (to support/to supporting)
3. evaluate vt. 评价;评估
Her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280,000 plants for their medical properties. (教材P2)
evaluate sb.on/by….. 根据……评价某人
evaluation n. 估计;评价
make an evaluation of ….对……进行评估
I can't evaluate his ability without seeing his work.
我没有看到他的工作情况, 无法评估他的能力。
The school has only been open for six months, so it's hard to evaluate its success.
该学校仅开办了六个月, 所以还很难估计它的成就。
The evidence should be carefully evaluated.
We must make an __________ (evaluate)of the consequences caused by the fire. (山东卷) (evaluation)
We must evaluate her ability _______ her work. (on/by)
They ________ (evaluate) the consequences caused by the fire now. (are evaluating)
4. obtain vt. (尤指经努力) 获得;赢得 vi.(规章、习俗等)存在;流行
They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained from this to treat malaria, but this did not work either. (教材P2)
obtain knowledge/one's degree 获得知识/学位
obtain sb. sth.=obtain sth. for sb. 给某人带来某物
obtain sth. by doing sth. 通过做某事获得某物
obtain sth. from sb./sth. 从某人/物获得某物
Different laws obtain in different places.
As far as I'm concerned, what he had done obtained him respect.
Such information is easily obtained from the Internet.
The value of a person can _______________ (obtain) by relative evaluation. (湖南卷)
(be obtained)
Her successful performance obtained great honor _______ her. (for)
Details can be obtained _______ the Department of Education. (from)
5. acknowledge vt. 承认 (属实、权威等);(公开) 感谢
However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat. (教材P2)
acknowledge (doing/having done) sth. 承认 (做了) 某事
acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as….承认某人/某物是……
acknowledge that... 承认……
It's generally/universally/widely acknowledged that... 大家公认……
acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢;谢礼
He acknowledged having made a mistake.
I acknowledged him as an expert.
It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall qualities.
With no solid evidence, he refused to acknowledge ___________ (steal) the lady's purse. (湖北卷) (stealing/having stolen)
She is acknowledged ______ (be) one of the best singers in the world. (to be)
I was sent a free copy in ______ (acknowledge) of my contribution. (acknowledgement)
6. conclude vt. 推断出;得出结论;使结束;vi. 结束;终止
She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties. (教材P2)
conclude (from sth.)that... (从某事中)推断出……; (从某事中)断定……
conclude sth.with.../by doing...以……结束……
conclusion n. 结论;推论;结束
draw/reach/come to/arrive at a/the conclusion得出结论
in conclusion = in a word = in brief = all in all = in short = on the whole 最后;总之;总而言之
We concluded not to wait any more.
The doctors concluded that he had suffered a stroke.
What do you conclude from all this
We will have a further discussion before we draw a final ______ (conclude) (陕西卷)
______ conclusion, I would like to say the film Born in China is worth seeing. (In)
She concluded her performance _______ a poem. (with)
What can we conclude ______ the conversation (from)
7. apparently adv. 显而易见;看来;显然
She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties. (教材P2)
As is apparently shown/stated in the picture/chart/passage above...正如上面图画/图表/文中明显展示/陈述的那样……
apparent adj. 显而易见的;显然的;表面上的
It is apparent that... 显然……
He was apparently much surprised at the news.
The child nodded, apparently content with the promise.
Apparently he could see nothing from there.
______ is apparently shown in the chart above, there are about 10% students supporting the idea. (江西课改卷) (As)
He paused, ________ (apparent) lost in thought. (apparently)
Soon, it was apparent to everyone _______ he couldn't sing. (from)
8. insist on…. 坚决要求……
Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe. (教材P3)
insist on/upon (doing) sth.坚决要求(做)某事
He insisted on his demand.
She insisted on her mother's living with her.
She insisted on leaving at once.
The manager insisted on the work __________ (do) in two hours. (山东卷) (being done)
He insisted _______ walking me to the station to see me off. (on/upon)
He insisted that the problem _____________ (discuss) at the meeting. 【(should) be discussed)】
9. circumstance n.(常用复数) 情况; 情形; (复数, 正式用语) 境况; 状况(尤指经济状况)
There is nothing we can do to help Linda. Her circumstances are beyond our control. (教材P5)
The whole circumstances 全部情况= all the circumstances
financial social circumstances 经济/社会状况
in/under …. circumstances在….情况下
in/ under no circumstances决不; 无论如何不
温馨提示:in / under no circumstances置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序
Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.
Under the circumstances, it seems better not to tell him about the accident.
It's an experimental model, so don't touch it under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances ________ should you lend Paul any money. (江西课改卷)
A. you should learn B. learn you should C. learn should you D. should you learn (D)
_____ the circumstances, I won’t come. (In/Under)
We can’t judge what he did till we know all the _____ (circumstance) (circumstances)
10. consequence n. 结果; 后果; (正式用语) 重要(性); 重大
As a consequence, he had to flee Germany. (教材P8)
take/ face the consequences承担/面对后果
as a consequence / in consequence结果; 因此
as a consequence of sth / in consequence of sth 由于….的缘故
consequent adj. (常用于名词前) (正式用语) 随之发生的; 作为结果的
consequently adv.结果; 因此; 所以(=as a result)
The consequence of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.
our opinion is of little consequence to me.
It rained yesterday and as a consequence the match was canceled .
She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.
My father coughs frequently as a consequence of in consequence of smoking.
This paper analyses several questions and _______ (consequent) in the using process of some computer games. (全国卷) (consequence/consequences)
_______ consequence of his bad conduct he was dismissed. (In)
11. power n. 权利;能力;力量;电力; 强国,大国; vt. 驱动; 推动
Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. (教材P8)
powerful adj. 强大的,强有力的; 有影响力的;有效的
powerfully adv.强有力地
a powerful speech有说服力的演说
a powerful arm强健的胳膊
an industrial power工业大国
world powers世界强国
wind /nuclear / solar power风/核/太阳能
a power station an engine power发电站/发动机功率
a power failure /a power cut停电
a political party in power执政党
come into/to power 上台,执政
within one’s power 力所能及
beyond one’s power 力所不及
After the accident she lost the power of speech.那次事故后,她失去了说话能力
Every storm is an example of the power of nature.每场暴风雨都是大自然威力的例证。
More than fame or fortune, she wanted power.她对权力的渴望甚于名声和财富
The aircraft is powered by a jet engine.这架飞机由喷气发动机驱动
Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.
It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.
Once you are confident about your _____ (powerfully) over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success. (广东卷) (power)
The party came ____ power at the last election. (to/into)
I will do everything ____ my power to help you. (in)
12. achievement n. 成绩;成就
Following that, he continued to make great achievements in physics and mathematics. (教材P8)
achieve vt. 取得;完成;实现
achieve success 取得成功
achieve one’s goal/dream 实现目标/梦想
great scientific achievements 伟大的科学成就
a sense of achievement 成就感
I used to try effective methods to achieve my academic goals.
No one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人不努力就有所成就
He had achieved what he thought was impossible. 他做成了自己以为不可能的事
He is an excellent lawyer with a good brain and a determination to achieve.
Seeing the lines of trees we had planted, we all had a sense of achievement.
He was awarded a prize for his achievements in physics. 他因在物理学上的成就而获奖
Lucy has _____ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (湖南课改卷)
A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved (D)
We all take pride in his ________ (achieve) in math. (achievements)
13. take up a position 担任;任职
After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. (教材P8)
The old man will take up a position as an advisor.
14. sum up 总结;概括
Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this person. (教材P9)
After class the students should sum up what the teacher said in class.
1. upon/on doing... 当……时;一……就……
Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize... (教材P3)
句式分析:upon/on doing...当……时;一……就……,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。
※ 一些表示短暂性动作的动词,如:arrive, return, reach, hear, see, receive, enter, step, get, recognize, leave等,它们相应的名词形式或动名词形式用在upon或on之后可表达“一……就……”。
※ 某些at引导的介词短语可用来表达“一……就……”,如:at the sight of(一看到);at the thought of(一想到);at the sound of(一听到);at the first opportunity/chance(一有机会)等。
※ 在名词second, minute, moment和instant前加上定冠词the也可以引导时间状语从句来表达“一……就……”。它们后面可以加that,含义不变。
※ 可用副词immediately和 directly来表达“一……就……”。这时,它们所起的作用相当于连词,引导时间状语从句。这种用法主要用在英式英语及口语中。
Upon seeing her, I smiled and ran toward her.
On/Upon his return from Japan, Prof. Li went directly to his laboratory and started working with his colleagues.
On/Upon arrival/arriving, he began to work immediately.
______ going out of the room, Jack heard his cellphone ringing. (陕西卷) (On/Upon)
________ (immediate) he arrived, he started telling us what to do. (Immediately)
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